Book Read Free

Love Unexpected

Page 8

by Raven K. Asher

  The world around me blurs while a distinct buzz fills my ears.

  “Scarlett…?” Ash questions as he stands slowly.

  I look at him through a haze as I sway in my seat slightly.

  My ears begin to ring, and everything starts to go black around the edge of my vision as I begin to fall to the side.

  Before I hit the floor Ash catches me in his arms. He stares down at me with worry as Benjamin Troy, and Drake appear behind him.

  “Scarlett, what’s wrong?” Ash whispers.

  “She’s fine.” Mom insists loudly.

  “How can you say that? She nearly passed out.” Benjamin snaps.

  “This isn’t the first time that it’s happened.” Mom replies with annoyance. “All she needs is to relax and take her medication.”

  After a few moments, she appears above me. “Do you have your medication, Scarlett?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Well, why not?” She huffs out.

  “I couldn’t make an appointment with my doctor without you. My prescription ran out months ago.” I answer softly as I close my eyes.

  She shakes her head. “Well, you should have said something.”

  “Wait, what kind of medication do you need?” Benjamin questions.

  “Xanax, she needs Xanax.” Mom answers for me.

  “Ash…?” Ben breathes out.

  “I have some extra that she can use,” Ash replies.

  “Where are they?” Drake questions next.

  “They’re in the top drawer of my tall dresser.” Ash answers.

  “Can we talk for a moment alone, Vivian?” Benjamin asks after a moment of silence.

  Without a word, they leave the room while Ash lifts me back up into my seat. He tenderly pushes my hair behind my ears while searching my eyes.

  “Are you alright?” He questions softly.

  “No. My heart feels as if it’s about to pound right out of my chest.” I answer honestly.

  He nods and then grabs my hand before placing it against his chest. “I want you to breathe with me okay. Focus on my chest rising and falling and the beat of my heart under your hand.”

  I nod and then close my eyes as I take in a deep breath before releasing it at the same time that he exhales. Seconds later I repeat the motion.

  “Is she going to be alright?” Troy whispers.

  “She’ll be fine. It’s just a really bad anxiety attack. I get them every once in a while.” Ash answers. “I used to have attacks for no real reason at all.”

  “Either way she’ll be alright, won’t you, Scarlett?” Ash states while touching my cheek with his other hand.

  I nod and then reopen my eyes to look up at Troy. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Good.” He breathes out in relief.

  After a few moments, Drake returns to the room with a bottle in his hand. “Here, this is the only bottle that I could find in your drawer, Ash.”

  “This is the one she needs,” Ash replies as he takes the bottle from Drake.

  “How was I supposed to know that she hadn’t gone to the doctors? She never said a word to me.” Mom suddenly screeches.

  No one says a word as it becomes quiet again.

  “I’m a good mother.” She snaps loudly.

  “Good mother, my ass…” I whisper.

  After a few minutes, Benjamin walks into the dining room alone.

  He sighs. “Do you have enough medication for both of you for a week or so, Ash?”

  Ash nods. “Yeah, I have plenty.”

  “Good.” He replies before turning his attention towards me. “Scarlett, I’m going to contact our doctor on Monday to get you an appointment. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to come to me. I’ll make sure you get the care that you need.”

  “Thank you,” I reply gratefully.

  “You’re welcome.” He replies before scrubbing his hand over his face. “I think it would be best if the four of you leave for the farmhouse as soon as possible.”

  With that Benjamin leaves the room again.

  “Here, take this,” Ash instructs a moment later as he shakes a pill out of the bottle and into the palm of his hand.

  He hands me the pill before grabbing my glass of water from the table. I place the pill into my mouth before taking a long drink of my water to wash it down.

  A smile crosses his lips as he pats my hand that was still resting against his chest.

  “Feeling better now?” He asks.

  I nod. “I am. Thank you, Ash.”

  “I guess we should get out of here,” Drake states with a sigh. “I doubt any of us want to stick around to hear what happens next.”

  “Do you think this is it?” I whisper while looking at Ash.

  He shrugs. “Either they’ll split up or make up.”

  “You might as well make the best of this weekend.” Drake chimes in.

  He was right because if things went south, then this would be the last weekend that I’d be here before my mother drug me off to some other town and into some other stranger’s home.

  Sighing softly, I nod and then stand up. “I’ll pack a bag and meet you guys down in the garage.”

  They nod and remain in place as I walk away.

  Once I’m in my room, I shut the door before leaning back against it. My vision blurs as I glance towards the boxes stacked in the corner.

  Of all the places that I had been, I didn’t want to leave.

  I wanted to stay. I wanted to be with Ash and Drake. I wanted to stay with Troy.

  My heart ached to think that I would be forced to walk away from them and even Benjamin who had been more of a father figure to me than anyone ever had since my birth father.

  A few tears escape and roll down my cheeks.

  After a few minutes, I move into my room to gather some clothes to take with me to the farmhouse. It was best to get ready so that I could put this mess behind me for the time being.

  Like Drake had said, it was better to make the best of this weekend because I had no idea what next week would bring.

  This weekend I would forget about having to leave, and I would focus on having fun.

  I wasn’t going to hold back.

  I was going to make this a weekend that I wouldn’t forget.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Scarlett…Scarlett, wake up sleepy head.” Ash sings from his spot sitting in the passenger’s seat while Troy gently nudges his shoulder against my head.

  I groan softly while opening my eyes.

  “Don’t be like that.” Troy chuckles before continuing. “We’re almost there.”

  That gets my attention. I quickly sit up and then look out the windows at the fields of green that we were passing by.

  “Do you even have any neighbors?” I snort.

  “The nearest person is five miles away.” Drake answers. “Of course, there’s Trevor; he lives in a small house near the farmhouse. He takes care of everything while we’re away.”

  “Don’t forget Jake and Andy. They are usually around too, but they don’t live on the property.” Ash chimes in.

  I sigh as I turn my attention to Ash and Drake in the front. “When is the party going to start?”

  They share a look before Ash looks back at me. “Uh, well, we kind of called it off. We figured it would be best if it was just the four of us hanging out together instead.”

  “You didn’t have to do that,” I reply. “You should at least invite a few people.”

  “Are you sure?” Drake asks while glancing back at me through the rearview window.

  “Yes, invite some others. Invite some girls for god’s sake.” I laugh.

  Drake, Ash, and Troy chuckle in response.

  “Alright, I’ll invite a few others but not too many.” Ash gives in before he begins typing on his phone.

  Troy kisses the side of my head while wrapping his arm around my shoulders and Drake watches me through the rearview mirror while I stare back at him.

  So many emotions
flash across Drake’s face as he glances between me and the road.

  Most of those emotions mirrored my own.

  Somewhere along the lines, I had grown close to Drake. My feelings for him had blossomed into something more than friendship.

  To be completely honest I was dying to kiss him.

  At the same time, I knew that doing just that would complicate things way too much. Plus, I had a great guy by my side already. I couldn’t do that to Troy.

  A girl could dream though.

  The hum of the car’s engine fills the silence as Drake drives down the road before turning onto a graveled road that cut between two corn fields.

  My excitement grows as the cornfields disappear and two large pastures come into view.

  I unfasten my seatbelt and lean forward as a small herd of horses begin running on the other side of the fence.

  “It looks like Thunder has missed you.” Ash snorts.

  “That’s my boy,” Drake replies proudly.

  After a few moments, Drake pulls up next to a large white three-story farmhouse. He parks the car and then exits quickly while the rest of us move at a slower pace.

  Once I’m out of the car I watch as Drake greets the horse that had led the herd as they ran.

  “That’s Drake’s pride and joy. No girl will ever come between those two.” Ash states while nodding towards the charcoal grey horse that Drake was petting.

  He nudges my shoulder with his. “Go, check them out.”

  I nod and then glance back at Troy before I walk over to the fence with Drake.

  One of the horses stomps their foot, and I jump back.

  “They’re not going to hurt you.” Drake laughs lightly. “These guys are like big puppy dogs. As long as you scratch their noses, they’ll fall in love.”

  I reach out and close my eyes.

  Drake barks out in laughter as I wait for one of the horses to come to me.

  I reopen my eyes when one of them places its nose against my hand. It just so happens to be his horse. I squeal with excitement as I glance towards Drake.

  He grins. “He likes you.”

  “What’s his name?” I ask curiously as I slowly begin petting his face.

  “I originally named him Lightning, but he ended up being a bit of a lazy boy so Thunder it is.” Drake answers. “He lives up to his name when he runs.”

  “Which one is Ash’s?” I question next.

  Before Drake can answer, Ash climbs over the fence before moving between the horses. A few moments later he begins running away from the herd with a playful black and white horse running behind him.

  “That’s Ash’s goofball of a horse.” Drake chuckles lightly. “His name is Pongo.”

  “Like the dog from that cartoon with the Dalmatians?” I ask.

  Drake nods. “That’s the one. Ash watched that movie over and over when we were kids. He drove us nuts with it. I swear he could quote it word for word.”

  I laugh as I watch Ash playfully dance around the field with his horse.

  For a moment Ash glances in my direction with a bright smile. And in that moment I find myself falling for him just as much as I had fallen for Drake.

  Unlike with Drake, I had a closer connection with Ash.

  The more I got to know him the more that I realized that we had a lot in common. The only thing different was that he was better at hiding his pain than I was.

  “Ah, the boys have arrived.” Someone shouts in greeting.

  A man wearing a cowboy hat walks towards us with an easy grin playing on his lips. He slightly resembled Benjamin.

  Drake steps towards him before they give each other a brotherly hug.

  Troy is the next to greet him with a fist bump while I stay standing next to the fence.

  Ash leaps over the fence again before charging towards the man. They laugh loudly as they tumble to the ground.

  After a few minutes, they stand back up before the man nods towards me as he dusts his hat off.

  “Who’s this lovely creature?” He asks.

  “This is Scarlett. She’s the girl I told you about.” Drake answers him before motioning towards the man. “Scarlett, this is Trevor. He’s our half brother.”

  “Oh…I didn’t realize that you had any other brothers.” I reply while looking at Drake in question.

  “These two like to keep that little secret from everyone,” Trevor replies. “It’s better that way though. I get to be a part of the family without having to deal with the drama.”

  “You’re the lucky one lately. The drama has been at an all-time high.” Ash snorts.

  “I take it that’s why you’ve decided to grace me with your company for the weekend?” Trevor asks with a smirk. “Or is it the party that you two always have after the first week of school.”

  “We were coming for the party, but we called it off. We have other issues going on, and we didn’t want to deal with too many people.” Drake explains.

  “Seriously…? You guys have never called off a party.” Trevor replies with surprise.

  Drake sighs while rubbing his hand over his face. “Dad and Scarlett’s mother might be on the outs. We don’t exactly want to lose her so we’ve decided to make the best of the weekend since it might be her last here.”

  “Oh…” Trevor breathes out as he shares a look with Drake.

  A moment of silence passes before Trevor claps his hands together. “Anyway, you guys should get your stuff inside, and I’ll tack up the horses so we can take a ride.”

  Troy wraps his arm around my waist as we begin walking towards the house.

  We stop at the car to grab our bags before going inside.


  “Are you sure that you’re alright sleeping on the couch?” I question Troy for the hundredth time.

  He chuckles while placing his hand against my cheek. “I am completely fine sleeping on the couch. I’m not going to push you into doing something that you’re not ready for.”

  I nod and then lean into his touch. “I just feel bad.”

  “Don’t.” He replies sternly before leaning in to kiss me.

  After a moment he pulls away. “You should go outside to join Drake, Ash, and Trevor.”

  “You’re not going to ride with us?” I ask confused.

  Troy shakes his head. “Horses and me don’t mix very well. I’m happier with my legs on solid ground. And anyway someone has to stay behind to greet the people Ash invited to the party.”

  “Are you sure?” I press.

  He nods. “Go, have fun.”

  I grin and then lean up to kiss him once more before I rush out of the house to join Drake, Ash, and Trevor.

  Once I reach the barn, I stop just around the corner as Trevor’s voice becomes clear.

  “If that’s the girl you’ve been telling me about then why does someone else have their hands on her?” Trevor questions.

  “It’s complicated, Trevor.” Drake huffs out.

  “You took too long to admit how you felt,” Trevor replies.

  “Yeah, but I’m not the only one who feels this way about her.” Drake sighs. “Ash is crazy about her, and you know how he is. This girl has done some crazy things to him, and she doesn’t even know it.”

  “She’s got both of you wrapped around her fingers.” Trevor teases.

  “And we’re about to lose her.” Drake breathes out. “I’m worried about what’s going to happen to Ash if she has to go.”

  “Ash will be fine,” Trevor replies.

  “I’ll be fine,” Ash whispers into my ear abruptly.

  I gasp and then turn to face him. I nearly fall over my own two feet, but Ash grabs my hips to keep me from falling.

  We gaze into each other’s eyes for the longest time before Ash bows his head.

  “You overheard more than you should have.” He whispers.

  “Is it true?” I press.

  He nods while looking at me with his blue eyes and dark lashes. “Yes. We both care about you more than yo
u know.”

  Before I can respond, he releases me before walking away.

  After a few moments, I walk into the barn.

  Drake and Trevor look up as I move closer to them.

  “Have you ever ridden a horse before?” Trevor asks as he moves towards me.

  I shake my head. “Nope; this is a first for me.”

  “Then you should probably ride with one of us. If I had a horse that I trusted with a new rider, then I would have you ride it, but these guys can be a bit rowdy.” Trevor replies.

  “She can ride with me.” Ash insists as he appears while leading his horse through the barn.

  He stops next to me before waiting for me to make the next move. I smile and then move next to him.

  Without warning, he grabs my hips before lifting me onto the back of his horse. Seconds later he jumps onto the saddle behind me.

  Placing his arm around my waist, he kicks the horse into motion.

  I laugh nervously as the horse walks out of the barn.

  Ash guides us around the farmhouse before turning towards a path cutting through the cornfields.

  We pick up speed as Drake and Trevor join us.

  The longer we ride, the more comfortable I get with Ash. I lean back against his body while his breath fans over the back of my neck.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” He whispers into my ear.

  I turn my head slightly. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He replies simply.

  And I really was enjoying myself more than I should have been. I was enjoying the way that his body was brushing against mine and the way he was warming my back.

  I was enjoying the way that his fingertips would graze my skin just above my jeans with every move that the horse made.

  Closing my eyes, I take in the scents surrounding me.

  Ash stops the horse suddenly, and I reopen my eyes. Without warning, he turns us to face Drake and Trevor who had been trailing behind us.

  They look at Ash with confusion.

  “Ash, what’s wrong?” Drake questions gently.

  No one says a word. Instead of saying a word Ash’s arm tightens around my waist as his body becomes tense behind me.

  “Ash…” Trevor tries.

  His heartbeat thumps against my back as I lean against him again.

  Placing one hand over his, I intertwine our fingers together before reaching back with my other hand. I close my eyes again as I trail my fingers through his hair.


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