Book Read Free

Property Of The Mountain Man

Page 23

by Gemma Weir

  Quickly climbing the steps, I unlock the front door and step into the house, locking the door behind me and placing the key on the table by the door. Making my way upstairs, I listen for any sounds coming from Bonnie’s room, but it’s quiet, with no light coming from beneath her door. Turning her door handle I step into her room as silently as I can, the moonlight shining through her blinds illuminating her room enough for me to see her tiny body in the bed.

  Normally she’s a peaceful sleeper, but tonight she’s unsettled, tossing and turning as she mumbles incoherently. Placing my bag on the dresser, I quickly undress, then lift her comforter and try to crawl into her tiny bed with her.

  The moment I depress the mattress with my knee she jerks awake. “Beau?” she shrieks.

  “Hey baby girl, shuffle over so I can get in.”

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, her voice confused as she moves to make room for me.

  “No space, no distance. Plus, you’re angry, and neither of us should go to bed angry.”

  “I’m not angry,” she says, instantly denying it.

  “I’m sorry about what happened last night. I can’t change the fact that I have a past, but I should have protected you from it, or at least made sure you understand who you are to me.”

  She stiffens and I pause, confused about what I might have said to make her so tense.

  “So who am I?” she asks coldly.

  “You are everything.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Rolling to my side so I can look her in the face, I cup her jaw with my palm. “I have never seen a couple as in love as my parents. They were each other’s worlds; they were the happiest people you’ve ever seen, and they loved each other just as much when they were finally parted as they did the day they got married. I decided a long time ago that if I couldn’t have a relationship like my mom and dad did, then there was no point having one at all. I grew up surrounded by love, they taught me what it meant to be married, what it meant to be in love and infatuated, and when you’ve seen that kind of once in a lifetime love, you realize that if you can’t have the real thing it’s better not to have anything at all.”

  “I—” she starts.

  “I’m forty-three years old, I’d given up on finding something like they had, until I saw you all alone in that coffee shop. You were so beautiful, but so young. Too young. I’ve fucked other women, Bonnie, but you are the only woman I have ever seen myself falling in love with. You are the only woman I have ever wanted forever with. The others got sex, an hour of meaninglessness, but I want to give you everything,” I confess, my voice ragged.

  “Everything?” she questions, the word shaky.

  “Everything,” I repeat. “No space, no distance, nothing between us, forever.”

  I wait for her to speak, to say something, but instead she kisses me and I can feel the understanding in her touch. I don’t know if she’s on the same page as me just yet, but my cards are on the table and she’s not running in the opposite direction.

  Her hands explore my face, my shoulders, my chest, until she reaches for my dick. Small hands tentatively grip me as she slowly starts to work me. I let her play, enjoying the feeling of her hands on me, but it’s not enough. Grabbing her wrist, I stop her, lifting her arms into the air as I peel her nightshirt up her body and over her head, dropping it to the floor as I pin her beneath me, my fingers finding her core and sliding inside of her.

  Gasping, her head falls back as her lips part, and a garbled moan falls from her. She’s so wet that my fingers fill her with ease, her cunt clenching around me as I rub at her clit, swallowing the sounds she makes.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl, I need my dick in you, I can’t wait,” I growl, pulling my fingers free and replacing them with my cock, feeling her muscles stretch around me as I fill her.

  “Oh god,” she moans, her hands finding my hair and pulling me down for a kiss as I slowly start to fuck her.

  Kissing her, I fill her pussy again and again, until she starts to tremor beneath me, her fingernails scoring my skin as her body is wracked with an orgasm that triggers my own. It’s not loud, sweaty, dirty sex, but it’s by far one of the most intense sexual experiences I’ve ever had. Her eyes are wide and bright even in the darkness as she looks up at me.

  “You’re giving me everything I never dreamed I’d get,” I whisper.

  Tears fill her eyes as she smiles.

  “Don’t cry,” I whisper, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  Sighing sweetly, she swallows. “I dreamed about you too you know. I just need to get used to it being real.”

  The shrill chirping of an alarm clock wakes me and I try to stretch, only to realize Bonnie is asleep on top of me, her body draped over mine in her tiny little bed. It’s still dark out, too early to be awake, but as I run my finger up and down the length of her naked back, she starts to stir.

  “Sorry sweetheart, we’ve got to get up,” I rasp, my voice full of sleep.

  “No, comfy,” she sleepily replies, burying her face against my chest.

  Chuckling lightly, I pull her hair away from her face and just stare at her for a minute. I’m so fucking glad I came last night, her bed is far too small for us both, but I needed to make her understand what she is to me, and I think now she does, or at least I think she’s starting to see.

  “Urgh,” she groans, her limbs slowly moving as she realizes that she’s using me for a mattress and pillow.

  “Did we sleep like this all night?”

  Shrugging, I smile. “Better than being alone, I’ll let you lay on me all night, every night if it means we’re in the same bed.”

  “Hmm,” she breaths, not even attempting to move.

  “We got to get up, don’t shower this morning, I want you to smell like me all day,” I rasp, dragging her up my body and kissing her.


  “Your caveman,” I laugh, palming her ass and squeezing. “Up,” I say, landing a sharp slap on her ass cheek.

  “Hey,” she shrieks.

  “You love it,” I wink, lifting her up and following her, until we’re sitting side by side on the edge of the bed.

  Standing up, I grab my bag and quickly get dressed, grabbing my toothbrush and heading for the bathroom as she slowly pulls on underwear. “How did you get in last night?” she calls from her bedroom.

  “Your dad gave me a key,” I confess.

  “He did not,” she laughs.

  “He did, he knew I was coming one way or another, and at least with a key I didn’t have to wake up the whole house.” Washing my face, I smile when Bonnie walks straight into the bathroom, grabs her toothbrush, and starts to brush her teeth beside me. I follow suit, and for a moment we’re just next to each other, getting ready side by side. This is what I want every day, only not here, I want her in my home, my bed, my bathroom.

  “Move in with me.”

  Her toothbrush pauses an inch from her mouth and she turns to look at me, her eyes wide. “What?”

  “I want you to move in with me. If you don’t want to live with my brothers, I’ll build us a house that connects to the main house, or one next door, so we have our own space. You’re right next door to your dad and he can come eat with us every night, or every other night and we’ll come here on the other days.”

  She quickly finishes her teeth, wiping her mouth while her eyes stay on me, still wide and shocked. “It’s been a week, Beau, it’s too soon.”

  “Who says it’s too soon? Maybe for other people it would be, but maybe for us it’s perfect. I already missed out on a year of falling asleep with you and waking up with you, I don’t want to miss anymore. Our lives are already intertwined, what difference will it make if you move all of your stuff in with me?”

  Sighing, she shakes her head. “Ask me again in three months.”

  “Three months,” I exclaim. “How about three days?”

  Her laugh is sweet and soft. “I’ve never done this.”

“Neither have I,” I tell her.

  “So, let me have some time to get used to all this, I’m a newbie. It’s gonna take me a little longer than you.”

  The urge to touch her is almost overwhelming, but she must read my mind, because she darts for the door to the bedroom laughing. “Oh no, I recognize that look already, you’re not gonna fuck a yes out of me,” she giggles.

  Smiling, I follow her back into her room, lunging for her and throwing her onto the bed, kissing and nipping at her neck as she giggles and playfully pushes me away.

  “Beau,” she shrieks, when I tickle her.

  Flipping her onto her stomach I sit on her legs, keeping her in place as I pull down her jeans and bite her ass cheek. “I don’t need to fuck a yes out of you, I could spank one from you instead.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she laughs, trying to buck me off as she giggles loudly.

  I smack my palm against her ass cheek, groaning a little when her creamy skin turns instantly pink. “Fuck, baby girl, I have no idea why that’s so sexy.”

  Her alarm blares to life and we both groan in unison. “To be continued,” I warn, pressing a kiss over the red patch of skin, before I pull her jeans back into place.

  “Promise?” she asks coyly, staring at me intently over her shoulder.

  “Promise,” I say thickly, climbing off her, adjusting my now hard cock in my pants.

  My dick is almost under control by the time we head into the kitchen and Bonnie sets the coffee machine to brew.

  “Pancakes and eggs?” I ask.

  “Oooh pancakes,” she coos enthusiastically.

  “That’s a yes then?”

  “Definitely a yes. I need to find something for dinner,” she says, opening the refrigerator.

  “It’s pot roast, Cody’s cooking tonight.”

  “I should—”

  “Nope, we’re going home tonight and we’ll convince your dad to eat with us too.”

  “I have plans,” Hal says, shuffling into the kitchen a little stiffly.

  “Who with?” Bonnie asks.

  “Clem and Brian, we’re eating at the bar and watching the game,” he tells her, pulling three mugs from the shelf as I add eggs to the pancake batter in the mixing bowl and stir.

  “Oh, okay,” Bonnie says, I’m gonna stay at Beau’s tonight then, I put the batch of cookies I made last night in the freezer, so you can just pull them out before you go to bed tonight for the guys for tomorrow.

  “Sure thing,” Hal says, smiling at me and winking briefly before he pushes a coffee mug across the table toward me.

  After breakfast I help Bonnie clean up, say goodbye to Hal, thanking him for the key, then trail her out of the house. She pauses in front of the shiny black SUV and spins around to look at me. “You coming to the shop?”

  Rolling my eyes, I sigh. “What do you think?”

  Smiling, she pushes up onto her tiptoes and kisses me quickly. “See you down there.”

  “Drive careful,” I warn her, turning and climbing into my truck as she pulls away in the new car she doesn’t know is hers yet.

  Twenty minutes later I pull my truck in beside the GMC and climb out. “How’s the car?” I ask innocently.

  “It’s so nice,” she gushes. “It has heated seats and it drives like a dream, I can’t believe Bay and Penn loan out a car like this to their customers.”

  “Your car’s a junker, you should scrap it,” I tell her, wondering how mad she’s going to get at me when I tell her the GMC’s already registered in her name.

  “I can’t afford something nice yet. My car’s okay for the minute until I save a little more cash,” she says, smiling wistfully at the SUV as she presses the button and it beeps and locks.

  Biting my lip to stop myself from blurting out that I bought her a car, I silently follow her into the shop, moving to take the chairs off the tables as she bustles about turning on the coffee machine and doing the other little tasks she does every other morning she’s here.

  “A car like the GMC is so much safer than your Toyota,” I mention as she refills the beans in the grinder and sets out milk jugs and cups.

  “I’ll definitely look at them once I’ve saved enough money,” she says dismissively.

  “Winter’s coming, I really don’t think your Toyota’s safe to be driving the mountain roads in the snow.”

  “I have chains to put on when it snows, plus I can always use one of the ranch trucks if the weather’s really bad.”

  “The Toyota’s not safe, I told Bay to scrap it and I bought the GMC for you.” The words are out before I can swallow them back down.

  “You did what?” she shouts, glaring at me, anger pouring from her in waves.

  “I bought the GMC for you; it’s already registered in your name. Your car was dangerous.”

  “You bought me a car?” she asks, slowly, like she’s trying to understand the words. “And where’s my car?”

  “It’s at the shop waiting to be collected for crushing.”

  “Tell Bay I want my car back,” she hisses.

  “No.” I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest and staring her down.


  “No, baby girl, you can shout and hiss like an angry fucking kitten all you want, but when Bay and Penn looked your car over they found a load of stuff wrong with it. Bottom line, it was dangerous. The GMC is safer, it gets better mileage and you like it.”

  “I’m saving for a new car. Tell Bay to make the Toyota safe and it’ll do until I have enough money for something better.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head again.

  “No?” she accuses.

  “No,” I say again. “I’m never going to be okay with you driving a death trap up and down this mountain every day. It’s dangerous, end of story. You’re my woman and I take that responsibility seriously. Would your daddy have let your mama drive a car that wasn’t safe?”

  “No of course not, but they were married and had been for thirty years.”

  “Then you should get why I’m not prepared to let you drive a car that’s dangerous. I’m not willing to risk your life just so you can be stubborn. The GMC’s yours, it’s all registered in your name, the paperwork is in the glove compartment.”

  “Beau you can’t just buy me a car,” she hisses, stomping her foot for impact.

  “Sure I can, I just did,” I shrug.

  “How much was it? I have five thousand dollars in my savings, I can give you that as a down payment and we’ll have to set up a payment plan for the rest.”

  I laugh so loudly and for so long that tears fill my eyes. “I’m not taking a fucking penny from you,” I exhale on an amused breath.

  “You can’t buy me a car after we’ve been dating for a week,” she cries, her hands on her hips.

  “I didn’t buy a fucking car for the woman I’ve been dating for a week; I bought a car for the woman who my entire world revolves around. I bought a car to protect the person who is everything to me. I bought a car for the woman I’m planning forever with. Your car was old and dangerous, I did what I had to do so that you can get to work safely and so I haven’t got to spend all day worried that you’re stranded or hurt. Now stop being a pain in the ass and just say thank you,” I snap.

  “Thank you,” she says, her eyes filled with earnest confusion. There’s so much more I could say. I could tell her that I’m in love with her, that I’m unhealthily obsessed with her, that I’m upset that she’s on contraception and not pregnant with my baby. Hell, I could tell her that I plan to marry her just as soon as I can get a ring on her finger.

  But the truth is that just because I’m ready to confess all of that, doesn’t mean she’s ready to hear it. So instead I stay quiet, cross the room to where she’s standing, and kiss her, telling her all my secrets in the silent way that all men in love do when they can’t use words.

  “Do you think Owen will show up today?” I rasp against her lips when I reluctantly pull away from her.

sp; “I doubt it, he’s on the rota to work this weekend, so it’s unlikely he’ll be here today or tomorrow,” she says breathily.

  “Okay, I’ll be in at the normal time to help you close up.”

  “I have to go home and grab all my stuff for tomorrow night.”

  “What stuff?”

  “A dress and makeup, I can’t go out with Cora in work clothes,” she laughs.

  I stiffen. “Can’t you cancel?” I ask, nuzzling my nose against her neck, inhaling her soft, fruity fragrance.

  “No, why would I cancel?” she asks, her tone confused as she pushes up onto her tiptoes and kisses me again.

  “Because I want you all to myself,” I growl playfully.

  “I want doesn’t get, and don’t think this whole car issue is settled, it isn’t.”

  “Baby girl, you have a great new car and I get to know that my woman is safe, that sounds pretty settled to me.”

  “Beau,” she snaps, her tone becoming impatient again.

  “I better get to work. Kiss me and tell me you’ll miss me,” I demand, smiling widely.

  “You are a pain in my ass,” she says, shaking her head a moment before she kisses me.

  “I can be a real pain in your ass,” I taunt, smacking her butt.

  “See you later.”

  “The service in this place is terrible, I got put to work, got shouted at for giving you a nice gift, and I didn’t even get a cup of coffee,” I drawl, pursing my lips in mock annoyance.

  “Maybe you should find somewhere else for your coffee then, now go to work.”

  “Tell me you’ll miss me,” I order.

  “I’ll miss you,” she confesses sweetly.

  Her smile gets soft, and I can’t help gathering her in my arms and kissing her again. “Bye, baby girl. Text me if you get to finish early.”

  “Bye Beau.”

  The shop is quiet with only one group of customers gathered around a small table in the window when I push through the door and make my way up to the counter. Bonnie smiles widely when she sees me and I stride straight up to her, cup her face, and kiss her. “Hey baby girl,” I rasp.


  “How’s your day been.”


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