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Cameron (Wild Men Book 7)

Page 14

by Melissa Belle

  When we get outside, we say goodbye to Celie and Molly, and as we reach Cam’s truck, he opens the passenger door for me. The minute he gets inside and turns on the heat, he leans over and kisses me.

  “I liked seeing you in the stands,” he murmurs into my lips.

  “You did?”

  “Mm-hmmm. I’d love to see you there every night. Did you enjoy the game?”

  I can barely remember the game right now. In fact, I’m not sure I remember anything before this moment. I melt into Cam as his tongue slides inside my mouth. His hands grip my waist and he kisses me until a sound escapes my throat. Then he wrenches himself back from me. “If I don’t stop now, we’ll never make it on our date.”

  I finally answer his question. “I don’t know about the game, but I definitely loved watching you play.”

  “Yeah?” His perfect, white teeth flash adorably.

  “Uh-huh.” I lean back and put on my seatbelt as Cam puts the car in drive.

  As we leave Main Street and head west, I turn to Cam suspiciously.

  “Where are we going?” I say.

  “Lovelake. I found a restaurant online I thought we could try. It’s open late, and I’ve already made us a reservation. We’ve got plenty of time. The game ended even earlier than I’d thought it would.”

  Lovelake. The town I naively said could be “our place.” The place where I asked him to take my virginity…

  I study his profile. “That’s kind of far for just dinner.”

  He glances over at me. “Is it too far for you?”

  I don’t think I want to touch that question. My cheeks flame, and I hope he can’t tell in the dark because he keeps taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

  “This is your first real date, and the last two we tried didn’t work out that well. So I wanted to do something special.”

  “Of course.” I touch his leg. “It was a nice idea. I just—” Don’t know if you plan for us to spend the night out there. “—it’s a bit of a drive is all.”

  “We’ll play the rest by ear,” he says quickly as if he knows what I’m trying to say.

  I turn to look out the window as thoughts bombard my brain. Cam and I together. All night long potentially.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Cam asks me.

  I wrinkle my nose. “Do people really say that anymore?”

  He laughs. “My grandma says it, and she’s not even that old. She’s sixty-five.”

  “Wow, that is young.”

  “My mother was twenty-one when she had me, and her mother was twenty,” Cam says.

  “I can’t imagine being a mother that young. Honestly, I don’t even know if I want to have kids at all.” Deep inside, a flash of real pain hits me, but I can’t bear to feel what it means.

  “Being a mother isn’t something you want?” He doesn’t say it meanly, just matter-of-factly.

  “I’m not sure,” I murmur. “I kind of felt like I mothered somebody for years.”

  Cam reaches for my hand. He doesn’t say anything else, but I can feel the unasked question in the air.

  I take a shaky breath. “My father didn’t just leave that last time. He left every time something set him off. A bad haircut, a loss with the Cannons, a wrong look. Or a snowstorm. Snow depressed my father. Which of course makes Minnesota a bad place to live. Snowstorms always put him in a low mood, and if you so much as looked at him sideways, that could set off the swearing and storming away, or long trips to bed. But he seems to like the snow in Colorado. I heard it melts quicker with those three hundred days of sunshine, so maybe that’s why.”

  Cam squeezes my hand and gently runs his thumb over my palm. “So you took care of him.”

  I furrow my brow. “He needed a lot of support, and I gave it to him the best I could. He seemed like he’d lost faith a long time ago, for whatever reasons I have no idea.”

  “Was he ever diagnosed with anything?”

  “My mother sought the advice of several psychiatrists. She tried to get my father to go with her, but he always refused. He’d get so angry she asked that we’d end up wishing she hadn’t bothered. One doctor said he sounded bipolar, another suggested narcissistic, a third manic-depressive. I know he was depressed, and he suffered from extreme mood swings, so where you stood with him could be challenging to interpret. The labels didn’t help, though. We were still stuck with him.” I exhale. “But yes. We all worried about his mental health. We forgave far too much because of it too. I think deep down, we all knew he was unwell.”

  When we reach the restaurant, I excuse myself for the restroom while Cam takes a seat at our table. I lock myself in a stall and call Molly.

  “This is even more than we could have hoped for,” she says enthusiastically.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You and Cam? In a hotel alone again? You have to know what this means.”

  “I was calling to ask if you think Cam wants to stay the night here,” I say. “I don’t want to be the one to bring it up.”

  “Absolutely, I think he wants to spend the night,” Molly says as my heart drops into my stomach. “Why else would he take you so far away? Lovelake isn’t exactly known for its culinary talents if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh my God, you are so not helpful! I’m gonna go.”

  “And I’ll tell Mama not to expect you back tonight.” I can hear her giggling as we hang up.

  I leave the bathroom and go rejoin Cam.

  He flashes a smile as I take the seat across from him at the table.

  “Still waiting on menus,” he says. “I asked twice.”

  I laugh. “Well, we’re not in a rush.”

  The waitress is, though. When she does bring menus, she returns about one minute later before I’ve finished reading through the options.

  “Would you give us a couple minutes more?” Cam asks politely.

  The waitress, Becky, grumbles something under her breath and turns on her heel.

  Cam looks at me, and I smile.

  “Maybe she’s having a bad night,” I say, flipping my menu upside-down. “I’ll help her out and just order the first thing I see.”

  Cam chuckles. “You’re a fun date.”

  I make a silly face at him. “I try.”

  I slip off my coat and hang it on the back of my chair.

  Cam’s gaze roams over me. “You look beautiful, Savannah.”

  “Thank you.” I gesture to his menu. “You must be starving after that game. You were amazing.”

  “I told you—I’m on a mission now. Playoffs first…” He holds up one finger. “Championship next.” He holds up another finger. “And you were right, by the way. This is a lot more fun for me.”

  “What is? Winning?”

  “Trying.” His expression turns solemn. “Being at war with my dad has been more draining than I knew. Since you and I talked during practice that day, I feel better. He still bugs the crap out of me, but I’m no longer weighing what will happen if I play well and how to screw up just enough to keep him at bay.”

  “So instead, you’re just playing a game for fun,” I say.

  He winks at me. “And for you.”

  I reach across the table and take his hand. “Cam. Don’t do this for me. Don’t play your best for anyone but yourself. You deserve to go out on a high note. You’ve dedicated your life to hockey. And even if you don’t love it, even if you’re ready for a new chapter, you deserve a happy ending.”

  He laces his fingers through mine. “And so do you, Savannah. So let’s both get what we deserve.”

  Cam and I have a great time talking over dinner. Things are different between us tonight. Now that he knows my secrets, I’m not as guarded. We each have a glass of wine, and we share a piece of chocolate cake.

  When we walk outside a long while later, a light snowfall greets us. Not too hard but definitely snowing.

  “I guess Lovelake and snow go hand in hand for us,” I say.

  “This isn’t a storm, thoug
h,” he says, putting his arm around me. “We’re not stuck here, in other words.”

  Once we’re inside the truck, Cam turns on the heat but doesn’t leave the empty parking lot. His lips go to mine, and we start making out like teenagers. He tastes like chocolate mixed with wine.



  “I wish we could have a do-over from last night,” I say quietly.

  “We can if you want to.”

  We lock eyes. “You mean like…”

  “We can stay here if you want. No pressure.” He runs his hand along my jawline. “Nothing has to happen unless you want it to. If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll take you home instead; whatever you want, Vannah. Either way, though, we’re going to take our time.”

  I know I want him, and I say yes.

  Chapter Nineteen

  We liked the hotel we stayed at last time so much that we book it again.

  “This is a suite,” I say as we step into the room. “Cam, you didn’t need to do this. And I’m happy to pay you for half…”

  “My treat,” he says, taking my hand and leading me over to the bed. “I thought…I don’t know. I thought maybe…” He runs his hands through his hair awkwardly. “Maybe being away from Climax would be good for you.”

  I stare into his eyes and read the genuineness in their dark depths. “I think you’re right. But I’m not sure…”

  Cam takes my hand in his. “This is too fast for you. I didn’t mean that we needed to…”

  “I know you didn’t.” I shake my head as I shift closer to him. “I want this. I’m the one who asked you, remember?”

  Cam leans back against the headboard and brings me into his chest.

  “I’m not sure what to do next,” I murmur.

  “Leave that to me,” he says as his lips brush mine. “I promise I’ll make you feel so good.”

  His lips move slowly over mine like we have all the time in the world. He slips his hand underneath my sweater and inside the cup of my bra. His thumb caresses my nipple as I nearly buck off the bed from the sensation it unleashes in me.

  “Do you like that, honey?” His voice is low in my ear.

  “Uh-huh.” I arch closer to him.

  He responds by unhooking my bra.

  “Lift up your sweater,” he commands.

  Embarrassed but too turned on to care, I comply, and Cam immediately lowers his head. When I feel his wet mouth close around my already-sensitive nipple, I cry out his name.

  I run my hands along his shirt, loving the way his muscles ripple underneath my fingers. He groans into my skin.

  “Keep touching me like that,” he mumbles into my breast.

  “You’re in amazing shape,” I say when his mouth returns to mine.

  “You make me happy I work out,” he says. “I love the way your hands feel on me.”

  When he lifts my sweater over my head, I immediately try to cover myself with my arms.

  “Don’t hide, Savannah.” The dark of Cam’s eyes is nearly black with heat. “You’re beautiful. Every part of you is beautiful.”

  I bite my lip. “Can we shut off the light?”

  Cam puts his finger to his cheek and pauses contemplatively as if he’s considering my request. Then he simply says, “No.”

  I frown. “No? Why not?”

  “Because I like to look at you. And if you decide to let me into your pants, I want to see you, Savannah. All of you. And I want you to see me.”

  “But…” I hadn’t considered this when I asked him if he’d sleep with me. “I’m not comfortable with someone seeing me.”

  “Then we’ll wait to make love until you are.” Cam cups one of my breasts in his large, callused hand. “I’m not doing this with you until you’re completely comfortable. I can wait as long as you need me to. And I think it will be better for you if you see me before I’m inside you.”

  “How come?” My voice comes out pitchy.

  “Because you’re anxious about getting close to me. And sex is the closest two people can get. Before we take that step, it may help you to see the part of me that will be inside you.”

  Oh, dear Lord. My face must turn a hundred different shades of red because Cam laughs and kisses my cheek.

  “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”

  I snuggle into his arms, and something about the connection relaxes my nerves. Suddenly, I’m craving more.

  Sensing my shift in mood, Cam’s hand goes to the front of my jeans, and he slowly lowers the zipper. Then he slips his fingers inside the band of my underwear, and I nearly pass out.

  That. Feels. So. Good.

  Cam’s breathing grows erratic, and he whispers how incredible I feel. I clutch his wrist as he moves his fingers and presses my most sensitive spot.

  I don’t expect to orgasm. I don’t have any warning, probably because all of this is so new to me. But before I know it, my mind goes blank, and unparalleled ecstasy shoots through me. I shut my eyes and clutch at Cam’s shoulders.

  “All good?” He says in my ear.

  I kiss his neck. “Definitely all good.”

  His mouth finds mine. “Thank you for trusting me, Savannah.” His words come out rough.

  I raise my head as I reach for the zipper on his jeans. “I have no idea what I’m doing,” I say shyly. “I hope that’s okay.”

  He groans. “You have no idea how much of a turn-on that is coming from you. The fact that you want to do this with me lights me up inside.”

  I reach inside the waistband of his black boxer briefs and wrap my hand gently around his hard length. I don’t dare look, but he feels larger than I’d anticipated.

  “I won’t break, Savannah.” Cam’s teeth graze my bottom lip. “You can stroke me harder than that.”

  So I do. I run my hand up and down, squeezing as much as I dare.


  I curse. Savannah’s hands on me feel so good, so fucking good.

  “Squeeze me harder,” I urge her. “Just like that. That feels fucking amazing.”

  I can’t hold back with her. I feel the orgasm starting at the base of my spine, and I kiss her hard as she continues to stroke my dick.

  “Fuck,” I mutter. “Keep going.”

  When I come, I bury my head in her shoulder. It takes me a few seconds before I can even move.

  Because shit, Savannah just gave me the best orgasm of my life.

  I wasn’t expecting that. We didn’t even have sex, and yet—the way she touches me is like nothing I’ve ever felt.

  I take her face in my hands, and I kiss her. We kiss for a long time, and I didn’t know it could be this way, so tender and hot at the same time.

  I was supposed to be teaching her about sex, not the other way around.

  “You’re full of surprises, Savannah.” I kiss her neck. “I love that about you.”

  She smiles and we slide underneath the sheets.

  I wrap my arms around her and fall asleep.

  In the morning, we grab coffee and beignets at the bakery in town before driving home to Climax.

  “Big game tonight,” I say as we pull into Savannah’s driveway. “Are you coming?”

  “Of course.” She gives me a warm smile. “And Craig sent me a text this morning that if you win tonight, he’s giving the team tomorrow off from practice.”

  “Well, that’s even more incentive to win,” I say. “Because you and I are going on another date tomorrow night. And if we don’t have practice, I can pick you up even earlier.”

  She leans in to kiss me. “Score a lot of goals then.”

  I’m still smiling as she gets out of the truck and waves one last time before heading into her house.

  Then my phone rings.

  And my good mood disappears.

  “Hi, Dad,” I say as I pick up.

  “The scout’s interested. Very interested.” My father doesn’t bother to say hello. “He’s coming to the game next week, the one against Colorado.”

Savannah’s father’s team. Should be one fucking fun night.

  “Super. Can’t wait.”

  My father ignores my sarcasm. He’s too jazzed about the uptick in my play.

  “You’re looking more and more like your brother out there, Cam. Dominant. Aggressive. You’ll be asked up in no time. I’m thinking next season for sure.”

  “Yep.” Keeping things light between my father and me is the easiest way to go. To give him anything, any clue that I’m thinking of quitting, will just make him more intent on getting me to keep playing.

  “And with Declan thinking of getting out, there’s room for another Wild,” he says. “Look at your cousins and how well they’ve done going pro.”

  “Dylan and Colton are completely different than me and Declan. They always were.”

  “I’ll be there with the scout next week,” Dad says, and I know the conversation is over. “Goodbye.”

  Chapter Twenty


  “You’re getting to be a regular groupie,” I tease Celie as we watch the Cannons battle it out in front of us.

  They’re already up six to one, and Cam has three goals.

  Celie bounces up and down in her seat. “It’s cold as fuck in here, but I’m so excited you’re fulfilling my New Year’s wish for you!”

  “We’re not having sex,” I remind her. “We’re taking things slow.”

  “You’re rounding the bases,” she says confidently. “It’s just a matter of time.”

  I flush with heat as Cam skates past me. His head is down while he wrests the puck away from the defender and heads for the goal. I can’t wait to see him alone tomorrow.

  “This isn’t a restaurant,” I say as Cam pulls into a driveway the next night.

  “It’s a home restaurant. I’m cooking for you.”

  “You cook?” I’m lucky if Mama lets me into the kitchen.

  “I learned years ago. Come on. I’ll show you around.” Cam turns off the engine and hops out before I can answer him.


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