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Taming The Biker (MC Biker / Bad Boy Romance)

Page 2

by Cassie Alexandra

“Hi, Stacy. You seen Amber?”

  “Not for a while. I’m sure you’ll find her though!”

  When I finally made it to the kitchen, it was also packed with people eating appetizers and drinking beer.

  “What’s up, Adams?”

  I turned around and saw a guy from one of my classes. “Not much. You seen Amber?”

  “She was in here earlier. I think she followed Carter out of the kitchen, about ten minutes ago.”

  My stomach twisted as an image of Carter and Amber, fooling around in his bed, popped into my brain. I pushed it away, though. It was a ridiculous idea. Not my best friend and my girl. They wouldn’t do that to me. “What about Drew?

  “He’s around.”

  Sighing, I left the kitchen and began searching the party for signs of Amber. When I found Bonnie and Veronica playing Pong out back on the deck, they didn’t know where Amber was either. Carter also appeared to be missing.

  My heart began to race.

  Amber hadn’t messaged or called me back, which wasn’t like her. Not at all. She’d been seen earlier with Carter, and now he was apparently upstairs, fooling around with some chick. I didn’t want to believe that it was Amber, but I needed to see who the fuck he was with upstairs.

  I went back into the house and made my way upstairs, to his bedroom. I could hear music playing, but not much else. As I placed my hand on the doorknob, I heard the sound of a girl moaning in pleasure.

  It sounded like Amber.

  Pissed as all hell, I flung the door open.

  Carter, who was naked and on top of someone, snapped his head around. “What the fuck?”

  “Oh, my God!” cried the girl, trying to cover herself.

  It wasn’t Amber.

  It was Katy Johnson.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry,” I said, backing out of the room, both embarrassed and relieved. “I didn’t know.”

  “Obviously. Jesus, Taylor. Knock next time,” he said angrily as I closed the door.

  Feeling like a jealous idiot, I turned and headed toward the steps. As I was about to walk back down, I heard voices and saw Drew’s bedroom door open. When I noticed Amber, applying lipstick as she followed him out, I froze.

  “Uh, hey, Taylor,” said Drew, stopping in his tracks.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, hoping that it really wasn’t what it looked like.

  The look in Amber’s eyes gave it all away. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

  “Fuck, this is awkward,” said Drew, managing to look somewhat guilty. “Sorry, Taylor. She said you two were over. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  Enraged, I flew at him. Amber screamed as my knuckles met his nose and blood sprayed everywhere.

  “Stop it!” she shrieked.

  Ignoring her, I got him down on the carpet and began pummeling his face with my fists. “You motherfucker!” I growled.

  “Someone help!” screamed Amber.

  Hands grabbed me from behind.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” hollered Carter, trying to hold me back.

  “Just let me go,” I demanded, struggling to free myself. Carter was on the football team, however. The guy was built like a brick shit-house.

  “He’s out cold,” cried Amber, who was now on her knees next to Drew. “We need to call an ambulance.”

  “And the cops,” said Katy, standing off to the side. “He had no right beating the hell out of him like that.”

  Carter swore and pushed me toward the steps. “You need to pull yourself together and get the fuck out of here. Before you really do get arrested.”

  I looked over my shoulder toward Amber, who was staring at me now with disgust.


  “You’re a fucking slut,” I said, glaring at her.

  Her eyes narrowed. “You’re just jealous because he’s going places. Places you’ll never get to.”

  Wanting to slap the contempt from her face, I growled, “And you really think he’d take a whore like you with him? You?”

  Her lips tightened. “You really think you’re so high and mighty? You’re nothing, Taylor. Nothing but poor, white trash. In fact, the only reason you have any friends at this party is because of Carter. I’m not even sure why he likes you.”

  I clenched my teeth. “Fuck you. Oh wait – I already did that. So did most of the guys at this party, apparently.”

  She stabbed me with her eyes. “Most of them were better at it.”

  “Okay, enough!” hollered Carter.

  “Yeah, we’ve all had enough of you,” said Amber.

  I took a step toward her, my control waning. “Fuck you.”

  “Get out of here. She’s not worth it, Taylor!”

  Amber glared at him. “Aren’t you worried about your brother? That asshole knocked him out!”

  Drew’s eyes snapped open. “I’m okay,” he said, a pained expression on his face. “Don’t… don’t call anyone. Especially the cops.”

  “You need an ambulance,” argued Amber, as he slowly sat up. She touched his cheek. “I think your nose might be broken.”

  Drew pulled away from her. “Leave me alone.”

  Amber, looking mortified, stood up and backed away from him. “You don’t have to be an asshole.”

  Drew looked up at me. “Seriously, I didn’t know you two were together. She said you were through.”

  “We are now,” I said between clenched teeth. Turning around, I headed down the stairs, aware that everyone at the party knew what had happened.

  “Wait,” said Carter.

  Ignoring him, I walked quickly toward the front doorway, needing to escape.

  “Taylor!” hollered Carter, taking the steps two-at-a-time.

  I turned around and it was then that I realized he was standing in the middle of his party, in his boxers and nothing else.

  “You need a ride home?” he asked, ignoring the looks from several other kids.

  I shook my head. What I needed was some fresh air and to be alone. “No. I’ll call you later.”

  He nodded toward the hallway, where it was quieter. I followed him there.

  “She’s a bitch, man. Everything she said was a crock of shit. Everyone loves you. You know that.”

  I shrugged. It wasn’t her words that had dug in the deepest. Not even the fact that she’d fucked someone else. It was the way she’d looked at me – as if I was some steaming pile of shit she’d stepped into and wanted to be rid of.

  Noticing my expression, Carter frowned. “You fell hard for her, didn’t you?”

  “No,” I lied.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Bullshit. We’re friends. I know you.”

  I didn’t say anything.

  He grunted. “See, this is why I’m single, bro. You know what my motto is.”

  I did. “Play or be played.”

  “Exactly. You live by that creed and this kind of shit doesn’t happen or if it does, you don’t walk away feeling like a victim. Just remember – bros before hos. Always.”

  I sighed.

  He put his hand on my shoulder. “Seriously, she had you by the balls. You can’t let that happen again.”

  “She didn’t have me by the balls,” I protested.

  He snorted. “The fuck she didn’t. Why do you think it hurts so much right? You let her get to you. You can’t let that happen again.”

  Who was I kidding?

  Carter was right.

  I vowed to never make that mistake again.

  Bros before hos…

  Chapter 1




  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I said, holding the phone close to my ear. “Married? You?”

  Carter laughed. “I know. What can I say? I’m in love.”

  I grunted. “Whatever happened to that old creed of yours – ‘Play or be Played’?”

  “I’m too old to stay in that game. The game gets monotonous after a while, anyway.”

>   “Too old? We’re not even close to thirty and you’re already packing it in? Someone definitely has you by the balls,” I said, smirking.

  “She handles them like no other, my friend. Like no other.”

  I chuckled. “So, you’ve been bitten by the love-bug. Well, as long as you’re happy.”

  “I am. Very. She’s a great girl.”

  “What’s her name?”

  “Barbara Macey.”

  “Do I know her?” I asked. The last name sounded familiar.

  “She went to our school and graduated a year ahead of us. She has a stepsister our age, though. Lauren Macey.”

  My eyes widened in surprise. “Lauren? The girl you cheated on back in twelfth grade?”

  “I know. Crazy, right?”

  “Does Barbara know about the two of you?”

  “No. I don’t think so. Anyway, Lauren and I have reconciled. She said she’s forgiven me.”

  “Really?” I asked, surprised.

  The night she’d caught Carter cheating had been rough on both of us. I’d even walked her home, after finding Amber with Drew. Till this day, I still couldn’t look him in the face without wanting to rearrange it. Fortunately, we hadn’t crossed paths in years.

  “Yeah. We were young and I was stupid. To be honest, I don’t think she likes me, but is willing to let bygones be bygones. For her sister’s sake, at least.”

  “Lucky for you, I guess.”

  “Exactly. By the way, I need to ask you something.”

  “Sure. What is it?”

  “Will you be my Best Man?”

  Although Carter and I had once been the closest of friends, our lives had taken totally different turns. After graduation, he’d gone away to college while I stayed in Jensen and began working for a construction company. He was now a wealthy dermatologist and I was part-owner of my own roofing company. We still saw each other, maybe twice a year, and were far from having the kind of relationship we’d had growing up.

  “Me?” I asked, stunned.

  “Yeah, you,”

  “Sure, I mean if you really want me to,” I replied, flattered. “It’s just that I’m a little surprised you’re asking me.”

  He sighed. “I know we haven’t spent a lot of time together these past few years, and I regret it, bro.”

  “Me, too,” I said, suddenly feeling nostalgic. We’d had some great times growing up. Carter had been the closest thing I’d had to a blood brother. Shit, we’d been closer than brothers.

  “Obviously, I’ve been busy with work and you’ve got your club. You’re still with the Gold Vipers?”

  “Yes,” I said. “I’m patched now.”

  “Patched,” he repeated, sounding amused. “Like how Boy Scouts get patched? Did you earn a badge for starting a campfire?”

  If it was anyone other than Carter, I would have been pissed. In fact, Carter had once given me shit when he’d learned about my interest in joining up with the Gold Vipers. I’d met Raptor and Horse, two long-time members, right before my old man had died of lung cancer. Carter had been away at college and the club had been there for me when I’d needed it the most. Carter, even though I cared about him, could never understand how much my club meant to me now. We were like family. The camaraderie and loyalty between us gave my life meaning and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Not for anyone.

  “Actually, I earned one for starting a fire under your momma’s panties.”

  He groaned. “Please don’t mention Mitzy’s panties again or I’m going to have to clean my ears out with acid.”

  “Hey, even your momma has gotta get laid somehow,” I said as an image of her popped into my head. She was in her fifties and still as pretty as ever. Growing up, I’d always thought of her as a MILF and one night, a couple of years ago, I’d actually been in those panties of hers. She’d come on to me, at a bar, and I’d resisted at first, thinking that it was a little weird. But, her own husband had recently left her for a younger woman, and in the end, I figured I’d done her a service by sleeping with her. Carter had no idea of the night we had and I knew Mitzy would never say a word.

  “Changing the subject back to the wedding,” he said, a smile in his voice. “I’ll send you out an invitation. It’s going to be soon. June seventeenth, to be exact.”

  “That’s less than two months away. What did you do, knock her up?”

  “No, she just doesn’t want to wait. I think she’s afraid I’ll change my mind,” he replied, chuckling.

  “She definitely has your number.”

  “Maybe so, but she has nothing to worry about. I tell you, this woman is different than all of the rest. Special.”

  It sounded to me that it was Carter who was now different. “Good. I’m happy for both of you. So, when’s the bachelor party?”

  “No bachelor or bachelorette parties. We’re just going to have a family barbecue two weeks before the wedding.”

  “You’re kidding me. That sounds as boring as fuck for a last ‘hoorah’.”

  “It is what it is.”

  “Not if I can help it. I’m giving you a bachelor party to remember, brother.”

  He groaned. “Taylor–”

  “Taylor, nothing. It’s a fucking ‘rite of passage’. Come on now, brother. You can’t pussy-out on something like this.”

  “I can’t do it, man. I promised Barbara I wouldn’t have anything crazy like that. She caught me getting shit-faced at our last Christmas party and almost left me.”

  “Because you were drunk?”

  “I guess she thought I was flirting with someone else. She said that I made a fool out of her.”

  “Were you flirting with someone else?”

  He chuckled. “Hell, maybe. The truth is, I flirt with everyone when I’m drunk. Guys too. ”

  I laughed. “No wonder you walked with a limp back in eleventh grade.”

  “I didn’t walk with a limp,” he said. “And look who’s talking! You must have been checking out my ass to notice.”

  “Oh, hell yeah. Remember that time you mooned the cheerleading squad? I still have a picture of your ass in my phone. Oh, wait. That’s your face. Easy mistake.”

  He chuckled. “So, back to the bachelor party...”

  “I’m telling you, it can’t happen.”

  “If she let you have one, would you?”


  “Then, don’t tell her. I’m throwing you one, bro. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

  “She’d figure it out. She always does. There are no secrets in this town. At least, not where we usually hang out.”

  “Obviously we aren’t going to do it at your old man’s golf club,” I ribbed. “Or that place where you and your crochet club meet each week. How are those scarves coming along by the way?”

  “Just lovely. I hope you like pink?”

  “I love the pink between your mother’s legs.”

  “You fucker,” he said, laughing. “Stop.”

  Smiling, I thought about Griffin’s and an idea popped into my head. None of Carter’s hoity-toity friends would be in a strip-joint- biker bar. I’d talk to Tank, the club president and owner of the bar, about letting me give Carter a bachelor party there. We could invite all of my club brothers. I wanted them to meet Carter anyway.

  “Back to the bachelor party. It’s happening.”

  He sighed. “I guess if I must have a proper one…”

  “Oh, you must. Don’t worry about anything, either. Not even Barbara. I got this.”

  “That sounds like trouble,” he said, a smile in his voice.

  “No trouble involved. Hell, I know a place we can throw you a bash and she won’t ever find out.”

  “It better not be in Vegas.”

  “No. It will be in Jensen.”

  He was silent for a few seconds, muddling the idea over. After a while, he relented. “Okay. I’m game. You sure Barbara won’t find out, though?”

  One couldn’t be sure of anything but the odds w
ere definitely in our favor. “Seriously, there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Well, it’s not like I’m going to cheat on her or anything. I’d never do that. I love Barbara. That’s why I asked her to marry me.”

  “Then don’t worry about it.”

  “So… what am I going to tell her?”

  I rolled my eyes. I wanted to ask him if

  Barbara kept his balls in a locked box somewhere, but held my tongue. “You still own that bike?”

  “My Sportster? Yeah.”

  “That’s a surprise,” I said dryly. “She hasn’t taken that away from you?”

  “She couldn’t. I love that bike. I’m never giving it up.”

  “Glad to hear,” I said, wondering when Barbara was going to make him sell it. It made me sick to my stomach knowing how much this chick had Carter under her thumb and they hadn’t even tied the knot yet. “Just tell her you’re going on a road-trip with me next weekend. It won’t be a lie. We’ll spend the day riding and the night partying. You can crash at my place.”

  “Now there’s an idea. You still living in your old man’s place?”


  “What about Sheila?”

  “She moved in with her new boyfriend a couple of months ago.”

  My stepmom meant the world to me. My father had truly loved her and we’d remained close, and now we were closer than ever. She’d always treated me like we were blood, even worrying about me as an adult. In fact, she’d almost had a heart-attack after learning that I’d joined the Gold Vipers. After meeting Tank and Raptor a few times, however, she’d warmed up to the club and even made cookies during the holidays for them.

  “Tell her I said ‘hi’ the next time you see her.”

  “Will do.”

  “She still as feisty as ever?”

  “Oh yeah. The older she gets, the mouthier she gets.”

  He laughed. “I’m glad to hear she’s doing well.”

  “She’s doing very well. Anyway, what do you say? You going to let your Best Man do his duty and give you a real bachelor party?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Just make sure I don’t end up passed out in the front of your lawn naked. Or, find myself in jail with a new limp.”


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