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The Price of Love

Page 7

by Cassy Roop

  As I was going through my schedule, my desk phone rang. I reached over to answer it.

  “Lively Magazine, Kendall Jones speaking.”

  “Hi Angel.”


  “Hello Mr., Price, how are you doing?”

  “So it is Mr. Price today, huh?” he said teasingly. I giggled. He really was fun when he was in a good mood like this.

  “Just being professional, Sir.” I bantered back.

  “No one calls me Sir unless it is in the bedroom.”

  Oh holy hell!

  “Anyway, the reason why I am calling is because my assistant Jill will be sending over all the details for the first opening this afternoon,” he said as he switched back to business mode. I was still trying to find my voice after his little bedroom confession.

  I cleared my throat and finally spoke. “Yes, well um, Laura told me that a few moments ago.” I know he could hear the breaks in my voice. He did that on purpose the rat bastard.

  “By the way, thank you for the daisies this morning Tristan. They are sitting right next to the beautiful ones you got me yesterday. You know you should invest stock into the flower shop.” I teased.


  Did I saw something wrong?

  “Tristan? I assumed they were from you because they said ‘I look forward to seeing you again’.

  More Silence.

  He finally spoke up after a few minutes and his voice held hints of anger. “Listen Kendall, I have to go. I’ll call you later so we can go over the arrangements with your first visit to the New York hotel.”

  And all I heard after that was the clicking sound of him hanging up on me.


  You know the expression “seeing red”? Well that was what happened to me after hanging up on Kendall. I was so angry that I literally saw red before my eyes. I never sent her another flower arrangement and as far as I knew, she had not been involved with anyone in a long time. I checked. That left only one person who could have done this.

  That bastard sure has some balls.

  I needed to find out if the flowers Kendall received were indeed from Brett. If they were that just proves to me that he had every intention of tracking her down after his release. I would not let him near her again. It was my fault it happened the first time.

  “Jill!” I yelled out to my assistant. No doubt she heard the bark in my voice and was in my office in two seconds.

  “Yes Mr. Price,” she said timidly.

  “Get me an appointment with Scott Buckley. Tell him it is a matter of extreme importance.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  If anyone could find out what Brett was up to it was Scott. He was the man I turned to when I needed to find out anything about anyone. He was also the man who has kept tabs on Kendall for me all these years. No doubt he would be just as interested in Brett’s actions as much as I was.

  I sat at my desk for several minutes with my head in my hands. I could not help but think about Kendall. Her safety meant everything to me. I did not prevent her from being hurt once and I would not sit back and watch that monster hurt her again.

  My phone rang, breaking me out of my trance. I really had no patience left over to deal with anything for the rest of the day.

  “Price,” I barked.

  “Tristan, its Scott. Your assistant said I needed to call. What is the emergency?”

  I sighed at the sound of Scott’s voice. The man was nothing if proficient. I appreciated that.

  “It is in regards to Kendall Jones. Scott, they are letting the bastard out early on parole. In the next few weeks as a matter of fact. I need to find out if he could have had someone send flowers to Kendall.”

  “I’ll get right on it. Give me about twenty four hours and I can have an answer,” Scott said with confidence.

  “Thanks man. I appreciate it.”

  I finished up some paperwork and decided I needed to get out of the office. I needed to see Kendall. I feel bad for hanging up on her so abruptly, but I was so pissed. What was I going to say to her? She cannot know the real reason why I was so angry. I thought about what excuse I was going to give as I made my way across town to her office.

  Confirmation came in from my source that Kendall received her flowers. I sent her daisies knowing they have always been her favorite. I wish I could have been there to see the look on her face. Just a few more weeks, baby and you are mine. All mine.

  Chapter 7


  My morning was busy. Trying to find people to hand over my work to so that I could focus on the Luxe project seemed harder than I thought. With just a few weeks before we went to print, everyone else was busy with their own projects.

  At fifteen after twelve, my desk phone buzzed. I saved the schedule I was working on and picked up.

  “Kendall Jones.”

  “Oh. My. God. Kendall!” Rachel whispered into the receiver. It sounded like she was trying to contain her excitement.

  “Do not freak out but Tristan Price is here in reception, and he is asking for you.”

  “Ok, Rach. Tell him I’ll be right out.”

  Why was Tristan here? I thought he was still angry with me since I hadn’t heard anything from him since our phone conversation this morning. I pushed back my chair and stood on wobbly legs to make my way out to reception.

  I locked eyes on him immediately. She looked so sexy in his dark two-button suit. He wore a stark white notched-collar shirt and a blue silk tie. The man really did know how to fill out a suit. His face still had that same stubble look that just made him even sexier. His eyes, however, held a worried look. He looked up at me and gave me his panty melting smile.

  “Mr. Price?” I said with question in my voice.

  He approached me and lifted his hand as if to reach for me but thought better of it. “I’m sorry, Kendall. I know I should have called, but I wanted to take you to lunch. I have the details about the project in the car. Maybe we can discuss those over lunch,” Tristan asked me.

  “Well, I have plans with Cassie, but I can see if I can break them. Give me a moment,” I said as I turned around to make my way to Cassie’s office. As I approached her door, I gave it a little tap.

  “Hey Cass.”

  “Hey Kendall, I will be ready to leave in like two minutes.”

  “Actually, that is why I am here. Tristan is in reception and wants me to join him for lunch. I can totally blow him off if you want me too¸” I told her.

  “Let’s hope she doesn’t want you to.”

  I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of Tristan's voice. I had no idea that he had followed me to Cassie’s office.

  Cassie looked up and nearly fell out of her chair. I was glad I was not the only female to have that same reaction to him.

  “Helllllllo,” Cassie drew out as she stood up and rounded her desk, “you must be the famous Tristan Price.”

  She extended her hand out to Tristan to introduce herself. “I’m Cassie Edwards. Best friend to Kendall.”

  “Nice to meet you, Miss Edwards. I am indeed Tristan Price. I’m not sure about the famous part. But I am hoping to be Kendall’s lunch date.” Tristan said as he looked at me and smiled. I couldn’t help but blush. Cassie saw the exchange between me and Tristan and smiled.

  “You know what? She is all yours. I have a ton of pictures I need to finish editing anyway. I would be more productive by having lunch at my desk.”

  “Thank you, Miss Edwards. I will be indebted to you.”

  “Yes, thank you, Miss Edwards,” I said sarcastically. Tristan reached for my hand to lead me out of Cassie’s office, but not before I could mouth the word traitor to her.

  When we made it down to the waiting car, Tristan finally broke the uncomfortable silence that had formed between us.

  “You look beautiful today.” He said as he reached for my hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back.

  “Thank you,” I murmured.

  I was trying to decide if I wante
d to ask him about this morning. I honestly knew my reaction would not be good if he did indeed order the repairs to my apartment building this morning. There was also the issue of his reaction this morning on the phone about the flowers. It was like one minute he would be in a great mood, then the next he was in a bad mood or closed off. He was definitely mercurial.

  “Tristan, may I ask you something,” I asked as I looked over at him.

  “Anything Angel.”

  “Were you responsible for the door being repaired at my apartment this morning?”

  He answered with just one word. “Yes.”

  “And the security system and lighting in the halls? Oh my God, Tristan, did you buy my building?”


  I felt my breathing start to speed. I could feel the familiar tightening in my chest. A panic attack was just on the horizon. He was trying to control me. Just like Brett. I could not take it. I needed out of this car.

  “Garrison! Please pull the car over!” I exclaimed as the panic really started to set in.

  Tristan reached for my hand but I yanked it away before he could touch me. I will not let any man control me ever again. As Garrison made his way over to the curb, I jumped out of the car as it was still moving and slammed the door. I took off down the street.

  “Kendall! Kendall stop!” I heard Tristan yell as he made his way out of the car. I kept going as I tried to push my way through people on the sidewalk trying to create as much distance from him as possible. Obviously I was not fast enough because before I knew it a hand grabbed my upper arm and spun me around.

  “Kendall, will you just stop for a minute and talk to me?” Tristan pleaded.

  “Why? So you can control me?” I spat.

  “Whoa, Angel. I am not trying to control you.”

  “Really, so buying my apartment building had nothing to do with me?

  He stared at me for a few moments as if trying to think of what to say. His buying my building had everything to do with me and I knew it. I allowed a man to have control over me once, I will not allow it again.

  “Just as I thought,” I said. I turned to walk away again. He stopped me before I got too far this time.

  “Come with me into this coffee shop,” he gestured with his head behind us, “I will explain things to you better.”

  I was reluctant. Brett used the same tactics on me. “Baby let me explain”, or “Kendall, I’m so sorry,” always came from his mouth. Could I really trust this man?

  Tristan's green eyes were filled with worry as he pleaded with me silently to listen to him. It was those eyes of his that pull me in so easily. I didn’t know if it was the familiar feeling or something else but I found myself agreeing to listen to him.

  We went into the busy coffee shop and were lucky to find a table. After asking what I would like, Tristan went to order us a few coffees and some sandwiches. As angry with him as I was, I still was starving. I sat in the back staring at Tristan as he had his back to me at the counter. Cassie keeps telling me that I needed to put Brett behind me and move on with my life. I just cannot get over the thought of another man treating me like he did. Brett was my first love, so I didn’t have much to go on relationship wise because I have always been so afraid.

  Something about Tristan, though, made me want to let go of that fear. He had been nothing but nice to me ever since we met. Could I let down my guard and trust this man?

  Tristan brought over our food and coffee and sat down across from me. He took a careful sip from his steaming hot coffee before he spoke.

  “Kendall, I am sorry that I did not tell you about buying your building. I did it for safety reasons. The previous owner had no plans to fix your door. He also had failed a building safety inspection a month ago. He was just looking for an opportunity to sell, so I gave it to him,” he explained. After a brief pause he sighed.

  “Kendall, your safety is important to me. I have issues with this that you cannot understand. It is also something that I do not want to get into right now, but I want you to know I only had the best intentions at heart. I will not compromise where your safety is concerned.”

  Okay. What did he mean by that?

  I decided not to press him on the issue because I know what it felt like to be haunted by your past. I understand why he did what he did, but I needed to reiterate to him that he needed to seek my permission first before making decisions when it comes to my life. No matter how big or small.

  “Tristan, I understand why you did what you did. You must also try to understand that I spent a lot of my young adult time being controlled by others. It felt like an invasion of privacy and that is why I panicked,” I explained to him.

  I saw him visibly wince. Maybe he understood more than I originally thought. He opened his mouth to reply to my revelation when his phone rang. He reached into his coat pocket to retrieve it and looked at the screen. His eyes grew dark.

  “Excuse me a moment. This is important,” he said as he gestured toward his phone. I gave him a nod as he got up and walked outside to take the call.


  Hearing Kendall talk about Brett controlling her nearly killed me. Even though I already knew what he did to her, it still did not change the way it affected me to hear about it.

  I was just about to answer her when my phone rang in my pocket. I reached in to retrieve it and saw Scott Buckley’s name light up on the screen. This was the phone call that I have been waiting for. It has not even been twenty four hours. Hell, it has barely been two or three.

  “Excuse me a moment. This is important,” I said as I gestured toward my phone. Kendall gave me a nod to tell me ok and I got up to walk outside. I did not want to risk her hearing the conversation.

  “Price,” I answered as soon as I got outside.

  “Tristan, it is Scott. I have some information for you and you are not going to be happy about it, my friend.”

  I felt my blood start to boil. My hatred for Brett grew by the day.

  “Seems Hawkins did send the flowers to Kendall. It also seems that he has been keeping tabs on her the entire time he has been locked up. My source tells me that he has several guys watching over her.”


  “My men are trying to find out who and how many. No doubt he is using daddy’s money to pay these guys to stalk her. Does she know he is being released soon?” Scott asked.

  “No, she doesn’t and I want to keep it that way. I have a plan in place to keep her near me at all times to ensure that she is safe from him until he can be dealt with,” I told him.

  “Fair enough man. I want to see him go down just as much as you do.”

  “Keep me informed, Scott. I mean it. No detail is too small,” I said sternly.

  “Will do.”

  After hanging up, I stood outside for a minute to calm myself. I did not need Kendall seeing me so pissed off because then she would start asking questions. I cannot believe that bastard was having her followed. It made the decision of having the security system installed at her apartment that much better. I needed to get this project going sooner than expected.

  I walked back into the coffee shop and found Kendall eating alone. I stood back and watched her a few moments. This girl had the power to shatter me into a million pieces and didn’t even know it. I made my way back over to the table and apologized for my absence.

  “No problem, Tristan. I know how busy you are. I hope you don’t mind I started eating without you. I was starving,” she said with a smile.

  I really loved it when she smiled. It reached somewhere down into me and caused a welcome feeling. Not to mention one to my cock.

  No. I could not think about that.

  “No problem, Angel. Eat away.”

  We ate in silence for a few moments and just enjoyed being in each other’s company, even though the tension of our conversation prior to my phone call still loomed over us. I decided to set a plan in motion so that I could get her away from here sooner than had originally anticip

  “The construction of Luxe New York will be complete in a few days. They are wrapping things up right as we speak. We have decided to move the grand opening up a few weeks. So a week from Monday will be the new date.”

  I let the information I just gave her settle in a moment before I continued. “So the plan is for you to stay at each location for two weeks. During that two weeks you will have every experience the hotel offers and then write your report for the magazine. I have spoken to Laura and arrangements have been made for Cassie to be the photographer for the project.”

  She smiled. It was a huge face spitting smile. I knew she would be pleased to hear the news.

  “Really? That is so great Tristan!”

  Kendall jumped out of her chair, ran around the table and threw herself in my arms. I inhaled her scent as she brushed up against me. Her breasts were brushed up against my chest. I only prayed she did not feel my evidence of arousal in my pants.

  “Thank you, Tristan. You cannot imagine how much that means to me. Cassie has been with me through so much and I am so glad that I will get to share this experience with her.”

  I technically had not talked to Laura yet, so I prayed that I get the chance to do so before Kendall spoke to Cassie.

  Kendall pulled herself away and looked down and blushed with embarrassment from her outburst. She really was so beautiful when her cheeks turned that rosy hue when she was embarrassed. It made her blue eyes sparkle even more.

  “I’m sorry Tristan.” She giggle nervously.

  “No apologies needed, Miss Jones,” I said teasingly. “I rather enjoyed that.”

  She blushed even harder.

  As we sat back down I proceeded to give her the rest of the details about each property visit.

  “My marketing team thought it was a good idea to have a grand opening ceremonial ball on the weekend after the hotel has been open for two weeks. It gives us and the staff enough time to work out all the kinks in operations.

  “So what do you say, Kendall? Will you be my date for the ceremonial balls?” I asked her as I reached for her hand.


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