Saaxx Alien Halfbreed: A SciFi Romance (Human Female Abduction Book 6)

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Saaxx Alien Halfbreed: A SciFi Romance (Human Female Abduction Book 6) Page 7

by C. Y. Croc


  2: I want to be Bupple right now.

  Mids later I pull alongside the row of byres holding some of the livestock that I breed. For this part, I need us to get up on our feet inside the dray so that the elevation in height will let me point out the holes in the roof that need to be fixed.

  Tucking the harness into the hook on the front of the carriage I stand up and then step up onto the seat. I look down to see both Bupple and the Human looking up to me as if I’ve gone mad. I motion for the Human to join me and I don’t miss that his sexy brown eyes sweep over my body as he gets to his feet. I hold out my hand to support him as he places his first foot on the seat. He looks at it and then looks up at my face with a lopsided smile. My heart palpitates.

  He takes it firmly and hoists himself up and I notice his movements are becoming less stiff by the mid. He turns and scrutinises the top of the byres squinting, then lets out a rumble in his throat as he nods. Then he points out the holes to me and growls each time he points out a hole.

  Nodding again with that same stupid gormless look on my face my voice squeals out my enthusiasm that we are making a connection. “Eek, this is so exciting, we can understand each other!”

  Bupple gets caught up in my enthusiasm and jumps up without warning, trying to make it into my arms. But I’m not balanced correctly to catch him and he lands back in the dray’s footwell. However, I find myself teetering unbalanced, falling backward, my heart in my mouth and panic shoots up my spine, turning it icy cold.

  Strong hands grip my wrists and pull me forward as the Human saves me from falling, and I slam into his chest. He quickly releases my wrists and cocoons me with his arms instead.

  I’m breathless with my mouth open as the shock of my near-miss overwhelms me. The gumbo is certainly having a positive effect on his recovery. I’m safe now and it's quite okay for him to release me, but he continues to hold me and his stare penetrates me and sends my cooch into raptures and makes my legs boneless.

  I can just make out the shape of his taja as it starts to swell again against my stomach, when the piercing squeals from the pijjit byre ring out. Bupple jumps out of the dray and runs over to the entrance, his spines rising into attack mode by the time he gets there. I pull myself out of the Human’s arms and quickly follow, jumping down and running after Bupple.

  Pushing the door open Bupple jumps into the byre without a node delay, but I’m close on his heels, the ever protectant owner. I scream in surprise. A hyvinod has dug its way in from the opposite side of the byre and has a pijjit in its jaws. The other pijjits are filled with terror, running around crashing into each other, eyes wide, squeals shrill.

  Bupple charges without delay, his head down and his spines pointing menacingly at the hyvinod. It spins around in its frantic bid to escape and tries to scramble back through the hole it’s made, but it doesn’t realise that the pijjit its holding is sideways in its mouth, stopping its retreat.

  Bupple’s spines make contact with the hyvinod’s rear and it shrieks in agony. Hands are on my shoulders pushing me to the side out of the way and then the Human looms into the byre and over to the mayhem that’s unfolding in the corner. I can’t see what’s happening but I see the injured pijjit in the Humans hands.

  He turns and outstretches his hands offering it to me. I take it and cocoon it in my arms and watch to see what the Human intends to do next. The hyvinod is halfway through the dugout hole it’s made so the Human grabs the hyvinod’s back legs and pulls it back inside. It thrashes about hissing and snapping its jaws, but the Human looks unfazed. He crouches down low with it and holds it in position, then he looks at Bupple and growls. Bupple recognises it as the command to attack and once again runs at the hyvinod with its head down and its spines raised. The spines pierce the underbelly of the hyvinod and it thrashes and snaps until its life leaves it.

  Bupple senses the hyvinod’s death and lowers his spines. Then I watch in amazement the after kill bonding of my pet and the Human. I have a swell of pride for them both in my heart.

  The pijjit becomes restless in my arms and I turn around and walk outside to check its injuries. Luckily, they are only superficial. The Human joins me, holding the hyvinod upside down by its hind legs. Bupples comes trotting out, his backside swaying and his chest puffed out. I let out a giggle when I see him, and the Human follows my gaze. His lips curl up too, but his attempt at a laugh sounds painful.

  “Well done males! I’ll put the pijjit back and then we’ll go back and cook up that hyvinod, eat it as our celebration meal.”

  The male nods and walks towards the dray and I’m left staring at his back with my jaw hanging.

  Did he understand every word I just said or is it my imagination?

  TWO HINCS LATER WE are sitting outside my dwelling feasting on roasted hyvinod, and the Human is tucking into it like he hasn’t eaten for weeks. Bupple lies on the ground between us gnawing on a bone, raking his teeth across it, but apart from that noise, we sit in silence. The Human, because he cannot talk, and me because I feel foolish continuously talking when I’m getting no response.

  I take a secret glance at him as he eats his fifth hyvinod leg. Already he looks twice the male he was. The gumbo has quickly worked its wonders on him, feeding his muscles.

  Pretending to rub the back of my lower leg, I twist in a way so that I have a key vantage point to view all of him, and pretend to pay him no attention as I lean down rubbing the imaginary kink away.

  His forearm muscles bulge and twist as he turns the leg in his hand, ripping off the meat with his blunt white teeth. His teeth would be perfect to playfully tug at my mamba buds, and the image of his mouth opening wide around one of my mamba peaks sends delightful shocks down between my thighs.

  Unlike my four digited hands, he has five. He could grab so much more of my flesh with five. My imagination is starting to run riot. I turn my head slightly and sniff my armpit. Oh no, it’s happening again.

  I jump up onto my feet and begin to mimic washing under my armpits to him.

  “I need to go and take my evening shimmer.” He stops eating to look up at me, then nods twice. Of course Bupple decides to stay with him.

  Walking away from the tall, dark and extremely handsome source that’s activated my pheromones earlier than usual tonight, I head for the shimmer.

  It’s only when I’m standing wet underneath it that I realise I didn’t move the Human’s bed as I’d planned to. By the time I’ve finished my shimmer, he will probably be settled down for the night. The thought of him lying alongside me on the floor again gives me a thrill. Will I be able to spy on him messing with his taja again tonight? What was he even doing with it anyway?

  Thirty mids later, I finally feel as though I’ve scrubbed all of the pheromone smell away. I grab a cloth and begin to dry myself off. But when I pick up my clothes to put back on, the pheromone smell is extremely potent and clings to them. There’s no way I’m putting those back on.

  I throw them down onto the ground and wrap the drying cloth around me, then I pad to the end of my dwelling and peek around the corner to see if the Human has his back to me. He’s not there, hopefully he’s asleep and I can dive straight into bed.

  As quiet as I can I slink in through the door. It’s dark inside so I breathe a breath of relief. I walk over to the foot of my bed, drop my towel and quickly dive under the covers. I lay as still as I can and listen to the Human’s breathing. It’s slow and steady, a sure sign he is asleep. I snuggle down under the covers and close my eyes.

  “Thank you.”

  My eyes fling open and I shoot up into a sitting position. It was a croak of a comment and barely audible but the Human definitely said something. “What did you say?”

  He sits up and his eyes fall onto my exposed mambas. I grab the blanket and pull it into my chest, my stomach swirling round.

  His eyes lift to my face. “Thank you.”

  My mouth drops open. “H-How are you able to understand my repeat question
without a translator implant?”

  “D...Don’t know.”

  I watch him swallow and grimace. The act of conversing is clearly very painful but I need to find out more.

  “Have you been able to understand me this whole time?”


  My voice goes up an octave. “Every word I’ve said?”

  His lopsided smile is back. “Yes.”

  I bury my face in my hands trying to remember every bit of the rambling I’d conversed since we’d met.

  He gets up onto his knees and I watch him with unease. What in damnation is he doing?

  He places his hands on my bed and leans forward. Then without warning, he claims my lips with a quick kiss.

  He pulls away and his black eyes penetrate mine. My heart is hammering so fast I’m surprised we can’t hear it.

  “That’s also how we say thank you on Earth.”

  The corners of my mouth lift. “I think I like that Earth custom.”

  I lean forward and kiss him back.

  “What...was that for?”

  He’s beginning to lose what little bit of voice he has left. “That’s my thank you for saving one of my pijjits.”

  The lopsided grin is playing havoc with my cooch, it’s beginning to moisten and I can smell my pheromones without even lifting my arms. The Human’s nostrils flare indicating he can smell them too and I’m desperate to lean forward to see if his taja is affected the way my cooch is. The invisible sparks that were between us earlier are back with a vengeance and by the looks of how dark his eyes have turned, some of them are beginning to ignite. I need to try and douse the flames before we both set on fire.

  “There’s something I’ve been desperate to know.” He lifts his chin as a gesture to ask what. “Your name. What is your name?”




  I’m trying to fight the smell of the pheromones which are making every cell inside my body ignite with desire, but I’m quickly losing the battle. I want her so badly, more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my whole life. But she’s so naive and I heard her say to her customer yesterday that she didn’t want a mate. So why am I crawling onto her bed and pushing her down to lie by her side?

  Her eyes are wide with surprise but there is no fear behind them, only the same carnal desire that is reflecting from mine.

  I lie still studying her small delicate features, the intricate crest bone above her forehead, the long skin tendrils that fall either side of her face.

  My hand reaches up and touches one of them and the skin covering it quivers at my touch. I notice tiny suckers on their tips and the one I stroked reaches out and latches on my neck. It begins to gently suck and the feeling is pleasant, like the suction of lips when you get a hickey.

  Her hand reaches for my chin and caresses my stubble, then her thumb brushes against my bottom lip. I instinctively kiss it and she gasps, then without warning, her lips are on mine, unsure at first but as I respond with ferocity, they become more fervent. Her tongue pushes between my lips and swirls around my tongue before exploring my teeth and the rest of my mouth.

  I place my hand on the small of her waist and I’m shocked at how hot her skin is under my fingertips, anyone this hot on Earth would be in fever mode and needing medical assistance.

  The other skin tendril finds a place on my neck and begins to suck just as the first one releases to find a new place to reattach.

  Reluctantly I pull my mouth from hers but I’m overwhelmed with the need to explore and taste her body. I nibble my way down her neck and she groans. Bupple begins to make a whiny noise on the floor below us unsure whether his mistress needs his assistance in being saved by me. To my relief, she reassures him through her heavy breaths.


  Pulling down her blanket, my mouth is quick to claim a nipple. She groans so loudly that I expect Bupple to jump on the bed but he just whimpers. I flick my tongue over it and it grows even bigger in my mouth. I suck on it and gently scrape my teeth up it, willing it to grow some more so that I have more to suck on. I take her other breast in my hand and softly squeeze it as if I’ve discovered a new toy, pulling and twisting the nipple between my fingers.

  My cock feels like a missile. Hard, erect, and ready to explode. I flick my tongue over the bullet hard nipple once more before claiming her lips again. They receive mine eagerly, greedy even, and the passion that arises from them is equal to my own. She may be naïve but she is all woman.

  My hand moves over the contours of her body, down, down to the place that my mind has been obsessing over for the last twenty-four hours. My fingers are eager to explore but I keep their advance slow, appreciating the soft hot and slightly bumpy texture of her skin.

  Then when I reach her pubic bone and falter. I’m not surprised to feel there is no pubic hair but my heart is hammering so quickly with my lust-fuelled exploration that I need to take stock that I’m not taking advantage of her. I take a moment to assess her body language. Does she want me to continue? The willing further opening of her legs and the increased speed of her tongue on mine gives me my answer.

  I trail my middle finger down the centre of her slit and I’m met by an engorged bud that I’m presuming is her clitoris. I rub my finger across it with the lightest of touches and she trembles in my arms. Jackpot! At least I know I can please her that way if there isn’t a hole big enough to take my cock. But I desperately hope there is a vagina because I want to make love to her so badly my cock is beginning to turn into rock.

  Then my finger drops down from her clit and delves into a silky stream. This time I gasp into her mouth and I feel pre-cum ooze out of my cock’s eye and wet my boxer shorts.

  My finger swims just an inch before it slides into her underwater cave. The walls of the cave hug my finger tightly. I moan both in ecstasy and lamentation. I have big fat fingers but nowhere as fat as my cock and I know for a fact my cock will not fit in this snug hole. But I mourn in silence. I have an overwhelming desire to taste her.

  Leaving her lips I kiss my way down her body far quicker than I meant to, but her smell is drawing my face to her pussy like a homeless man spotting a hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk.

  I’m lying alongside her with my feet down past her head and I rest on my elbow so that I can further part her thighs with my hands. I want to look at her pussy but it’s too damn dark. Lowering my face I take my first intimate smell and inhale my lungs full of her musky essence. My eyes roll back in my head and I almost pass out with sexual frenzy. It’s like a drug and I’m instantly addicted. My tongue snakes out and takes my first taste of the forbidden fruit.

  If I never eat another morsel as long as I live I’ll die satisfied. My tongue goes into frenzy mode and laps up her up, exploring her folds and sucking on her clitoris bud, she moans and writhes beneath me, hot and as sexy as hell. But then I go lower, past her opening and my tongue slips into a second hole—another vagina. A fan fair goes off in my head as I discover this one is wider than the first. My fingers eagerly join my tongue and go on an epic adventure, exploring the dual pussies of Saaxxatee. I’m surprised I haven’t come in my boxer shorts with my excitement. Two further holes, much smaller than the first two and horizontal to each other, giving her a diamond shape of feminine charms. The female genitalia could never get better than this. Our creator really outdid Himself when he created Saaxx’s pussies.

  I feel hands clasp onto my cock and I groan. Then her soft lips sink onto my head, sucking in half the length of my cock, greedy and insatiable. But then I’m surprised to also feel small delicate sucks all over my balls from a different source. What could it be, I’m in heaven? Then it dawns on me. It’s her skin sucking tendrils either side of her head. I can’t help the pre-cum that squirts into Saaxx’s mouth as I shudder with euphoric pleasure. We form the perfect unbroken body link, an oral link of lust and desire.

  I suck hard on her clitoris bud and all three of my fingers and a thu
mb sink into her holes. She’s pushing onto my face wanting and needing all I have to give her—a sex-starved alien woman craving my Human touch.

  She squeezes my balls softly and pushes her tongue deep into the eye of my slit and I know it won’t be long before I come. And just like that I feel her quiver and tremble alongside me, groans of pleasure so audible, if she’d have had neighbours they’d be banging on the door asking us to keep the noise down. That’s all it takes for me to tip me over the edge myself and my balls tighten as my cum explodes from me like a missile launching. I withdraw my fingers and suck and lick the full length of her as she drinks in my offering too.

  When the last of the tremors leaves her body, she finally releases my cock from her mouth and lies back with a huge sigh. I turn around and we meet face to face and although I can’t see her in the dark I can sense her smiling. I find her lips and kiss her tenderly.

  “That was the first time I’ve been with a male Tex. Does mating feel that good every time?”

  I small laugh leaves my throat which is now less sore after swallowing my lover's juices. “That was not mating Saaxxatee.”

  Surprise mixed with wonder comes out in a single syllable. “Oh!”

  I’m smiling now. “I’m so glad it was you who purchased me at the market, Saaxx.”

  She laughs. “Saaxx?”

  “Yes. Saaxx and Tex. They complement each other, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, they do... I’m also glad Tex. But you do realise as soon as you have helped me fix up what needs doing before the winds come, you will have paid off your debt and you will be free to go.” I feel a stab in my heart. Was that rejection? “I really liked what we just did but I am also glad we did not mate.” The knife goes in deeper. “I have been alone since I was barely a nipseak and that’s the way I like it.” The knife twists. “We need to sleep. Now that you have regained your strength we have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

  And just like that, I feel her withdraw from me—cutting the emotional ties that we just built. She turns her back and pulls up the covers. I drop onto my back. Bupple whines below me on the floor. I see a way to exonerate myself from this awkward situation. “I’m going to sleep with Bupple. I-I think he’s missing me.”


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