Prince Charming [Mischievous Fairy Tales 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
Page 14
“I know, love,” he whispered rubbing his hand over her back. “Don’t let him discourage you though.” He pressed a kiss to her hair. Sighing he held her as they moved under the portcullis and into the main yard of the palace. Stepping down from the open carriage he held out a hand to her and assisted her down. “Welcome home, love.” Randulf smiled and kissed her lips lightly.
Cindy smiled up at him and nodded. “Home. Thank you for finding me and bringing me here,” she whispered to him and turned to face the lines of people assembling. Swallowing hard she backed up closer to Randulf. For so long she had been a virtual slave in her own home that she hadn’t learned how to deal with something as simple as greeting her new staff.
“They don’t bite,” Cedric said from her other side. “They just want a chance to meet the woman that will one day be their queen. Don’t try to remember all their names. It’s nearly impossible when they are en masse like this.”
Cindy jumped and then looked to Cedric, smiling. “So you are talking to me?” She wanted to reach out and touch him, wanted to slip her hand into his but knew she couldn’t, not with so many watching so closely. “Thank you for that, Cedric. I will try to remember that but don’t fault me for trying to recall their names.” Even if it would likely be an impossibility right away.
“Of course I’m talking to you. Your husband”—he shot a dark look over her head—“not so much. He and I will talk later, in detail, painful detail.” Lifting her hand he kissed her fingers. “Go and meet your people, love. I will see you inside in a little bit. I need to go ensure that no one has any plans involving me any longer.”
“See that you do,” Cindy said with a possessive smile and nodded. “I will talk to you soon, Cedric,” she whispered and then turned with Randulf to see the people before them. She listened as they were introduced, spoke the peoples’ names back to them, and then asked for forgiveness in advance for when she forgot their names.
Making it through the gauntlet and inside, Randulf smiled down at her. “You did very well, darling, and every one of them is already in love with you. But I have to ask.” He chuckled as he hugged her to his side. “Just how many names are you able to remember?”
“Sadly not a single one,” she admitted to him. “I can’t even tell you what their names are, much less assign a name to a face. I truly hope that they will forgive me as I fumble and try to learn their names in the future.”
Chuckling he shook his head and kissed her. “Don’t even worry about it, love. You will learn them in time. I still get caught occasionally having to delve deep into my mind and I’ve lived here my entire life. They will forgive you and they will help you learn who they are and who the others are. I find, for myself anyway, it’s easiest if I know something personal about them. Like Ann here.” He smiled at a maid who curtseyed. “She has a daughter named Viola. She is six now and growing like a weed. She looks just like her mother but has her father’s eyes though thankfully not his temperament.”
“Indeed, m’lord,” the maid said with a chuckle. “A pleasure to meet you, Princess.” She smiled at Cinderella.
“Ann will be your personal maid, a promotion for her,” Randulf said and sighed at the maid’s stunned look. “Let me guess, you weren’t told were you?”
“No, m’lord, thank you, m’lord,” she whispered with her eyes big and brimming with tears.
“None of that, Ann, you deserve it. You are a hard worker and I know you and Cinderella will get along perfectly. Plus she’s a great confidante to have, she keeps secrets very well,” Randulf whispered loudly. “She never did rat me out to Cook about the tarts I lifted before she’d declared them ready for consumption.” Smiling at the maid he touched her arm lightly. “You will have a room in the palace as well as Ann and another for Viola. If you wish she can also make use of the tutors. They aren’t all bad despite what Cedric and I may have said.”
Cindy watched the woman and smiled. “It will be a pleasure to have you as my maid.” She looked up at Randulf and leaned into his touch. He likely didn’t know what he had just done for this woman and her child. Offering to give the child an education had been brilliance on his part and made her fall in love with him all over again.
“I would be honored, sire,” Ann said softly and smiled shyly at Cinderella. “If you don’t need me right away, I’d love to go and give the news to my daughter.”
“Go ahead, Ann. You can have the rest of today. I’ll keep an eye on the princess and ensure she has all she needs. Tomorrow though I may need to pass her off to you for a while. I have a horrible feeling my father will want another of his talks with me. So go and get Vi and get yourselves settled in. See Markus when you are ready and he’ll show you which rooms will be yours,” Randulf told her with a grin. “Go on, go and tell your daughter the news.”
Ann curtsied again and was off. Turning to face him Cindy smiled. “She’s had her entire life made by you giving her daughter that. Does she not have a husband? Has he passed away or left her and the child alone?” Which would be heartbreaking in and of itself.
“She lost him to a battle wound about a month before Viola came into the world. I knew him fairly well and convinced my father, which wasn’t hard, to bring Ann to the palace and look after her and her daughter. Then Ann took a job here to earn her keep even though we all told her she didn’t have to. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to give her a different position more befitting a widow of a soldier. Sorry, love, but I sort of used you a little, I hope you don’t mind.”
“You can use me like that anytime. I’m happy to help anyone that needs help,” she confessed. “It was a rather wonderful idea that you had, love. I’m very happy that you had that idea. Her daughter will have an education and perhaps one day she will be able to be something more. Perhaps she will be a friend to any children we might have.”
“We can only hope.” He smiled. “Viola is a sweet kid but I know she’s too alone here because she wasn’t taking the classes like the others fostered. But now she can be in the classes with the others and hopefully she can make some friends, too.”
“I think that would be wonderful. Hopefully I can meet the child as well. I love little ones, they are so very precious.” Children were the world’s best gift, always would be as well. “And perhaps one day we will have a child ourselves, one that will be able to make friends with her and the others.”
“You will likely meet her tomorrow. Ann will probably bring her around so you know who she is,” Randulf said. “Speaking of which, I need to find Markus and let him know that Ann will be taking the room off your dressing rooms with Viola’s being the one right off hers.”
“As long as no one expects me to have a room apart from yours.” She knew that some people preferred to sleep in separate beds from their spouses but not her. “You have me for the rest of our lives, in bed and out but I will never sleep without you again.”
“Good because I wasn’t planning on letting you sleep anywhere but with me. And Ann will keep our secret, too,” he said softly. Taking her hand in his, he guided her through the palace as he peered in rooms and asked where Markus was from the staff, introducing Cinderella as they went. “She knows that he and I have shared often and knows many of the secrets of this place. I only worry about Vi. I don’t want any question arising from innocent lips about us three.”
“Oh yes, that would be bad. Yes perhaps we should ensure that our doors are always locked? Somehow ensure that she’s not able to sneak in when we aren’t ready for her to be in? I don’t mind her being able to come and go as she wishes, but I truly do think that we need to ensure that she doesn’t catch us in a compromising position.”
“All the doors to my chamber have crossbars to keep those we want kept out, kept out. Though I have a feeling once father steps down and I take the throne with you at my side, we’ll be moving to the master chambers. That has a lot more interesting things going on in there.” He grinned and jerked her arm abruptly. “Sorry, love.” He winced
. “Markus!” he hollered and waved the man over when he looked their way.
She watched as the large man turned and started their way. “Like what kinds of interesting things?” she asked with her smile pasted on her face. “I would really like to know what sorts of interesting things that you have in mind.”
Chuckling he wiggled his brows at her. “Markus.” He hugged the large male. “Markus, my friend, I’d like to introduce you to Cinderella. My wife,” he added with a grin. “Cinderella, this is Markus, he knows everything going on around here at all times and everyone in it. His memory is the things of legend. He runs the entire place and without him we’d all be in serious trouble and never have a clean towel or meals on the table at the right times.”
“Hardly that, sire.” The older man shook his head. Taking Cinderella’s hand, he bowed over it. “Your Highness,” he murmured before stepping back. “It is an honor to meet you, and I look forward to working with you in the coming years.”
“Don’t let him bully you into anything,” Randulf whispered loudly and grinned at the glare Markus shot him. “Markus, just wanted to let you know that we’ve asked Ann to be Cinderella’s personal maid. She’ll take the room next to the dressing rooms for the lady and Viola will have the ones off hers. I’d also like to get Viola introduced to the tutors but let’s ease her into the classes. I don’t want her too overwhelmed.”
“Of course, sire, I will ensure the rooms are freshened up and see that their belongings make it there before they do. Princess.” He bowed to her again. “Sire, if you’ll excuse me I have much to do in little time.”
Cindy watched Markus leaving and shook her head. “Why do I have a feeling that more than one person will know our secret that we share with Cedric? I don’t doubt for a moment that they will keep it close to their vests, but I have a feeling more than one person will know what we share, won’t they?”
“It’s happened before, it will likely happen again and again. It’s a pattern of the Royals around these parts to be publicly with one and privately with others. Apparently the region has something in the water or food supply that turns us Royals into sexual beasts.” Grinning he tipped his head. “I want to show you something before we go upstairs. It was my mother’s pride and joy and the only thing that I personally take care of around here besides my horse.”
“All right, show me what you want to show me,” she said with a smile. “Let’s just hope that whatever it is won’t bite me like your horse tried to. Please?” His horse hadn’t liked the fact that she and he had been so close when they came out.
“He was just jealous, he’ll get over it.” He grinned, leading her through the palace. Reaching the back he led her out and around the corner. “This is, was”—he flinched—“my mother’s garden. For a time right after her passing it fell into ruin. Over the last few years though I’ve gotten it back to where she had it in its prime. I had to. Some of my best memories with her were in her gardens.” Leading her through the neat rows of hedges, the path a mismatched pattern of stones, he pointed. “Her jewel of the entire garden. A rare rose that blooms once every three years and you never know the color that might come of it.”
“Beautiful,” she whispered. “Randulf, this is amazing,” she told him as she touched the rose in the center of the garden. “You are truly a man of hidden talents aren’t you, Randulf?” And it amazed her that he was hers.
“Not really, but it’s a promise I made over her grave. And I always keep my promises no matter what they are. Plus I enjoyed sitting out here with her, the scent of all the flowers and bushes in all the seasons. It was a time that was peaceful and serene in my mind. It was also my escape from the tutors and their horrible lessons.”
“Are you all right with me being out here with you? Spending time with you out here? Being able to help you with the gardens. Are you going to be all right with having me helping you from time to time with the roses as well?”
“Anyone else I would run off. I can’t even let Cedric help. But you…” Randulf looked at her for a long moment before smiling and nodding. “You, I would like to have out here, helping and just enjoying. Everyone is welcome to enjoy but no one beyond you or I are to touch a thing out here. I’m extremely particular about what is and isn’t done and when. Apparently this garden is my one Achilles heel,” he muttered.
“I think that I would like that, a lot. I would like to be able to spend time with you. I would like to be able to have this as our thing to do together. I really think that it would be wonderful. I think that you and I will fit perfectly out here.”
“That we will.” He nodded leading her toward a bench. Sitting, Randulf pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. Resting his cheek to her shoulder he let out a breath. “It’s moments like this that I realize how much I miss her. She would have loved you, Cinderella. I know in my heart that you are the one she would have chosen for me had she been here.”
She smiled and nodded. “That means a great deal to me.” Her arm around his shoulder and she held onto him. “I’m sure in a way that she did pick me for you. She led you to my home. She helped you to bump into me that first time. I have to be certain of that.”
Looking into her eyes he shook his head. “How do you figure that, love?” he asked curiously. “I like the idea but I’m not sure of your reasoning. Explain it to me will you?” he asked rubbing his hand up and down her back.
“I think she’s in Heaven looking down at you and she’s the one who ensured that you met me. That’s all that I have to say about that. By golly. I have to believe that. You believe it as well, don’t you?” She hoped that he could believe in that.
“I don’t honestly know, love,” he said softly resting his cheek to her shoulder again. “I’d like to, it’s a beautiful thought, but I honestly don’t know. I wish I was as sure about it as you were, Cinderella, because I’d love to know she approves of the match I made.”
“Know it in your heart, honey. Close your eyes and listen to the wind carrying her approval to you.” She leaned in closer. “She approves of me because she knows that no one will love you as much as I do, forever.”
“That part I fully believe,” he said with a smile, rubbing his cheek to her shoulder. Lifting his head, he kissed her gently. “I love you, Cinderella,” he whispered against her lips. Hugging her close to him, he sat that way for a long time before loosening his hold. “We should go and get in a nap, maybe see if Cedric will ever forgive me in this century or not.”
“He will.” Cindy ran her hands over his cheek and then shoulders. “However, I think that your plan of a nap is a very good one. I’m finding that I can’t stay awake long at all right now. I think that perhaps the travel might have been too much for me.”
“We did push a little bit to get back here as quickly as we did. But I missed being home, being here,” he said softly. Helping her to her feet he stood and took her hand in his. Walking slowly, he guided her to another door of the palace and up a set of stairs. “I love getting out of here now and again, but I can’t wait to return here after a time.”
“This will always be your home, our home. This is as it should be. We were meant to call this home.” They would worry about her father’s kingdom another time. Right now all she cared about was this man and being where he needed her. “Now, think that we can talk Cedric into coming up and all three of us taking a lovely ride in the bed?”
“If we can find him in this place,” Randulf said with a chuckle. Looking around, he spotted a couple of maids. “If either of you ladies see Sir Cedric, would you let him know I’d like to see him in my private office for a moment? He’ll know why so don’t worry about that, thank you, ladies.” He smiled and led Cinderella past them.
Cinderella let him lead her away, a smile on her lips as he did so. “Have you noticed?” she teased as they approached the steps, him moving to another side of her body as they did. “That when we are approaching other men you put your body between me and them?”
br /> “It’s a strategic move and only partially because I’m a possessive bastard,” he said with a shrug. “I can’t help it,” he admitted squeezing her hand gently. “You are mine, Cinderella, and you knew I was possessive before you married me.”
“Did I complain? I actually really like it, a great deal.” She loved that he was so possessive of her. “Because there is no one else for me, Randulf, other than our third of course. Always just the two of you, and no one else.”
“Good,” he murmured lifting her hand. Kissing her fingers he let out a breath. “Sorry, I think the trip has gotten to me as well. I’m having problems thinking clearly around you. Not unusual but it’s worse than normal.”
“Well then I think that we should get up to our rooms, make love again, and then sleep.” After Cedric had come to join them that was. “We can order a tray of food to be brought to us later. Right now I really just want to get into bed with you, darling.”
“We have the welcome home banquet tonight, love,” he murmured guiding her up the stairs to the next floor. “We need to be the proper prince and princess for a few hours tonight. So yes, we need to find Cedric, make love frantically for a time, and then sleep.”
“I love how you think, Randulf,” Cindy told him happily and looked up at him. “Perhaps we should get upstairs to our room and get naked. Maybe I can suck on your cock while we wait on Cedric to join us and then I can suck on his?”
“Sounds like a delightful plan.” He grinned. “Just one more floor to go,” he said pointing to the stairs. “Up we go and then we wander down the hall to my rooms. All the Royal Family has the top floor of suites. Royal and privileged guests get the third floor. Second floor are for Earls and down. Main floor is just the ballrooms, offices for the general meetings, the grand hall, kitchens and about thirty more rooms that I sometimes remember what they are for.”