Book Read Free


Page 26

by Kaya Woodward

  At this point, she probably merely suspects something.

  Just like my suspicion that Clint is dealing with Elizabeth is just that, a suspicion.

  I have no confirmation that Elizabeth’s operation is out of this building.

  I sigh heavily.

  “Alright, I’ve got to go, Corban,” I say.

  “See you next week,” he barks.

  Corban hangs up before I do.

  If he’s angry with me, he’ll get over it.

  I have the driver bring the car around, and give him the address Victoire provided to me.

  It’s in midtown, not too far away from my place.

  I found this irksome, but without a confirmation of Elizabeth coming in or out, I have no qualms about this.

  The driver stops in front of the building with only one door.

  I ring the doorbell and wait.

  A guard, with an obvious gun in a holster, opens the door.

  “You have an appointment?” he hisses.

  “Tell her Noah Stone is here,” I say.

  This is all I tell him, watching as the guard’s eyes widen.

  “Wait here,” he barks.

  He slams the door shut in my face.

  It reopens within seconds, and I am allowed into what appears to be a reception area, with no receptionist.

  Her guard pats me down, and I wonder if I should’ve brought my Glock, just in case.

  “Come on,” he says, as he walks behind me.

  He points to an elevator, and then his radio beeps.

  “I’m bringing him down now, Boss,” he says.

  Nothing crackles over the radio, just static in response.

  He escorts me over to the elevator, and presses a button.

  It goes down, into the basement, where, I assume, Elizabeth is hiding.

  I’m correct.

  The guard stops in front of a door, opens it, and motions for me to go inside.

  I step inside, and a glaringly familiar woman with black hair and brown eyes is staring back at me.

  “Well then, I was wondering when you’d show up here,” she says.

  Elizabeth’s voice is calm, as she puffs away on a cigarette.

  “You should quit,” I tell her, taking a seat in front of her large mahogany desk.

  The building reeks of Elizabeth.

  She’s always been a collector of art, of objects, of things with great value even though they hold no pleasure for her.

  Somewhere in this building, there is a library filled with priceless books she never even opened.

  Her taste for post-modern impressionism is evident, and the paintings around her office are somewhat disturbing to look at.

  Probably meant to get people in out of her office as quickly as possible.

  “You’ve been telling me that for years, love,” she states, flatly.

  She exhales a plume of blue smoke before extinguishing the cigarette.

  “So what are you here for?” she asks.

  “Tell me where Ava is, I’ll leave you and your operation alone,” I report.

  Elizabeth laughs darkly.

  “Your detective couldn’t find me if I gave him a map and compass. Aidan Wilde is no threat to me,” she says.

  She looks me square in the eye.

  “You, however, are even less of a threat, without any leverage against me,” she says, coldly.

  “I’ve got plenty, Elizabeth,” I tell her. “I could easily direct them to this place. International Sporting Affiliates, eh? That’s quite clever.”

  “You could,” she nods.

  There is an innocent expression on her face as she pulls out an envelope.

  “But then you would be putting your darling Tinsley at risk,” she says, as she slides it towards me.

  “You can keep those by the way, if you like,” she smiles.

  Even though I’m aware of what she’s implying, there’s no way she could have pictures of us together; she couldn’t have anything incriminating.

  But as I slide the first picture out of the envelope, I realize what these are.

  Pictures of our tryst at the hotel.

  Graphic pictures taken right in my bedroom, in my penthouse!

  Photographs of Tinsley and I twisted together, her lips around my cock.

  Damn it!

  But, most of all the implication is clear: she’s been watching me.

  My skin is cold, but I keep my expression neutral.

  It’s increasingly difficult to not to lash out at her; to threaten her.

  But, what’s the point?

  I am a reasonable man.

  “How much do you want for the negatives?” I ask, as I prepare to sign a check for whatever amount she wants; I’ll do anything to keep Tinsley safe.

  Her laugh is almost demonic.

  “My, my you are typical. You think I would sell the only leverage I have over you?” she laughs. “I would never. You know as well as I do that I’m not stupid.”

  I never assumed that she was, and I’m not going to ask what she wants, because she is about to tell me, regardless.

  “Stay away from her,” she says.

  She shrugs innocently, as though she isn’t blackmailing me.

  “Let her go, make her go through with her marriage, and don’t let me catch you two like this again. Or else I will ruin her Noah, I’ll ruin her like I’m about to ruin your precious daughter.”

  This woman is so far detached from the Elizabeth that I knew.

  Have I created a monster, or she is a monster of her own making?

  “And while you're at it, stop looking for Ava. You make one more move towards our daughter, and these pictures are going to be plastered all over every gossip magazine, newspaper, and porn site I can find,” she commands.

  “That’s hardly worth the effort, with no video,” I pry, testing her further.

  I need to know how much leverage she has.

  “Did you think I didn’t have video?” she presses the button on her remote, and the flat-screen TV on the wall, over top of a collection of priceless Ming vases hums to life.

  I don’t need to see it; I can hear Tinsley’s moans, her calling my name.

  “Alright, enough, Elizabeth,” I say.

  I swallow my pride for a moment.

  “Just keep Tinsley out of this,” I say.

  “Alright, love. But remember one move, and I’ll cross you,” she says as a smile plays on her lips.

  “We could have a war you know, between us,” she purrs.

  Her eyes are bright.

  “We could ignite that fire, again, Noah” she croons.

  “I’d rather not,” I say, and stand.

  I leave her office.

  It isn’t until I’m in the car, that I realize I’ve got the envelope of pictures still in my shaking hands.



  April 7, 2017

  Before I can change my mind, I take the elevator up twenty-three floors to Connor’s office.

  All Connor does is complain about his job, he hates being a real estate lawyer.

  I don’t care.

  I don’t care if Connor hates his job, and I certainly don’t want him to be my miserable husband.

  When I announce at reception that I’m here to see him, Connor is in a meeting.

  “He’ll be out soon,” the receptionist sings, staring at the ring on my finger.

  “Gorgeous ring by the way,” she adds, obviously jealous.

  “Oh, thanks,” I reply.

  The Ascher cut diamond on my ring combined with the two side stones cover most of my finger.

  It’s extravagantly large, and hard to miss, not at all to my taste.

  It feels heavy on my hand, like it weighs me down, a token reminder of our engagement, and I fight the urge to slip it into my pocket as I offer my hand forward.

  The receptionist coos as my engagement ring sparkle in the light, and I can see just why Connor picked it.

  He wants to
impress everyone else, not me.

  “He’s got amazing taste,” she tells me.

  “Doesn’t he?” I give her my best smile, then excuse myself to go to the restroom.

  I do not want this ring on my finger any more than I want Connor, and I slip it off my finger, only to have it tumble out of my hand onto the floor.

  Olivia is the one who picks it up, in the women’s washroom, before I have a chance.

  “You should be careful with this,” she says with a sneer.

  She is just as menacing as I remember.

  “Olivia,” I say as I set the ring on the counter, and proceed to wash my hands, before slipping the cursed thing back on my finger.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “Christoph and I just bought a new home,” she announces. “I sold that awful house in Long Island, the one my ex-husband built for me.”

  She’s referring to Noah.

  If the comment is meant to point out that I’ve gotten nothing from him, it doesn’t work.

  “Olivia, cut it out,” I snap.

  “Here to see your fiancé?” she replies, ignoring my remark.

  “I’m ending it,” I tell her simply. “I’m going to end it, and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me,” I crow.

  “Oh, but dear Tinsley,” Olivia rests a hand on my arm gently, and I recoil from her.

  “You wouldn’t want to destroy him, would you?” she looks sympathetic, but I know this is a falsehood.

  “I don’t care about Connor,” I reply coldly.

  “I’m talking about the love of your life, darling. Noah,” she says.

  Her red lips purse together.

  “I promise you, Tinsley, that I will destroy him financially if you end this engagement,” she hisses.

  My mouth drops open, and I’m not sure if Olivia has this power, but I know this isn’t an idle threat.

  “You wouldn’t want to hurt Corban,” I reason. “They’re close.”

  “Not for much longer,” Olivia turns to look at her reflection, smiling at herself.

  “He won’t care if Noah’s sinking ship hits the bottom of the North Atlantic, and it will all be your fault,” she says.

  The fists I’ve formed are to contain my anger.

  “How dare you!” I shout.

  “Darling, I’d watch your step if I were you,” she says.

  “Don’t call me that, I have a name,” I hiss back at her.

  “Fine. Tinsley,” she shakes her head. “If you want to play this game, you can, but from what I know, Noah won’t be able to protect you, if he doesn’t have a cent to his name.”

  “He knows what he’s doing! You can’t control me, or his feelings!” I yell.

  I'm raising my voice, my body hot with fury that Olivia has the gall to mention that she could destroy Noah.

  “Oh Tinsley, I can, and I will. It would be my greatest honor, to watch you fall with him,” she says, deadly serious.

  “I don’t believe you,” I gasp.

  “Believe whatever you want, child. And, Tinsley, darling, you are a child. He’ll come to his senses the moment he realizes you had a choice, between destroying him, or letting him be,” she says.

  There are no words in my mouth as Olivia stalks out of the washroom.

  I stand in a daze, wandering back out into the waiting area.

  Olivia is gone, but Connor is standing there, looking perplexed.

  “Are you alright? What are you doing here? I told you not to bother me at the office,” he says.

  “It’s nothing,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Well, then, are you leaving or staying?”

  He stares at me, his blue eyes angry.

  “Leaving,” I tell him, coldly.

  Blindly, I stumble out of the elevator and onto the street, stunned that Olivia has blocked my dreams, once more.



  April 8, 2017

  “That’s the last one,” Lucius reports in a bored tone, dumping another one of Elizabeth’s bugs on the table.

  In total, he’s found twelve of them.

  Twelve ways that she’s been watching me, in the privacy of my Penthouse, for God knows how long!

  “Are you sure?” I ask.

  I stare at the scene on my dining room table, looking at everything I’ve missed.

  These simple devices could cost Tinsley everything.

  They could ruin her.

  I am part of that path to her destruction.

  “Positive boss. I’ll sweep the apartment again later if you want me to,” he offers.

  “How did she even get in here?” I ask again, although I know the answer will be the same.

  “Well, no one has broken in by the looks of it,” Lucius raises an eyebrow.

  “Is it possible she still has a key?” he asks.

  I am dumbfounded.

  “A key?” I stare at him blankly for a moment.

  Then a thought occurs me to me.

  She does have a key to my penthouse!

  I’ve never changed the locks!

  I never thought about changing the locks after she left.

  I never thought I would need to do so…

  “Oh, fuck it all! Bloody hell!” I shout.

  I want to smash everything off the pristine glass table.

  Instead, I regain my composure, and pick up one of her devices, looking at it, turning it around in my hands.

  “You cold, cold bitch,” I murmur.

  In my head, I can almost hear her laughing at me as she watches my stupidity.

  “I’m on it boss,” Lucius says.

  He already knows that I’m going to say about the locks needing to be changed.

  “You want all of them changed? Or just the front door?” he asks.

  “All of them,” I shake my head. “All three, and the terrace doors,” I clarify.

  Lucius walks out, letting Tinsley in on his way out the door.

  “What are these?” Tinsley stares at the items on my dining room table.

  She’s dressed in running clothes, ready to go.

  “Are you taking up a new hobby?” she teases.

  Then, she sees the look on my face.

  “What is it, Noah?” she asks.

  “Elizabeth planted them. All over the apartment,” I run a hand through my hair, allowing a frustrated sigh from between my lips.

  “Elizabeth has been watching me. Watching us,” I say.

  Tinsley’s mouth drops open; her lower lip quivers momentarily.

  “This is a joke, right?” she cries.

  “I wish it were. Tinsley,” I reply.

  I look up at her, feeling guilt that I’ve allowed this to happen.

  “What is she trying to do?” she asks.

  “If I don’t leave you alone, these are what she’s going to do. I can imagine you can put the rest together,” I offer her the envelope of pictures I accidentally took with me.

  Not that Elizabeth cared.

  “Holy shit!” she screams.

  Tinsley flips through them, her eyes bugging out when she realizes that they are images of her and me together.

  “In the shower?” she looks at me, her face white as a sheet.

  “Sit down,” I say, gently.

  I take the pictures from her, setting them aside as I crouch down in front of her, taking her hands into mine.

  “Listen, we’re going to figure this out,” I assure her.

  “What does she want? Does she want money?” she asks.

  Her hands shake in mine as I squeeze them.

  “She wants you to marry Connor; she wants me to stay away from you,” I tell her.

  My eyes meet hers.

  “I can’t believe you let this happen!” Tinsley drops my hands from hers. “How did you let this happen, Noah!” she cries out.

  “This is hardly my fault!” I say, defensively.

  I stare at her, shocked that she is somehow blaming this on me.

“You’ve backed me into a corner!” Tinsley cries, pointing at me.

  “If it weren’t for that twisted piece of crazy ex-girlfriend, I could’ve easily just ended my engagement! Now I have to marry him!” she screams at me.

  “Tinsley, please, we can figure something out…” I beg her, trying to pull her into my arms but she resists.


  She shakes her head.

  “No… because if I take one step towards you, she’s going to… she’s going to make me a porn star! This is your fault!” she yells.

  “Tinsley listen to me!” I repeat, trying to calm her down but it’s no use.

  “I’ve got to go,” Tinsley shakes her head at me. “I can’t see you anymore…” she says, sobbing.

  “Tinsley, don’t do this to me!” I beg her, “You can’t!”

  “Don’t make this any harder than it already is!” she cries.

  I can see that she’s got tears in her eyes.

  “Noah, I do love you, but it’s not worth this!” she says, pointing to the table.

  “I can’t breathe without you. I need you,” I beg her.

  She finally allows me to pull her into my arms as she cries against my chest for some minutes.

  I stroke her hair, trying to soothe her.

  But, I am a wreck, inside.

  “Noah, I need you too. But, we can’t be together like this,” she sobs.

  Tinsley’s hazel eyes are pained as she says her next words.

  “You and I have to be friends. I can’t have you in my life, but I can’t have my life ruined by this either,” she tells me.

  I hold her for a long time before she breaks free of me and runs for the door.

  I do not follow her.



  April 8, 2017

  The NLS Financials yearly gala is held every year for Noah’s investors.

  It is a celebration of all the charity work that NLS Financials does around the city.

  This year, my parents attend the event, with me hanging on Connor’s arm.

  It is an opulent black-tie affair, with premium cocktails, elegantly dressed women, and men in tuxedos.

  My nerves, however, prevent me from doing anything other than helping myself to champagne, because this is our first real test.


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