Prince Charming [Mischievous Fairy Tales 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
Page 12
“Yes, I did,” the king said as he eyed the young buck before him. “So you are sleeping with my daughter. How soon can I expect you to marry her? Because I refuse to allow my first grandchild to be born out of wedlock.”
“I had planned on wedding her as soon as you returned but my father insists on the blasted banns being posted with the proper time allotment. So says the man who rushed his own,” Randulf muttered and looked at him again. “You know, and I likely shouldn’t mention this, but I’m still feeling that beating yesterday. You appear rather calm about all this.”
“I am not a fool, young man. My daughter loves you and while I would rather have you beaten again I have to believe that she knows what is right for her, what she truly wants and needs in life. I will discuss this with your father, so plan on wedding my daughter tonight.” There was only a moment’s pause before he added, “And tell your friend Cedric that he should be thankful that I don’t want to draw attention to the relationship that you three have by having his ass handed to him on the field as well.”
Lifting a brow Randulf chuckled. “I think I’ll keep that to myself for a wee time, sire. I owe him a few from over the years so if you wouldn’t mind, perhaps we could find reason to get him onto the field. Setting him up against Lorn would almost even the tally. If you would be willing to help that is, sire.”
“I do believe that is something that I can do. I believe that a tribute to my daughter on the afternoon of your wedding would be very good. As your best friend and likely as the best man that will stand at your side as my daughter comes to wed you he can stand in against my best man, Lorn.”
“A showing.” Randulf nodded then frowned. “But it might strike as too odd if we only had the one, sire. Perhaps a couple of little demonstrations so that he doesn’t immediately assume that it’s something I set in motion.”
“Agreed. Besides my men have been riding hard and want to limber their arms. Choose a dozen of your father’s men and I will choose a dozen of mine. We will have a tournament for after you have wed my daughter.”
“Thank you, sire.” Randulf grinned once more. “And, if you wouldn’t mind, I would like to make a couple requests of Lorn. Nothing horrendous or overly taxing, just a couple of things I know that will have Cedric trying to climb up the nearest wall swiftly.”
“I’m listening. And make them good. It was one thing when I found her with you, and then when I learned that rascal had snuck in to be with her as well. Let’s just say I want him climbing walls as well. Perhaps it will teach him to be stealthier and use the hidden passageways in the walls instead of your bedchamber door. That’s how Cinderella’s mother and I did it.”
Choking on the sip of ale he’d just downed, Randulf sat thumping his chest for a few minutes. Sucking a breath he coughed and shook his head. “I did not need to know that, sire. As to my requests.” He hauled in another deep breath and let it out slow with a last cough. “Put him through all stages of a tournament. The only part to alter is the sword battle, no armor. Cedric has a serious issue with going against another without armor. They should be dressed of course but no armor. Lorn needs to feint to his left for the first bit and then work on rotating the blade from his hand. Cedric may or may not let go, depends on how much he’s had to drink but he’ll be about ready to panic then. A few feints and at least one hell of a smack on his arse, sire, should have him ready to come out of his skin.”
“That is something that can be done.” Leaning back with his hands steepled before him, he said, “And yes, Cinderella’s mother and I shared a relationship. Lorn in fact,” he said with a smile. “Cinderella could be either mine or Lorn’s, so keep that in mind for the future because while you might worry about me, I would worry more about him because Cindy has always been the apple of his eye.”
“I put him in the dirt once, I’ll bloody well do it again,” Randulf said staring right into the king’s eyes. “Or any man that thinks to get between us at any time. I may be easygoing and lighthearted, sire, but should any man or woman ever think to harm what is mine I will take them apart piece by piece, slowly.”
“Good. That’s the fire I have been waiting for. I was worried that you were weaker than you actually are. Don’t lose that fire, son. As a king you will have to have that. No matter what. Show your wife and your children the love but ensure that your kingdom understands that they can’t walk all over you.”
“They already know, sire, only your daughter seems to find it cute and ignores it.” He rolled his eyes. “I swear she will turn me gray long before my day. Any advice to ensure she doesn’t kill me off before it’s my time, sire?”
“None at all, at least none that I’m going to give you. Just love my daughter. If you ever at anytime make her cry, I promise you that the beating Lorn gave you will look like nothing. I will track your ass down and make you regret each and every single tear that she sheds.”
“You can try, sire,” Randulf said holding his gaze. “But I’d recommend you bring your bloody army with you because you’ll need every one of them. Now, if you’ve got no other threats, I need to go and see my father.”
“Go. Do what you need to. I will find my daughter and tell her. I will also see if the Priest has arrived as of yet. And yes, I have already sent for him. He should be here by now. If so, your wedding will take place soon. There is already a wedding feast being prepared for afterwards.”
Randulf stood and then stilled. “She doesn’t have a dress,” he said sitting down hard. “If nothing else she deserves to have a dress so that it’s a wedding she’ll want to remember. I can’t take that from her even with your insistence that it be this evening, sire.”
“Very well. However, she does have a gown, it’s one that her mother wore. It does need to be aired out and taken in. Cinderella isn’t as large as her mother was. However, I do want her wed within the next two days on the outside. Her first child shouldn’t have questions raised on how early that it came from the womb.”
“Nor would there be, sire. I’m not a fool and neither is your daughter.” Randulf got to his feet. “By your leave, sire.” He knocked his heels together and bowed slightly. Spinning on heel he left the other man at the table.
Chapter Sixteen
“I’m the groom, Cedric. You are not supposed to be the one looking ill damn it.”
“Well, Randulf, old buddy, you were not informed mere moments ago that you’re to be part of the wedding celebration.”
“Oh, what part are you playing?”
“Apparently some sort of demonstration in support of this union, blah, blah, blah,” Cedric muttered shifting on his feet once more. “Where the hell is she?” he hissed.
“A bride will come to her wedding in her own time. Besides, from what her father said earlier he was going to gift her with something from her birth mother,” Randulf murmured under his breath. “She may be needing to wash her face depending on what it might be.”
“I always thought that the adage a bride being late to her wedding was a myth.”
“The last three weddings you were at you snuck into the back halfway through the service because you were getting under a lady guest’s skirts,” Randulf grunted. “You were too occupied to have even noticed one way or another.”
“Shh, doors just opened,” Cedric said as they both turned to face up the aisle of the church.
* * * *
Cinderella looked down the long aisle and smiled. Seeing her men standing there made her heart thump. Looking up at her father, she smiled. “I’m ready, Daddy. This is what I want. I can’t begin to tell you how happy that I am,” she whispered. “So walk me to the man that will be my husband?”
“You are truly sure?” he asked and sighed at her nod. “All right, but if you change your mind halfway up the aisle you just say the word. I can have you out of there fast, the guards are just awaiting my signal.” Patting her hand lightly he took a breath. “Just giving you options, my dearest daughter.”
“And I thank you for
them, Daddy, but I’m very sure. He makes me happy. I love him very much.” Cinderella almost said “they” in place of “he” and caught herself at last moment. Hugging her father’s arm she whispered, “I feel as if mother is here with us now.”
“She’s always been with us, Cindy. Every day she watches over you and is likely ready to rip into my hide for all I’ve failed to do in regards to you. Hopefully she believes that Randulf is the right choice for you and lays off me just a little when we next meet. Quite frankly, I’m terrified for the lecture I’m likely to receive before I reach my eternal resting place,” he muttered as they walked slowly.
Cinderella smiled. “She will give you a lecture and then pull you close to keep you forever at her side. No matter what mother loved you above all others father, you do know that don’t you? She loved every single part of you just as I love Randulf and all that he is as well.”
Nodding he blinked rapidly as he looked down at her. “She would be so proud and amazed by the woman you’ve become, Cinderella my daughter. If you and Randulf have even a small amount of the love I had with your mother, you will be blessed through your lives.”
Cindy smiled and nodded. “I certainly hope so, Father. He’s amazing. I think that our lives will be filled with happiness. I just hope that one day soon you will have a grandchild that will give you a smile as well.”
“Not too soon I pray, darling, there is much I need to repair in our kingdom before I’ll have time to enjoy such treasures.” Reaching the front he turned toward her and cupped her cheeks. “I love you, daughter mine,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her cheeks. Lifting her hand he placed it in Randulf’s and looked at the prince. “She is a treasure, Randulf, treasure her always.”
“I will, sire,” Randulf said softly squeezing Cinderella’s hand gently.
Cinderella looked to her prince Charming and smiled. Happiness bloomed inside of her and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that her happily ever after began on this day, in this moment. Stepping in close to Randulf she whispered, “I do love you, my prince Charming.”
“And I you, my gorgeous princess,” he murmured lifting her hand to kiss her fingers. Stepping up onto the dais, he helped her to step up and then kneel before the priest. “You ready for the longest service in the history of weddings?” he whispered under his breath.
“As ready as I think I’m going to get,” Cindy said with a smile and looked to Cedric, her lips turning up for him as well and giving him only the smallest of nods to tell him she was thinking of him as well. This might be a wedding for her and Randulf, but in her heart she was wedding both men.
“Eyes forward,” Randulf said with a grin to her before bowing his head.
The priest intoned the many blessings and spoke of love, marriage, and a number of things. They both ate the cracker and drank of the wine before more blessings and prayers and finally they stood. They were both asked if they came into the union of their own free will. If they both vowed to love, cherish, and so forth one another. Rings were placed on fingers and they finally faced one another. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, Your Highness.”
Lifting the veil Randulf stepped in closer and leaned in. “Finally,” he whispered before pressing his lips to hers in a very chaste and proper kiss. Stepping back he licked his lips and waited for the priest to announce them.
When the priest announced them, Cinderella couldn’t help but smile. She was happy, very happy. Turning with her husband at her side, she faced her people and saw the happiness in their faces as well as they began the slow descent through the people and out to the Great Hall.
Stepping into the sunlight Randulf wrapped an arm around her and squeezed. “Come, wife, we need to go and let all the people know we are wed. And perhaps give them a kiss to always remember as well.”
“I think that you just want to display that kiss so that all know that you have secured me as yours,” she teased. “Which is perfectly fine by me because that shows them that I have secured you as mine.”
“Precisely, my little darling.” He nodded happily as they walked toward the Great Hall for the reception. They would have to go to the balcony first for the announcement to the people and their kiss. Then they would open the doors and all the people that had come would celebrate with the prince and princess.
Cinderella was happy, her happiness bubbling over and spilling into laughter and joy. When they stepped upon the balcony she looked out over the crowd of people and smiled. “We will finally be able to bring our people back into a flourishing nation, finally be able to save them from starving.” And for that Cindy was beyond happy. “This is a good day.”
Harold stepped to the edge and held up his hands until everyone quieted. “My people. Today is a glorious day and one I wish to celebrate with you all. Today my daughter, my treasure has wed the man of her heart. Today we are here to wish them well in their lives, in their journeys wherever they might lead and to offer up prayers of prosperity not only for them but for our two kingdoms. May I present to you, the Royal couple. Prince Randulf and Princess Cinderella, man and wife!”
Cinderella raised a hand to wave at her people. She smiled with her happiness all but bursting from her. Leaning into Randulf she then looked up at him happily. “Well, you going to kiss me, husband?” she teased.
“Most definitely, my little wife.” He smiled down at her. Cupping her face he tipped her head back and then, with a wink, dipped her back slightly and kissed her. Sliding his tongue to hers he delved deep into her mouth, taking his time as he slowly tortured her.
Cindy wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. The kiss got her fires burning, had her body desperate and wet in need that quickly. She moaned and rubbed in closer to him, her hand moving under his tunic collar as she did so.
Tightening his hold around her, Randulf groaned into her mouth and then lifted his head. The roars of the crowd were deafening. “Bloody hell, woman. Now all I can think of is whisking you off to a room and stripping you down so I can have my way with you many times over.”
“All right. I’m ready,” she confessed. “I really should come out of this gown anyway. I want to have it stored away as soon as possible so that our daughter one day in the far future will be able to wear it as I wore it.” Her mother’s gown, it was perfect. “Think that our fathers would notice if we disappeared for a couple of hours?”
“Yes,” said Harold shooting them a look. “We would notice but we will pretend not to as long as you limit it to one hour and no more.”
“A little less time than I’d like but…” Randulf grinned and lifted her into his arms. “I will work with what I can get,” he said and carried her into the Palace.
Cinderella laughed and hugged her husband’s neck and rubbed her body against him. “Good. Hurry, darling, so that we can have every single moment of that hour as we can get. It will take you a good fifteen minutes to get me out of this gown.”
“That, my love, sounds like a challenge to me.” He smiled at her. Once inside he picked up his pace and hit the stairs nearly running. “I only wish our room wasn’t so bloody far from here. It’s going to take us too long to reach it.”
“Then take any of the ones before you. I don’t care. I just need you to get me naked and you inside of me as soon as possible.” Cinderella didn’t give a care where she was, just needed him inside of her as soon as possible.
“Excellent idea.” He nodded and slowed. Pushing open a door he looked in. “Empty and it doesn’t appear anyone has been given it.” Stepping in he set her on her feet. “Work on that veil and I will secure the door. Then we will get you out of that lovely but overly complicated looking dress.”
She pulled the veil off and folded it several times. When it was folded she put it on the desk and winked. “I’m ready but you are dallying, my new husband. Hurry,” she said and toed off her soft shoes so that she could be as bare as possible.
“Just determining the best course of action so th
ere is no damage done.” Moving up behind her he groaned. “Who designs these things? Do they not know that a man only has so much patience?” His fingers began to tug on the stays holding the dress shut. “They do this to be cruel, I know they do,” he muttered.
“Oh of that I’m very sure. They do tend to be very cruel.” She looked over her shoulder at him and grinned. “If it helps you at all I have nothing on under this gown. Nothing,” she said happily. “I didn’t want there to be anything between us if I was ever able to get you alone.”
“Damn it.” He fumbled and glared at her. “That wasn’t amusing, Cinderella,” he muttered. Leaning forward he kissed her lips. “I am ever so glad I did not know that during the service or I’d likely have thrown your skirts over your head and taken you there.”
“Which is why I didn’t mention it until just now. I think that my father might have had a serious issue should you have done that. I wouldn’t have cared because I would have been far too much in the pleasure and in the moment but you know how that is.”
“I think you should have mentioned it,” he told her. “Ah-ha!” He grinned and pushed the dress down her arms. “It will be a bit of a squeeze but I think I have it loose enough to slip out of. Fifteen minutes.” He snorted.
She turned in his arms as soon as the gown flowed to the floor like water. Lifting her face to him she smiled. “Good, more time with you.” Her fingers began to work on his tunic and she grumbled, “You should have gotten naked yourself, mister.”
“I was otherwise busy on your dress, my love.” He smiled. “I need to sit to remove these boots, Cinderella. They are too tight to try and take off standing up.” Catching her hands he kissed her fingers and then moved to sit down.