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Ties to the Blood Moon 2nd Edition

Page 25

by Robin P. Waldrop

  Luna followed me into the kitchen while William and Joseph stepped out onto the deck. Although I was happy to see they weren’t at each other’s throats, I wasn’t sure just how well I liked their new found friendship either.

  I sat down at the kitchen table and scooted my chair next to Luna. She was staring into space and jerked slightly when I spoke. “Did you see what happened in the garage?” I asked pulling up my knees, and wrapping my arms around them.

  Luna chewed at the inside of her lip when she peered at me, tilting her head. “Huh? When we got there you were on the floor. William said you just took a few steps and passed out.”

  “Oh, okay. I was just wondering because I don’t remember.” The truth was I did remember most of it. When I heard the growling, I thought maybe it was Joseph thinking that William was hurting me. Something very weird was happening and I intended to get to the bottom of it.

  Waiting on them to come in, and Luna off in a daze, gave me time to think. The realization of needing an actual plan had set in and was weighing heavily on my mind. A pit in the bottom of my stomach ached terribly at the thought of losing my family. Whatever we were going to do we needed to do it soon. Zane wasn’t going to sit idly by and just wait for me to show up. His patience would eventually wear thin, and he might just kill them both.

  I sensed Luna was taking sidelong glances at me, which told me she wasn’t sure how she felt about the new me. Hell, I didn’t even know how I felt about the new me. One thing I did know was I couldn’t sit around and wait to hear about my mom’s fate. I stood and headed for the doorway.

  “Where are you going?” Luna asked, and started to stand up.

  “I’m going to grab a quick shower. William didn’t tell you to hold my hand in the shower too, did he? Because it would like, seriously make it hard for me to wash my hair one-handed.” I informed dryly.

  “Uh …” Luna trailed off, embarrassed and blushing.

  My heartbeat started to rise, which wasn’t good, so I sang the alphabet song in my head. William and I were in tune with each other because he was the one who turned me. I knew if I was going to be successful at sneaking away I had to focus on keeping it slow and steady. If not, he would realize I was up to something and be waiting to stop me before I got out of the driveway.

  I turned on the shower water and quietly slipped back out of the bathroom. Another good quality I had obtained when I turned was the ability to walk without making a sound. Well, for the most part anyway. I was still working on mastering my new found vampire skills.

  I stepped lightly across my bedroom floor to the window facing the street. I couldn’t go out the back window, which was the easiest way, because it sat right over the deck where William and Joseph were.

  When I slid the window open and stuck my head out, I made the mistake of looking down and my heart jumped. “Damn it,” I mumbled.

  William would be up the stairs any minute if I didn’t calm down. I quickly shut my eyes and took some deep breaths to slow my heart rate, then tripped while climbing out onto the window ledge while singing the alphabet again. I fell head first out the window and promptly thought maybe jumping hadn’t been one of my smartest ideas.

  Chapter 52

  A huge grin covered my face while driving my aunt’s truck. Somehow, I had managed to land on my feet after falling two stories. I was quickly finding out being a vampire had more perks than I ever realized.

  When I turned onto the main road, a bunch of red and blue lights flashed ahead in the distance. I didn’t think anything about it because car accidents seemed pretty common in Alaska.

  When I got closer, I spotted a rusted pick-up truck smashed all to hell and laying on its side in the ditch, and my heart stopped. I whipped my aunt’s truck off the road, and jumped out. “Oh god,” I gasped running toward Luna’s grandfather’s truck.

  A group of cops were standing around at the top of the hill and attempted to stop me when I was running down the hill. “Hey you! Come back here,” one of the cops yelled, and bolted after me.

  When I reached the truck, I checked underneath and inside, but it was empty. It was odd that the windshield appeared to have been busted from the outside. I looked closer and that’s when I spotted large dents in the hood. I inched a few steps nearer, trying to get a good look inside the truck. I threw my hand over my mouth and gasped, stepping back after I saw bloody claw mark gashes in the back of the seat.

  I felt a hand grab my arm, and without even thinking I spun around, and swung.

  “Whoa, Genevieve,” William whispered, grabbing my fist and gazing down at me with tender eyes.

  I looked up at him wondering how he always seemed to find me, or just show up exactly when I needed him. I buried my face in his chest. “It’s all my fault.” My words came out muffled.

  “Everything bad in life is not your fault,” he said, gently, stroking my hair, and pressing me against him. “Shh, here come the cops. Let me do the talking.”

  “You kids know anything about this?” A short Native American state trooper asked in an even tone.

  “It’s our friend’s truck. Was anybody hurt?” William asked, sounding innocent.

  The cop took one look at William and was totally captivated. When he spoke, I heard the lust in his voice. I remember William saying that vampires could literally get away with anything in a human setting. All we had to do was get a human to look us in the eyes and they would become completely spellbound.

  “Um, we didn’t find anybody. The truck was empty when we got here. it looks like maybe a pack of wolves got whoever it was,” he said, motioning us to follow him. The whole time we walked he kept looking over his shoulder at William. “See the drag marks?” He asked, and pointed to the ground. “We followed them to the edge of the woods, then they just disappeared.”

  When we walked back to the truck, Luna and Joseph were standing beside it. Joseph had his arm around her shoulders and she was crying silently. She glowered at me.

  “You guys, I’m—”

  William cut me off, squeezing my arm a little too tightly. “Not now,” he whispered harshly, and nodded toward the group of cops on top of the hill. “Let’s go to my house. We’ll talk there.”

  “I’m not with riding her.” Luna gave me a look filled with hate.

  “Joseph, take Luna in the truck and follow us to my cabin. We’re going to get the twins back, but first we need a plan.”


  William didn’t talk during the ride, and that made me feel even worse. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sunk further down into my seat. It killed me to know William was upset with me.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tried to run out on you guys,” I uttered, looking at William.

  His hand gripped the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles turned white and I actually heard the steering wheel make little cracking noises. When he turned a corner, I saw the dents in the steering wheel. William was much stronger than I ever imagined.

  “Why did you do it?” he asked angrily. “I’ve done everything for you, and this is how you repay me? By taking off without so much as a good-bye?”

  My voice sounded throaty. “I’m—”

  He cut me off. “Yeah … I know. You’re sorry. You’re always sorry, Genevieve.”

  “I thought I was doing what was best for you guys. I didn’t want any of you to get killed because of me. This is my fight, and I have no right to drag you or them into it.”

  “That’s just stupid. I love you. They love you. We chose to help you. You didn’t make us do anything.”

  “Technically, that’s not true. They’re royal servants, and they didn’t have a choice,” I dropped my shoulders, staring silently out the window.

  I felt a sharp pain shoot through my heart, and I guess William felt it, too, because he reached across the seat, gently taking my hand, and pulled me closer to him.

  “I love you,” he said tenderly, just before we stopped in front of his cabin.

  When Lu
na climbed out of the truck, I knew right away she hadn’t gotten over her anger. We barely made it inside before she started in on me, and Joseph grabbed her.

  “It’s all your fault!” She tried pulling away from Joseph, but he held her firmly. “If my brothers are dead it’s on you,” she cried.

  I lowered my eyes, unable to speak with the huge knot forming in my throat. She was right. Everything that had happened was all my fault. “That’s why I tried to do this alone, but you guys wouldn’t let me.” A tear ran down my cheek. “I can’t help who I am. I sure as hell didn’t ask for any of this, and if I could take it all back, I never would have come here. I would rather die than see any of you guys get hurt.” I ran upstairs to one of the bedrooms and slammed the door.

  “Gen,” Joseph shouted through the closed door a minute later. “Let me in.”

  “Go away,” I shouted, but he didn’t. He just kept banging on the door until I finally opened it.

  I kept my arms wrapped tightly around me. “What? You want to blame me, too?” I stared at him from across the room.

  His big eyes immediately softened. “No,” he said quietly. “I don’t blame you at all, Gen, and Luna doesn’t either.” He stood just inside the doorway, gazing at me longingly. “I lo … um.” He cleared his throat. “I just wanted you to know, if you ever need me, I’m here.” He turned around, and as he walked out he whispered something he didn’t think I could hear. I gasped, and my heart fell as the words,” I’ll always love you,” sank in.

  Chapter 53

  After I downed the two bags of blood William brought me, I nuzzled my face against his chest, feeling intoxicated and satisfied. Even though I had to fight to stay awake, I didn’t want to lose the euphoric feeling that came over me each time I ate.

  “We’re leaving at dawn,” William said, out of the blue.

  I stumbled, trying to sit up. “What?” I asked, giving him a confused look. The room started spinning and I had to lie back down.

  “Rest,” he said, stroking my hair. “When you wake up I’ll fill you in on everything.

  When I closed my eyes I saw Joseph, so I quickly opened them and I was in another place. It was sprinkling rain as Joseph walked along the top of a cliff. He was wearing nothing but a pair of tight blue jeans and brown leather work boots. I watched the rain roll over his taut muscles.

  Every time he moved, new muscles bulged, dancing under his skin. He shook his soaking wet hair, sending water in every direction. He gazed at me, parting his full lips, and I waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. As I walked closer, I saw the water on his face wasn’t rain, but tears. He mouthed the words “I love you” just before diving off the cliff.

  I turned to run and saw my aunt holding hands with Zane, and waving good-bye at my mom and me. You know, like the television families who have perfect children and perfect lives and everybody lives happily ever after.

  Zane and my aunt got into a car and as they drove away, he rolled his window down and tossed something out. I’m not sure why, but I ran to get a closer look. I screamed when I saw he had cut off my aunt’s head and thrown it out the window.

  I bolted upright in bed panting heavily, my eyes flitted around the room. William picked up on my heartbeat and he burst through the door in a flash. My heart jumped when Joseph appeared a few seconds later.

  “What’s wrong?” William asked earnestly, glancing around the room, then fixing his gaze on me. Joseph stood to the side, trying to see into the room.

  I sort of fell into a trance when I saw them both together. I had such deep feelings for them both, but I knew I belonged with William, now more than ever. I could never be with a human, or in Joseph’s case, a werewolf. I just couldn’t bear to watch helplessly as someone I loved eventually died while I remained the same young Genevieve.

  “Uh … I had a nightmare. It was awful,” I said with quick short breaths.

  William stared at me for a long moment. “It happens sometimes with bagged blood. Sorry,” William said, acting a little short with me. “Come down stairs, we’re going over the plan.” He promptly disappeared from the doorway, and Joseph looked at me, quickly tilting his head and shrugging his shoulders, before following after William.

  “Uh … yeah,” I replied warily. “I’ll be right …” I trailed off. It wouldn’t have mattered what I said, because William hadn’t waited around to hear it.

  Luna and Joseph sat at the bar and William stood behind it. Luna was laughing, but when she saw me step through the door, she suddenly stopped. Even William’s smile faded when he saw me.

  “Why do I suddenly feel like an intruder?” I asked dubiously, searching their faces, and caught Luna rolling her eyes when she thought I wasn’t looking.

  “Maybe it’s just your own insecurities,” Luna said, shrugging her shoulders.

  When she said that, I flew across the room in a blur. I knew I was getting much faster, because William barely had time to move before I stopped an inch from Luna.

  “Let me tell you something right now,” I said through gritted teeth, pointing my finger at her chest. “I don’t need you to remind me this whole thing is because of me, but it’s not something I chose. It was chosen for me, just like the twins going to Tok. I didn’t have a choice in that decision either. You were there, too, and I sure don’t remember hearing you object.”

  I guess William thought I was getting too close to Luna, because he tried to step in between us. I was so angry and hurt, I felt the skin on my face tighten, and I shoved him so hard he flew all the way across the room, hitting the hearth on the fireplace.

  I gasped, and ran to him. “I’m sorry,” I said throwing myself on the floor next to him. I expected him to be really pissed, and by their speeding heartbeats, I assumed Luna and Joseph did too.

  William just lay with his back against the fireplace hearth and stared at me for the longest time.

  “William?” I asked, nervously.

  “Damn, girl,” he said, appearing to be in awe.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push you that hard. Please don’t be mad,” I pleaded.

  A huge smile stretched across William’s face. He quickly got to his feet and pulled me up. “Mad? I’m impressed. I had no idea you would grow to be so strong, especially this fast.” He looked passed me to Luna and Joseph. “We’re definitely ready.”

  We sat at the table and went over the plan until we had each individual step memorized. William said we were as ready as we’d ever be. Luna slowly came around, and by the time we were ready to go she was over being angry with me. She apologized for blaming me and I apologized for getting in her face the way I did.

  Joseph’s phone rang. “It’s Grandfather,” he said, hurrying to get up from the table. He came back a couple minutes later, holding his hand over the phone. “He says there’s been movement in the tunnels,” Joseph said, looking at William.

  “Okay then. What are we waiting for? Let’s go kick some more Lycan ass.” William rose from the table.

  Joseph returned his phone to his jeans pocket. “I’m with you, Bro.”

  Chapter 54

  When dawn broke we left the cabin and headed a short distance into the woods and stopped. Luna and Joseph transformed so they could keep up. I couldn’t help but stare at Joseph in wolf form. He was still the most beautiful Adlet wolf I had ever seen.

  I was a bad ass vampire and yet I had the worst case of butterflies ever. I think William knew it, too, because he put his arm around my shoulders, giving me a quick hug.

  I stood still and grinned at him. “Last one there is a rotten fart,” I called out just before bolting, leaving them all behind. I mean, everybody was stressed and we had to run a long way, so why not have a little fun.

  At one point I had gotten pretty far ahead, so I ran part way up a tree and quietly waited. When William ran under me, I leaped, expecting to land on his back and scare the crap out of him. My plan quickly backfired. Somehow William knew, and he jumped to the side just befo
re I landed, causing me to hit the ground so hard it sounded almost like thunder. Even though it hurt, the pain subsided quickly.

  “Did I make that noise?” I asked incredulously, looking up at him.

  He was too busy standing over me laughing hysterically to see Luna leaping through the air. She landed dead center of his shoulders and sent him rolling.

  “Who’s laughing now?” I asked sarcastically, brushing pine needles and dirt off my jeans. “Thanks, Luna,” I said. What happened next really had me freaking. She had answered me in her mind, and I heard her. I hadn’t been able to hear her in my thoughts since I’d turned, but I definitely heard her just then.

  William gave me a look, and I just shook my head. As a vampire, he couldn’t hear their thoughts, and therefore I shouldn’t have been able to either.

  We reached the frozen lake sooner than I thought, and Luna and Joseph were thirsty and tried lapping at the ice. I remembered the night at the Ice Cave and placed my hand over the back of my neck to see if my tattoo would still radiate heat even though technically I wasn’t an Adlet anymore. When I removed my hand, it was solid red. Being a vampire I didn’t feel pain in the same way I had as an Adlet.

  William was in awe watching the ice melt away under my hand. “How did you just do that? Are you magic now, too?”

  “I’m not sure. I mean no, I’m not magic, silly. It’s got something to do with this tribal Crest on my neck.” I turned around and pulled up my hair. “See?” I asked, but when William didn’t answer I spun around. He wasn’t even looking at me. I followed his gaze across the lake. “What?”

  “Let’s go!” He had seen something, and ordered us back inside the tree line.

  “What did you see?” I asked, stepping to a thicker part of the trees when the sun peaked out from behind the clouds.

  “Nothing. That’s just it,” William said, staring at nothing, rubbing the stubble that had formed on his chin. “Zane knows we’re coming. He should have Lycans guarding the entrance, but I don’t hear or see anything.” He turned to face us, his eyes flew between the three of us. “Be alert, they could be anywhere.”


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