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Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 18

by Dawn Forrest

  She listened as Carol explained what would happen tonight.

  “Today, April 17th, the sun sets at 8:29 p.m., and the moon rises at 8:40 p.m. You will both be driven to a clearing in the forest half an hour before the sunset. The chosen areas have shelter, teepees that have been prepared with furs and blankets. Because it’ll be a cold night, the fire pits will be lit. Angela, I will stay with you until just after the sunset, but then I must leave. Mike will start the run with the other unmated males, near The Den. It will not take him long to catch your scent and find you. Don’t worry if another werewolf comes across you first, because you have Mike’s scent. Unless you are their mate, a healthy werewolf will not be interested in you. They will not attack you as prey because they still have enough cognitive reason not to harm you. Most will avoid you if they catch your scent. I’m very glad that Prime Khan has gone because there is something not right about that werewolf, and I wouldn’t have felt comfortable leaving you alone with him around. When your mate finds you, what do you do?”

  “I stay calm, breathe deeply, inhale his scent and pheromones.”

  “That’s right, it’ll help your body and mind to accept your mate. Mike is a Prime, and your father has confirmed that he is a large beast. Do not be afraid because he will not hurt you. He’ll want to mount you quickly. When he draws near, drop the cloak and go to your hands and knees. Instinct will take care of the rest. When it is over and you are no longer tied, the beast will probably leave to run and hunt nearby. It is the nature of the animal to take off after the bond is formed and the initial lust is sated, but he will remain close and probably return to mate again. Snuggle down in the teepee until morning. Mike will most likely return before the moon sets at around 6:00 a.m. A vehicle will be left for you to drive back to the cabin.”

  She turned to Joanna and sighed. “You’re on your own.”

  Jo felt a sinking dread in the pit of her stomach and the blood drain from her face.

  “God, I’m kidding, girl, lighten up. Of course you aren’t alone!” She laughed and gave her a nudge. “I just thought it was all sounding too serious. Have a sip of your buck’s fizz. Karen has offered to accompany you. You will also be assigned two very trusted and mated Beta male guards from the Montana Mountain Pack.”

  “Thanks, Karen, I appreciate it.” Jo wished it could be her mother with her, but she was grateful for the offer.

  Karen nodded and smiled. “It’s my pleasure and honor to accompany you, Joanna Akara.”

  Angela’s mom continued. “Karen should leave at sunset to get back in time for her mate. The guards will stay with you until just before moonrise, and then they will leave to allow you to strip in private for your change. It will probably be unsafe for them to be around you when the Volkovs find you. To avoid other unmated males, you will be taken to a secret, more isolated location, and Yuri and Vladimir will be dropped off within five miles of you. You’ll probably run with them until moonset, and you can make your way back together. Any questions?”

  Jo looked at Angela’s face and knew what concerned her the most but clearly she didn’t want to ask her mom.

  “Er, I’ve never seen a male in beast form before. My guys are…er…big…all over. Will that part get much larger?” She could feel her face getting hot. Awkward.

  Angela sent her a look conveying gratitude.

  “Well, your physiology will also change, so I doubt you’ll have a problem,” Angela’s mom said.

  Karen must have seen the look that transpired between the new friends.

  “Changed males aren’t that much bigger when they first enter a female. As with several other species of animals, the penis swells and gets much bigger near the base in response to vaginal contractions and ejaculation. When that happens, the chemicals in their seminal fluid also cause the vaginal muscles at the entrance to constrict and tighten more. This is what we jokingly refer to as ‘tying the knot.’ Do not be afraid, because it feels amazing.” She said it simply, matter-of-factly, without embarrassment.

  Angela still looked tense, but Jo could also detect a faint taint of arousal, too. It surprised her that Karen seemed to have enjoyed the experience. She was curious and wanted to know more.

  “Where do you women go on a full moon?”

  “What do you mean?” asked Karen.

  “Well, er, don’t your mates come after you? How do you avoid getting pregnant?” She didn’t see many pregnant women, but she couldn’t see a werewolf putting on a condom.

  “It is not easy to get pregnant, so the answer is we often don’t avoid our mates. If for some reason we can’t have sex with our fellas, like it’s too soon after having a baby or something, then either our guys run farther away to avoid temptation or we go for a little vacation. Most males can control themselves and stay away, but Packs have safe houses. The kids get used to large sleepovers at an early age, and quite a few of us have at least a secure basement adapted. All Alphas have safe places that can be used for either keeping a werewolf in or out. I don’t know about you, but most males don’t like being indoors if they can help it. They want to be outside in the moonlight.”

  Joanna knew how that felt because she had experienced the thrilling buzz of moonbeams on her skin when she’d changed. The elation at running free was equaled only by sex with Yuri and Vlad.

  “Hold on a moment, are you saying you don’t avoid sex with—with the beast? You like to mate on a full moon?” She couldn’t help the surprise in her voice.

  The room filled with giggles.

  “Honey, there ain’t nothin’ beats a beast,” joked an attractive blonde called Mary.

  “It may be fast, but wow, it’s wild,” said another.

  “Pure animalistic pleasure. It’s amazing to experience what the beast feels through our bond,” a redhead said with a dreamy expression. “In some ways I envy that you can change, Jo.”

  “So, tonight the forest will be full of randy werewolves and their wives?”

  “Yeah, more than would normally be the case because some of us are visiting with our Alpha hubbys,” blonde Mary answered. “I, for one, am not freezing my ass off, though. I’ll be waiting on the porch of the cabin and tucked up in bed not too long after.” A few other ladies murmured in agreement.

  “Don’t forget, Jo, there aren’t usually this many Weres together. You are at the Pack’s headquarters, and there is a Council Gathering, so there are many more werewolves around than normal, and more mated couples.”

  So tonight was going to be a real fuck fest. Her thoughts were interrupted when Mike knocked and came in.

  “G’day, ladies. Starting early, aren’t we?” he teased, eyeing the champagne.

  “Just a glass or two, max. Will would get cranky if we got them tipsy,” Angela’s mom explained.

  “Well, apparently Vlad, Yuri, and I are going to get a male-to-male werewolf talk now from some of the mated guys. I’ll see you all later at lunch.” He winked at Angela, nodded at the rest of them, and then took off.

  “You know, despite all my fears, I can’t wait for tonight,” Angela said with a dreamy expression. “Just the scent of that man…mmm.”

  Jo knew just what she meant.

  Chapter 15

  Anil Kumar watched as Khan paced back and forth, working out a new scheme. He was clearly vexed because he had wanted to hire a helicopter without a pilot, but the Americans had thwarted him. They hadn’t been impressed by Vikram’s qualifications and documentation, even though Anil was certain Vikram was a better pilot, with more varied experience, than any of the American flying cowboys he’d seen.

  An outsider would be a huge complication when trying to return with a reluctant female, so the plan had to be changed. Khan decided to be dropped off by helicopter near Katherine’s location. Vikram, their trusted dormant Were pilot, would stay with the jet. Anil had been instructed to take a car to Katherine’s coordinates, but he would have to stop en route in a remote area for his change and full-moon run. In the morning he would col
lect Khan and his prize. They would take Katherine back with them, bundle her into the jet, and head for home via Tokyo. It was a good plan, but Anil wasn’t going to follow it.

  He carefully schooled his features and used some of the meditative skills he had acquired from practicing yoga. Keeping his heart rate even, he turned to his Prime and took the keys to the 4x4 they had just hired. He was itching to get going so that he could do what needed to be done.

  “We will wait for a little while before we go our separate ways,” Khan said evenly.

  By the gods, did he suspect?

  “I thought that it would be better to start out now in order to allow sufficient time before moonrise. I thought you were eager to start the hunt, my Prime.”

  Khan looked at him as if he were an imbecile.

  “No, Anil, you did not think at all. I do not want to give my female a chance to call for help. I do not wish to give her a chance to defend herself with weapons she will undoubtedly have. You forget that this is Katherine Akara we are talking about, a superior female werewolf, not some common slut.” His voice took on that fevered tone, the one he used only when talking about that woman. He continued, “My advantage will come once the moon has her sway. Akara’s beast will be no match for mine.” Now he was all assured arrogance and aggression. His moods were so volatile these days, and there was an edge of desperation, so much so that Anil saw not only evil but also insanity.

  Anil nodded, fighting to not break out into a sweat. He had to stay calm, or Khan would be able to smell his distress. There could still be time. They sat as if a congenial little gathering, drinking coffee and eating lunch, seemingly without a care in the world. Painfully long hours passed while Khan busied himself with his laptop and Anil pretended to concentrate on a book. Only when the hands of the clock hit four did Khan make a move.

  “I will see you at the rendezvous point tomorrow morning, ten o’clock. Do not be early, do not be late,” Khan instructed.

  Anil nodded once. “As you command, my Prime. Good hunting.” He forced himself to smile before turning toward the car.

  Only when he was a good distance from the airport, in the foothills of the mountains and under the cover of trees, did he stop and make the call he’d thought long and hard about for the past few days. It was a huge risk, but he couldn’t expect to ever again get such a good opportunity to be rid of Khan. Of course he could just go along with the plan, but he knew that Zoongaash would never be safe until she was out of Khan’s and his cronies’ clutches.

  Hawke didn’t pick up. Come on, come on. Anil started to panic, but he tried again. This time the call was answered on the fifth ring.

  “Hawke here.”

  “This is Anil Kumar, I need to talk with you.”

  “Where are you, and what do you want?”

  The man sounded calm, as if he’d been expecting the call.

  “Before I answer your questions I need your assurance that, whatever happens, my daughter Zoongaash will have a place of refuge with your Pack.”

  “Done,” Hawke said without hesitation. “Now, tell me.”

  * * * *

  Will quickly sought the man he trusted most, his loyal friend, tribal brother, and close confidant for many years, Kilchil Hunt.

  “So, you’re going to save Katherine from Khan?”

  “That’s the idea.”

  Will knew what was coming next, knew that Kil wouldn’t pussyfoot around the issue.

  “And who will save her from you?”

  That was the problem. They both knew that aggression and passion are closely related. A werewolf’s greatest desires were to run, hunt, kill, and mate. Once the blood lust was upon him, once he’d killed Khan, he would go after Akara and there would be no stopping him. The scream of primal need to fuck her would drown out all whispers of restraint.

  “I’m the lesser of two evils. I won’t force her to stay with me.”

  Ever direct and to the point, Kil said, “You will be compelled to rape a female. You will not feel good about that in the morning, and neither will she.”

  Like he didn’t know it. “You think I shouldn’t go, and that I should let Khan take her?”

  “No, you must go. You cannot send anyone else, because Khan is powerful and will go berserk if anyone tries to come between him and the female. He is insane, so you must end it, Will, and do what must be done.”

  “You will lead the run tonight, Kil. Let the Volkovs know what is happening, but I recommend that they don’t tell Jo and cause her unnecessary worry. We’re cutting it fine, where Katherine is staying the sun will set at 6:25 p.m., and the moon rises at around 7:30 p.m. I’m taking the jet straight to her location.”

  Kil looked puzzled. “There is no landing strip there.”

  “The plane isn’t going to land, I’m going to jump.”

  Kil stared at him. “I hope that woman appreciates what you’re doing and doesn’t tear a strip off your ass. You should have seen Khan when I picked him up.”

  “I’ll probably deserve it.” He gave a mirthless smile. “I will call in as soon as possible in the morning.”

  * * * *

  Katherine had the uneasy feeling that she was being watched. Even though she was on the home straight to some semblance of security, she still hadn’t relaxed her guard. The helicopter she’d heard about an hour ago worried her, but the sound of the rotors had faded away, suggesting that it hadn’t landed nearby. Still, she had learnt to trust her instincts in the past and wasn’t about to ignore them now. Should she stay in the cabin that offered some protection and was easily defendable but would become a trap once she had changed? Or should she head into the forest where she was more exposed but could run? What to do, what to do? Damn, it was hard to think straight with the sun sinking fast over the mountain and the moon beginning to gain ascendance. The loud drone of a very low-flying plane pumped life into her impotent mind. She went outside and saw a jet slowly pass very low overhead. That was unusual. She walked around the cabin and inhaled deeply through her nose as she scanned the area. Nothing, but then scents can be disguised, and there was a light breeze. The plane seemed to speed up and gain altitude. Staying put didn’t feel right.

  She went inside and grabbed her crossbow and arrows. Her gun was already stashed in her shoulder holster, but it would only be useful for another twenty minutes, after which she wouldn’t be able to hold it properly. The crossbow could be used for a little while longer, even as a club, and the arrows as stakes if necessary. Her razor-sharp silver-plated knife was already strapped in a sheath to her outer thigh. She didn’t bother sneaking out of the house because if there was another werewolf out there he would be downwind and easily smell her. Instead she flung open the front door and bolted for the trees in the opposite direction.

  * * * *

  From the drop-off point, Khan had hiked for half an hour, following Katherine’s scent as easily as if a yellow brick road had led him to the cabin. He stashed his rucksack in a tree and bided his time, watching the cabin intently. Soon, very soon, they would both shift and he would have her. All his trials and errors with unworthy females over the last twenty years had led him to this place and to her at this critical time.

  He heard the plane before he saw it approaching from behind him, because the thick forest obscured his view. What the hell was someone doing flying so low here in the mountains at this time? He didn’t believe in coincidences, and it appeared that neither did Katherine Akara. He forced himself to be patient when he saw her walk around her cabin, sniff the air, and then head back inside. At least he now knew that she carried a gun and a knife, just as he’d expected. By the Gods, I know my woman. He wouldn’t have long to wait until he was sinking his cock into her tight cunt and his teeth into her firm shoulder. Already he felt the pull of the moon on his body, and his spirit heard the whispered lunar song, like a siren calling forth his beast.

  His attention lapsed for a moment, and before he knew it, she was streaking across the ground in front
of the cabin and into the trees. He registered the addition of the crossbow and quiver slung across her straight back. Let the hunt begin. He laughed as he stood up and moved forward. Mistake. A fraction of a second later, he heard a sound like a puff of air and instinctively ducked. There was a louder thud as a bullet hit the tree behind him. Fuck! From his crouched position on the ground he could see a glistening substance on the tree, and the smell in his nostrils confirmed it to be silver nitrate. It is just not possible to overestimate my bitch. Keeping low, he crawled behind another, wider tree and waited. Gods, but she is truly magnificent! Surely in all history there has never been a hunt with such a prize as her. He would worship her with his domination. She had more than earned it.

  He could smell her. She wasn’t hanging around, she was moving fast around and…toward him! He dropped and rolled behind a boulder just as another bullet struck and splintered bark where his heart had been but a moment earlier. Fucking amazing! The woman thought to hunt him! Fortunately, unlike her gun, his did not have a silencer. He pulled his revolver from the shoulder holster and fired a warning shot into the air. That would give her something to think about.

  “Katherine,” he shouted. “You should run now while you have the chance. I won’t shoot you if you run.”

  “What, and miss the opportunity to shoot you?” she yelled back. “You won’t be able to hold that gun for much longer, and then I’ll finish you, you mangy mutt.”

  She would pay for that comment.

  “My revolver has been especially adapted, my dear. I can use it until the last possible moment, so you see we are at an impasse.”

  “You don’t want to kill me. I want to kill you. That’s not an impasse.”

  She was moving, trying to carefully work her way around him so that he couldn’t smell her, but he’d be able to catch her beautiful scent in a storm at this close range.

  He leapt up, and with reflexes honed from years of experience and practice, he quickly located her and fired, a deliberate near miss, before dropping down.


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