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Burning For Her Kiss

Page 33

by Sherri Hayes

  “I love you. I meant it. I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to be ready,” he vowed.

  She caressed the side of his face. “I don’t think it will take that long. You seem to have a way of breaking through all my defenses.”

  He kissed her again. “Good. I’ll keep chiseling away.”

  Beth grinned. “But you have to promise me something.”


  “You have to do everything in your power to keep yourself safe. I don’t think I could handle it if something ever happened to you.”

  Drew brushed his lips against hers. “You got it.”

  Chapter 33

  Beth pulled into her driveway and smiled when she saw Drew’s car was already there. It had been ten days since she’d sat across from him in the emergency room and admitted that she wanted a future with him. She’d imagined going home after that and celebrating their new commitment with a long bout of kinky lovemaking. What actually happened was about as far removed as it could get.

  Shawn didn’t regain consciousness right away and Drew refused to leave his side until he did. She stayed with him as long as she could, but eventually he asked her to go home and get some rest. There really wasn’t anything she could do there. All he was doing was sitting alongside his friend’s bed waiting for him to wake up.

  It took more than twenty-four hours, but eventually Shawn did open his eyes and start talking again. He had a concussion, of course. On top of that, they also found out that he’d dislocated his shoulder. Drew stayed with him at the hospital until he was released and then took him home. Since Shawn didn’t have anyone else, Drew effectively moved in with his friend until he had to return to work. Even then, Drew checked on Shawn as much as he could, making sure he had everything he needed.

  Needless to say, while he was watching over his friend, Drew and Beth hadn’t spent much time together. They talked on the phone and sent text messages, but it wasn’t enough. Not for him and certainly not for her. It scared her how much she needed him.

  Parking her car and turning off the engine, she made her way toward the door that led into the house. Drew was staying with her for the next four days and she planned to make the most of every minute.

  As she reached for the doorknob, she paused. Beth had a lot to be thankful for. Drew was safe and they were ready to start their future together—whatever that might be. Shawn was going to recover. He’d be on desk duty for a while, but from everything Drew had told her, that wouldn’t keep him down for long.

  Things hadn’t gone so well for the other firefighter, James Kelly. He ended up having complications from his injuries and died in the hospital four days later. They’d attended the funeral. Drew had to work, but that hadn’t mattered. All the guys from the station were there. The ones who were on duty showed up in their uniforms alongside their trucks. Beth met Drew at the gravesite, wanting to be there with him.

  Taking a deep breath and pushing back the wave of emotion that was threatening, she opened the door and stepped inside. If all went right, she was planning to give Drew the watch she’d bought him tonight. She needed to feel that connection with him now more than ever. “Honey, I’m home.”

  Drew strolled out of the kitchen in nothing but one of her aprons. “You’re early.”

  Beth chuckled and wrapped her arms around his waist, making sure to grab two handfuls of his bare behind. “And what do we have here?”

  He smiled. “I wanted to surprise you. I’m making dinner.”

  “Hmm.” She rose up on her tiptoes and gave him a lingering kiss.

  “Do you like it?” he asked, glancing down at his attire. “I’m not sure it’s much of a fashion statement.”

  She dropped her arms and motioned for him to turn around. When he did, he gave his tush a shake. Beth responded with a solid smack on the rounded flesh.

  Drew reached for her hand and twisted them both around so that she was pressed flush against his front. She felt his arousal growing with every touch.

  Raising an eyebrow, she ran a single finger down the side of his face. “Later.”

  His pupils dilated and darkened.

  Beth grinned. “Dinner first.”

  He sighed dramatically and led her toward the kitchen. “I suppose it’s only fitting. Me slaving away in the kitchen, serving you before I serve you in other ways.”

  Deciding to go with it, she strolled over to the kitchen table and made a show of sitting down in one of the chairs. “And what are you making your mistress this evening?”

  Drew glanced over his shoulder before going back to chopping the vegetables. “Chicken enchiladas.”

  She sat and watched him for a few minutes. “Is it going to be a while before it’s ready?”

  He nodded. “At least another thirty minutes.”

  “I’m gonna go grab a shower, then.” She waited until he’d laid the knife down before coming up behind him and reaching between his legs. He jerked and a few of the onions missed the skillet. “After dinner you’re mine.”

  Beth could see the muscles in his throat move as he swallowed. “Yes, Mistress.”

  Leaving him alone, she climbed the stairs and ambled into her bedroom. Drew’s duffel bag was near the door and she knew that was something else they needed to discuss. Beth wasn’t ready for marriage yet, but she knew she wanted him with her. They would have to figure it out. Having him move in brought with it a whole other level of uncertainty, but whenever he wasn’t around, her house felt empty. It hadn’t been like that before.

  She walked over to her dresser and opened the top drawer. Her gaze fell on the black case that held Drew’s watch. Beth picked it up and placed it on the nightstand beside her bed. Then she stripped out of her work clothes and headed in to take a shower.


  Forty-five minutes later, Drew sat across from Beth at the kitchen table. When he’d placed the dish in front of her, Beth had told him to remove the apron and have a seat. Although Drew could have said no, he didn’t want to. He’d ached for her this past week. He craved her companionship and her domination. If she told him to sit at her feet rather than at the table, he probably wouldn’t bat an eye before complying.

  “How was your day?” she asked as if he weren’t sitting a few feet away from her in nothing but his birthday suit.

  He shrugged. “I spent most of the day cleaning my apartment and doing laundry. Nothing terribly exciting. It made for a long day.”

  Beth shifted in her seat. She seemed suddenly nervous. “I wanted to ask you something.”

  Laying his fork down, he gave her his full attention.

  When she didn’t come out with it, he reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “It can’t be all that bad.”

  He’d been trying to lighten the mood, and it seemed to have worked. She glanced up at him and gave him the smallest hint of a smile.

  “No. It’s not. But . . .” Beth sat up and took a deep breath. “I’d like you to move in with me.”

  Drew opened his mouth in shock. Whatever he’d been expecting her to say, it wasn’t that. He’d thought it would be months before she was ready to consider them living together. Even still, he had to know what had prompted such a leap. “Are you sure? I told you that I’m willing to wait until you feel comfortable—”

  “Yes. I’m sure.” She met his gaze and although he could still tell she was nervous, there was something else there as well. “This house felt empty last week when you were gone. It feels like something is missing every time I come home and you’re not here. I don’t like not having you there beside me in bed at night. I want . . .” Beth took another cleansing breath and laced her fingers with his. “I want you here. With me.”

  Wow. He was flabbergasted and happier than he could put into words.

  Obviously his stunned silence left her with the wrong impression. “You can say no. I know it’s soon, but—”


  She blinked. “What?”

  He grinned an
d squeezed her hand. “I said yes. I’ll move in with you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Drew chuckled. “Wasn’t that my line?”

  Her eyes twinkled with amusement. “Are you contradicting your mistress?”

  Picking up her hand, he kissed the inside of her wrist. “Only when needed.”

  They both laughed before turning serious again. “So you’re really going to move in?”

  He nodded. “Only if you want me to.”

  “I do.”

  “Then I guess I’m moving in.” He released her hand and they both went back to eating their dinner.

  The rest of their meal was much of the same. She told him about her day at the café. Her new employee, Grace, was turning out to be a godsend. Beth was actually considering taking a day off during the week.

  Once they were both finished, Beth told him to go upstairs and shower while she cleaned up. He was to meet her in her room in fifteen minutes wearing only a pair of jeans. The jeans threw him, but he did as she requested.

  When he stepped into the room, the first thing he noticed was that the blanket chest that was normally at the end of her bed had been pushed against the wall. The next thing that caught his attention was that Beth was standing beside her nightstand. That might not seem all that unusual, but typically when they were about to play, she was at her dresser where she would have laid out the implements and toys she planned to use. He debated asking if something was wrong, but he held his tongue and waited. They were in her bedroom and it was during their agreed upon playtime. She called the shots. He’d have to be patient.

  She turned around and pointed to a kneeling pad on the floor. He’d seen them at the club plenty of times, but he’d never used one. Whenever he’d knelt before Beth, he’d always done so with his knees directly on the floor. It made him wonder if he’d be kneeling for an extended period of time tonight.

  He lowered himself onto the floor and placed his knees on the pad. His jeans strained a little as anticipation of what was to come began to build. That was one of the nice things about being naked—you never had to worry if there would be enough room to comfortably contain your erection.

  Once he was kneeling, Beth walked behind him. He could hear her moving around, but couldn’t tell what she was doing. Several minutes later, she touched his back with one hand and dragged it across his shoulders and chest as she made her way back around to his front. When she removed her hand, he had to bite back a whimper. He wanted more, but knew it was not his place to ask.

  Beth lifted his chin with her index finger until he was looking up at her. It was only then that he realized what she’d been doing when he’d heard her moving around. She had stripped down to a red corset and a short black leather skirt.

  “Are you happy with our arrangement?” she asked.

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “You wish it to continue?”

  “Yes, Mistress. Very much.” He had no idea where she was going with this, but he was excited to find out.

  Turning on her heel, she walked back over to the nightstand and retrieved something from a black box. When she returned to stand in front of him, he could see it was a silver watch. “I found out from Nicole that you’re only allowed to wear a wedding ring and a watch while you’re working. That limited me as to what type of collar I could get you since I wanted you to be able to wear—to have a piece of me with you—at all times. Even while you’re working.”

  His heart started pounding in his chest as what was happening hit him. Beth might not be quite ready for marriage, but she was making a commitment to him nonetheless. While there was an urge to blurt out yes as swiftly as possible, he didn’t want to ruin the moment. Drew knew how important this was for both of them.

  She turned the watch over and showed him the engraving. It was a fireman’s axe with a rose wrapped around the handle. The rose had thorns, of course, and they were embedding themselves into the axe handle. It was such a perfect symbol for them.

  “I had no idea what to make of you that first night when you came over to sit beside me at Serpent’s Kiss. The last thing I wanted was another man in my life. Another submissive.” Beth brushed the back of her fingers along the side of his face. It was a loving gesture and he leaned into it, enjoying both her touch and the love she was expressing. “You changed my mind. You changed everything.”

  There was so much emotion behind her words. His chest ached knowing how much of her soul she was revealing to him.

  “I love you, Drew Parker. I want you to be my submissive as well as my partner in life. Will you give me your submission? Will you accept my collar and wear it as a symbol of our relationship and all that comes with it?”

  Drew held up his right arm and presented her with his wrist. “Yes. I will proudly wear your collar, Mistress.”

  The cool metal touched his skin as she put the watch on his wrist. He normally wore a watch—most of the guys he worked with did. The only reason he didn’t have his on now was because he knew they were going to play and Beth often had him in cuffs or sometimes even rope. Watches tended to get in the way.

  With the watch secured, Beth took a step back. “Stand up.”

  He rocked back on his heels and did as he was told.

  Beth strolled over to her dresser and picked up a length of rope. She was going to bind him. He was salivating already.

  Folding the rope in half, she ran the cotton over his skin. He knew what was coming, and the feeling of the softness against his chest and back was almost hypnotic.

  “We’re going to try something new,” she whispered in his ear as she moved behind him. Drew waited, holding his breath to see what it was that she had in mind.

  Luckily, he didn’t have to wait long. She took him by the hand and guided him to the foot of the bed. Once he’d sat down, she knelt and had him cross his ankles. As she began wrapping the rope around his feet and ankles, he felt his balance shift. It didn’t take him long to realize that he wouldn’t be able to walk. He knew for some that would cause a rise in anxiety, but instead he felt a calm overtake him as more of the rope encased his legs.

  “How does that feel?” she asked, glancing up at him.

  “Good. I can’t move my legs, though.”

  “That would be the point.” She smirked. “Scoot that cute ass of yours up further onto the bed. I don’t want your legs hanging off.”

  It took some effort, but he was able to get his entire body onto the bed. Beth stood patiently by, watching as he moved. She seemed to be in no hurry at all. He didn’t know if that should worry him or not.

  When his head rested on the pillows below her headboard, Beth hiked up her skirt and climbed onto the bed. She straddled his legs and bent her head over his denim-clad crotch to scrap her teeth along his erection. He clenched his fist to keep from reaching for her.

  “Do you like that?” The glint in her eyes told him she already knew the answer.

  “You have no idea.”

  “Oh, I think I do.” She did it again. Then she wrapped her lips around his length and began licking and sucking and using her teeth. By the time she sat up, his crotch was wet and his cock was painfully pulsing against his jeans.

  Drew had no idea what she would do next. All he knew was that he wanted her and he was hoping she’d let him come. The how wasn’t as important.

  She crawled her way up his body, making sure to brush her tits seductively against his chest until his nipples hardened in response. Not touching her was becoming more of a challenge with every minute. It had been too long since he’d had his hands on her.

  “Your turn,” Beth whispered in his ear moments before she positioned her knees on either side of his head. He had a clear view up her skirt. She wasn’t wearing panties.

  Pushing her skirt up so that it was completely out of the way, she gripped the headboard and lowered her pussy down onto his face.

  Drew didn’t need any further instruction. He dove into the moisture that was already coating the
outside of her labia. As he probed and licked, Beth began moving her hips. The more he flicked his tongue in and out of her, the faster she rode his face. He had to concentrate on his breathing, but it didn’t matter. Drew was still in heaven. With every intake of breath, her musky scent filled his nostrils and he knew her juices covered his mouth and chin.

  There was a hiccup in her movements as her legs began to tremble.

  “More,” she demanded.

  He brought his arms up, hooked them around her legs, and started eating her out as if she were his last meal. Her clit brushed against the tip of his nose with every thrust of her hips. She was getting close. Drew knew she wouldn’t last much longer.

  Seconds after the thought crossed his mind, she threw her head back and gasped as a fresh flood of liquid seeped onto his tongue. He lapped it up greedily.

  She let him continue to lavish attention on her swollen flesh while she floated back down to earth. When she did look at him from her perch above, he could still see desire in her eyes. Beth wasn’t done.

  All at once, she pushed herself away from the headboard and began working her way back down his torso. When she reached the top of his jeans, Beth popped the button and then lowered the zipper. “Lift your hips.”

  It wasn’t a request. He lifted his hips as best he could with his limited range of movement. She worked them down his legs until she reached his knees. Then she abandoned them completely and straddled his hips.

  Between what she’d done with her mouth and then having had her come on his face, Drew was more than primed. Beth, however, didn’t appear to be in any rush. She placed one hand at the base of his cock, lining it up with her entrance. But instead of lowering herself down onto his erection, she stroked him against her clit.

  Watching her was one of the most amazing sights. She was completely focused on making herself feel good. Knowing she was using him like that did nothing to calm his desire. By the time she lowered herself down on his cock, he was on the edge.


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