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Meet Me In Alaska (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)

Page 5

by Tasha Jones

  "What are you talking about? Who is back in town?" Jenna realized she had said too much as soon as those words left my mouth. I felt an old familiar sense of dread start to creep in.

  “I thought you knew from the way you got all snarky when I mentioned his name. Melissa is back. Apparently, she’s been here for a few days hiding out at her parents’ house.”

  “Melissa? High school sweetheart Melissa? Left Eric for a guy from the Internet and took off to New York City Melissa?”

  “Yup, that’s the one. According to the whispers I’ve heard from the patients here, she found out he had a wife and kids he was hiding from her! Imagine that! Guess you reap what you sow, huh?”

  “Wow, that’s crazy. So she’s back here to lick her wounds. And probably trying to get Eric back, right?”

  “From what I hear, she’s already been out to the ranch. They say she was there last night looking for him, and he wasn’t home. She waited for him there until one of the guys finally called him. Then I guess there was quite a scene. But I didn’t get the details yet.”

  I could feel the color drain from my face. That must have been his emergency the night before. That was why he left me alone in my bed in the middle of the night after what we had just shared. Any hope for a future with Eric started to fade in little bits of colorful flashbacks. I could see his kind, green eyes and had his sweet smile, and my heart ached.

  I knew it had been a mistake to get close to him. After just three days, I didn’t stand a chance against a woman who had known him his whole life. Even if she did break his heart, I knew she must still have some kind of hold over him. There was no way he could have forgotten her that quickly.

  I made a promise to myself to end it with him right then. I would be friendly and tell him I just wasn’t ready for a relationship, that I was too busy with my work at the clinic and my responsibilities to the town. Make a clean break before my heart paid the price. After all, I had come to Alaska to escape the heartache, not make it worse.

  “Wow, I bet the town is in an uproar over this. They love a good dramatic scene as long as it doesn’t directly affect them.” I forced a smile.

  “Speaking of a dramatic scene, Mrs. Rose came in a few minutes ago and told me she heard something quite interesting when she stopped to get coffee on her way over here.”

  “Oh yeah? What else is going on?”

  “Apparently, a secret couple was caught in a heated lip lock in her driveway just a little while ago.” I knew I was caught, but I tried to play dumb.

  “Oh really? Wow, it’s a great morning for gossip around here!”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, Malia! I heard it was you and Eric Langdon! Are you holding out on me?”

  “He came over this morning to help me get my keys after I dropped them under my SUV. I couldn’t get down on the ground to reach them. I tried to call you, but obviously you didn’t answer.”

  “Yeah, I forgot to turn my phone on, and I have been so busy chatting with everyone about what’s going on. So how did you end up kissing if he was just getting your keys? And why are you just getting to work now?” She was too smart, and I knew she already had her suspicions about what took me so long to get to work.

  “That wasn’t the first time we kissed. There’s a whole lot more to the story than that. He was actually at my house last night. That is until he got called out for an unnamed emergency in the middle of the night.”

  “What? So he was at your house in the middle of the night? Oh my God, Malia! You slept with him!”

  “Shhh! Keep your voice down before everyone hears that too! Yes, I did. Last night and this morning. But now I don’t know what to think. Especially now that I know that his ranch emergency was actually Melissa. For all I know, he went right from my bed into his own bed with her! I knew I shouldn’t have started anything with him. After all I went through back at home, I don’t need this.”

  “You don’t know what happened with Eric and Melissa. He could have thrown her off the property. I don’t think he’s the kind of guy that would just let a woman waltz back into his life after she broke his heart like that. You need to give the guy some credit.”

  “I’m just not going to let it go any farther. I will be kind and respectful to him, but I am not going to pursue anything romantic with him. I need to keep my dignity, and I owe it to this town not to get into some messy relationship and then have to run away when I get dumped again.”

  “I think you’re crazy. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I wouldn’t be so quick to let him go. Give the guy a chance to prove to you that he’s not like the others.”

  “I can’t risk that. My heart can’t take another big break. I need to just focus on my work.”

  “Whatever you say, Malia, but sometimes you just can’t control things. If something is meant to happen, then it will.” She gave me a quick hug and walked away.

  I spent the next eight hours tending to all different types of ailments in the clinic. I had to endure more than one inquisitions from the patients, but I was able to brush them off with a laugh and a smile. My phone went off several times, indicating that I had a text message, but I ignored every one of them. I wanted to get lost in my work and forget about what I would have to face eventually. How was I going to let him go when every part of me wanted and needed him so badly?

  When the day finally ended and the last patient was out the door, I typed up some notes on my laptop and got ready to leave. I put my backpack on and got myself outside on my crutches, making sure my keys were firmly in my hand.

  The weather had cleared up and the sun was shining, casting rainbows off the various puddles that lined the streets and sidewalks. I moved down the ramp, concentrating on getting to the vehicle without any major mishaps.

  When I got to the bottom, I finally allowed myself to look up. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. Eric’s enormous truck was parked right at the curb, and he was leaning against the front end, dressed in his work clothes, dirty and dusty from the horses. As much as seeing him affected me, that wasn’t what froze me in that spot. A beautiful brunette with long hair, tight jeans, and boots was pressed up against him, pressing her lips to his.

  I knew in that instant that I didn’t stand a chance with Eric.

  Chapter 9

  It had been almost a month since I walked out of my office and saw Melissa Stewart draped over Eric. I stood there just a second too long, and he saw me. The crutches had prevented me from getting away quickly without causing a scene. I didn’t want to look in that direction again and see the sight that made my whole world feel like it was falling in on me again.

  Eric tried to explain, but I didn’t want to hear it. Then he made it even harder by helping me into the SUV. Even in my own flustered state, I still noticed the look of anguish on his face. It tugged at me a little bit, that was until I saw her running over to us, asking if she could help and being just as sweet as pie. I was sure she’d heard the rumors and wanted to check me out for herself.

  How could I fight against someone who looked like her and win? I could barely take care of myself at that moment. I smiled my best smile and got out of there as quickly as I could. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stop the tears of sadness and jealousy from falling down my face as I made my way through town.

  Since that day, Eric had tried to contact me several times. I ignored his texts and phone calls, wanting to make a clean break and keep my dignity intact. He sent flowers to the office, and I threw the card away before setting the flowers at the reception desk for the patients to enjoy.

  Of course, that didn’t stop Jenna from picking the trash and retrieving the card. She opened it and read it, refusing to let the issue drop.

  “You should read this, Malia. He obviously still has something to say to you. It’s not over for him. Why are you being so stubborn?”

  “I saw what I needed to see. That told me a truth more powerful than anything he could say now. He was kissing her right out in front of my office. Right wher
e he knew I would see. He had to know what that would do to me. Couldn’t he have taken it somewhere else? Anywhere else? It was a complete slap in the face.”

  “I know it hurt, but did you ever think you might not have the whole story? That you were just as surprised as he was?”

  “I don’t know. I could see his whole face. There was a tall brunette blocking it.”

  “You’re a stubborn girl, Malia. I won’t bug you about it. I just think there’s more to this story.”

  “I think that chapter of my life is closed. Lesson learned.” Jenna had just given me a sad look and went back to work.

  Now nearly a month later, the wounds weren’t quite as fresh on my heart or my body. My ankle was healed enough, so I didn’t need crutches. I just wore a brace on it. My scrapes were gone, and my bruises were faded to the point where you could barely see them. I felt like myself again, and I was back to doing what I loved full-time, taking care of the people of this small town that I had grown to love.

  That morning I had already treated Lyla Randall, an 18-year-old girl who wanted to go on birth control pills. I had given her the talk about safe sex, done a full exam, and sent her on her way with a two-month sample of pills hoping for the best. I remembered what it was like to be young and in lust, feeling terrified but ready to take that next step. I worried about her, but I knew that I had done all I could to help her prepare.

  I’d also treated a burn on the hand of Mr. Jenkins from a hot stove, three cases of confirmed strep throat from Mrs. Watson’s third grade class, and did a checkup on Mr. Haberek, a man in his 70s who had just suffered his second heart attack about three months before. He was a sweetheart, always wanting to know why a pretty young lady like me wasn’t married. I just smiled and told him that was because he was already taken.

  I was walking to my little office in the back when I started to feel a little bit dizzy. I stopped and leaned against the wall for a minute, closing my eyes to try to get the spell to pass. When I opened them, everything seemed fine. I must have just stood up too fast or not had enough water that morning.

  I sat in my comfy office chair and started working on some notes since I didn’t have another patient until after lunch. I turned on some soft music and tried to let it soothe me so that I could get some work done.

  Around 11:30, Jenna came in with my order from Mick’s. It was a small turkey sub, which was my go-to meal at least three days each week. We moved over to the little table in my office where we usually ate.

  I took a sip of my water before starting to unwrap my sub. I lifted it to my mouth and started to take a bite. As soon as the flavor hit my tongue, a wave of nausea came over me. I barely made it over to my little trash can before I lost the contents of my breakfast in it.

  “Malia! What the hell! Are you okay?” Jenna had rushed to my side at that point with a look of concern on her face.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I don’t know what came over me. I took a bite of the sub, and it made me sick. I don’t know why because I eat it all the time.”

  “Yeah, that is weird.” She went over and inspected my sandwich, checking it for any signs of something being not quite right. It looks okay to me, though. It smells fine. Are you coming down with something? I know there was a stomach bug going around a couple of weeks ago.”

  “I think I’m okay. I don’t have a fever or anything. Must have just been a passing thing. I think I’ll just drink my water and skip lunch.”

  “Maybe you should go home. You look a little squeamish still.”

  “No, really. I’m fine. Just a passing thing. No worries.”

  She didn’t look convinced, but I really felt fine after I threw up. I was able to get through the rest of lunch without a problem.

  It wasn’t until I picked up the chart for my 2:00 appointment that the nausea hit again. But this time it wasn’t because of food. My next patient was John Langdon. Eric’s father.

  I braced myself outside the exam room. Why hadn’t Jenna warned me about this? I wasn’t ready to be in such close quarters with him, even if his father would be there. Unfortunately, I had an obligation to serve the community and all of its citizens, no matter what the circumstances. I took a deep breath and turned the handle to enter the room.

  The first thing I saw when I got inside was a pair of scuffed up boots that had been strewn haphazardly across the room floor. It took everything in me to look up and greet the two men in the room.

  “Good morning, Mr. Langdon. Hi Eric. How is everything going?” I tried to avoid eye contact with Eric at all costs.

  “I’m doing just fine, Doc. You’re a sight for sore eyes this afternoon. How’d this town get such a pretty lady to come here and be our doctor?

  “Aw, I don’t know about all that, Mr. Langdon! You’re certainly a charmer. How are you feeling? How are all the meds working for you?”

  “I’m feeling just fine. Just a little tired here and there. The hardest part is not being able to do what I used to do on the ranch. I’m not the type of man who likes to sit around and watch everyone else do all the work. It just about kills me.”

  “I understand, but you need to take it easy. If you overexert yourself, you might not be as lucky to recover like you did the last time.” I gave him a warm smile and tried to hide the fact that my head was beating fast. My palms felt sweaty and the dizziness threatened to return. I tried to breathe and focus on Mr. Langdon, but the close proximity to Eric in the tiny exam room was too much to handle.

  “I know, Doc. That’s why I’ve let Eric here pretty much take over, even though he still runs all the big decisions by me. He’s the only one who stayed here with me. I don’t know what I’d do without him. It doesn’t hurt that pretty Melissa is back in town. She stops by the ranch all the time with meals and treats for us boys. It’s nice having a woman around every once in a while.” I felt bile rise into my throat as he said this last part. I knew she was around, but I didn’t want to hear about it.

  “Now, Pops, she’s not around that much.” Eric spoke for the first time, and tears sprung to my eyes. I knew I had to hurry this visit along before I started to cry in front of him. I couldn’t let him see how much I still wanted him.

  “I’m glad to hear you’re being well taken care of, Mr. Langdon. It looks like your most recent round of blood work came back normal. As long as you keep taking your meds, eating right, and getting some low intensity exercise, you should be fine.” I got up and checked his eyes, ears, mouth, and chest before being satisfied enough to let him go. “You’re good for another two months. Make an appointment with the front desk, and call me if anything changes or you have any concerns.”

  “I will, Doc. It’s easy to listen when I have a beautiful young lady like you taking care of me.” I felt a flush come over me. I could see where Eric got his charm from.

  “Thank you, Doc. We appreciate all you do for us.” Eric spoke, and this was the first time I allowed myself to look him in the eye. His eyes burned into mine and a familiar intense passion burned inside of me almost immediately. I knew I had to get out of there fast.

  “Of course. Happy to help. You guys have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you in about eight weeks.” I shook Mr. Langdon’s hand and turned to head out the door as fast as I could without looking rude.

  I thought I was in the clear when I closed the exam room door behind me. I didn’t get far before a hand grabbed my arm gently.

  Chapter 10

  “Malia, wait.” His voice went right through me, and I thought I might lose it and cry right there in the hallway.

  “Eric, just let me go. We have nothing to talk about.”

  “Oh yes we do. But you won’t give me a chance to explain.”

  “Any explanation I might have needed came from what your father just told me. Sounds like she’s a permanent fixture on the ranch.”

  “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s happy when any woman comes to the ranch and brings food. The way to that man’s heart is a pretty fac
e and baked goods.” I could tell he was trying to play it off, but I wasn’t laughing. I was so far from it. My heart ached so bad as those piercing green eyes watched me, hoping that I would give in and let him explain. But I just couldn’t do it. He had already broken my heart.

  “Listen, Eric. I can’t do this. You knew my heart was still fragile when we started whatever we had. I couldn’t take it again. I can’t be wondering every day if you are with her. I can’t sit here and compare myself to her when she is beautiful and owned your heart for so many years. Maybe we were too different to begin with. Maybe you just felt bad for me after the accident. All I know is my body and my heart were just about healed, so please don’t make me go through this pain again.”

  I went to turn and walk away, but he got in front of me, blocking the way to my office. He grabbed me and pulled me close, pressing his lips to mine. At first I was shocked, but then I lost control of myself and kissed him back, losing myself in the old familiar taste of him. My body started to come alive and our tongues tangled. I pulled him as close as I could, but it still wasn’t close enough. He consumed me, and I couldn’t stop myself from giving in and letting him have me.

  The sound of voices coming from the waiting room snapped me back to reality, and I pushed him away. We were both panting, and I could see by the look on his face that his need was just as great as mine. But then I remembered Melissa, and I could see her pressed up against him in my mind. He had probably just kissed her goodbye a little while ago before leaving the ranch. Sadness and anger welled up inside of me again.

  “Eric, I can’t do this. I can’t be the other woman. I don’t want to be anyone’s second choice. I understand that she was your first love and you still love her. I don’t want to get in your way.”

  “Malia, you don’t understand. That’s not the way it is at all! I know you think you know what you saw, but you don’t have the whole story. Please just let me explain. I know you felt what I felt just now. Don’t do this. I’m begging you!”


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