Alien Sex 104

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by Allie Ritch

  Alien Sex 104

  Alien Sex Ed – Book 4

  Allie Ritch

  Published 2013

  ISBN: 978-1-93176-131-4

  Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © Published 2013, Allie Ritch. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  Liquid Silver Books

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


  Huv has always liked the ladies, but he’s getting to the age when he’s ready for more than one-night stands. After meeting Lexy, he finds it very easy to fall for the sexy alien in her female form, but that’s only half the equation. Lexy is Cedecian. Every month, her race changes genders. Huv suffers a sexual identity crisis as he struggles to accept that the woman he loves may also be the man he loves. For an Allurian who is used to being strictly straight, it’s an adjustment Huv isn’t sure he can make.

  Expecting Glynn to pop the question, Deina is shocked when he instead asks her to have his baby … or at least try. As a Semhym, Glynn must find a woman with just the right chemistry to help him spill his seed before it’s too late. He thinks Deina may be the one, but he wants to be sure. In order to win her over, he’ll have to gamble for the highest stakes of all: sex, love, and the rest of their lives.

  This book contains a bisexual alien who changes gender every month, anal sex, a hot pink dildo, and a medical scanner gone awry.


  Thank you to LSB for giving my imagination and all the quirky aliens that spring from it a home.

  Part One

  Huv and Lexy

  Chapter 1

  The Student Model

  “That was fun,” Huv said, delivering the understatement of the century. “I haven’t come that hard in ages, and the audience sort of added an extra kick.”

  Actually, only part of that kick was from performing in public. The other part, however … well, Huv wasn’t quite ready to think about his reaction to having his cock handled by another male—one of the Sex Ed students. That was a first for him, and frankly he was a little weirded out by it. He tried to play it cool, though. At age thirty-six, it was a little late to switch teams, so he had to just have been caught up in the thrill of the forbidden.

  “You’re a good partner.” Deina—the New Earthling he’d made love to in front of the class—delivered the compliment with a casual smile.

  Huv thanked her and followed her back to the locker rooms to get dressed.

  His cousin, Xindra, and her new husband, Quinn, worked at the gym year-round. They’d reserved one of the classrooms for their evening course, an Alien Sex Ed class that focused on interracial relations. It was a way to make some extra money during the slack season, and they’d turned to him when they’d needed a model for their first class. Huv was happy to help.

  Cleaned and dressed, he headed out to the street and decided he wasn’t ready to go home yet, in more ways than one. He’d caught a space flight from Alluria here to Trilanta to attend Xindra’s wedding and had chosen to linger. Another of his cousins had been kind enough to put him up at his place. Huv didn’t want to think about returning to his home planet right now, and he didn’t want to turn in for the night just yet.

  At loose ends, he strolled aimlessly until he wound up in a lounge several blocks over. The atmosphere inside was inviting, even if the whole theme was clichéd. A holographic man played a soothing, jazzy number on an Ibration piano, and the lights were dimmed to set a mellow mood. Huv ordered a drink and took a seat at one of the low tables near the bar.

  With tourist traffic down in Trilanta, the galaxy’s great travel hub, business must be hurting. The lounge looked relatively empty. A couple whispered to each other in the corner, a small party huddled by the far wall, and he thought he’d seen another single guy over at another table. That spot was empty now.

  “Mind if I join you?” someone said behind him. “I hate to drink alone.”

  The voice was as smooth as Allurian brandy. And it was unmistakably masculine.

  Turning toward the source, Huv found himself facing the man from the other table. A figure from a romantic painting stared back at him. The guy was probably in his midthirties, but his skin was smooth and flawless. Gray-blue eyes gazed from beneath arched brows, and his fine features were framed by a stylish mane of loose golden curls that fell just below his nape. This fellow could have walked right off the screen of a fashion vid.

  Huv had the strangest urge to stand, as if remaining seated in front of this beautiful man was rude. Then the stranger smiled—a curve of full lips, a brilliant flash of white teeth—and Huv was thankful he had the table as cover. For the first time in his life, he felt his groin grow ominously tight in response to another male. His unease over tonight, over his reaction at class, rushed back with a vengeance.


  His mind went blank. Gods, what was wrong with him? The guy just wanted to kick back and have a drink with him, and Huv’s chemistry chose this moment to go haywire. It must have been some kind of aftereffect from his exhibition earlier. It had to be.

  Huv cleared his throat and tried to beat back the tingle of desire enough to act normally. “Sure, why not? Have a seat.”

  “I’m Lexy.” The man offered his hand as he sat down.

  Lexy had long, tapered fingers like an artist, but his grip was strong and sure. Huv experienced an unwelcome zinger of awareness as he returned the handshake.

  “I’m Huv.” Under the table, he rubbed his palm on his pant leg to dispel the sensation. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Have you ever been here before?” Lexy asked.

  “No, I sort of just wandered in.”

  “Me too.” Lexy leaned back in a way that made his shirt pull tight over his broad chest and flat stomach. “It was a long day at work, and I needed to unwind. Is that what you’re doing?”

  “Not quite.” What the hell, Huv thought. Maybe if he shocked the guy, it would help level the playing field. “I just finished doing a sex demo my cousin set up.”

  Rather than appearing shocked, Lexy looked intrigued. “You’re a porn star?”

  Huv choked on the swallow he’d taken and sputtered out a laugh. Discomfort turned to humor as he realized how ridiculous he was being.

  “No, nothing like that. My cousin, Xindra, has started an interracial Sex Ed course. She wanted to work in some live demonstrations to spice up the anatomy lessons. I agreed to help her out.”

  “Interesting.” Lexy sounded thoughtful. “Actually, that’s a wonderful idea. I work as a sex therapist, so I’ve seen how much damage a bad experience can inflict. If this course can help educate people and open up communication, then your cousin is doing something worthwhile.”

  Huv hadn’t thought of it that way. “You’re a sex therapist? How did you get into that business?”

  Lexy shrugged. “I started out studying psychology in college. After I watched several friends and family members struggle with their relationships, I focused on human sexuality and relations in particular. I realized how important that facet of our lives is. After all, aside from money, sex is the biggest issue for couples.”

  “Are there many men in your field?” Huv had never met anyone in Lexy’s profession before, but he figured th
ere’d be more women therapists dealing with female patients.

  “More than you might think,” Lexy answered. “Besides, I’m Cedecian. I have the benefit of a unique perspective.”

  Cedecian? The race sounded vaguely familiar to Huv, but he didn’t quite follow. Maybe they were empathic or something?

  “Back home on Alluria, we don’t have nearly the same diversity as you do here.” Huv took another sip of his drink. “For the most part, Allurians marry other Allurians and produce little baby Allurians. That’s what my younger brother and the rest of the family have all done. I came here to Trilanta for Xindra’s wedding. She’s the first to marry an outsider—a New Earthling fellow.”

  “How did the family take that?” Lexy asked.

  Huv chuckled. “We Allurians like any excuse to host a big family celebration and share dirty limericks. Nobody cared whom she married as long as he had the requisite parts.”

  Lexy’s slow grin warmed Huv, but he was glad to discover it didn’t excite him the way it had at first.

  “That’s good. Not all families are so understanding.” Lexy cradled his drink between his hands. “So it sounds like most of your relatives are settling down. You said your younger brother is married?”

  “Yeah. He and his wife are expecting a baby now. A little girl.” Huv stared at his glass.

  Lexy softened his tone. “I’d say congratulations, but you don’t sound happy about it.”

  “It’s not that.” Huv frowned as he tried to figure out how to explain. “I’m very happy for him, and I look forward to being an uncle. It’s more a matter of feeling left out, I guess. Like I said, Allurians are big on family, and it’s not always easy for those of us who haven’t settled down yet. A wedding off planet was a good excuse to get away for a while.”

  “Different life stages, different timing.” Lexy summed up the problem perfectly. “I take it you’re not married.”

  “No. You?”

  “Not yet.” Lexy sounded matter-of-fact. “Most of the people in my family marry later in life, and I tend to overanalyze my relationships as soon as they get serious. Hazard of my profession, I guess.”

  “It’s a big universe,” Huv pointed out. “It’s not easy to find the right person in it.”

  “True.” Lexy drew an audible breath. “So, you’re just visiting Trilanta? How long are you here?”

  Huv returned a shrug. “I don’t know. Actually, I should have left by now, but I kind of like this city. I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I’ve been toying with the idea of relocating here.”

  “Maybe I can sway you. Have you toured much of Trilanta? I’d be happy to show you some of the sights if you’re interested. Are you free Saturday?”

  Huv hesitated. Then he realized how much he’d relaxed in Lexy’s company. The guy was easy to talk to, and it’d be nice to have someone to hang out with. His earlier physical reaction had, thank goodness, dissipated, so it had probably been a fluke.

  “Sounds great,” he agreed. “Where do you want to meet up?”

  “Do you have a car?”

  “Afraid not.”

  “No problem.” Lexy waved that away. “I’ll pick you up at your place, say a little after four.”

  Huv rattled off the address of his cousin’s townhouse, which had been drilled into him for fear he’d get lost.

  “I look forward to it.” Huv lifted his glass and tapped it against Lexy’s with a happy clink.

  They sat back and listened to the music.

  * * * *

  Lexy had discovered that one of the problems with helping other people so much was he often didn’t spend enough time working on his own relationships. Saturday night, as he glanced at Huv sitting beside him in his car, Lexy felt a promising spark that had him determined to make time.

  Of course, the physical attraction was easy to explain. The Allurian’s body was trim and well muscled, and he walked with the confidence of a man who knew his own appeal. He had dark hair with amethyst undertones that tempted a touch to see if it was as fine and silky as it looked. In contrast, Huv’s eyes were almost devoid of color, like tarnished silver behind his long lashes. Although tiny laugh lines bracketed those eyes, Lexy wondered if Huv had been joyful lately. There was something slightly lost about him, although perhaps that was Lexy’s inner therapist talking. His parents said he was always trying to fix everyone.

  “Did you enjoy dinner?” Lexy asked the casual question to make conversation.

  They’d gone to a large up-and-coming buffet on the far side of town.

  “Hard not to. I think they had every dish ever created.” Huv turned from where he’d been staring out the window. “How long have you been on Trilanta?”

  Lexy slid his gaze over his passenger again. “You’re talking to a native, although I’ve only lived here in the city for about six years now. It’s a great place to live. I hope I can convince you to stay.”

  Spotting the entrance to the fairgrounds, Lexy grabbed a parking code and found them a decent spot.

  “What’s this?” Huv glanced around curiously as they got out.

  Lexy took a chance and slipped one hand over Huv’s shoulder. The Allurian was taller than he was by a couple of inches and felt sturdy and solid beneath his palm. It was always nice to be around a man who kept himself fit.

  “Welcome to the Trilanta Amusement Park and Fairgrounds,” he answered. “Anyone who’s grown up in the area has been here at least once. I’ll make a local out of you yet.”

  Huv returned a smile that melted Lexy down to his bones. If he enjoyed the Allurian this much out on the town, he couldn’t wait to see how they were in bed together. Lexy had been tempted to invite Huv back to his place from the lounge the other night, but two things had stopped him: the fact that Huv had just had sex as part of an educational demonstration and fear of rushing things. Although he’d felt an instant connection with Huv, Lexy couldn’t quite get a read on the man. It was better to take his time.

  Satisfying himself with a friendly hold on his date’s shoulder, Lexy led the way inside the fairgrounds. There they spent the rest of the night trying out the rides and eating junk food like children, all the while laughing and talking about everything in orbit. It was the most fun Lexy had had in a long time.

  It was especially great to see Huv’s expression while they watched a trick riding show in the arena. Huv’s steely eyes were intent as the small Flexian in the spotlight performed contortions balanced on the back of a galloping equinoid.

  “And to think I fell over when I pulled on my shoe this morning,” Huv later joked on the way home.

  “We all have our skill sets.” Lexy said it with a laugh, but he wondered when they’d get to explore some of those skills together.

  Huv didn’t seem to pick up on the innuendo.

  They were almost to Huv’s cousin’s place, which meant Lexy didn’t have much time left if he wanted to make a move. He’d originally planned to at least try for a kiss at the door, but Huv was acting like just a buddy at the moment. Maybe next time?

  “Listen,” Huv told him. “Thanks a lot for tonight. You don’t know how much I needed to get out and do something with someone I’m not related to.”

  “No problem.” But Lexy couldn’t judge his tone. Had he misread Huv’s interest? Was this a “just friends” sort of deal?

  He pulled in front of the townhouse and waited for some sort of signal.

  “I know you’re busy with work during the week,” Huv said.


  “But do you want to do something again next weekend? Maybe we could catch a game or a movie at the holoplex?”

  His hope rekindled, Lexy felt himself beaming. It looked like he hadn’t misjudged things with Huv after all. They weren’t rushing headlong for bed, but that was fine with him. He wasn’t looking for just another lay. Lexy genuinely enjoyed getting to know Huv. He got the feeling the Allurian put on a good act of being carefree, but Huv was far more serious and complex under the surfac
e. It was a side Huv’s family probably didn’t see very often.

  “Saturday is good.” He tried to sound nonchalant despite the happy dance he was doing inside. “I’ll call you?”

  Huv nodded and gave him a quick pat on the knee before he climbed out.

  Although it wasn’t the kiss Lexy had hoped for, nothing could dim his joy. Now he had something to look forward to all week. With a last wave good-bye, he saw Huv safely inside before he drove away.

  Once he was back at his house in the suburbs, Lexy stripped off his clothes in the bedroom and hung up his jacket. He used the closet on the left—half of a his-and-hers pair—though he knew every dress, blouse, and pair of shoes in the other one. Getting ahead of himself, he tried to picture Huv’s clothes hanging next to his, and it gave him a homey feeling. Okay, so he definitely had a crush.

  As he crawled into bed, Lexy reran the evening in his head, right down to the good-night kiss he hadn’t gotten. He then fantasized a happier ending, one in which he scored a whole lot more than just a kiss.

  In his mind, sterling eyes met his gaze, and moist breath hit his mouth seconds before firm, soft lips molded to his. Huv had an aura about him that said he liked to take charge, but Lexy would fight him for it. They’d wind up here, hot and disheveled, in his bedroom.

  The images came fast and furious now: seeking hands, warm skin, hard muscles. Grabbing some tissues from the nightstand, Lexy reached beneath the covers for his already lengthening cock. Although Cedecians weren’t quite as well endowed as the other races, they were by far the most talented at finding the pleasure spots of either sex. Stroking his shaft with gradually more urgent pulls, Lexy imagined exploring those spots on Huv. He’d never made love to an Allurian before, but he’d heard the males of that race had extra-hard cocks.

  Feeling the skin moving over the woody core of his hard-on, Lexy pretended he was giving a handjob to Huv instead. Of course, Huv would be larger and more rigid. He’d probably want more pressure, especially around the crown.


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