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The Lost Tudor Princess

Page 61

by Alison Weir

  54. Ashdown RT, 174

  55. Stedall SC, 138

  56. Lefuse, 6

  57. CSP Scotland 5, 368

  58. CSP Scotland 5, 368; NA C.66, 1170; Macauley, 84; Durant, 18. Mann says that Margaret was first buried in Hackney Church with Charles, and was moved to Westminster by James I, but this is not supported by the other evidence.

  59. CSP Scotland 5, 328

  60. Ibid.

  61. Lovell, 276

  62. Lisle TFS, 353

  63. Holinshed 5

  64. Stow

  65. Holinshed 5

  66. Meaning a representation or model, in this case almost certainly an effigy.

  67. Holinshed 5

  68. Strong TJP, 199

  69. An electrotype of the effigy is in the National Portrait Gallery.

  70. Arnold QEWU, 128, 152

  71. Whitelock, 353

  72. For the tomb, see The Douglas Archives; Wilkinson

  73. Scott Giles

  74. Borman, 298

  75. Camden, 277

  76. Holinshed 5

  77. Clarke

  78. Gristwood, 17

  79. Clarke

  80. Ibid.

  22. “A Progenitor of Princes”

  1. Keith 3, 307; Hardy, 13

  2. CSP Simancas 2, 493

  3. NA SP 52/27, f.120v

  4. Gristwood, 29

  5. CSP Scotland 5, 356

  6. Eden et al.

  7. Original Letters 2, 60

  8. Hardy, 33; Gristwood, 51; University of Nottingham MS. Mi6/1/173/242

  9. Possibly the “H” stood for “Henry Darnley” or “Henry VIII.”

  10. Darnley’s emblem.

  11. Hardy, 25; Lefuse, 26–27

  12. Tytler

  13. Royal Treasures

  14. Hardy, 25–26

  15. Ashdown RT, 177–78; Hardy, 55

  16. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland 3, 154–57; CSP Scotland 5, 365

  17. Macauley, 86

  18. NA SP 52/31, f.2

  19. Somerset

  20. CSP Scotland 5, 368

  21. CSP Scotland 5, 369

  22. NA SP 52/31, f.5

  23. CSP Scotland 6, 505

  24. Schutte, 53

  25. The head of the vault is in fact two or three feet to the south of the tomb.

  26. Stanley, 510–11. The discovery of Richmond’s body in this vault left Stanley baffled as to why it should be there when his heart was encased in an urn near his son’s magnificent monument in the Henry VII Chapel.

  27. Clarke

  Appendix I: Margaret’s Portraiture

  1. Strong EI, 44; Strong TJP, 200

  2. Lisle, interview for the Lady Jane Grey Reference Guide

  3. I am grateful to Siobhan Clarke, a guide lecturer at Historic Royal Palaces, who guides in costume as Margaret Douglas, for this comparison.

  4. Marshall ODNB; Lisle, interview for the Lady Jane Grey Reference Guide; James, in Apollo; Porter CT, 312

  5. Strong ERM, 47

  6. Now in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

  7. Lloyd and Remington, 1538

  8. Denny KH, 175; Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII, 126–27; James, in Apollo; Treasures: The Royal Collection, 61; Reynolds, 50–52; Arnold PM, 5; Jane Roberts, 126; Foister, 102

  9. Lost Faces, 72

  10. Lost Faces, 74

  11. Information from

  12. Portrait of a Woman in Black; Hans Eworth and the London Stranger Painters

  13. Guy HRPP

  14. Bridgeman; Hans Eworth and the London Stranger Painters

  15. Strong HE; Hans Eworth and the London Stranger Painters

  16. It’s About Time; Portrait of an Unknown Woman

  17. Strong TJP, 199

  18. Millar QP, 23

  19. Millar TSEGP, 77; Strong TJP, 200

  20. Millar TSEGP, 77

  21. Ibid.

  22. Thurley

  23. Royal Collection Trust: Lady Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox

  24. Kitson and Pawson

  25. Millar TSEGP, 73

  26. Scan kindly sent to me by Sally E. Douglas of The Douglas Archives.

  27. Strickland LQS 2, 112

  28. Reynolds, 304; Strong ATC, 65; Hearn, 36; The Fitzwilliam Museum

  29. Strong TJP, 200

  30. A Noble Visage

  31. Scan kindly sent to me by Sally E. Douglas of The Douglas Archives.

  Appendix II: Miscellaneous Poems Copied by Margaret Douglas into the Devonshire Manuscript

  1. Additional MS. 17,492; Heale


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