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The Princesses (Princess Series Book 5)

Page 9

by Alexa Riley

  “Then what was tonight all about? You were supposed to choose a bride.” Her eyes drop down to her lap where she starts to play with her fingers. I grab her hands and bring them to my lips. I kiss her fingers, trying to get her to relax. Her eyes come back to mine.

  There is hurt in her gaze, and I gently brush my knuckles across her cheek to try to ease some of her pain.

  “I was trying to appease my council, but I had no intentions of really announcing a bride. I thought I could, but deep down I knew I couldn’t go through with it. The ball was merely to appease the people and give them hope that I was finally taking a wife.” I lean forward and place a soft kiss on her cheek where my fingers were. “I never expected you to walk into my palace. Into my life.”

  A spark of hope lights in her eyes, and I continue.

  “My parents hadn’t met one another until the day of their wedding. And yet they were the happiest and most loving couple I’d ever witnessed. I wanted that for myself and my queen.”

  “That’s crazy. Things like that aren’t real!” She bites her lip, and I can see that she doesn’t believe what she’s saying. There is a question in her voice, begging me to disprove her.

  “Anything is possible, princess. Especially when I’m the one who makes the rules.”

  That pulls a smile from her. “My family thinks that I live too much in a bubble, that things aren’t that sweet in the world.”

  “I’d spend my life making sure everything was that sweet for you. I’d make sure nothing ever fucked with that bubble you’re in as long as you let me in it with you.”

  She looks at me with so much hope in her eyes but starts playing with her fingers again. I grab ahold of them and rub my fingers along them, trying to calm her.

  “Did you come after me because I could be carrying your child?”

  She’s so delicate and innocent. How can she not see her true worth? That a man has not stolen her for himself already is my good fortune. I don’t know what I’ve done for her to fall right into my lap, but I’m grabbing her and never letting go.

  “My Giselle, I would find you, no matter if you so generously gave me your body or not. You could deny my touch for a thousand years and I would still be at your feet waiting, hoping that one day you would grant me the pleasure. I’m yours, and I must be with you, no matter where on this earth you hide.”

  Her whole face lights up, and the fear that was still lingering when I lost her for a few hours drains away as I soak in that sweetness shining out at me. “Do you really want to marry me?” Hope lines her words.

  “Marriage is only part of what I want with you, princess.” I take her hand and kiss the center of her palm, then bring her wrist to my nose so I can smell her delicate sweetness. “I want to make you the queen of my kingdom. I want you to carry my seed and bear my sons. I want to possess your soul inside mine and be the center of your universe so that you rely on me and no one else for all that you want. So that you’d never think about taking more than a step away from me. I’m selfish when it comes to your love, and I will not share it.”


  Her bright green eyes are waiting, pleading with me to give her what her heart wants. It’s the same thing mine is after, so it’s easy to hand it over.

  “I love you, Princess Giselle. Be mine, be my queen. Forever.”

  “I love you, too, Karim,” she says, and throws her arms around my neck.



  I hold on tight to him, unable to let go. His hands run up and down my back and then start to play with my hair. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I really am where I belong, with someone who doesn’t care if I look at the world through rose-colored glasses. He’s not asking me to change, he’s just asking me to let him be with me.

  I let all the things he said sink deeper into me. I bury my face in his neck, breathing him in. He loves me. My sisters would tell me to question it. That it’s crazy to fall in love with someone in just a few hours, but I don’t care. I know it’s true love because I feel the same way about him. That’s what this feeling has to be. It’s why I let him take me without even knowing who he was. Yet it feels like I’ve known him my whole life. I never want to leave his safe arms.

  I try to push aside all the things I know my family would say. I don’t want that to take this special moment from me. I want to cherish every second of our lives together and not spend it dwelling on what others might think.

  I feel the car finally stop, but I only grip him tighter. “I don’t wanna let go,” I whisper to him. I don’t know where we are, and to be honest, I don’t care. I want to stay right where I am.

  “No one said you had to,” he says before I hear the door open and the cool air greets my body.

  Karim unfolds himself from the back of the car with me still wrapped tightly around him. He brings my legs around his waist to help me stay on. He turns his head to kiss me and slides his hands under my bottom to get a better hold of me.

  “Sir?” I hear someone say, and I pull back a little to get a look at an older man standing close. He’s got pure white hair and is in a butler uniform. I instantly know we must be back at the palace.

  “Albert,” Karim says in response.

  “I’ll prepare the guest room?” I can hear the question in Albert’s voice, as if he’s unsure of what to do. He steals a curious look at me.

  “That won’t be necessary.” Karim keeps walking, and the butler follows him as the car drives away. I watch over Karim’s shoulder, peeking out as one of his security guards follows us up the stairs with a smirk on his lips. But when we enter the home, he doesn’t come in. He stops and turns at the door, shutting it. Only Albert follows us.

  “I need you to get chocolate milk, marshmallows, grapes, raspberry goat’s cheese, and crackers from the kitchen.” I look at Karim, who’s carrying me like I weigh nothing and taking the stairs two at a time. He listed off all my favorite foods. Sometimes I can go days only eating those things alone. “I’m sorry, love. I don’t know what kind of crackers you prefer.” My mouth falls open. How can he possibly know this? “Just get one box of every kind.”

  “Of course, Your Highness.”

  I glance over at Albert, who’s taking notes on a pad while still following us.

  “No one in my wing of the palace without my consent. Ever again. I don’t care if it’s you or a maid. I want to give the okay anytime this door opens,” Karim says as he flings open the door that leads to a long hallway. Albert stops at the door, nodding, a smile forming on his face.

  “Of course, Your Highness,” he says, shutting the door behind us as Karim keeps up his pace.

  He walks past door after door until he gets to the end of the hall and yet another set of double doors. He flings them open, showing off a massive room with a bed in the center. It’s larger than any bed I’ve ever seen.

  He tosses me on it, making me laugh as I sink down into its softness. He turns back to the doors, closing them, and I hear a lock click into place. He watches me as I get up on my knees, wanting to admire the man who’s going to be my husband.

  I smile at him as he strips off his shirt, and my body heats again. Just like it did the last time I was trapped in a room with him alone.

  “While I was on the hunt for you I got as much information about you as I could find. Even sending someone over to your home to make sure I didn’t miss a thing.” He glances over to the side of the room, and I follow his line of sight.

  I see a pile of things from my room. Books, make-up, stuffed animals, and piles of the drawing pads I love to doodle in. “You moved my stuff here?”

  “Everything but your clothes and furniture. I didn’t like the idea of my men touching your clothes, so I had them leave them behind. We can go get them later, or I’ll get you all new things.”

  I bite my lip unsure of what to say. He prowls towards the bed. I didn’t know a man that big could move so easily, but it makes me think of a lion moving towards som
ething he’s about to claim as his own.

  “Am I scaring you?” he asks when he gets to the end of the bed. “I don’t think I can slow down. Maybe if you hadn’t run from me I could. But when you did that, you awoke something deep inside me I didn’t even know was there. It’s consuming me, and I have a feeling it won’t stop until it consumes you as well. Until it knows you’ll never run from me again. Until it knows you’re bound to me in every way.”

  I drop down and crawl towards him, not scared of him at all. When I reach the end of the bed I wait. I like the idea that I had the power to wake something up inside him. “What do we need to do to make that happen?” I ask as I get back up on my knees. The tulle of my dress is bunching up all around me.

  “Show me you’re mine. Bare yourself to your king.”

  His words send a thrill through me. He belongs to me just as much as I belong to him. I dip one shoulder and let the strap fall down my shoulder. Then I reach for the other, letting the top of my dress fall below my breasts. He reaches out, softly brushing my hair back to give himself a better view. His bright blue eyes travel over me, and I want to give him more. I like watching his eyes turn darker with need.

  I reach down and slide my skirt up my thighs, spreading my legs farther apart for him. He sucks in a breath, and a sound from deep in his chest fills the room. He falls to his knees in front of me, and his fingers go to my thighs. I watch as he traces the remnants of his branding, which still coats my thighs from the first time we made love.

  “Are you hurt?” he asks, and it’s then I see a small smear of blood on my inner thigh.

  “I wouldn’t say hurt,” I admit. “I ache.”

  I try to move a little closer to the end of the bed without falling off. I had some pain before, but it’s long gone, and this achy need overrides everything else. His mouth is so close to me, and I want it on me. The ache is turning into a throb. I can feel my nipples tighten even more.

  He leans in a little more, lightly kissing one thigh then moving to the other. I can’t pull my eyes away from him on his knees in front of me, kissing me so softly. So sweetly.

  “Karim,” I plead.

  “Call me King.”

  “My King. Please. I need you.” A growling sound fills the room, and his mouth is on me. I fall back onto the bed, my legs spreading wide for him. His big hands grab my hips, pulling my bottom all the way to the edge of the bed as he begins devouring me. It feels like his mouth is everywhere, and I scream out as he takes me over the edge, but he doesn’t stop. The pleasure becomes too much. I try to jerk away, but his hold is unbreakable as he keeps eating at me, sending me over into another orgasm even more intense than the last.

  “I don’t think I can take any more,” I pant, not even sure if I’m stringing a sentence together.

  “I can’t stop. You taste like both of us. You taste like you belong to me,” he says against me before going back to making love to my body with his mouth. My back comes off the bed as I feel another orgasm rip through me, right before I pass out cold.



  “Fuck,” I moan in my sleep. The feeling of wet heat on my cock wakes me up, and the vision I open my eyes to nearly kills me.

  Giselle slides her wet pussy down on my length and then sits up, pressing all of her weight on me. I reach up, taking her lush tits in both hands and pinching her nipples.

  “I like waking you up,” she says as she circles her hips.

  “I like you waking me up.” I moan at the feel of her tight cunt wrapped around me. My balls ache to cum inside her, and I don’t know how long I can last. “Be still, sweet princess. I don’t want to spill too soon.”

  I run my hands down her stomach and rounded hips. She bites her lip and shakes her head as she begins to move her full, soft body on top of me.

  “Please,” I groan, and close my eyes. I can’t look at her while she does it, so I try to think of baseball or something besides the goddess riding my cock. “You’re going to kill me.”

  “I like making you lose control.” There’s heat in her words, and I grit my teeth, trying not to imagine her honey-brown hair falling around her in waves.

  “I can’t…” I choke out as I grip her hips hard and open my eyes.

  I stare at the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen as I cum inside her womb, filling her with what she was trying to steal from me. I can feel the beat of my heart in my ears as I roar with satisfaction at releasing into my bride. My princess.

  When the last of the pulses in my cock stop, I take a deep breath and try to catch up with my heart. Her giggle makes me growl, and I roll us over so that she’s pinned under me.

  “You loved that, didn’t you?” I say, giving her a wicked smile as I thrust my hard length into her. The sticky cum spreads between us as she takes all of me.

  “Almost as much as I love you,” she says, kissing my chest.

  I grit my teeth because the feel of her mouth on me drives me insane. And the lower half of my body takes over and begins to rut on top of her.

  “I need to breed you,” I say, putting my weight on her and burying my face in her neck.

  “Yes, King. I’m yours.” She wraps her legs around my waist and raises her hips for me.

  The feel of her warm body under mine is driving my animal instincts. But there is still a part of me that knows to be gentle with my precious love and to make sure her pleasure always comes first.

  Reaching between us, I feel the thickness of my cock sliding in and out of her pretty cunt. I run my fingers through our passion and then bring them up to stroke her clit.

  “If you cum and then take my seed your body will make the baby strong and healthy. An heir conceived in passion will rule with virtue and strength. Create the life that will rule my kingdom and bless our marriage.” I take her lips in a fierce kiss as I feel her body respond to my touch.

  I slowly rock every inch of myself in and out of her as I pet her clit. The hard, little pearl is begging for my tongue, and I’ll give it to her once she takes my release.

  She shudders under me, and then she closes her eyes and throws her head back. She’s lost to the pleasure, and I watch as pink blossoms across her chest and up her neck.

  “Karim,” she moans, and her hands cling to my shoulders as she cums on my cock.

  I can feel the slickness of her release, and I move my hand from her pussy to her hips and hold her still as I pour my cum into her. The throb of my cock beats in time with her cunt, and I press my forehead to hers as I grunt out my seed.

  Waves of heat move down my back and out of my cock. Every muscle in my body locks tight, and it’s like the first time all over again. My vision blurs, and I have to brace myself so that I don’t crush her.

  “Wow,” she exclaims, and there’s a little giggle to her voice.

  “Exactly,” I say, taking her lips in a slow, sweet kiss.

  We stay in that position for a long time, just kissing and petting each other. I don’t want to pull out, and she doesn’t seem to be in a hurry for me to get off her.

  “There are plans to be made, princess,” I say, rubbing my nose against hers.

  “What do you mean?” She smiles at me with genuine curiosity, and I shake my head, leaning down to kiss one of her breasts.

  “You have a wedding to plan, my Giselle.” I take a nipple into my mouth and let it out with a pop. “I personally have no care in the world about a formal wedding. But I’m sure you’d like to have something nice.”

  “Mmmmm?” she murmurs, her eyelids half open.

  I move my mouth to her other breast and give it the same treatment. “Tomorrow is as long as I’ll give you. And I won’t wait another day.”

  “Tomorrow?” Her voice is a little shocked this time as she tries to sit up.

  “Relax, princess. I’ve got enough servants and money to make all things possible. Your wish is their command. All you have to do is ask and it will appear.”

  “But I don’t know the first thi
ng about weddings. I don’t want it to be silly.” There is a look of sadness in her eyes, and I don’t like it.

  “Everything you do is perfect. Every choice you make will be the law of my queen, and no one would dare think less of it. You are kind, and loving, and those who witness our marriage blessing will be lucky to be in attendance.”

  She reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair. “You really are perfect, you know?”

  “I love you, Giselle, and I don’t mean to disrespect your family. But they left you out in the middle of nowhere with a father who wasn’t very social, a brother who has no clue how to rule, a mother who abandoned you, and sisters who married off as soon as they could.”

  She turns her head away, but I grab her chin and make her look at me.

  “You are special, princess. You are one of a kind, and they didn’t see it like I do. They mean nothing to me because they didn’t care for you the way they should have, and for that I will never forgive them. You turned out wonderful in spite of them, not because of them, and for that I will not seek vengeance on your family. But I will not allow you to think for one second that you are not worthy of all that you are owed. You are to sit by my side on the throne and show my kingdom what a true queen is.”

  I place a soft kiss on her lips and wipe away a stray tear.

  “A queen who is pure of heart and brave. A queen who is kind and loyal to her king. That is what I want my people to see. And tomorrow at sunset, I will present you to my people. And it will be the proudest moment of my life.”

  “How do you manage to be such a big brute but say the sweetest things?” She rubs her hands along my chest, and I want to purr at the sensation. I love when she pets me.

  “It’s easy to praise the woman I love. You deserve everything your heart desires.” I kiss her fingertips, and her green eyes sparkle. “Tell me something I can do for you.”

  She pretends to think for a second and then grins at me. “I am kind of hungry.”


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