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Highlander’s Elusive Bride: A Scottish Medieval Historical Romance

Page 11

by Adamina Young

  Instead, he turned to his own room. As soon as he opened the door, he heard gasps, a flurry of activity, and then a closing door.

  Curious, he stayed out in the hall, closed the door, and waited. It didn't take long for Kylie’s door to open, and she and another woman hurried out. They stopped short when they saw him. "Lasses," he said with an arched eyebrow.

  He didn't know the other woman, but she was young and pretty. With a giggle, she stepped forward, stars in her eyes, and Kylie grabbed her by the shoulders. "Excuse us, Laird Armstrong. Mary was just leaving, weren’t ye, Mary?"

  With a mumble under her breath, Mary dropped her head and hurried away.

  "Are ye making friends?"

  "Something like that."

  "And the reason ye were in my chambers?"

  Her eyes hardened. "Plotting to take ye down. Clearly," she snapped and tried to turn back to her room. Quickly, he slipped his arm around her. When she didn't stiffen, he smiled. "That is not what I think," he told her as he released her. "Allow me a private moment before ye retire."


  "Ye went to see Father Benedict. It couldnae have been easy."

  "I'm fine!” She walked back into her room but didn't close the door, so he followed her. "I know he told ye my real name, and before ye ask, no, I didnae know."

  "Do ye want to be Kylie or Kaitlyn?"

  "Or MacSeaver or Erksine?"

  Her voice was bitter, and he hurt for her. "Yer name is not ye, Kylie. Dinnae worry about it. When ye decide what ye want me to call ye, ye can let me know. I am more concerned about the guilt ye are carrying around in yer eyes."

  "No, well, yes, I do feel guilt, but speaking to him helped. Really, I'm fine. Ye should be happy. Seeing him made me realize what ye saved me from. I owe ye a debt.”

  “Ye can pay it by promising to never do anything so reckless with yer life again.” Slowly, he curved his finger over her jawline. Her skin was warm beneath his touch, and she closed her eyes and leaned into him.

  “Do ye really care so much about what happens to me?”

  “More than ye could ever know.”

  Abruptly, she stepped back. “Ye should get some sleep. Moira and Cora have a great many activities planned for ye tomorrow to help ye get to know the Sinclair lasses.”

  Without meaning to, he glanced at her bed, and she quickly opened the adjacent door to his room. “Goodnight, Laird Armstrong.”

  She’d never made her promise. His heart hurt, but he obliged her.

  “Goodnight, Kylie.”


  Helena Sinclair, with her long auburn braid and gorgeous smile, was soft-spoken and sweet. Her words were intelligent with a hint of humor, and when she stepped out into the sunshine, she all but glowed.

  Kylie hated her immediately.

  “If ye continue to scowl at her, ye are going to scare her away,” Moira whispered in her ear as she reached over and squeezed Kylie’s hand. “What is wrong? Yesterday ye said ye liked her.”

  “Nay, I do. She is wonderful. Laird Armstrong is sure to love her,” Kylie whispered back. Creighton and Helena were walking in front of them, and Connor and Alec trailed them, both complaining about how they had been roped into touring the fields while Helena and Creighton got to know each other.

  Moira and Cora flanked her on both sides, and although she hadn’t known them long, she was grateful for their support. Unfortunately, she couldn’t tell them what was really wrong. The pain and jealousy surging through her nearly took her breath away, but she tried to focus on smiling and relaxing.

  It was torture.

  When Creighton leaned down to murmur something in her ear, Kylie stumbled and flushed.

  “Kylie?” Cora asked, and everyone stopped and stared at her. Even more wonderful. Now everyone could see her humiliation.

  “I am so sorry, but my leg is giving me pain. I should return to the keep so I dinnae slow everyone up.”

  “I will walk ye back,” Connor volunteered quickly. “There is something that I need to do anyway.”

  Moira narrowed her eyes. “Oh, do ye now?”

  With a grin, he leaned over and gave his wife a quick kiss. “Enjoy yer day, my love. I will see ye in a little bit.”

  It was clear that Moira was not appeased, but she didn’t say anything as Connor offered Kylie his arm. She took it gratefully and ignored Creighton’s pointed stare as they walked back.

  “I hear that ye are thinking of staying in Sinclair lands.”

  There was no point in lying to him since everyone knew about Erksine. “That is what I told Creighton so he would escort me here, and it is lovely, but ye are the most powerful laird nearby, and I simply hoped ye might have information about Erksine.”

  “Ah, there it is. I wondered when ye would get around to asking,” he chuckled. “The truth is that I dinnae know that I have any answers for ye. I remember Erksine when my father had dealings with him, but he hasnae left his land for years, and I havenae traveled there. He and my father were on friendly terms. He had the biggest stallion I had ever laid eyes on, and he used to let me sit on his back. I loved going. My mother was furious whenever my father would take me because it was such a long journey.”

  It was a sweet story, but it didn’t mean anything. Men who killed often had two faces. “Do ye remember Erksine ever coming here?”

  “Nay, but I traveled with him frequently when I was old enough. If there was a visit, it would be in the archives. Ye are welcome to visit and look through, but ‘tis a mess down there.”

  It would at least take her mind off of Creighton whispering in Helena’s ear. Yesterday, she had approved of Helena, but last night, she’d found Helena’s sister Mary stripped nearly naked and waiting for Creighton in his bed, as if she’d planned on seducing him into marriage.

  She’d barely gotten Mary out in time, and while she suspected that Creighton wouldn’t ruin her reputation, she knew what it was like to regret a hastily-made decision, and she wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Luckily, Mary had seen to reason, and just in time.

  “That sounds like a perfect way to spend the afternoon. When ye say down there...”

  It turned out that “down there” was a musty room in a pocket chambers just above the dungeons. There were no windows, and Kylie held her breath as she carried her candle through the books and papers strewn every which way. One wrong move, and the room could go up in flames, ruining generations of history.

  After finding a safe space in the corner, she found a couple of pillows to make her comfortable and began perusing the dates. While there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the organization, whoever was keeping the records had at least began an index in the back. Anything that had Erksine’s name went into a pile by her seat, and once she had a nice pile, she sat down and began to read.

  The small print gave her a headache. The dust made her eyes water. After she’d gone through the pile and found nothing more than trade records, she started sifting through the books and creating a new pile. Her muscles began to ache, but it wasn’t until she heard someone softly clearing their throat that she realized she wasn’t alone.

  Creighton leaned casually against the doorway, but his eyes were intense. “Interested in the history of Sinclair?” he asked coldly.

  How long had he been standing there? It was difficult to calculate just how long she’d been there with no windows to indicate the time of day. “Ye know vera well what I am doing here.”

  “So ye are planning on pursuing this thing with Erksine? Damnation, Kylie, he wants to kill ye. Perhaps if ye just let things be, he would not.”

  “I was not pursuing anything seven years ago when he returned to Sinclair looking for me.” Kylie pointed to a book she’d set aside and the nearly illegible handwriting documenting Erksine’s visit. “And still he was looking for me. At least down here, I might find some answers, and do ye really think that Erksine can get to me here? Under the nose of the most powerful laird in the highlands?”

ghton snarled. “I can protect ye.”

  “Ye arenae going to be here, though. Once ye find yer bride, ye are off. Tell me, how did ye find Helena? Is the search already over?”

  “We arenae speaking of that. I want to know how far ye plan to take this. If Erksine showed up at the border and asked to speak to ye, would ye go?”

  “‘Tis easy for ye to judge. Ye know who killed yer brother.” Furious, she closed the book and stood. Dust flew up everywhere, and she tried to march by him, but he took her arm.

  “In case ye have forgotten, one brother was responsible for the death of the other, and most nights, when I close my eyes, I wish to hell that I didnae know.”

  “Ye are wrong,” she told him and tried to pull away, but his grip tightened.

  “Tell me who ye were with that night, Kylie.”


  He tugged on her arm, and she went willingly into his arms. Slowly, he brushed his lips across her, and she opened to him easily enough. Seeing all those other lasses made her want to be in his arms even more, and she tried not to think of them as he kissed her. Wrapping her arms around him, she melted into him, taking everything she could from him while she had the chance.

  But he wasn’t hers, so when he lifted his head, she escaped from his hold and hurried down the hall.

  She didn’t show at dinner, and Creighton was in ill temper when he went back to his chambers. Opening the door, he stilled when he saw the covers moving on his bed. “Kylie?” he murmured as he stepped forward, but when he pulled the blanket aside, it wasn’t a gorgeous blonde in his bed but a lovely redhead.

  And one he recognized from last night.

  “Mary,” he sighed. The young lass smiled at him and started to move the blankets the rest of the way, and he realized that she was naked beneath. “Oh, let’s not do that, darling. Give me just a moment.”

  Hurriedly, he headed to the adjacent door and opened it. “Kylie!”

  “Creighton!” Pushing the blanket back, Kylie nearly fell out of bed. “What is it? What is wrong?”

  “Dinnae take this the wrong way, but Mary is naked in my bed, and I was hoping ye could handle the situation for me.”

  “Seriously?” Kylie growled. “I thought I took care of this last night.”

  Ah. That explained it.

  Hurrying, she skipped through the adjoining door and shut the door behind her. Sinking onto Kylie’s bed, he leaned down, removed his boots, and settled back. Their beds were the same, but he was more comfortable in hers.

  A few minutes later, the door opened again. “All clear.”

  “Thank ye.” Settled more against the pillows, he closed his eyes. “Ye werenae at dinner. Did ye go back to the records room?”

  “Nay. I didnae feel much like company. Creighton?”


  “Ye can go back to yer own chambers now.”

  “In a moment.” Opening his eyes, he looked toward her and stretched out his arm. “Come here, Kylie.”

  After a moment of hesitation, she walked to him and sat on the edge of the bed with her back to him. Needing to touch her, he skimmed his knuckles down her arm. “Ye are angry with me.”

  “Ye cannae kiss me, Creighton. Ye shouldnae be in my bed. Ye shouldnae be touching me.”

  “Do ye think that I dinnae know that?” he hissed as he snatched his hand back. “Every time I look at ye now, I think about what might have happened to ye, and I feel ill. I need to know that ye are safe, and at least here, when I can touch ye, I know that ye are still here. I need ye to drop this.”

  Turning, she glared at him. “For yer peace of mind? He is already after me, Creighton. I am no longer inviting trouble. ‘Tis here. I deserve to know why. If I am to die, I should know what I’m dying for.”

  “Ye arenae dying! He wilnae touch ye.” Bolting upright, he pulled her into his lap and smiled with grim satisfaction when she immediately relaxed against him and rested her head on his chest.

  “One more night, Creighton. Ye can stay here one more night, but then whatever dance we are doing needs to be over. We both need to live our lives.”

  Separately. She didn’t have to say it. He knew what was in her head, and it made him hurt. But he didn’t argue with her. He just wrapped his arms around her and held her until she fell asleep.

  But he couldn’t relax. Nothing was working out as he’d planned, and he couldn’t figure out a way to make things right. So he held her because it was something he could do right then.

  The night was more than halfway over before he finally slipped into sleep.


  Once again, her bed was empty when she woke up the next morning, but she tried not to think about it as she dressed for the day. While Creighton was busy with his wooing, she had other things to do. But first, she would need an escort.

  Unsurprisingly, she found Moira and Cora without their husbands in the breakfast room. Lately, she’d discovered that Connor and Alec preferred to far away from their wives as they discuss the other lasses in the clan. It amused Kylie to know that discussing other women made happily married men intensely uncomfortable.

  “Kylie, good morning. Will ye be joining us today? Creighton is thus far unhappy with the lasses we have chosen. I am surprised that Helena didnae catch his eye, but Lindsey is a beauty. Surely he will like her.” Moria’s voice was strained, as if she was growing wearing of trying to match Creighton with someone.

  It was no wonder. Creighton had spoken as if he didn’t care who he wed, and now that he had his choice, suddenly none of them pleased him. Men were irritating.

  “I am certain that ye have that well in hand.” The last thing she wanted to do was watch another woman simpering all over him. “I actually had a favor to ask ye. I found a record that stated Erksine was here twenty-six years ago and demanded to speak with the families with young daughters. There was no explanation as to why, and I was hoping to see if any of those families might remember what the laird had said. Would ye happen to know of some families I could speak with and send me a guard to make the introductions?”

  “Oh, I think we can do better than that.” Moira sighed with relief. “Cora and I will go with ye. In truth, we tire of the matchmaking business. We want Creighton to fall in love, but he wilnae spend more than a few minutes with each lass, and when we chase him down, he just waves us off. ‘Tis as if he truly doesnae want to find a bride.”

  She tried not to notice how the news lightened her heart. “I am happy to have yer assistance.”

  “Do ye think he was looking for ye?”

  “Aye. I am hoping that one of them will remember why. If Connor’s father knows, he didn’t record it anywhere.” Kylie hesitated. “Ye should know that Creighton wishes me to drop the matter. Yer husbands may not be happy that ye are helping me.”

  “We both know what it is like to need answers, and so do our husbands. They would not stop us.” Cora smiled encouragingly. “And Creighton wants to keep you safe. He seems to care a good deal for you.”

  “He takes his duties a little too seriously,” Kylie said hastily before she joined them at the table. She didn’t miss the look that passed between the sisters-in-law, but she had more to worry about than that.

  After breakfast, they left a message with one of the Sinclair guards and headed out. The chill from the night still lingered, but they were dressed warmly, and it didn’t take them long to reach the first house.

  “Lady Moira and Lady Cora,” an elderly woman greeted them kindly. She hugged both women before her gaze lingered curiously on Kylie. “Ye must be the lass traveling with Laird Armstrong. Come in!”

  “I see news travels quickly,” Kylie muttered with a sigh.

  Instead of passing judgment, the woman threw back her head and laughed. “Of course it does. We have all been thrilled at the idea that Armstrong might marry one of us. Why, I have two daughters that would love to wed him. So ye can imagine our surprise when we all discover that he has arrived with a lovely woman on his ar

  “Believe me, I am not in competition to become Creighton’s wife. Yer daughters have nothing to worry about from me.”

  “I doubt that vera seriously, but after ye rescued my Mary from her foolish endeavors, I owe ye whatever it is that ye want from me.”

  Kylie’s eyes widened. “Ye are Mary and Helena’s mother?”

  “Aye. Please call me Edna.” Standing back, she waved them into the warm cottage. “Mary isnae too young to marry, but she isnae ready. Her father and I know that all too well, and her actions have only proven that, but when we pinned our hopes on Helena, it only fueled Mary’s competitive streak. I only learned last night what had happened when she came in late. I am mortified.”

  “What happened?” Cora asked curiously.

  “Nothing,” Kylie assured her, and Edna exhaled slowly as if she’d been afraid that Kylie would tell. “And I assure ye, Edna, Creighton was a perfect gentleman about it.”

  “Ack, well, since it seems he didnae take advantage of Mary or choose Helena, I have to wonder what is going through that man’s head, but I suspect I know now. Have ye come to reprimand me about Mary? Nay, I suppose not since ye two didnae know. Well, what can I do for ye?”

  Moira and Cora were both looking at Kylie curiously, but she saw no reason to do anything that might hurt Mary’s reputation. After all, she was young and foolish. “I had a question about an incident that happened quite some time ago. When Laird Erksine came to visit.”

  “Erksine.” Edna frowned and eased herself into a chair. “Aye, I have met the man. He has come several times to Sinclair. Visited me and the other families personally. What is it ye wish to know?”

  “We wish to know why.”

  “Which time?”

  All three women’s heads popped up. “What do ye mean which time?” Kylie demanded. “Erksine visited ye more than once?”

  “Aye. The first was when Helena was no more than a few months old. Erksine and several of his men snuck onto Sinclair lands and made it to our home first. I was terrified, for it looked like the laird meant to take Helena from me. He was so angry. He and my husband got into an awful fight before the neighbors heard and alerted Laird Sinclair. I thought we would go to war that night, but Erksine just fell to his knees and cried. It was heartbreaking.”


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