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Nine-to-Five Fantasies

Page 12

by Alison Tyler

  She started to giggle, “Enough,” she said, pushing my head away. “Oh, you’re killing me, sweetheart. How am I supposed to work like this?”

  “You asked for it,” I said with a self-satisfied smirk she couldn’t see. I was sitting on my feet under her desk, with my back against the wall. It was dark, and all I could hear now was the music fading away.

  I crawled around Lisa’s chair to watch as she fiddled with her sliders. The stage went from peachy keen to pool party, all because of her lighting effects. When the performers finished their shtick, Lisa pulled up the volume on the next track. It was a song I recognized, but not well enough to name or sing along. I wasn’t really up on popular music.

  But the audience definitely was. As the drag queens danced through the intro, the whole audience broke out in applause. When the chorus arrived, everybody sang along. Even Lisa joined in, though she sang quietly enough that only I could hear. I wrapped my arms around her neck and rocked her side to side. Watching our reflections in the dark glass of the booth window, I kissed her hair.

  “You’re cute,” I said, and she rolled her eyes. “What? You are.”

  Her cheeks burned crimson, but she only stopped singing long enough to say, “Thanks.”


  Crystal Jordan

  I glanced at the clock in the corner of my computer screen: 4:51 p.m. How much longer could I wait and be sure he’d pick up the phone when I called? 4:55 p.m. I watched the minutes tick toward quitting time, my stomach hollow from excitement and uncertainty. 4:56 p.m. I reached for the phone and tapped in the number for IT support. It rang once, twice, and I started to worry that I’d miscalculated.

  “IT department. This is Graham.”

  The rich Scottish burr that filtered through the receiver made my thighs quiver. I’d always had a thing for computer geeks. It’s shameful, really, but there it is. Add a sexy accent on top of that, and it was enough to set a girl’s panties on fire. It worked for me anyway.

  “Hello?” There was a tinge of impatience to the word, letting me know I was about five seconds away from being hung up on.

  I cleared my throat. “Hi, Graham. This is Sophie Stevens in marketing.”

  “Sophie.” I could all but hear the smile curving his lips. “More troubles?”

  Okay, so maybe this wasn’t the first time I’d had technical issues since he was hired two months ago. Then again, I probably wasn’t the only female employee who’d had some sudden computer problems that required his personal attention. Unfortunately, I was probably the only one not doing it on purpose. Though when I reported those problems was a whole different story. Timing was everything.

  “I think I’m beyond trouble at this point. My computer screen went blank on me, then turned blue.” At about ten this morning. “I tried restarting twice, but it didn’t help. Can you rescue me?”

  He chuckled, the sound husky and warm. “How much longer are you going to be in your office? I can stay late for you, if you like.”

  I liked. More than he could ever guess. “I’m putting in a little overtime today to work on a project, so I’ll be in my office. Though, without my computer, there’s not a lot I can do.” Which would be true, if I didn’t have my laptop with me. I tucked it into my briefcase and snapped the lid closed, concealing the evidence. “I really need your help.”

  “I can come and look the machine over now, but I may have to take it with me to fix it. Have you backed up your files like I showed you?”

  “Yes, sir,” I drawled, and he laughed.

  The scolding about having backups had happened the first time he’d come to my office to fix something. Him standing over me, his face so serious, had made me wet. Every time he’d been back since and said things about hardware and rams and bits and bytes had produced the same reaction. Seriously, was I the only one who saw how borderline pornographic the IT profession was? Not surprising that I took it that way, if I considered that unexplored fetish for techies, but the intensity of it with Graham was stunning. It made me want to do something about all that longing. So, here I was, staying late to see if he might be interested in more than just servicing my computer.

  I swallowed, a flush burning my cheeks. “Though I was in the middle of some work when it died on me. If there’s a chance to salvage that, I’d really appreciate it.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. Be there in a minute.”

  With that, he hung up, and I was left to wonder if I was out of my mind. My stomach twisted into a million knots and I pressed my sweaty palms to my desktop, blowing out a slow breath. This was insane. I was at work. True, the office had cleared out the moment five had rolled around, but still.

  A light tap sounded on my door and then Graham pushed it open. God, he was gorgeous. Thick black curls spilled over his forehead, dark-framed glasses set off brilliant blue eyes, and a square jaw and sharp cheekbones completed the picture. His tall, rangy body contrasted with the geeky image. No doubt why tech support had suddenly become such a popular department with the women in the company. Then again, maybe I wasn’t the only one with an unrequited craving for IT guys.

  “Hello, Sophie.” His lips tipped upward at the corners, the door clicked as it swung shut behind him and his gaze swept down my body slowly. “You look nice today.”

  The slightly awkward delivery of that compliment did nothing to cool my ardor. It just underscored the fantasies I’d had about him. I fought a shudder as he looked me over, hoping my nipples hadn’t beaded, but the way his eyes focused on my chest for just a moment too long told me they probably had. I thought I saw interest reflected in his expression, but I’d thought that before and nothing had ever happened between us. I doubted it ever would, unless I made a move.

  Three strides brought him around the desk and I had to tilt my head back to look at him. He was close enough I could smell the light scent of his aftershave, feel the heat of his body. His khaki pants brushed my bare calves, sending a wave of want boiling through me. I had to cross my legs to try and contain the ache between them. The movement only emphasized my need.

  He glanced at my monitor and shook his head. “Yes, the blue death screen isn’t a good sign.” He frowned. “Did you update your anti-malware like I told you?”

  Malware. I wasn’t even really sure what that meant, probably something to do with viruses, but it sounded sexy coming from his lips. Every time he said something in computer jargon, I all but panted. It was embarrassing, really. “I—I think so.”

  “Hm. I don’t know then.” He shook his head. “I prefer Linux to Microsoft, but I think I’m in the minority. Microsoft is too vulnerable to worms. Has it hung on you lately?”

  “Hung?” I couldn’t help it. My gaze dropped to his fly.

  He noticed, and a flush highlighted his sharp cheekbones, but a wicked little grin formed on his face. “Has it stopped working or been running slowly?”

  “Sorry, I don’t speak computer. It’s kind of sexy when other people can.” Oh, Jesus. Why had I admitted that? My brain had clearly gone the way of my computer. On the fritz. That was my idea of making a move? The floor could open up and swallow me now.

  He gaped. “You think so?”

  There wasn’t a single non-humiliating response I could think of, so I kept my mouth shut. I spread my hands and shrugged, my face as flushed as his.

  A truly sinful twinkle filled his blue eyes and he leaned toward me, his voice dropping to a low rumble. “So I shouldn’t talk to you about bogon filtering or metasyntactic variables, huh?”

  I closed my eyes, fire burning up my cheeks. Embarrassment tangled with desire. This was madness. “Um. My computer hasn’t been hanging or whatever. I would have called you. Technology tends to explode around me, so I leave it to the experts.”


  When I forced my eyes to open, I found him on his knees in front of me. And wasn’t that a lovely little fantasy come to life? “Yes?”

  One dark brow rose. “If you wouldn’t min
d…I need to fetch your computer out from under your desk.”

  “Right.” I pushed my toe against the floor, scooting my chair back a bit. “Sorry.”

  “Not a problem, lass.” He ducked his head and started unhooking all the cords and cables from the back of the metal box that held the brains of my computer.

  Sliding backward, he pulled the thing out and set it aside so it rested against one of the desk drawers. He pivoted on his knees to face me, his gaze suddenly focusing on my crossed legs. I watched his throat work, and his mouth opened as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out. Glancing down, I saw that my skirt had ridden up, exposing an indecent amount of my thighs. I made no attempt to pull the garment down.

  “See something you like, Graham?” The question was soft, almost a purr. The look on his face soothed something inside me for having spilled about my little addiction to people fluent in techno-lingo.

  He swallowed, his gaze unwavering. I could feel those blue eyes burning into my flesh like a laser. Naked hunger flashed across his expression, and he pushed his glasses up with one long finger. Instead of dropping his hand, he reached out to stroke a fingertip against my knee. He didn’t speak, didn’t meet my gaze, just focused utterly on what his hand was doing.

  The first touch sent a jolt straight to my belly. My sex clenched in helpless want. I could feel myself growing slick as he circled around my knee and feathered his fingers up the top of my thigh. My heart beat a rapid tattoo against my breastbone and my breathing sped. I’d imagined this so many times. Until today, I’d never actually thought it might happen. But this? This was irresistible. A slow seduction.

  When his eyes finally met mine, they gleamed with mirth and lust. “VoodooScript, C++, Fortran, Pseudocode.”

  I bit back a whimper as he edged his finger along the hem of my skirt. I don’t know which got to me faster—his touch or his words. “Graham, please.”

  He dipped down to nudge my legs apart, and I uncrossed them for him. Reaching out, I tugged off his glasses and set them on my desk.

  “Well, now I can’t see. I’ll have to get closer.” He didn’t sound perturbed about that at all. Leaning forward he brushed a kiss on the inside of my knee and I swallowed. His fingers slipped in to stroke over my panties, and I moaned. My hands gripped the arms of my chair as he traced the lips of my pussy through the lace of my underwear. His lips worked their way up my legs and he bit the inside of one thigh. A sob choked out of me, and moisture gushed from my pussy. I knew he felt it soak my panties, and he gave a little hum of approval that set off sparks within me.

  “Lift up,” he said.

  I arched my hips out of the chair, and he used the opportunity to drag my panties down and off. He stuffed the scrap of lace in his pocket. A groan ripped out of him as his gaze zeroed in on my naked sex. Lava flowed through my veins, a need so hot and sharp I couldn’t contain it. More. That was all I could think. More. His hands on my knees, he dragged me to the edge of the seat and bent forward to curl his tongue around my clit.

  “Graham.” His name burst from my lips, the sound caught somewhere between a gasp and a sob.

  My fingers slipped into his dark hair, the rough silk of it soft against my palms. I pulled him closer, shuddering as he formed his lips around that tight little bundle of nerves and sucked. My mouth fell open in a silent scream, and I pressed my legs as far apart as my chair would allow.

  A jolt of lightning sizzled through me when he bit down on my clit. His palm slid up from my knee, and my heart hammered at the thought of him caressing my bare sex. Then he did, rubbing over the wet flesh until I thought I’d die of pleasure. My head fell back against my chair, my eyes closing at the feel of him teasing my slit. My grip tightened on his hair as excitement shot through me. Oh, god. It felt so damn good. Better than any fantasy I’d ever had.

  The breath caught in my lungs when he pierced my pussy with one thick digit. He added two more, stretching me before he began thrusting deep. My sex clenched, and I knew I was seconds from climax.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” My hips left the chair as I arched hard, my pussy fisting around his fingers.

  My eyes snapped open when he hauled me out of the chair and into his arms. Shock reverberated through me when he slammed his mouth down over mine, shoving his tongue between my lips. I could taste my musky wetness mingled with his hot, masculine flavor. It made me moan, made me writhe against him, especially when his palms curved over my ass. I could feel the hard ridge of his erection against my stomach.

  God, I wanted him inside me, filling me. Just that quickly, my recently sated craving crested again, slicing through me like a white-hot blade. My senses whirled as he spun me around, backing me into the desk. He urged me up onto it, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. A groan poured from his mouth and into mine as he ground his cock into my pussy. The rough seam of his fly abraded my clit, the discomfort just twisting with all the other sensations that slammed into me at once, taking me to a place where pleasure and pain merged.

  His hands cupped my shoulders, pressing me flat on the hard wooden surface. Plucking at the buttons on my blouse, he worked my shirt open and spread it wide. He traced the edge of my bra, consternation on his face when he reached the front clasp that held it together. Our eyes met and we both grinned. Taking pity on him, I unfastened the clasp, and my bra peeled back to expose my breasts to his gaze. His pupils dilated so that only a slim ring of his blue irises remained, and lust flushed his face.

  “You’re so beautiful, Sophie.” There was a reverence in his voice when he covered my breasts, circling the tips with his fingers. He bent and sucked my nipple into his mouth, batting the tight crest with his tongue.

  My back bowed on the desk, a gasp strangling out of me when he bit down on my sensitive flesh. “Please.”

  A shudder of wicked anticipation gripped me as I heard the harsh rasp of his zipper. Yes. Oh, yes. I squeezed my thighs on his hips as I felt the tip of his cock nudge my opening. Then he pulled away, denying us both. I moaned a protest. His palms pressed to the desk on either side of my torso, his head down as his lungs bellowed for air.


  A growl issued from his throat. “I don’t have a condom with me.”

  Disappointment crashed over me, as did the knowledge that I’d been so far gone that I’d completely forgotten about protection. That had never happened to me before. Ever. This really was insane, and I still wished it didn’t have to stop.

  “Well, I don’t carry them with me ei—wait, I do have some.” I sat up and pointed to a small gift bag sitting on one of my filing cabinets. “We had a bachelorette luncheon for Tammy last week and one of the party favors everyone got were fluorescent condoms.”

  “At this point, I don’t care if they glow in the dark, lass.” His accent had thickened with need, and I loved the sound of it. He pushed away from the desk and strode over to the bag, rifling through it until he came up with a little foil packet.

  On his way back to me, he ripped it open and sheathed himself. He was…bigger than I’d have imagined, his cock a long, hard arc. I wanted to suck him, but I’d barely managed to open my mouth to say so when he shoved his hand in my hair, holding my head still for a rough, demanding kiss. The taste of him burst over my tongue, and I couldn’t hold back a moan. It was overwhelming, this dream turned reality. I twined my arms and legs around him, holding tight to this wicked fantasy. The kiss was all lips and teeth and tongues as we battled for control of it, fighting to take and give more at the same time.

  His hands moved between us, one palming my breast, and the other gliding lower so he could roll his thumb over my clit. I clutched at his shoulders, whimpering into his mouth and arching my body in offering. My sex clenched on emptiness, needing to be filled.

  As if he’d read my mind, the head of his cock slid over my slit, pressing forward one slow inch at a time. The stretch was fucking divine. I bunched my fingers in his shirt, letting my head fall back as I reveled in the feel
of him inside of me. Finally. I’d imagined this moment for so long.

  His lips moved down my throat, nipping, licking and sucking the tender skin. “SQL, syntax, ANSI, subroutine.”

  “Shut up and fuck me, Graham!” I huffed out a laugh, but dug my heels into his ass, bucking against him.

  He chuckled, his breath rushing over my damp skin, and goose bumps shivered down my limbs. Then he started moving. We both groaned at the exquisite friction. I leaned back on my hands, rocking forward into each of his thrusts. He started slowly, the drag of his flesh in mine an inconceivable ecstasy. Cupping my breasts in his hands, he rubbed his thumbs over my nipples, and my desire boiled out of control so fast it stunned me. Needy little sounds spilled from my throat with every movement he made. He picked up speed and force, his skin slapping against mine. When he rotated his pelvis against my clit, I exploded into orgasm.

  “Graham, Graham.” My inner muscles clamped around his thrusting cock, milking the length of him while he pistoned in and out of my pussy. He rode me hard through my climax, and another one built swiftly on its heels. I cried out as my sex pulsed hard around his, ecstasy dragging me under like a riptide.

  One, two, three more thrusts and he buried himself deep within me and groaned, shuddered. He dropped his forehead between my breasts, his breath rushing across my sweat-dampened skin while we slowly came down from the high. Long minutes passed before he spoke. “Jesus, Sophie. That was…”

  He shook his head as if he couldn’t find the right word. Neither could I. It was indescribable. I let a slow breath ease out of my lungs, a smile quirking my lips. I couldn’t believe I’d actually done this. I knew nothing about him, other than that he was a walking wet dream for me. Wild flings weren’t my style, but I didn’t have a single regret. Living out my fantasy was worth it. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  Easing back, he slipped out of me. I watched him try to clean himself up as best he could, but I stayed where I was, still too languid to bother moving. He came back to the desk, picked up his glasses, and put them on. There was a clang and he winced. I glanced down and saw that he’d banged his shin into my computer. He sighed. “I’ll have to take it with me. I should be able to return it to you tomorrow…but it might take me all day to fix it.”


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