His Love

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His Love Page 14

by Jennifer Gracen

  “You’re wonderful,” he murmured into her skin. “Magnificent…” His teeth scraped along her skin, making her shiver. “Incredible…”

  “Keep going,” she said, and they laughed together before he took her mouth in a passionate, possessive kiss.

  The doorbell rang.

  Gavin lifted his head and looked up at it, then down at Toni. “To interrupt kissing like this must be illegal,” he said. “We shouldn’t answer it.”

  She giggled and patted his ass. “Go see who it is. I’ll wait right here.”

  He harrumphed but grinned at her as he climbed off and went to open the door. A nicely dressed, well groomed couple he’d never seen stood before him, probably in their late fifties or early sixties if he had to guess. He was fair-haired and fair-skinned, she was dark-haired and olive skinned, with wide dark eyes that were scrutinizing him intently. “Hello,” he said. “Can I help you?”

  “Hi there,” the woman said, studying him with a frown. “Who are you?”

  “Mom?” Toni’s quickly rolled off the couch and stepped up behind Gavin, wide-eyed. “Dad? What are you two doing here?”

  “We were in the neighborhood,” Toni’s mother smiled, her eyes still glued to Gavin. “So we thought we’d drop by and say hello.”

  “You’re never in this neighborhood,” Toni said flatly. She looked to her father. “You’ll tell me the truth, won’t you? This is a setup?”

  “Nice! Very nice!” Maria cried.

  “Ehm, why don’t you both come in,” Gavin suggested, moving aside.

  Toni blew out a sigh as her parents came further into the living room and Gavin closed the door behind them. She narrowed her eyes at her mother, who narrowed hers back. “Surprise attack,” Toni whispered hotly. “Nice move.”

  “We just missed you,” her father said. “Take it easy.”

  At her father’s calm tone, Toni relaxed a little, as she always did. She held out a hand to Gavin, who was standing behind them looking slightly puzzled. He went around them to take her hand as she said, “Mom, Dad, this is Gavin McKinnon. He’s Anna’s brother, he’s been here visiting her for a few weeks.” She tipped her face up to him. “Gavin, these are my parents, Maria and Peter Westmore.”

  “Pleasure to meet you both,” Gavin said, extending his hand. “You have quite a lovely daughter.”

  “We certainly think so,” Peter smiled, firmly shaking the outstretched hand.

  “Oooh, that accent!” Maria smiled. “That’s so charming.”

  Gavin grinned and said, “And here I was thinkin’ the same about yours.”

  Maria chuckled, and Toni knew her mother was warming to him already. Her whole body relaxed and she leaned into Gavin’s side. His arm slid around her waist. “You’re both doctors, Dad.”

  “Really?” Peter looked to Gavin. “What specialty?”

  “General now,” Gavin answered, “but I’m switchin’ to pediatrics in the fall.”

  “Well, you’ll have plenty to talk about then,” Maria said. She turned her smile on her daughter.

  “You’re staying?” Toni asked.

  “For a little while. If that’s all right,” Maria said, beaming her smile then to Gavin instead of Toni.

  Oooh, you’re smooth, Mom, Toni thought with twinges of temper and amusement.

  “Of course it is!” Gavin said, pleasant as always and seemingly unruffled. “Have you eaten dinner yet? Would you like something to eat, or maybe a glass of wine?”

  “We did have dinner already, in town,” Maria said. With a glance to her daughter, she added, “We went to Luigi’s. It was all right. But my sauce is better.”

  “No one’s compares to yours, my dear,” Peter said, putting a hand to the small of his wife’s back.

  “Smart man,” Toni muttered, tossing a wink at her dad.

  “A glass of wine sounds nice,” Maria said.

  “Of course,” Toni said, giving up. “Come on in.”

  “Where are all your roommates?” Maria asked as they all moved further into the living room.

  “Anna and Wren are both working,” Toni said. “They work nights. And Joe went for a bike ride on the boardwalk.”

  “So it’s just us four here?”

  “Yup,” Toni said.

  “Hope we’re not interrupting anything,” Peter said.

  “No, it’s fine, Dad. Sit tight, we’ll go grab some wine.”

  Peter and Maria made themselves comfortable on the couch. When Toni and Gavin went into the kitchen, she grasped his forearm and whispered, “I’m sorry about this. I had no idea they were coming here tonight. We’ve been ambushed.”

  “Why would they ambush you?” Gavin whispered back as he retrieved a bottle of Riesling from the refrigerator.

  Toni went to the cabinet for the wine glasses. “Because I haven’t seen them in a few weeks, so my mom must’ve decided to drop by unannounced.”

  “Does she do that often?”

  “No.” She placed four goblets on the counter. “I think she really wanted to grill me about you.”

  He turned to her, brows lifted, and put the bottle beside the glasses. “You told her about me?”

  Toni’s cheeks flushed pink. “Yeah. Last week. Just a little bit… is that okay?”

  “Of course it is.” He hauled her in for a lingering kiss. “But you didn’t want me to meet them, I’m assumin’?”

  Her mouth fell open as she tried to think of the right way to put it. “That’s not it. No, you’re great, they’re great, but it’s just…”

  The light left his eyes and his voice pitched low. “You weren’t going to introduce me to them because you only do that with someone you’re serious about, and we’re just a short fling. I understand.”

  “Yes,” she said. “But at the same time, no. Let me explain.”

  “No need,” he said, pulling away.

  She grabbed his arm and repeated firmly, “Let me explain.”

  He stilled and waited, going silent.

  “Yes, at first, that’s absolutely how it would have been,” Toni began. “I wouldn’t introduce someone I wasn’t seeing seriously to my family. Why do that to the guy, or to them? It gives a false message all around. That’s not right.”

  Gavin nodded, his lips flattening into a hard line.

  “But with you…” Her eyes held his, wondering how to say enough without saying too much, or if she should even say anything at all. But the wounded look on his face… she had to tell him some of it. “It’s different. You’re special, Gavin. And this—” she gestured between them “—has turned into something I never thought it would. I wasn’t expecting it to… I wasn’t expecting anything. Just some fun times, some good sex…” She drew a shaky breath. “I never expected to fall for you. And I have. Big time.”

  His eyes warmed and rounded, his set mouth relaxed, and he edged closer.

  “I don’t mind you meeting my parents,” she said. “It’s not like I’m embarrassed. I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. Maybe you didn’t want to meet any of my family, you know? And now here they are, and you don’t have a choice, and I—”

  He silenced her with a long, sumptuous kiss. Then he leaned his forehead against hers and said, “I’ve fallen for you too, Toni. Hard. And from the sound of it, we’re both surprised by it. And confused and conflicted, all of that…”

  She laid her head against his chest and held onto him. She could hear the strong, heavy beats of his heart. “And you’re leaving.”

  His eyes slipped closed as he enfolded her in his embrace. “Aye,” he whispered. He rested his chin on top of her head. “But we both feel it, right? It’s real. This isn’t some casual fling anymore. You feel more for me, like I do for you?”

  “Yes.” Her arms tightened around his waist and she tried to breathe him in. “Hold me.”

  They stood that way for a minute, drinking in each other’s presence, letting the game-changing words roll around in their heads.

  Then she pulled back. “My p

  “They’re waiting.” He smoothed her hair back from her eyes and gazed down at her. “We’re goin’ to talk about this more later. But for now, c’mon. Let me go impress the parents.”

  “You don’t have to do anything of the sort,” she insisted softly. “You just be you. That’s more than impressive enough.”

  He grinned warmly and ran his hands down the curly curtain of her hair. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he took two of the glasses and the bottle of wine and led her back out to the living room.


  “I’ll walk you two out to the car,” Toni said as her parents headed for the door.

  Her father smiled at Gavin and shook his hand. “Nice talking with you. Good luck with everything, and have a safe trip back.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Gavin said. “Pleasure meetin’ you both. Truly.”

  “I’m so glad we met you, too,” Maria said. “You take care of yourself.”

  “Aye, and you, too.” He shook her hand as well, smiling kindly.

  “I’ll be back in a few,” Toni said over her shoulder.

  “Take your time,” Gavin replied. “I’ll be out on the deck.”

  Toni linked one arm through each of her parents’ arms as they went down the front steps. “Nice sneak attack. You’re lucky I love you both so much.”

  “It was your mother’s idea,” Peter said.

  “I don’t doubt it for a second.”

  “I’m not sorry,” Maria said. “I didn’t expect Gavin to be there; that was a lucky bonus. And oh, Toni, what a sweet, charming guy he is.”

  “Yeah, he is,” Toni murmured with a little grin.

  “And a doctor? You could do much worse,” Maria joked, throwing her husband a wink.

  “I can’t do much of anything, Mom,” Toni said. “He’s leaving on Sunday night, remember? Back to Ireland? Across the ocean?”

  “So?” Peter said. “What, you’re never going to see each other again? That’s ludicrous. Nowadays there’s email, texting, Skype… and you can see each other a few times a year.”

  Toni unlinked herself from her parents to gape at her father. “Really.”

  “Sure, why not? He’s clearly crazy about you, it’s written all over his face.”

  “Oh, God, yes,” Maria jumped in. “That man is smitten. I’m sure he’ll want to see you. Like your father said, you can—”

  “No.” Toni shook her head, her throat thick and her eyes burning. “Long distance relationships rarely work out. Especially this long a distance. I’m letting him go. When he leaves, that’ll be it.”

  Maria frowned hard and said, “But, honey—”

  “Leave her be,” Peter said, taking his wife by the arm and opening her car door for her. “We’ve intruded enough for one night.”

  Toni hugged her father and kissed her cheek. “Thanks,” she whispered.

  “I love you, honey.” Peter tweaked her nose playfully. “It was good seeing you. Come to the house soon for dinner or something, all right?”

  “I will, Dad. I love you, too.”

  He walked around to the driver’s side and got in while Toni leaned down to hug her mother.

  “I’m not done with you,” Toni kidded. “That was an ambush. No fair.”

  “I’m not done with you either,” Maria said. “I like him. But you love him.”

  Toni closed the car door. “Good night, Mom.”

  “I’ll call you soon,” Maria warned.

  “I’m sure you will.” Toni stepped back and gave a little wave as her parents drove away. A warm breeze blew up the block; it was a splendid night. She looked up briefly at the starry sky, then went back to the house. Gavin had already cleared and washed the four wine glasses and put the empty bottle in the recycling bin. She opened the sliding door to the deck, and he looked up from his lounge chair.

  “Hi,” he said.


  “I like your parents. Lovely people.”

  “They liked you too. Very much.”

  “That’s good…” He rose from the chair, looking her over, ambivalence coming off him in waves. “Can we talk some more? About the things we said earlier?”

  “Sure. But in bed.” Toni gave a crooked grin, hoping to distract him. “I want you naked, next to my naked. All night. I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.”

  “We were interrupted before…” He smiled as he walked to her, then took her in his arms. “But I want to talk as well.”

  “Talk later,” she said. “You were kissing me, and I was swooning, and then the doorbell rang.” She stood on tiptoe to press a kiss to his mouth. He cupped the back of her neck and held her to him, deepening the kiss.

  “Toni…” He held her gaze. “I want to talk.”

  Something in her chest fluttered anxiously. “I know. But…” She kissed him again, and again. “After.”

  “Promise me,” he murmured, his tone serious. “You’ll not distract me from this one, no matter how much I always want you.”

  The anxiety rolled up her chest into her throat. Her eyes flickered away, but his arms only tightened around her.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” he said. “You mentioned somethin’ about naked. But after that, we’re going to talk.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Gavin woke slowly. Hazy morning sunlight poured in through Toni’s window, golden and promising.

  He turned his head to look at her sleeping beside him, her wild curls everywhere. Brushing them back from her face with a tender caress, he stared at her, his eyes leisurely taking in her features in a close-up study. The fan of her long, dark lashes, the arch of her brow, the feel of her smooth, tanned skin. Kissed by the summer sun, her Italian DNA had taken over and naturally bronzed her. She was so bloody beautiful it made his heart give a little pang every time he looked at her.

  His fingertips traced over her high cheekbones, the luscious bow of her lips. She stirred and cuddled closer to him, seeking him in her sleep. The softness of her full breasts pressed against his side, and the lush warmth of her curvy body felt like home.

  Christ, he loved her so much. He didn’t want to leave her, to be so far away, to not see her or be with her… surely there had to be a way, something they could do…

  Overwhelmed with a rush of emotion, he wrapped her in his arms and cradled her tight. They needed to sort this out.

  They hadn’t talked last night after all; she’d jumped him as soon as they got to her bedroom, and even though he knew she was in part trying to distract him, he’d been all too happy to comply. They’d both fallen asleep soon after. Since she wasn’t going to work, he’d stayed in her room. And waking up with her next to him, warm and soft and sweet in his arms… he adored it. He wished he could do it every day.

  Leaning in, he tenderly dropped a kiss on her lips, then started nuzzling her neck, kissing and nipping at her skin as his hands slid lower. A low purr of satisfaction came from her and she opened her eyes, smiling. Her fingers ran through his hair. “Good morning,” she murmured, her voice still husky from sleep.

  “Good morning,” he echoed, nibbling his way up the side of her neck, along her jaw, until his lips sealed to hers.

  “Stop! Wait, I need to brush my teeth,” she said, shoving him back with slight embarrassment.

  “No ya don’t. I don’t care,” he said, going in for another kiss.

  They lay in each other’s arms, kissing and caressing, until the passion sparked as it always seemed to if they touched for more than twenty seconds. But this time, there was no frantic rush, no carnal need. They took it slowly, a deliciously sumptuous exploration of each other. Their embrace went from languid kisses and slow caresses; to more insistent movements, building with need; until they were burning with heat, their desires igniting into passionate urgency. Gavin reached to the night stand for the strip of condoms they’d left out last night and tore at the foil. Toni kissed his chest, her hands roaming over his smooth, toned body as he got it on, then posi
tioned himself between her thighs. Both his hands smoothed her hair back from her face and her eyes slipped closed as he teased her, grinding along her wetness but not entering her yet.

  “You’re torturing me,” she whimpered. Her legs wrapped around him as she arched up her hips to grind against him, needing the delicious friction, the pressure, the feel of every inch of his body along hers.

  But he stopped moving. “Toni,” he whispered. “Look at me, love.”

  Her eyes opened and her breath caught at the intensity in his stare, at his husky erotic command. When their eyes locked, he pushed into her slowly, going deep. She sighed as a long, delicious shudder skittered over her whole body. Never breaking eye contact, he softly kissed her lips, then started to move inside her. He held her face as their hips rocked together in a primal rhythm, as his eyes bore into hers, as their heavy breathing turned to heavier panting and their limbs intertwined. “Keep your eyes on mine,” he commanded in a whisper. “Let me look at you.”


  This was different. Toni saw it in his face, felt it crackling in the air around them. The tenderness and intensity were almost too much to take. This wasn’t one of their typical fun romps, or mindless, wild jungle sex… he was making love to her, in every sense of the term. It stunned her, resonating deep within her core. His kisses, his caresses, the way he looked into her eyes… no man had ever looked at her with such open affection, such adoration. And she adored him, too. She loved him, God help her, she was so completely in love with him.

  His gaze locked on hers, they moved as one… she’d never felt a connection like this in her life. She couldn’t explain it, couldn’t put it into words, but she felt it, and it was astonishing. Her heart thumped wildly as that realization hooked its claws into her.

  A sheen of sweat covered them as they took their time, luxuriating in the feel of one another, savoring every sensation. When he drove faster, harder, she arched to meet him with every thrust, working together to bring release. Her orgasm hit hard and she cried out, clinging to him, head thrown back in mindless ecstasy. He followed her over the brink, burying his face in her neck with a long, low groan as his body tensed, holding her so tight and so close she almost couldn’t breathe.


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