Book Read Free

Seven Sisters

Page 18

by Eileen Troemel

  “No, so we can make love all night,” Lydia said grinning at him. She leaned forward so he rewarded her with a lingering kiss. “Then tomorrow you contact your council. What will they do?”

  “It depends on how it is presented,” Mycos said scowling.

  “How will you present it,” Lydia asked.

  “I do not,” Mycos said. “You are the witness and a member of the council. You will present it.”

  “I’m.. I’m .. what do you mean I’m a member of the council,” Lydia said her face going white.

  “I am sure I told you,” he said knowing he hadn’t.

  “Mycos,” she grumbled at him.

  “You are my mate,” he said. “I am head of the family. Mother is filling in while we solidify things but once we return, you will take your place on the high council.”

  “What exactly do I have to do,” Lydia asked too stunned to do more than gape at him.

  “Any interplanetary issues are brought to the council,” Mycos said. “In the old days, the council voted whether to go to war or not if the families or clans were clashing.”

  “Mycos, I don’t know.. how am I to decide,” Lydia said.

  “There are educational programs which will help you learn while we remain here and as we travel back,” Mycos said. He pulled her into his arms, kissed her until she melted against him. “You are intelligent. You will learn more about our culture and decrees. By the time we return, you will be wiser and fully able to take your place.”

  “You should have told me,” she scolded him.

  “If you recall, I have been working on the trust issue,” Mycos said. “What shall we do while we wait for the contact?”

  “I’m taking a bath,” Lydia said pushing away from him.

  “Am I allowed to join you,” Mycos asked knowing he would whether she said yes or not.

  “Are you holding anything else back,” Lydia grumbled as she stepped into the bedroom. Mycos ran to catch up to her and swung her around.

  “I love you,” he said picking her up and taking her to the bathroom.

  “Council,” she grumbled as she scowled at him but she leaned in to kiss him.


  “I’m beginning to hate these people,” Lydia said as they rode in the transport back to the Director’s office. “We had to cut our call short with the girls.”

  “Keep the annoyed,” Mycos said. “We will need it.”

  “We better not,” Lydia said.

  “Gregor sent a message to say the story is playing on a loop at home,” Mycos said. “Apparently the commentary is positive for the most part.”

  “Oh goodie, we’re trending,” Lydia said with a curl of her lip.

  “Are you cranky because you are wearing impractical shoes,” Mycos teased.

  “I’m cranky because we fought to get through the media,” Lydia said.

  “They were slightly more respectful,” Mycos said.

  “We’re attending this meeting and they’re going to politic,” Lydia said.

  “What do you mean,” Mycos said.

  “They’ll do the ‘well he’s a senator’,” Lydia said. “They’ll talk nice to us while behind doors, they’ll look for a way to take us down.”

  “You have a suspicious mind,” Mycos said.

  “Don’t you agree with me,” Lydia asked.

  “I do,” Mycos said.

  “Doesn’t that mean you have a suspicious mind too,” Lydia said.

  “But I am an alien,” Mycos wiggled his eyebrows at her. “I am supposed to be suspicious of you humans.”

  “My feet hurt,” Lydia complained. “If we have to stand around waiting, I will be grumpy.”

  “Do you want me to take you back to the hotel and rub your feet,” Mycos asked.

  She smiled, “Maybe. I want to go home.”

  “I miss the girls too,” he said hugging her. “This meeting and then we make decisions.”

  “Yes,” Lydia said leaning on him with a sigh.

  “Sir,” Aniton said. “It appears there are media at the building as well as soldiers.”

  “Are you able to keep us secure,” Mycos asked.

  “We have only a small squad, sir,” Aniton said. “It will depend on their intentions.”

  “Do we have a backup plan,” Mycos asked.

  “Yes, sir,” Aniton said. “It is not subtle.”

  “I am more concerned with us being able to leave the meeting,” Mycos said. “You stay close to me.” Lydia held his hand tight.

  “Pulling up now, sir,” Aniton said. He got out of the transport and opened the door for Mycos and Lydia. He blocked the media from getting shots of her coming out of the car.

  “Lord Mycos, Lady Lydia, we support you,” a woman in the crowd yelled. The soldiers pushed back against the crowd. More people surged forward and the noise level went up as Mycos and Lydia got out of the car, stood taking in the signs people held and the general tone of the crowd. The media reported more about the crowd then running to get shots of them.

  People waved. “They’re supporting us,” Lydia said.

  “It is a good sign,” he said but he held her near him. A woman held a little girl as they smiled and waved. Lydia waved back, smiling at the little girl.

  A colonel broke away from the soldiers. “Lord Mycos, I’m Colonel Abraham Brown,” he said. “I’ve been sent to see to your safety in arriving to your meeting with Director Donovan.”

  “How long has this crowd been here,” Mycos asked as he kept Lydia near him and they walked forward.

  “Most of the afternoon,” Colonel Brown said.

  The doors slid open to allow them in and slid shut behind them. Colonel Brown stepped slightly away from them. “I’m sorry about that,” he said. “We can’t make them disperse.”

  “I believe you have a freedom of speech decree,” Mycos said.

  “We do. Sometimes it’s annoying,” Colonel Brown said. He escorted them into an elevator. “Your security.”

  “Goes with us,” Lydia said firmly. Her crankiness morphed into a resolve.

  “As you wish, ma’am,” Colonel Brown said.

  “The correct way to address my mate is to call her Lady Lydia,” Mycos said following Lydia’s firmness.

  “Forgive me,” Colonel Brown said. “You’ll wait in the main conference room.”

  “Another stodgy little room,” Lydia grumbled.

  “No, ma… Lady Lydia,” Colonel Brown said. “It’s on the top floor and used for high level meetings.” Lydia huffed her skepticism.

  The elevator opened onto a floor with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the ocean. “It’s this way,” he directed them to the left. Aniton murmured as he followed them.

  “Tell me, colonel, is security your usual assignment,” Mycos asked.

  “It is tonight,” he said. “There are demonstrators around a number of the governmental buildings. The security personnel were overwhelmed so my men and I were called in.”

  “Is there unrest,” Mycos said. “Perhaps we should leave.”

  “We’re here,” Lydia said. “We’ll see it through.”

  “Unless an obvious threat transpires,” Mycos said.

  “Of course,” Colonel Brown said. “Can I get you coffee or water?”

  “No, thank you,” Mycos said.

  “It should only be a few minutes,” Colonel Brown said withdrawing from the room.

  “You like coffee,” Lydia said.

  “Taking a leaf from your book,” Mycos muttered.

  “Not trusting anyone,” Lydia said.

  “Sir, the number of soldiers increased,” Aniton said softly in their native language.

  “Did the crowd increase,” Mycos asked continuing in their language.

  “No, in fact some have dispersed,” Aniton said. Lydia followed most of what they said.

  Lydia’s com chimed, she pulled it out. Reading, she held it out to Mycos, who held it out for Aniton to see.

  A tall rotund man blustered
his way into the room. “Lord Mycos, Lady Lydia, thank you for agreeing to come tonight. We hoped the unusual hour would decrease the number of protestors but as you saw it did not. Now, I understand from the Donna Lester show there’s a difficulty we need to address,” Director Donovan said as he sat at the head of the large conference table.

  “What do you plan to do about Senator Weatherton,” Mycos asked.

  “What exactly are you demanding,” Director Donovan said. “We don’t execute our senators for getting drunk and patting some woman’s ass.”

  Mycos went very still. Lydia sat forward. “I suggest Director, you choose your words very carefully,” she said.

  “I understand it was upsetting to you,” Director Donovan said.

  “Yet you have not heard or seen the video,” Mycos said sounding more like a deep-throated growl than a human voice.

  “Recording someone without their permission or knowledge is against the law,” Director Donovan said.

  “Not on my world,” Mycos said. “It is understood recording occurs in most places.”

  “You weren’t on your world,” Director Donovan said.

  “Yes, we were,” Lydia said. “Our home is the headquarters and embassy for the representative from Hylatia. This means human law doesn’t exist and Hylatian law does.”

  “Do you have an official embassy,” Director Donovan asked smoothing down his tie.

  “We do,” Mycos said. “Have you even looked at the file and the application you people required before you allowed us to land?”

  “Let’s say the proper paperwork was filled out and approved,” Director Donovan said. “Your status among us could be changed at any point.”

  “I see,” Mycos said.

  “Wow,” Lydia said. She stood up pushing back her chair. “Wow. Aniton, how much media was at the entrance?”

  “I saw several of the major media outlets represented, milady,” Aniton said surprised she involved him.

  “You will…” Director Donovan growled at her.

  “I’m done messing around,” Lydia said. “Your senator assaulted me. Since the assault, he’s slandered my name, and my mate’s name. He lies to the public about what the Hylatians attempt to do all because Mycos didn’t offer him a bribe. And you.. you sit here defending him.”

  “You have no idea when it comes to the complexity of politics,” Director Donovan said.

  “Regardless of politics,” Lydia said. “There’s right and wrong. Will you do the right thing, Director Donovan?”

  “I’m following the laws of our country,” Director Donovan said.

  “You have two choices,” Lydia said. “Restrict Weatherton from making the slanderous comments or risk an interplanetary issue with a race who are technologically superior to you in every way.”

  Donovan rose from his seat, stepped nearer to Lydia. Mycos rose and stepped in front of her while Aniton put his hand on his weapon and went into protect stance. “I will not be threatened by a child,” Donovan said. “Weatherton has the right to say anything he wants.”

  “Time to go,” Lydia said. She put a hand on Mycos’ shoulder. He stepped away from the table and towards the door keeping Lydia away from the director.

  “Do you know how many things I shifted for this meeting,” Director Donovan said his hands clenched at his sides as he watched them walk away.

  “You should have shifted your thinking first,” Lydia said pulling open the door to the conference room. Mycos followed her with Aniton bringing up the rear.

  “If you leave now, I am unavailable for a month,” Director Donovan called after them.

  “Bastard,” Lydia said clearly as they returned to the elevator.

  “Are you angry with his attitude or because your feet hurt,” Mycos said pulling her into his arms.

  “His horrible prejudiced, narrow-minded, pig-headed attitude,” Lydia said.


  “Are you taking the shoes home,” Mycos asked. They packed their clothing after eating breakfast in bed.

  “You like the high heels and how my butt looks when I wear them,” she said.

  “I like you better in nothing at all,” Mycos said.

  “Are you sure we’re doing the right thing,” Lydia asked.

  “We discussed it with Gregor, Sally, and the family,” Mycos said. “Do you think it wrong for us to go home and fortify our defenses in order to work out the best solution?”

  “We’ll end up leaving early,” Lydia said sitting on the bed. “I feel like we have more work we need to do here.”

  “I know you do,” he said. “I see it is hard for you but if they will not take our help and they will not honor agreements, is it wise for us to remain?”

  “Logically, I know you’re right,” Lydia said. “I feel like I failed.”

  “You did not,” Mycos said. “They did.” He looked down as his com chimed again. “Aniton says we have a visitor.”

  “Is he asking if we’re dressed again,” Lydia asked.

  “It is a good question,” Mycos said. “You were not last night when supper arrived.”

  “Whose fault was that,” Lydia asked. She kissed him before walking to the lounge. “Who wants to see us?”

  “Colonel Brown,” Mycos said surprise raising his eyebrows.

  “Are we in danger,” Lydia asked turning suddenly to walk into his arms.

  “Aniton would have sent the danger code if we were,’ Mycos said.

  “But he still scanned,” Lydia asked.

  “He did,” Mycos said. “How do you know they scan?”

  “I’ve seen them look at their com whenever we’re approached,” Lydia said. “I figured they scanned to keep us safe.”

  “Shall we meet the Colonel,” Mycos asked tangling his fingers in her hair.

  “I’m not putting on those shoes,” she said walking barefoot to the door.

  “Of course you are not,” Mycos grinned.

  “Colonel,” Lydia said blocking him from entering.

  “Lady Lydia,” Colonel Brown said. “I know things did not end well yesterday. May I come in?”

  “To what end,” Lydia demanded as Mycos came up behind her, put his hands on her shoulders.

  “There are others who need to see you,” Colonel Brown said.

  “I don’t see anyone with you,” Lydia said.

  “If you’ll give me a few moments in private, I’ll explain,” Colonel Brown said.

  Mycos squeezed her shoulders. Sighing, she closed her eyes and stepped back only to bump into Mycos. “Are you armed,” Mycos asked.

  “I am not,” Colonel Brown said.

  “Very well,” Mycos agreed backing away but making sure Lydia stayed near him.

  “I’m not sure which of you two is more dangerous,” Colonel Brown said.

  “She is,” Mycos said.

  “Because if she’s upset, all of you are,” Colonel Brown said.

  Lydia shook her head and sat on the sofa. “What do you want,” Lydia said. Her nerves calmed as soon as Mycos joined her. He pulled her feet across his lap and rubbed.

  Colonel Brown watched them, surprised they were so unguarded around him. “I need to bring in another person quietly to discuss the current situation,” he said.

  “Who,” Lydia asked.

  “I’d rather not say,” Colonel Brown said. “I can say it’s a high ranking official.”

  “Higher ranking than that idiot yesterday,” Lydia asked. Mycos smiled at her bluntness but said nothing.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Colonel Brown said.

  “Does he have enough authority to resolve the issue at hand,” Mycos asked.

  “She does,” Colonel Brown said.

  Lydia and Mycos looked at each other, seemed to communicate silently. “All right,” Lydia said when Mycos nodded.

  Colonel Brown sent a message and waited. Feeling rude, Lydia asked, “Would you care to sit down?”

  “Thank you,” he said sitting on the edge of a chair. “How are you finding
our world, Lord Mycos?”

  “It has its benefits,” Mycos said staring at Lydia.

  “I’m sure it does,” Colonel Brown said. “Lady Lydia, are you looking forward to returning to his world?”

  “I feel we have work to do here,” Lydia said. “If we get cooperation.”

  “What sort of work,” Colonel Brown asked.

  “The poor sections of my hometown still needs more assistance,” Lydia said.

  “Why is it important to you to help people who obviously didn’t help you,” Colonel Brown asked.

  “Because those who need the help don’t have a lot of options,” Lydia said.

  “She’s on her way up,” Colonel Brown said. “Your men will be…under scrutiny.”

  “My men will not give up their weapons,” Mycos said. “However, they will step away from the door if you wish.”

  “It would be appreciated,” Colonel Brown said. “May I?” He pointed to the door indicating he wanted to meet the person. Mycos nodded. He stood, pulling Lydia to stand next to him.

  A tall woman with short brown and gray hair stepped into their lounge. Lydia gasped but said nothing. Colonel Brown said, “May I introduce Commander in Chief Valerie Rivera. This is Lord Mycos and Lady Lydia.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Premier Rivera said.

  “We are honored,” Mycos said bowing slightly.

  “Please have a seat,” Lydia said awed by the woman who dragged the country up from a deep depression. She looked like a normal mother but there was a steel to her.

  “First, let me apologize,” Premier Rivera said. “I’m aware you were attacked by one of our senators. You can be assured we do not condone such behavior.”

  “Yet nothing has been done,” Mycos said.

  “I was made aware of the incident when you showed the video to Angela,” Premier Rivera said. “I can assure you I’ve taken this matter very seriously.”

  “Why this meeting,” Lydia said. “If you’re taking this seriously, why not meet with us yesterday rather than have Patrick Donovan meet with us?”

  “You needed to go through channels,” Premier Rivera said. “Politics suck but nothing works in this town unless we maneuver through the politics.”

  “My mate is not a tool for your political maneuvering,” Mycos said.


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