Olympics, 1964 Summer: Detroit’s bid for, 269
Olympics, 1968 Summer
booing at playing of National Anthem at rally for, 255, 256, 310
and book boosting Detroit, 251–52
and Brundage visit to Detroit, 247–51, 253
Cavanagh statement of loss of bid for, 271–72
civil rights/race issues and, 254–56, 261–63, 267–68, 270, 273
Cleage comments about, 273
Detroit’s bid for, 87–89, 92, 104–6, 245, 247–72, 273, 313, 357
Detroit’s presentation to IOC for, 266–67
IOC Baden-Baden meeting about, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256–71
IOC decision about, 268–71
letter-writing campaign and, 262–63, 270
Los Angeles bid for, 88–89, 104, 105, 248, 254–55
and staged torch relay event, 253–54
What if questions about, 270–71
See also International Olympic Committee (IOC)
O’Neill, John, 76, 78
Orange Bowl (1963), 80
The Origins of the Urban Crisis (Sugrue), 64
Oriole Theater, 121–22, 127
Oros, Joe, 118
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 285, 293–94
Pan-African Orthodox Christian Church, 274
Paradise Club (Idlewild, Michigan), 329
Paradise Theater (Detroit), 12, 301
Paradise Valley (historical black district), 10, 96, 167
Paray, Paul, 26
Parker, Charlie, 67
Parks, Rosa, 139–40
Party Bus, 74–75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 155–56, 157, 355. See also Giacalone, Anthony “Tony Jack”
Pastor, Lee, 132
Patrick-Ravitz bill, 243, 244, 248, 254–55, 262, 270, 280, 310, 311
Patrick, William T. Jr.
and Edwards nomination to U.S. Court of Appeals, 294
and housing issues, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245, 248, 254–55, 262, 270, 313
JFK and, 292
at Michigan Bell Telephone, 312, 313
and Olympics bid, 250, 261, 262, 263, 264, 270, 313
popularity of, 312–13
resignation from City Council of, 312
See also Patrick-Ravitz bill
Patton, Harvey W., 82
Paul, Clarence, 60, 61, 191, 193
Paul (pope), 272
Payton, Lawrence, 328–29, 374
Peace Corps, 356
Peanuts comic strip, 116
Pelham, Alfred, 64, 151, 250
Penobscot Building, 252
Percelli, Eddie, 78
Permanent Committee on Investigations, Senate, 82
Perry, Lincoln (aka Stepin Fetchit), 296–97
Pershing High School, 311, 328
pianos, 47, 100. See also Grinnell Brothers Music House
Pippins, Matthew, 253
Pistons, Detroit, 74
Plymouth Congregational Church, 125, 163, 167, 168, 235
Poindexter, Thomas, 244, 245
Pontchartrain Hotel, 96, 250
Pontiac cars, 28
Posselius, Barbara Monroe. See Ford, Barbara Monroe Posselius
Posselius, Nancy, 339
poverty, 305, 308, 363, 364, 371
Powell, Adam Clayton, 11, 47, 122, 274, 351
Powell, Maxine, 11
The Power Broker (Caro), 345
Price, James, 34
Primes, 43
Primettes, 43, 61
Gillis views about, 335
and Lansing apartments demolition, 228
Michigan Chronicle story about, 229
race issues and, 197–99
Scott (Cynthia) case and, 197–203
Provenzano, Tony, 371
race issues
Cavanagh and, 9, 64, 167, 171, 200, 263, 370–71
crime and, 170–71
Detroit Police Department and, 9, 64, 170–71, 197–99, 200–202, 229, 311
and Detroit’s 1943 riots, 63, 131, 146, 159, 162, 225
and Detroit’s 1967 riots, 91, 166, 271, 370–71, 373
and Detroit’s population, 91
Edwards (police commissioner) and, 9, 158, 159, 162, 171, 198, 199–200, 295–96, 371
JFK assassination and, 290–91
jobs and, 49–50
LBJ and, 363
Mormonism and, 227–28
Motortown Revue (1962) and, 64–65
New York World’s Fair (1964) and, 351–53
and Olympics (1968 Summer), 273
Scott (Cynthia) case and, 198–99
social class and, 113
urban renewal and, 92, 121–22, 167, 171
views about Detroit’s progress in, 311–12
during World War II, 225
See also civil rights; specific person, organization, event, or topic
Rambler, 32
Ramsey Lewis Trio, 177
Randolph, A. Philip, 148, 149, 277
Randora Hotel, 49
Rauh, Joseph, 138, 139
Ravitz, Mel, 240–42, 243, 244, 245, 248, 254, 280, 331
Rawls, Allen, 374
Rayber Corporation, 191
Reader’s Digest magazine, 347
Reagan, Ronald, 147, 370
Red Wings, Detroit, 74, 250, 252
Redford Civic Association, 244
Redford High School Band, 359
Reese, Della, 54, 99, 283
Reeves, Elijah Joshua Sr., 100
Reeves, Martha
and acoustics at Ford Auditorium, 26
childhood/youth of, 99, 100, 101
family background of, 98–100
at Fox Theater show, 281
Gaye’s complaints about, 285
Gordy Jr. and, 102, 103, 104
“Heat Wave” of, 197, 319
hits of, 319
at Howard Theater, 375
and McFarland accident, 66
and Motortown Revue (1962), 43, 60, 62, 65, 66, 104
Motown Records and, 102–4, 229
and naming of Vandellas, 99
and promotion of Ford Mustang, 354
race relations and, 65
Reese (Della) as idol of, 99
rise of, 98–100, 101–4
and “sound” of Motown Records, 98
and talent at Motown Records, 197, 319, 323, 331
See also Vandellas
Regal Theater (Chicago): Stevie Wonder recording at, 191, 193–94
Renaissance Center, 372
Republican National Convention (1964), 87
Reuther, Anna, 136
Reuther, Linda, 144, 175
Reuther, Lisa, 144, 175, 287
Reuther, May, 143, 175, 370
Reuther, Roy, 126, 148
Reuther, Sophie, 77
Reuther, Valentine, 136
Reuther, Victor, 77, 126, 147
Reuther, Walter
accomplishments of, 370
attacks on, 142–44
awards and honors for, 372
basic beliefs of, 136–37, 159, 215–16
and battle at Ford’s River Rouge Complex, 4, 78, 143–44, 211
bigness as central theme of, 145–46
and book boosting Detroit, 251
Cavanagh and, 314
central issues for, 305, 321
civil rights and, 126, 129, 137, 138–40, 142, 145–48, 180, 213, 235–38, 279, 304–5, 308, 364
criticisms of, 227
and Cuban missile crisis, 38
DCHR and, 147–48, 235
death of, 370
and Detroit Auto Show (1962), 212
Dukes criticisms of, 280
and “Economy of Opportunity” plan, 304–5
Edwards (George) and, 77, 295
family background of, 136
Ford (Henry II) and, 211–15, 216–17, 321–22, 361
General Motors and, 320–21
home invasion of, 77–78
and housing, 280
influence/reputation of, 135,
136, 236
JFK and, 38, 137–39, 146, 148, 180, 236, 237, 238, 287–88
and JFK assassination, 287–88
and JFK labor-management advisory committee, 22, 213, 214–15, 216–17
and JFK’s meeting with civil rights leaders, 148–50, 180
King and, 133, 139, 146, 150, 180
LBJ and, 137, 288–89, 292, 303, 304–5, 307, 308, 320, 364, 365
and LBJ visit to Detroit, 356, 360–61
Malcolm X comments about, 278, 279
and March on Washington, 149–50, 235–38, 279
McNamara and, 303
Meany and, 135, 214–15, 236
personality of, 136
poverty issues and, 308
professional background of, 135–36
and prosperity in auto industry, 320–22
and role of government, 364–65
Romney comments about, 136
and sabbaticals for autoworkers, 216
security detail for, 144
self-image of, 215, 308
“small car” plan of, 306–8, 320
and Staebler as gubernatorial candidate, 314
and Statler Hotel meeting, 147–48
and Studebaker closing, 305
and Trade Expansion Act, 20
and UAW Atlantic City convention, 321–22
as U.S. special ambassador, 304
views about unions of, 215
and Walk to Freedom, 133–34, 146–47, 149, 150, 164, 165, 180, 235
and world car industry, 306
Reuther (Walter P.) Library on Labor and Urban Affairs, 82, 148, 367, 368
Reynolds, Debbie, 56, 348
Reynolds Metals: and Detroit Auto Show (1962), 35, 36
Ribowsky, Mark, 193
The Rich Nations and the Poor Nations (Ward), 362
Richardson, Gloria, 275
Ride to Freedom, 274
Ripley, Tony, 293–94
Riser, Paul, 100–101, 196, 322–25, 338
Ritz, David, 325
River Rouge Complex (Ford Motor Company)
and book boosting Detroit, 251
Cavanagh (Sylvester) at, 85
as center of Ford Motor operations, 3
changes at, 372
impact on Detroit of, 208
influence on Gordy’s music of, 50–52
Kahn design of, 3
and LBJ visit to Detroit, 365
Mustang assembly at, 341
Reuther and battle at overpass at, 4, 78, 143–44, 211
Reuther as employee at, 136
Rivera, Diego, 3, 4, 365
Riverside Church (New York City): King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech at, 184
Roberson, Raymond, 243
Roberts, Gene, 364, 373
Robinson, Claude, 67
Robinson, Claudette, 43, 62, 65–66, 317
Robinson, Jackie, 11, 230–31, 298
Robinson, Ray Charles. See Charles, Ray
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 11
Robinson, William “Smokey”
Charles (Ray) and, 68–69
Coles (Honi) and, 70
Detroit roots of, 232
Dylan comment about, 318
early musical career of, 67–68
and Edwards (Esther) death, 374
family background of, 69
at Fox Theater, 282
Franklin (Clarence) and, 123–24
Gaye complaints about, 285
and Gordy (Esther)-Gordy Jr. relationship, 196
Gordy Jr. as manager for, 67–68
Gordy Jr. comment about, 318
Gordy Jr. relationship with, 43
high school of, 328
illness of, 62, 65
and Motortown Revue (1962), 43, 62, 65, 67–69
and Motown move to Los Angeles, 373
Motown Records and, 56, 57–58, 97, 229
Motown Spirit Award for, 316
and Motown’s 1963 Christmas party, 316
and musical luminescence of Detroit, 100
and naming of Gordy Jr.’s son, 296
Nashville visits of, 195
reputation of, 373
Riser admiration for, 325
Ross (Diana) and, 319
and socializing at Motown Records, 330
as songwriter, 97, 98, 197, 317, 318, 324–25, 326
and talent at Motown Records, 196, 331
Roby, Douglas, 87, 88–89, 249, 250, 257, 264, 269
Rogers, Bobby, 317
Rolling Stones, 197
Romney, George
at American Motors, 19, 225, 247
Bloomfield Hills home of, 227
Cavanagh and, 314, 357
civil rights and, 223–28, 242, 289, 357, 371
criticisms of, 229
elections of 1962 and, 19, 23, 225
elections of 1964 and, 357
elections of 1966 and, 371
family background of, 225
Ford’s (Henry II) endorsement of, 23
gubernatorial inauguration of, 88, 93, 94
and hate mail, 226–28
and housing, 223–24, 225, 226, 242, 371
JFK and, 20
King and, 179
Laurie and, 115
and LBJ visit to Detroit, 356–57, 358, 360
and Michigan constitution, 225, 227
Mormonism of, 223, 224, 225, 227–28
and Olympics bid, 88, 104–5, 106, 245, 248, 250, 252, 256, 261, 263–64, 265, 266, 272, 313, 357
personality of, 224
political ambitions of, 357–58, 371
professional background of, 224, 225
race issues and, 225, 227, 228
Reuther and, 136
and Walk to Freedom, 161, 179, 223
Romney, Lenore, 207
Roosevelt Club, 329
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 136–37, 138
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 18, 136–37, 148, 210
Ross, B. C., 300
Ross, Diana, 60, 61–62, 100, 168, 318, 319, 320, 322, 338, 373
Rossetti, Louis, 250, 261
Roxanne (dancer), 70
Royster, Juana, 103
Rozelle, Pete, 79, 80–81
Rubino, Mike, 80
Ruby, Earl, 293
Ruby, Jack, 293–94
Ruffin, David, 317
Russell Elementary School, 101
Russell, Richard, 304
Rustin, Bayard, 352
Sage, Art, 9, 13, 14
Saint Bartholomew Church, 311
Saint John’s African Methodist Episcopal Church, 199, 291
Saint Luke’s Baptist Church (Chicago), 301
Saint Paul on the Lake Catholic Church, 337
Salinger, Pierre, 36, 216, 252
“Salt and Oil” (Levine poem), 215–16
Salvatore, Nick, 132
Sargent, Donald, 244
Satin, 55
Saturday Evening Post magazine, 347
Schaffner, Katherine Anderson, 66
Scheherazade (singing group), 328
Schilling, Eleanor, 353
Schlutz, Charles, 116
Scholle, August, 356, 360, 361
schools: music programs in, 100–101
Schrenkeisen, Ralph T., 354
Schultz, Charles, 116
Scott, Cynthia (“St. Cynthia”) case, 197–203, 229, 273, 274–75, 310
Scott, Hazel, 47
Scott, Ron, 170–71
seat belts, 32–33
Seattle Intelligencer, 108
Second Baptist Church (Detroit), 35, 129, 225, 289, 310
Secret Service, U.S., 286, 362
Serrin, William, 28–29
Seville Hotel, 158
Seymour, Dan, 110
Sheffield, Horace, 126, 127–28, 133, 292–93, 312, 360
Shelby, Thomas H. Jr., 127
Shell, Ernest, 130
Sheraton Cadillac Hotel, 17–18, 20, 28, 37, 131, 143, 161, 251–52, 285
Sheridan, Paul, 162
Sherwood, Orvill
e F., 244, 245
Shrine of the Black Madonna, 274
Siggers, Barbara Vernice, 124
Silver, Abraham, 101–2
Simpkins, Ozell, 194
Sinatra, Frank, 322, 348
Sindbad’s, 75
Singing in a Strange Land (Salvatore), 131–32
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church (Birmingham): bombing of, 253, 290, 294, 310
Slater’s Bakery (Detroit), 3–4
“small car” plan, Reuther’s, 306–8, 320
Smith, Adam, 362
Smith, Harold, 122
Smith, Lyall, 264, 265
Smith, Suzanne, 234
Smith, Tommie, 271
“Smoke Rings” (poem), 273
Snow Pest Control, 156
Soft, 55
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
in Birmingham, 127
Detroit supporters of, 127–28
NAACP and, 130, 186
UAW and, 139
and Walk to Freedom, 130, 131, 132, 140–41, 181, 229–30
See also King, Martin Luther Jr.
Southern Manifesto, 304
Southern Plastics, 194–95
Southland (Detroit suburb), 92
Soviet Union: and Detroit’s bid for 1968 Summer Olympics, 256–57, 258, 264, 269
Spicher, Ted, 197–98, 199, 201, 202
Spingarn, Arthur, 230
Spirit of Detroit sculpture, 251, 254, 310
Sport magazine, 252
sports: blacks in professional, 298
Staebler, Neil, 314, 357
Stanley Home Products, 102
Stanton, Barbara, 360
Stanton, Tom, 368
Staples Singers, 369
State Department, U.S., 26
Statler Hilton Hotel
and Detroit Auto Show (1962), 28
Reuther’s meeting at, 147–48
Steinberg, Martha Jean “the Queen,” 100
Stepp, Marc, 133
Stevens, George Jr., 313
Stevenson, William “Mickey,” 102, 103, 327
Stilwell, Joseph W. Jr., 315
Stitt, Sonny, 52
Stoepel Park Civic Association, 244
Stolberg, Mary M., 82
Stonorov, Oscar, 261
Stride Toward Freedom (King), 13, 15–16
strikes, labor, 308, 370, 373
Strong, Barrett, 56–57, 326
Strouse, Norman, 108, 109, 110, 111–12, 113, 117, 119, 303–4, 342–43
Stubbs, Levi, 196, 327–29, 330, 374
Davis dealership and, 34
demise of, 305, 306
and Detroit Auto Show (1962), 32
seat belts in, 33
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 148, 237, 333
Sugrue, Thomas J., 64, 243–44, 311
Sullivan, Ed, 348
Sullivan, Mr., 244
Supersonic Attractions, 44
Supreme Court, Michigan, 198, 295
and Bowles benefit, 104
break-up of, 373
first hit record for, 320
Gordy Jr. encouragement of, 319, 327
Jackson prison show of, 318
Once in a Great City Page 50