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Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Dawn Forrest

  “Big shoes to fill and I’m quaking in my little boots,” Brad joked.

  “Well, thanks for that. I am finding it hard to concentrate.” Angela grimaced.

  She stood up and smoothed her skirt. The smell of her arousal was strong, and he saw the look of satisfaction and lust on Mike’s face as he herded her out of the room. When they closed the door behind them, he went to stand behind Brad, who sat at another desk, poised, ready to type.

  “We’re not now on the public message board, and we’re private and secure. What would you like to say?”

  “Tell him that Katherine Akara is the only known female werewolf in existence, who went missing from Scotland twenty-four years ago.”

  She’s the only woman alive I know of who can give me children, and I passed up the opportunity on the grounds that it was against my principles to use the woman and because I’m holding out for my true-mate. What a shmuck. He finally admitted outright to himself that he’d been afraid to meet her, afraid that he wouldn’t be able to resist her and that his beast would insist on having her, true-mate or not.

  Brad’s fingers flew across the keyboard and ended with a forceful tap on the enter key. They waited and then received a response that neither of them had been expecting.

  Katherine Akara, of the Maori Pack, is my mother. Connor McDonald, of the Scots Pack, was my father. A male werewolf called Khan attacked us two hours ago in Reedville, Virginia. I managed to escape, but my mother is in danger. She urgently needs the help of the Pack. I need to meet with the Prime Alpha to discuss.

  Brad turned to him, eyes wide and bright in surprise.

  “Say yes, I will meet.”

  “Chief, I have to say be careful, because it could be some sort of coup attempt. If Jo is Katherine’s son, then he’ll be a powerful werewolf.”

  “It isn’t Katherine’s son, Brad, it’s her daughter, and she is a werewolf.”

  “What!” He looked shocked. “Fuck, that’s worse, Chief. We’ve a house full of Alphas, half of whom are unmated.”

  Like he didn’t know it. Will nodded, acknowledging that the situation would be volatile. “We’ll have to take precautions.”

  They waited for a few moments after their reply was sent. Obviously Jo was also thinking along the lines of personal security, because she wrote back, What is your Skype address? I want to see and speak with the Prime.

  Two minutes later, he was in front of the laptop looking at the grainy image of an attractive yet bedraggled young woman.

  “Hi, I’m Joanna Akara.” She moved closer, obviously peering at his image.

  “Hello, Jo. I am Will Hawke, Prime Alpha of the North American Packs and Alpha of the Montana Mountain Pack.”

  “Prime Hawke, I need to meet with you, but there’s a problem.” She took a deep breath. “I’m a werewolf, I ‘became’ last month.” She squinted at him. “You don’t seem very surprised.”

  “I’m not. I found out about you today when an Enforcer of mine picked up your scent while he was tracking a rogue.”

  “Oh. Well, Prime Alpha Hawke, do you guarantee my safety and promise on your honor that I will be able to leave freely should I wish to?”

  “I will do my best to protect you and your freedom. Where are you? I can send some mated men to bring you in.”

  She replied quickly with a sardonic chuckle. “I’m not so sure about that. The fewer Weres that know about me the better, at least until I’m with you and under Pack protection. In fact, you could be anyone. You’re smaller than I expected. Hey, do you have some ID?”

  Although he was six foot three, he’d heard that many times because at first glance he was a fairly unassuming-looking guy. Like a Japanese martial arts master, he had a lean physique that was all muscle, but it was not obvious beneath clothes. In werewolf form he was eight foot tall, solid and ripped, but he kept the beast within him under such tight control that most Weres did not realize just how much he dampened that dark, deadly, utterly vicious part of his soul. It had caused many a werewolf to underestimate him, at their peril. He deliberately cultivated a layer of polite civility because it contrasted so greatly with his whispered lethal reputation. The fact that his savagery wasn’t immediately apparent served as even more of a threat to those who sought to challenge him. It also thankfully ensured that he didn’t have to let the beast slip its chains very often. He fished out his wallet and held his driver’s license up to the camera. She squinted closer.

  “It actually looks like you,” she commented. “I guess you probably are Prime Alpha Hawke. I’ll soon be in Denver, Colorado.”

  “How about I send a jet with no one else except the pilot to pick you up?”

  “You can do that?” she sounded surprised.

  “Yep, I’m Prime and I’ve had a few hundred years to accumulate wealth.”

  She appeared to hesitate. “Is the pilot human?”

  “No. Harry’s a dormant male Were.”

  “Does it have a cargo hold? I’d like to bring my Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle. I’d just feel better making my own way to The Den once I’m in Montana.”

  “Nice bike, but wouldn’t you be more comfortable in a car?”

  “I’d really like to have my bike with me.”

  Ah, she wanted another escape route. She didn’t want to be totally dependent on him. That was fair enough, although once she was on that plane for all intents and purposes he had her.

  “That shouldn’t be a problem.” What he didn’t say was the cargo hold was big enough on the small jet because it’d been adapted to contain the odd irate werewolf from time to time. Oh darling, you could be walking straight into a trap.

  “Okay, send me the details and I’ll be there.”

  She gave him an e-mail address and Brad quickly jotted it down.

  “The precise GPS coordinates for The Den would be useful. I don’t want to be stopped or talk to anyone else until I’m standing in front of you at the headquarters. I’m sure you realize that I’m taking a huge risk as it is. Mom will kill me.” She muttered the last sentence under her breath.

  “Sure. The flight should take about an hour and a half. It’ll take you that amount of time again to get to The Den, although that depends on how fast you ride.”

  She grinned. “Oh, I ride plenty fast enough.”

  “I have to tell you that the Were Council is meeting here at the moment. I’ll clear the place of unmated males for your arrival, and if you decide to stay I will protect you, but I just thought that you should know. Your existence will no longer be a secret.” He didn’t want her unprepared and spooked by all the male scents she’d pick up, and he thought she should understand the possible consequences of her decision.

  “My mom told me about the Council and other Pack Gatherings. I guess there are a lot of unmated Alphas around?” She sounded a little nervous, and he couldn’t blame her.

  “Yes, but maybe it’s about time we discussed the issue of female werewolves such as yourself. What do you think? Perhaps you could present your case to the Council?” If he had Council backing for her protection, it would make all their lives easier.

  She smiled into the camera. “I think I may like you, Prime Alpha Hawke.” Then she added, “You are mated, aren’t you?”

  “Actually, no, but if I have to stuff eucalyptus oil up my nostrils and wear a nose peg, I will.” He tried a smile.

  She gave a nervous half chuckle. “I could wear a space suit. We’ll find out if that’s necessary tomorrow. My mom really needs your help.”

  He nodded to give her reassurance. “As I said, I’ll do my best to protect you both.”

  “Well then I hope your best is good enough.”

  So did he. She was still so young and vulnerable. God, he hoped that he could be true to his word.

  “Jo, if you don’t feel safe and want to tell me all you know right now, then I’ll help your mom anyway. I know the Alpha that is involved in your mom’s abduction, but your description of him and testimony to the Council will
help.” He was giving her the option not to come into the wolf’s den, and a part of him hoped she’d take it.

  “Thank you, but I don’t want to live like my mom has, and Lord knows she needs some peace. If there is a chance to get some resolution to make our lives easier, then I’ll take it,” she said bravely.

  “Okay, we’ll discuss it tomorrow, but for now just get yourself here safely.”

  “Please inform your security to let me pass through without stopping.”

  He nodded, but she had already cut the connection.

  She was cautious, but not cautious enough. She was taking a whooping risk. A wily old Were like him would make mincemeat out of her. He guessed that concern for her mother had overcome objections that she must have inherited from Katherine about her possible future life in the Pack.

  He addressed Brad. “Speak to Harry Smith, have him immediately work out a flight plan for arriving in Denver tomorrow, then send the details to Jo. Call Kil and Greg because they are currently in Onancock trying to find Katherine and Joanna. Fill them in on current events.”

  Brad didn’t look surprised that he was already dealing with the situation. Most of his Pack seemed to think that their leader had a supernatural ability to foresee events. In truth, it was often just a case of evaluating information, good planning, covering his bases, and more than a fair share of luck and circumstance.

  “Pass on the information that she has given us and tell them to try to locate Ashok Khan and Katherine. They should not aggressively engage but keep us posted. Organize a long training hike for the unmated non-Alpha werewolves and recall the other mated warriors, but don’t say why. I’ll brief them tomorrow. We’ll need them all at The Den if we are to protect the females.”

  “No problem, Prime, but what about the unmated Alpha Councilors and delegates?”

  Will knew that Brad sometimes felt uncomfortable around very dominant males and tended to keep out of the way. The bookish young man had been sneaking around The Den all week, avoiding them and staying in the office or library, but Will needed all hands to the pump at the moment.

  “I know it’s not normally your job, Brad, but I don’t want to disturb Angela and Mike in their pre-bonding time. You’ll have to organize and lead a trip for the unmated Alphas tomorrow. A visit, including lunch, to the main village of the Pack should keep them occupied for an hour or two.”

  A few lovely, unmated Were females lived in the village, and more women than usual were around because of the college spring break.

  Brad looked decidedly uncomfortable, even more so than when he’d agreed to give a communications-technology talk to the Council tomorrow, but he nevertheless nodded his compliance. Will huffed, because he was now reduced to asking a submissive male to take on the role of cupid to a bunch of Alphas. Whatever next?

  * * * *

  Joanna Akara sat in a quiet corner of an Internet café in the airport, nursing a coffee and writing down the coordinates for The Den. She had purchased new dry clothes and was waiting for a plane to Denver. The Prime Alpha lived in north Montana, which is why she had never gone near the place. It was mountain and forest country with mile upon mile of trails to run. It was the perfect location for werewolves. She sighed and hoped that the Council would not hold her captive because she was a werewolf female. Prime Hawke seemed reasonable enough, although that could be an act.

  She was worried about her mom and checked their emergency e-mail box, but there was nothing yet. She left a brief message about what she was going to do. Jo decided not to contact her mother directly in case Khan tried to use her as leverage to get them both. She’d wait until she knew whether or not the Were Council or Hawke would help. After contacting the Pack she used a public pay phone to call her best friend, Lynne. Again she was glad that her mother made her memorize important numbers, because her cell phone had been in her pocket and not the waterproof pack when she’d dived overboard. She sadly thought that she would not be seeing much of Lynne in the future because she didn’t want to place her in danger.

  There was something about Lynne that Jo found platonically attractive. Her scent was comforting and suggestive of the stable, settled home she’d never had. She had even visited and stayed at Lynne’s parents’ house a few times and found them to be kind and friendly people. Unfortunately her mom had never met her friend, but if Lynne found it odd she never let on. Her mom had always stayed away from Denver in order to not compromise Jo’s home. It would also be tricky to explain how she looked so young.

  Lynne was waiting for Jo at Denver International Airport, and her face lit up with delight when she spotted her.

  “Joey,” she yelled and ran to embrace her.

  Jo had to lean down to fully engage the enthusiastic hug that Lynne gave her. She had to make a conscious effort to relax because she was not a touchy-feely person, and Lynne, well, Lynne was tactile, a real cuddle cat. It actually felt good to be held. Lynne knew that she wasn’t totally comfortable with close physical contact, but it didn’t stop her. Uncharacteristically, Jo wanted to hang onto her friend and pour out her problems, but she couldn’t.

  “You okay, Joey? You only stayed stiff for a few seconds, you must be loosening up, girl,” her friend half joked with concern.

  The two women were best friends and had similar interests, but they were different in personality and appearance. Jo was organized and, by necessity, very independent. She was six foot tall with an athletic, almost muscular figure. She had golden skin and dark-brown hair with more than a hint of red, especially when the sun shone on it. Her mom said that her dark eyes were well deep, and her last boyfriend had said that they were like limpid pools, but Jo just thought it was a young man’s poetic attempt to get into her pants. It failed of course, as it always did.

  Lynne was like a breath of fresh air, a ball of free energy. She was creative and social, with a wicked sense of humor. She was five foot eight inches tall and had a curvaceous figure with a full chest, small waist, and hips to shake and roll, which she often did on the dance floor. Her hair was the golden color of ripe wheat and her eyes cornflower blue. Although not as physically fit as Jo, she still had a mean punch and could execute a powerful roundhouse when they sparred in karate.

  Joanna pulled back from her friend’s embrace, keeping one hand on her arm.

  “Not really, Lynne, but I can’t tell you much about it. My mom’s in trouble, and I have to go to Montana quickly to get help. I need my bike. Is it still in the space where I left it?”

  “Yeah, I took it for a quick spin last week and checked it over. It’s running well. You’re not thinking of riding all the way, are you? There are faster ways to get there.”

  “No, it’ll go with me on a plane.”

  When Hawke had suggested sending his jet for her she had quickly considered the options. Flying independently and hanging around Kalispell while she hired transportation wasn’t a great idea. The chances of running into a werewolf there were significantly higher than elsewhere. Arriving in Montana on Hawke’s jet would offer her protection—assuming he was true to his word—and then using her own bike offered a means of possible escape. All in all it was marginally the most logical option. More importantly, over and above logic, was that bike was her most treasured possession. She figured that if this was a one-way trip then she darn well wanted to do it in her version of style.

  “Is that possible?”

  “It is now,” she replied cryptically. “I’d like to rest up at the house for a few hours if that’s okay?”

  “Of course, but only if you don’t have an OCD episode and start warding off cats and dogs again. Let’s go.” Lynne laughed as she quickly walked to her car.

  “Ah, well, I can’t promise that.” She winced, knowing that it was exactly what she had to do before she left.

  When they were on the freeway, Lynne concentrated on driving, but with a frown on her face she asked, “Are you sure I can’t help you more, Jo?”

  “Well, actually, there is one
thing. Can I borrow your GPS and that scarf you’re wearing?”

  If Lynne’s biker leathers had fit she would have snaffled those, too, but unfortunately they were way too short. She was hoping that by wearing another woman’s item of clothing she could disguise her own scent or at least confuse a hunter. It was a long shot.

  “You’re back two minutes, and you already want my stuff!” She put on a face of mock outrage. “Your leathers, helmet, boots, and gloves are still in a box in your room. I won’t pretend to understand, but if you need my scarf or anything else, it’s yours.”

  “Thanks, you’re a star, and if I could tell you what’s going on, I would.”

  “But you can’t, I know, after all you’re my clandestine best friend who disappears at a moment’s notice.” Lynne gave a half chuckle. “Just be careful, and don’t do anything rash or dangerous.”

  You mean like ride right into a den full of werewolves who’ll want to fuck me and get me pregnant? But all she said was, “You know me.”

  Lynne suddenly grew serious. “Now we both know that’s not altogether true.”

  Yet here she was, helping her out, requiring no explanation, a true friend.

  When they were back at her apartment, she used Lynne’s computer to print off the information that Hawke had sent. There were coordinates to The Den and also to a relatively small private airport sixteen miles outside of Denver. The plane would be waiting for her from eight o’clock in the morning. She checked her e-mail in-box again, but there were still no new messages from her mom. Jo was definitely worried now, and it reaffirmed that she was doing the right thing by contacting Hawke. In truth she was relieved that the decision about contacting the Pack had been an easy one to make, given the circumstances. She honestly couldn’t see herself spending her life on the run like her mom. She would be careful about giving the Pack too much information, though, as she never underestimated her mother.

  She tried to get a few hours of sleep on her old bed but was almost overwhelmed by the feeling that major changes to her life were about to occur. After tomorrow, things would never be the same. It could be a good or bad thing, depending on how a group of Alphas saw her situation. She rested fitfully and had a strange, erotic half dream about frenzied mating with two snow-white werewolves while howling at the moon.


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