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Love Unexpected

Page 2

by Raven K. Asher

  Staying in the truck, I watch as Troy smiles brightly back at them while. They obviously knew each other.

  After a moment I open my door and climb out.

  It was better to get this over with now rather than wait.

  “Is that your new truck, Troy?” The shorter one asks as he moves closer to my truck.

  “No, this is hers,” Troy answers him while motioning towards me.

  The guy looks at me and then glances back at Troy with a raised brow. “Is she your girlfriend then?”

  I snort in response.

  “She’s not my girlfriend, Ash.” Troy answers.

  “Then who the hell is she and why is she here?” Ash growls out as his eyes narrow.

  “Didn’t you get the memo? I’m your newest roommate.” I reply with a hint of disgust.

  There was no reason to hide my true feeling towards being here.

  His eyes widen with a mixture of shock and surprise before he glances back at the other guy who had kept quiet.

  “I bet Dad is just going to love this.” Ash snorts. “His gold-digging girlfriend never said a thing about having a daughter.”

  “Of course she didn’t.” I breathe out. “I’m shocked she even decided to bring me along.”

  “Drake, you should go tell our father the good news,” Ash states while studying me a bit closer.

  Drake leaves without ever saying a word.

  Ash stares at me for the longest time before he speaks. “I wouldn’t unpack your stuff. You won’t be staying long once my father learns about your mother’s deceit.”

  “Boy, you’re going to be fun to be around.” I bite out sarcastically.

  Before anyone can say another word Mom and an older version of Ash rush around the side of the house with Drake following close behind.

  They stop next to Ash and me.

  “Why didn’t you say anything, Vivian?” The man asks.

  “I didn’t want to scare you off, Benjamin.” Mom replies softly. “I’ve had so many good men leave me without ever saying a word once they find out about her.”

  “Vivian…” He sighs. “I wouldn’t run off just because you have a daughter. If you haven’t noticed I have two sons living with me; another child in this family wouldn’t have been an issue.”

  After a moment he turns his attention towards me while holding out his hand. “I’m sorry that we haven’t had the chance to meet. I’m Benjamin, and these are my sons Ashton and Drake.”

  “I’m Scarlett,” I reply while shaking his hand.

  “That’s a lovely name,” Benjamin replies with a bright smile.

  “She was named after my grandmother,” Mom states happily while wrapping her arm around his other arm. “Scarlett is an amazing daughter. You’re going to love her as much as I do, Benjamin.”

  “I’m sure I will.” He replies before releasing my hand.

  After a moment he turns his attention towards my mother. “Shall I show you around?”

  Mom nods enthusiastically. “Yes.”

  With that, they leave as quickly as they had come.

  “Well, shit.” Ash huffs out.

  I snort while turning my attention towards him. “It looks as if you’re stuck with me.”

  Ash grins menacingly as he moves around me.

  He pauses right behind me for a brief moment before whispering into my ear. “We’ll see about that.”

  I hold my breath as he thankfully moves back into the garage with Drake following close behind.

  “They can be intense, but they’re good guys once you get to know them.” Troy insists as he moves to stand by my side.

  “You could have warned me,” I reply.

  “Would it have made a difference?” He replies with a grin.

  “Probably not…” I sigh.

  “Scarlett, are you coming?” Mom suddenly shouts.

  I groan and close my eyes while pinching the bridge of my nose. After a moment I release a long-winded sigh before glancing at Troy.

  “If I don’t return in ten minutes send a rescue crew.” I plead.

  Troy chuckles while nodding. “I’ll send in an army.”

  I smile and then walk away from him to catch up with my mother and Benjamin who were just about to walk through the front entrance.

  They open the double oak doors carved with swirls and inlaid with delicate fogged glass while I remain standing in a state of awe as I look up at the three-story house towering above.

  This house was beyond bigger than anything I had ever been in.

  Once the awe wears off slightly, I step inside. Again, I stop to take in the grand entrance and the two beautifully carved staircases that led to a second story.

  “You can go upstairs and pick out your new room, Scarlett. Nowhere is off-limits, so make yourself feel at home.” Benjamin states abruptly as he appears from around the corner.

  I nod and give him my best smile before moving up the staircase quickly.

  I walk down a long hall to the left and past multiple rooms before I find another smaller staircase to another level. I pause at the bottom for a moment before moving up.

  On the third floor, I find a quiet hall with only a few doors on each side.

  Drake appears just down the hall, and I stop.

  His brow rises as he takes a few steps closer. “Are you lost?”

  I shake my head. “No, I was searching for a room. Your father told me to pick one.”

  He nods once. “There’s an empty room that no one is using a few doors down at the end of the hallway. You’re more than welcome to use it.”

  “Thank you,” I reply gratefully.

  “Don’t thank me yet.” He replies with a low growl. “My brother and I won’t be as accepting of you or your mother like our father is. We don’t want you here and the sooner you two leave, the happier we’ll be.”

  “I’d rather leave sooner than later anyway,” I reply honestly.

  “Good.” He replies before taking a few steps closer to me.

  Much like his brother did Grant walks a circle around me before he stops behind me. His warm minty breath fans over my neck.

  I close my eyes and hold my breath as he places his hands on my hips.

  “Maybe we can make your short stay here a little more enjoyable.” He whispers into my ear. “I bet mommy-dearest would hate it if her darling daughter were to sleep with one of her new step-brothers. Could you imagine the uproar that would cause?”

  “That’s never going to happen,” I growl out while reopening my eyes.

  “You’ll give in, they always do,” Grant replies before releasing me abruptly.

  Without another word he walks away, leaving me frozen in place.

  Instead of moving down the hall to the room he had spoken about I walk towards the stairs. I rush down them and then down to the first floor and through the front doors.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Troy calls out as I run towards my truck.

  “I can’t stay here. I have to leave.” I reply as I approach him. “I need the keys.”

  “Tell me what happened first.” He pushes.

  “Ash and Grant are terrible,” I answer quickly. “I’m not going to stay here. I don’t care what my mother wants.”

  Troy opens his mouth to say something, but Mom marches out of the garage.

  “So help me, Scarlett, if you don’t make nice with Benjamin’s sons I will have you taken away to someplace where they can deal with your attitude.” Mom snarls before pointing towards the house. “Get back inside and pick a damn room.”

  With that, she walks back towards the house with a huff.

  I whimper softly as tears fill my eyes. If I didn’t go back inside, then she would no doubt have me shipped off to some horrible boarding school, or worse, a hospital for the mentally ill. Whatever it was she would make my life a living hell.

  “Scarlett…?” Troy whispers softly.

  I shake my head in response.

  He sighs. “Let’s get your stuff unp
acked. Once we’re done, I’ll take you out for dinner or something. I’ll get you away from here for a little while if you want.”

  Right now I was more than willing to take him up on his offer. To hell with my insecurities, I couldn’t stay in this house any longer than necessary.

  “That sounds good, Troy,” I reply softly.

  He grunts in response before moving towards the back of my truck. He grabs a box and then hands it to me before grabbing another one.

  Together we move back into the house.

  Chapter Three

  “Scarlett, are you finished yet?” Mom questions before she walks into the room.

  She sighs dramatically while placing her hand on her hip. “Scarlett, I can’t believe you haven’t even begun to unpack a single box.”

  “It’s not like we’re going to stay here long,” I reply.

  Rolling her eyes Mom sighs again. “Either way I want you to get dressed; we’re going out to dinner with Benjamin and his sons.”

  “I can’t. I’ve already made plans with Troy.” I reply.

  “Who’s Troy?” She questions.

  As if on cue Troy walks into the room carrying another one of my boxes.

  I wave my hand towards him. “This is Troy, and I’ve already promised him that we would go out together so he can show me around town.”

  Mom instantly gives me a disapproving look.

  It was exactly what I had expected from her.

  Turning her attention towards Troy, she huffs. “Could you be dear and give my daughter and me a moment to speak alone?”

  “Yes, Ma’am…” Troy replies before he quickly exits the room.

  A moment later Mom shuts the door and then takes in a deep breath before turning back around to look at me with a glare.

  She points her finger sternly at me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? That boy is beneath you. He’s the help. You shouldn’t be going out on dates with him. There are far more eligible guys in this town for you to be with.”

  “It’s not like I’m going to fall madly in love with him.” I snap.

  “Either way you’re going to tell him that you can’t go.” She replies. “You are coming out with Benjamin and me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.” I bite out.

  “You most certainly are, or else I will make certain that that boy knows that you’re unavailable to him. I will make certain that he is never allowed back into this house.” She replies.

  Without another word, she turns and then opens the door.

  She walks out leaving me all alone in my room, digging my fingernails into the palms of my hands. My anger bubbles over, and before I can stop myself, I turn and kick the nearest box.

  Glass shatters inside of it as it tumbles onto another box.

  “Whoa, are you alright?” Troy asks as he walks back into the room with a small box in his hands.

  I release a heavy breath before pinching the bridge of my nose while closing my eyes tightly. “I’m going to have to cancel our plans. My mother is being a real bitch.”

  “Oh…” Troy breathes out. “Well, maybe another time?”

  Sighing softly I open my eyes to look at him. “If she has her way we’ll never get the chance. She doesn’t want me to be around you at all.”

  He nods while bowing his head.

  After a moment he looks back up at me with a smile playing on his lips. “What mommy dearest doesn’t know won’t hurt her, will it?”

  I shake my head while a smirk plays on my lips. “You are trouble.”

  He shrugs. “I could care less about what your mother thinks about me. I don’t mind sneaking around especially for someone as beautiful as you.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I breathe out.

  “How is she going to know that I’m not here with Ash and Drake? They are my friends after all; she can’t make me stay away. Drake and Ash would have a fit if she even tried to run me off.” Troy replies.

  “My mother can be vicious, Troy. It would be better for both of us if we stayed far away from each other.” I reply gently.

  He nods and then sighs while rubbing the back of his neck. “Alright, but if for any reason you ever change your mind I’ll be around.”

  I smile in response and then watch as he walks out of the room.

  My smile instantly falls as I turn my back to the door.

  One day back in my life and my mother had already destroyed any kind of happiness that I could have possibly found.

  She was another reason that I never let anyone close. I couldn’t let her destroy whatever relationship that I could have. Plus, I didn’t want to force anyone else to suffer through knowing my mother.

  No one deserved that fate.

  “Like hell if I’m going out to dinner with these bimbos.” Ash suddenly shouts causing his voice to echo through the hall and into my room.

  Once again my anger builds.

  Turning back around I march out into the hallway where Drake and Ash were standing.

  They turn to look at me in question.

  Before they can say a word, I raise my hands into the air and flip them my middle fingers. “As if I want to have dinner with you dirty dogs.”

  I swear Drake smiles in response.

  “Come over here and say that.” Ash taunts before a cocky smirk spreads across his lips. “I’ll show you just how dirty this dog can get, Baby.”

  His response only makes me angrier.

  Before I can stop myself, I march right up to him before smiling sweetly. I reach down while his attention remains focused on my face and grab his manhood through his jeans.

  Ash releases a yelp as I squeeze.

  “You don’t want to mess with me, understand?” I state calmly.

  He nods, and I release him before taking a step back.

  Without another word I turn and then begin walking back to my room.

  “Shit, I think I’m beginning to like this girl.” Drake laughs. “She’s feisty.”

  A small smile spreads across my lips as I continue to walk away. Oddly enough Drake’s response made me excited. It also gave me butterflies.

  I couldn’t help it; Drake was good-looking after all.

  Then again so was Ash and even though I had hurt him his body had reacted in the opposite manner than what I had expected to the pain. The look in his eyes had caused my heart to skip a beat as well.

  My threat had been nothing more than a challenge to Ash.

  Once I’m inside my room I shut the door and then lean back against it while placing my hand over my rapidly beating heart.

  After a moment I step away from the door and then move towards the boxes with my clothing.

  No matter how I felt, I had to get ready for this dinner that my mother had planned. It was easier to just go instead of fighting against her.


  “Scarlett, you better be ready to go,” Mom states sternly as she walks into my room without knocking.

  She stops as I turn to face her.

  “Oh…” She whispers while scanning me from head to toe.

  There wasn’t a single thing that she could say about the way that I was dressed. The outfit that I was wearing was something that she had picked out herself for me to wear a few months before she had left.

  The outfit consisted of a pleated jean skirt and a sparkly red v-neck halter top. I had matched it with a black leather wrist cuff and a silver heart locket necklace. I had even pulled out a pair of knee-high boots that she had bought for me.

  It was something I’m sure she never expected me to wear.

  I typically never would have worn an outfit so revealing. I stuck to jeans and tee shirts that rarely showed off any curves.

  Oddly enough I felt comfortable.

  “You look nice.” Mom states after her shock wears off.

  “But your hair is all wrong.” She then states with a huff before she moves forward.

  Of course, she would find something wrong. I s
hould have known better.

  Without another word, she grabs a few hairpins from one of my boxes before pushing me to stand with my back towards her.

  For the first time in a very long time, she begins brushing my hair.

  Her hands gently comb through my hair before she begins braiding it. Once the braid is finished, she twirls it into a bun before she starts pinning it into place.

  As soon as she’s finished Mom takes a step back while I stare at our reflection in the tall mirror in front of us.

  “That’s much better,” Mom announces with a smile.

  I nod and smile back at her. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Her smile grows for a moment before she sighs. “We should go. I don’t want to make Benjamin wait any longer than we already have.”

  I nod and then turn to follow her as she leaves my room.

  As we walk down the hallway, Ash and Drake exit their rooms and then quietly follow after us.

  Moments later we arrive downstairs where Benjamin was patiently waiting for us.

  He smiles brightly. “Vivian, Scarlett, you look lovely.”

  “Thank you, Benjamin.” Mom gushes while she moves towards him.

  As they kiss I glance towards Drake and Ash as they watch with a hint of disgust written on their faces. I couldn’t blame them, but there was no way I was going to watch.

  “Shall we go?” Benjamin asks abruptly.

  Drake and Ash grunt in response.

  “About that, would you mind if Drake and I took our own car?” Ash questions his father.

  Benjamin glances towards my mother before nodding. “That would be fine, but if you’re going to take your car, I think that you should take Scarlett with you.”

  “I wouldn’t mind some time alone with her mother.” He adds.

  Ash groans softly, but Drake nods. “That works for us.”

  “Alright, then let’s go. Just follow the limo.” Benjamin states before wrapping his arm around my mother’s waist.

  They then turn and walk away, leaving me behind with Ash and Drake.

  “Damn it…” Ash breathes out.

  After a moment they direct their attention towards me.

  “Any chance you can make yourself suddenly sick?” Ash asks.


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