Alien Sex 104

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Alien Sex 104 Page 2

by Allie Ritch

  “Oh, gods.” Lexy punched his head back into his pillow as he fisted himself.

  Now it wasn’t just Huv’s penis he fantasized about. It was Huv’s hand stroking Lexy’s, his fingers sliding up and down his sensitive shaft and around the blunt tip. His thumb would curve over Lexy’s weeping slit and—

  “Ah, yes! Huv!”

  Cum spewed out of Lexy’s cock in a torrent, almost too fast and copious to catch with the tissues. It was a short, brutal orgasm that instantly drained his body of tension and left him boneless. Replete, he fell limp on the mattress before he rolled onto his side with a long sigh.

  Hugging one of the bed pillows, Lexy drifted off to dreams of warm, silvery eyes and aubergine hair. Next weekend couldn’t come soon enough.

  * * * *

  Walking out of a small dinner theater the following Saturday, Huv was again struck by a weird attraction to Lexy. In fact, he had the urge to wrap his arm around the other guy, which was as confusing as it was disturbing. Huv had never lusted for another man before, and he couldn’t fathom why he’d start now. Sure, Lexy was hot. With those fine, angelic features, how could he not be? But Huv wasn’t only aware of Lexy’s appeal in a purely intellectual sense. His whole body reacted.

  A flush spread across his already too-tight skin, and he couldn’t figure out what to do with his hands. He wound up fidgeting, which wasn’t like him. Huv didn’t know how he could go from perfectly relaxed to hyperaware so quickly, but this was ridiculous. He really liked Lexy. They had a good time together. He didn’t want his misfiring hormones to humiliate him and mess up their friendship.

  “Want to come back to my place?” Lexy asked. “We could have a drink or something.”

  Huv froze for a second. If he’d been on a date with a woman, he would have taken that as an invitation for more than just a drink. But this wasn’t a date, and his screwed-up libido must be skewing his perceptions. Surely he’d imagined the suggestive note in Lexy’s voice, the way he glanced up through his lashes.

  Lexy’s smile faded a bit. “It’s still early, and I just got a new big vid screen a few weeks ago.”

  Relieved, Huv blew out a laugh. “Sure, that sounds great.”

  What was wrong with him? The guy probably didn’t want to go back to an empty house, so he was inviting Huv to hang out a while longer. Huv had to stop overreacting and ignore these inappropriate feelings until they dwindled again. No problem.

  Lexy laid a hand on his shoulder and leaned closer. It was a casual touch, but heat instantly flared from Huv’s scalp to the soles of his feet. Okay, so he had a problem after all.

  Although he tried to shake it off, he felt awkward the whole ride to Lexy’s place. When they got inside, the tension only mounted until his heart pounded in his chest. You’d think he was a virgin sneaking into a popular girl’s bedroom, not a guy visiting his buddy’s house.

  After locking up, Lexy turned to face him. “Do you want that drink now, or do you want to wait until later?”

  Huv wasn’t sure if a drink would help ease him or just obliterate his already shaky control. Either way, he was bound to say or do something stupid if he didn’t get a grip. Better to play it safe.

  “I’ll wait.” His voice came out as a dry rasp.

  He was so busy trying to control his own reactions he didn’t catch Lexy’s until the man took a step that placed him an inch away.

  “I hoped you’d say that.” Lexy spoke with a husky undertone that made Huv shiver. Then he kissed him.

  Shock kept Huv in place for the first brush of Lexy’s lips, so much firmer and more direct than a woman’s. At least, Huv told himself it was shock. He didn’t know what excuse he had for softening his mouth a second later. A reflex maybe? All he knew was his head was spinning, and his groin felt tight and heavy like maybe his cock was thinking about sticking its head out. Then Lexy’s tongue probed the seam of his lips, and Huv didn’t know what the hell he was feeling. Jerking away, he backpedaled until he hit the wall.

  “Whoa, I’m not … this isn’t…” Ah, gods. This couldn’t be happening to him.

  “Not quite the reaction I expected.” Lexy’s tone was wry, but despite his own distress, Huv could hear the hurt behind it.

  Raking his hand through his hair, Huv tugged hard as if the movement would straighten out his head. “Look, I think there’s been a miscommunication here. I’m really sorry if I misled you, but I’m not gay.”

  “Okay.” Lexy sounded like he was humoring him.

  “No, really. I like women. A lot.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Lexy shot him an amused smile. “Strictly speaking, I’m not gay either, although I guess you could argue I’m half gay. I’m simply Cedecian.”

  “You told me that,” Huv said, but he felt like he must have missed something.

  Apparently Lexy figured that out, too. A frown formed in the middle of his smooth brow before tipping down the corners of his lips. “And you told me there isn’t much diversity on your home planet. You don’t know much about Cedecians, do you?”

  “Not really.”

  “Oh, boy.” Lexy winced. “Maybe you’d better sit down.”

  Realizing he was cowering against the wall, Huv felt a flush of embarrassment. He accepted the seat Lexy offered him in the living room and settled across from him.

  “I’ll get right to the point,” Lexy said. “Cedecians are a bi-gender race.”

  Huv blinked. “Bi—”

  “Gender. We shift back and forth between male and female, spending equal time as each.”

  Stars above, he would have remembered hearing something like that. “Nifty trick.” He audibly swallowed. “Do you … uh … do that often?”

  “Change sexes?” Although Lexy propped his ankle on his knee and leaned back casually, he kept bouncing his foot. “We can do it at will with a great deal of concentration, but it’s uncomfortable if the timing isn’t right. Right now, I’m at the male stage of my cycle. In a few days, I’ll transform to female. The only time we don’t have a choice in the matter is when we’re in our fertile period and have a permanent lover. Then we take whatever form complements them.”

  “I see.” Actually, Huv felt like he was cross-eyed at the moment, but what could he say?

  He almost flinched when Lexy came over and sat beside him on the sofa.

  “Look, I can see you’re taken aback,” Lexy told him. “I don’t mean to push you, but I couldn’t help but notice you responded to my kiss. Well, at least until you remembered you were kissing a man.”

  Oh, gods. Huv’s heart beat a wild tattoo. “But I’m not gay,” he repeated. “Or bisexual.”

  Lexy patted his arm. “I have to ask, and this question isn’t as stupid as it might sound. Are you sure?”

  “Of course, I … damn.” Huv scrubbed his palms over his face. He couldn’t deny he’d reacted to Lexy. Hadn’t he wondered the same thing?

  “Have you ever tried a sexual interaction with a male?” Lexy’s tone was gentle.

  “No … except … I mean I hadn’t, but…”

  Lexy rubbed his arm. “It’s okay to tell me. I won’t use it to pressure you.”

  Huv groaned. “At that class I modeled for. The students came up for a hands-on anatomy lesson, and I let them touch me. Most of the guys opted to just look, but this one Nimanian man took my cock in his hand. I didn’t even pay attention to what he looked like. It’s not that I was interested in him, but when he put his hand on me—”

  “You enjoyed it?”

  Shaking his head, Huv stared at his hands. “I don’t know. I just … don’t know. I’m thirty-six years old. Shouldn’t this have come up before now?”

  Lexy responded with a small smile. “I’ll ignore the obvious pun and answer maybe. People can spend their whole lives exploring their sexuality. Maybe you’re ready to try a new avenue—one that’s part of your makeup but wasn’t something you were ready for as an adolescent. In case it isn’t obvious, I’d be happy to help you test the wa

  Temptation, dark and forbidden, swirled inside him. “I don’t know if I can.”

  “We could try another kiss.” Lexy slid his hand around to rub Huv’s back. “You seemed to like that until your inhibitions got in the way.”

  Huv couldn’t believe he was even considering this, let alone about to do it, but he licked his lips. “Just a kiss?”

  Lexy leaned closer. “Just a kiss. We’ll take it nice and slow.”

  Moving as if he was afraid he’d spook Huv, Lexy eased in. All the while, he ran his hands up and down Huv’s stiff back. Lexy’s warm breath mingled with his, followed by a gentle brush of lips. Feeling awkward and more than a little nervous, Huv cupped Lexy’s cheek. The prickle of stubble threw him off.

  With a soothing murmur, Lexy planted coaxing pecks at the corners of his mouth. The simple caresses made Huv’s heart slam against his ribs, and heat blossomed under his skin in a rush. Groaning in surrender, he finally caught Lexy’s mouth in a full, passionate kiss.

  The moment he let go, his erection sprang to aching life. He gasped, which was all the invitation Lexy needed to slip his tongue between Huv’s lips. The world tilted, and Huv fell back onto the couch with Lexy sprawled over him.

  It wasn’t the same as having a woman on top of him. Instead of soft breasts and rounded curves, the body pressed so intimately against his consisted of lean, hard muscles over a strong frame. There was also no mistaking the bulge rubbing against his thigh.

  Jolted by the feel of another man’s hard-on, Huv made a small sound of distress.

  “Shhh.” Lexy reached up to massage his scalp, sending tingles of pleasure up and down Huv’s spine. “Just a kiss, remember?”

  Huv didn’t have time to respond before he was swept up again. Their tongues dueled; their hands roamed. Arousal shoved aside his doubts. He wanted more.

  Clutching Lexy’s butt, Huv began to writhe beneath him until he was rhythmically grinding his hips upward. Nipping Lexy’s lower lip, he opened farther. He reached up to tangle his fingers in Lexy’s curls, which were even thicker and softer than they looked. On a spasm, his cock sent up a warm spill of precum. Huv kicked his head back with a moan.

  Above him, Lexy’s cheeks were flushed, and he was panting when he pulled back. “You have no idea how much I want to make love to you.” With the backs of his fingers, he stroked Huv’s face with a touch so gentle it made everything go still inside him. “Is there anything I can do to make that okay for you?”

  Words knotted in Huv’s throat, leaving him speechless. Even his thoughts were contrary: Yes, I want you. No, I can’t make love to a man. You’re everything I want, except I want a woman. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.

  Huv felt another soft caress on his face, which made him realize he’d squeezed his eyes shut. He opened them to discover Lexy gazing at him thoughtfully.

  “You’re still hard.” Lexy pushed his weight into Huv’s inseam for emphasis.

  Huv audibly gulped. “You seem to have that effect on me.”

  “When you’re not fighting it, you mean.” Lexy’s tone was patient. “Tell me something. If gender weren’t an issue, if you’d met me as a female first, would you be hesitating right now? Or would we already be in the bedroom?”

  He didn’t even have to think about it. “Bedroom.”

  “Even knowing I change into a man?”

  Sensing this was important to Lexy, Huv chose his words carefully. “I’ve never met someone who can change sexes. I can’t decide if I’m skeptical or intrigued, which probably means I haven’t absorbed that yet. But I’ve never been so attracted to someone before. And I’ve only known you as a man. I also got on this couch with you after you told me about the whole bi-gender thing.”

  Lexy’s smile was so radiant it nearly stopped Huv’s heart. If Huv were bisexual… Stars above, now he was questioning that again.

  “I’ll tell you what.” Lexy sat back so he straddled Huv’s lap, which sent another jolt of pleasure up Huv’s shaft. “Why don’t I change into something more comfortable for you? Then I’ll give you a tour of my bedroom, and we’ll see what happens. Nothing forced.”

  Huv released a ragged sigh. Then in the next heartbeat, his breath hitched as he stared in amazement. Before his eyes, Lexy’s facial features softened into something more feminine, and his body grew curvier and more delicate. Lexy’s hips flared out as his erection shrank and disappeared. Two pert little breasts swelled from his—that is, her chest. The only features that remained the same were those magnificent golden curls and gray-blue eyes.

  “Magic.” The word left Huv’s mouth as a reverent whisper.


  Lexy felt the ache of her forced shift melt away beneath the look in Huv’s eyes. Rather than scaring or disgusting him as she’d feared, her shift appeared to awe the Allurian. That gave her more hope for the future than was probably wise.

  The feel of Huv’s unflagging desire beneath her focused Lexy on the now. Huv definitely still wanted her, and she hoped taking a female form would remove the last obstacle to their being together. What had started out as precum was now a slick coating of cream inside her vagina, and the hard throb of her shaft had morphed into an empty ache behind her distended clit. She needed to come very badly.

  “You’re beautiful,” Huv murmured. “Lexy, you’re so beautiful.”

  Meeting his silvery gaze, she felt tender warmth twine with desire. She got up and offered her hand. “Show me.”

  The hunger her words evoked made Lexy shiver. She could see it in his gaze, in the way he moved with swift, sudden grace, and it thrilled her. The second he accepted her hand, she led him to her bedroom.

  It was a simple matter of shoving her now-oversize pants and boxers past her rounded hips to drop them to the floor. With her shoulders no longer as wide, the man’s shirt fit like a nightie, landing just below the juncture of her thighs. Behind the material, her nipples grew stiff and sensitive.

  Huv reached out and toyed with the collar of her shirt, still wearing the same look of wonder and desire. She thought she saw his hand tremble as he slowly stroked it down her chest to cup one of her breasts. The warm rasp of his palm made her arch into him with a delighted sigh. He gave her breast a testing squeeze before he continued his explorations down, down, down to the damp folds between her legs.

  When he touched her there, Lexy didn’t just gasp. She thrust her hips forward to grind against him. Part of her body was still telling her she was male—she was supposed to be a man right now—and the lack of a penis felt kinky. She felt like a man experiencing sex as a woman.

  “You change everything,” Huv marveled. “All your parts are female now.”

  Lexy couldn’t help but smile. “Did you think I’d trick you with a half job?”

  Huv shook his head, but he didn’t say a word. Apparently assured of her sex, he unleashed the hunger she’d seen building inside him. Between one heartbeat and the next, he had her plastered full-length against him with his hand on her bare bottom and his tongue in her mouth.

  Spearing her fingers through his soft hair, Lexy met him with the same intensity. She could feel the hard ridge of his erection behind his pants, almost rubbing her where she wanted the friction most. How he got her top off in this position, she wasn’t sure, but the next thing she knew, her shirt hit the floor with a muted plop.

  Standing naked in his arms while he was fully dressed was another sensual experience. It left her feeling vulnerable and sexy, like a wanton leading him astray. Lexy had needs of her own, though, and she didn’t intend to be shortchanged.

  “Off.” She delivered the order with a nip of his lip and tugged on his shirt for emphasis.

  With a groan, he stepped back and whipped the garment over his head. His shoes and pants quickly followed. Lexy felt her eyes widen when she finally glimpsed the rigid length of his cock. The shaft was more heavily striated than others she’d seen, and the crown practically looked armor-plated.

tra-hard.” She murmured the words to herself, already imagining how he’d feel inside her.

  If she hadn’t heard one of her patients brag about the incredible pleasure an Allurian cock could bring a woman, she might have worried it would hurt. Wanting to do a little reconnoitering, she reached for his intimidating member. He caught her hand before she could make contact.

  “Next time.” Huv led her to the bed. “If you handle me now, I won’t last very long.”

  Although she suspected he was experienced enough to withstand some foreplay, Lexy was pleased he wanted her this badly. She was tempted to bring him off with her hand just so she could watch every nuance of his orgasm. He must have read the temptation in her eyes because he swung her onto the bed and covered her before she could make her move.

  “What do you like?” He kissed his way down her neck toward the swell of her breasts. “How do you like to be touched?”

  Delicious shivers raced through her as he neared her left nipple with his scalding mouth.

  “Mmm.” The hum of pleasure vibrated in the back of her throat. “I like my thighs rubbed.”

  She felt his fingers stroke up the outside of her right thigh at the same instant he suckled her nipple. The coordination of the attack made the two sensations connect like a twanged string running through the center of her womb. Her juices flowed harder.

  Seconds later, Huv found her drenched folds with his finger and followed the flow until he’d buried his digit right up to his knuckles. Again, Lexy experienced an out-of-body moment. She wasn’t supposed to have a vagina for him to enter right now. The fact that she did and he was currently drilling his finger in and out of it added to the thrill.

  Lexy whimpered. “Stroke my clit. Pump it like a little cock.”

  His hand stilled for a moment, and she was afraid she’d shocked him. Then he released a growling noise from the back of his throat. The sheets made a soughing sound as he settled his hips between her legs. She felt the bone-hard tip of his penis probe her opening, followed by the pinch of his fingertips gripping her plump clitoris to caress it from root to peak.

  “Yes!” Lexy squeezed her eyes shut in bliss.


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