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The Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P'ing Mei

Page 80

by Roy, David Tod

  Lü-shih ch’un-ch’iu 呂氏春秋 (The spring and autumn annals of Mr. Lü). Compiled by Lü Pu-wei 呂不韋 (d. 235 B.C.). In Chu-tzu chi-ch’eng, 6:1–346.

  Lü Tung-pin fei-chien chan Huang-lung 呂洞賓飛劍斬黃龍 (Lü Tung-pin beheads Huang-lung with his flying sword). In Hsing-shih heng-yen, vol. 2, chüan 21, pp. 453–66.

  Lü Tung-pin hua-yüeh shen-hsien hui 呂洞賓花月神仙會 (Lü Tung-pin arranges a meeting with divine immortals amid flowers and moonlight). By Chu Yu-tun 朱有 燉 (1379–1439). In Ku-pen Yüan Ming tsa-chü, vol. 2.

  Lü-weng san-hua Han-tan tien 呂翁三化邯鄲店 (Lü Tung-pin’s three efforts to convert [student Lu] at the Han-tan inn). In Ku-pen Yüan Ming tsa-chü, vol. 4.

  Mei Hsing cheng-ch’un 梅杏爭春 (The plum and the apricot compete for precedence among spring flowers). In Ch’ing-p’ing shan-t’ang hua-pen, pp. 190–92.

  Meng-liang lu 夢粱錄 (Record of the millet dream). Compiled by Wu Tzu-mu 吳自 牧 (13th century). Preface dated 1274. In Tung-ching meng-hua lu [wai ssu-chung], pp. 129–328.

  Meng Yüeh-mei hsieh-hen Chin-hsiang T’ing 孟月梅寫恨錦香亭 (Meng Yüeh-mei expresses her resentment in Chin-hsiang Pavilion). In Sung-Yüan hsi-wen chi-i, pp. 75–81.

  Ming Ch’eng-hua shuo-ch’ang tz’u-hua ts’ung-k’an 明成化說唱詞話叢刊 (Corpus of prosimetric tz’u-hua narratives published in the Ch’eng-hua reign period [1465–87] of the Ming dynasty). 12 ts’e. Shanghai: Shanghai Museum, 1973.

  Ming-Ch’ing hsi-chien hsiao-shuo ts’ung-k’an 明清稀見小説叢刊 (Collectanea of rare works of fiction from the Ming-Ch’ing period). Chi-nan: Ch’i-Lu shu-she, 1996.

  Ming-Ch’ing shan-pen hsiao-shuo ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-pien 明清善本小説叢刊,初編 (Collectanea of rare editions of Ming-Ch’ing fiction, first series). Taipei: T’ien-i ch’u-pan she, 1985.

  Ming-Ch’ing shan-pen hsiao-shuo ts’ung-k’an, ti-erh chi 明清善本小説叢刊,第二輯 (Collectanea of rare editions of Ming-Ch’ing fiction, second series). Taipei: T’ien-i ch’u-pan she, 1985.

  Ming-chu chi 明珠記 (The luminous pearl). By Lu Ts’ai 陸采 (1497–1537). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Ming-feng chi 鳴鳳記 (The singing phoenix). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Ming-hsin pao-chien 明心寶鑑 (A precious mirror to illuminate the mind). Microfilm copy of a Ming edition in the East Asian Library, University of Chicago.

  Ming-jen tsa-chü hsüan 明人雜劇選 (An anthology of Ming tsa-chü drama). Compiled by Chou I-pai 周貽白. Peking: Jen-min wen-hsüeh ch’u-pan she, 1958.

  Ming-kung shu-p’an ch’ing-ming chi 名公書判清明集 (A collection of enlightened judgments by famous gentlemen). Preface dated 1261. 2 vols. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1987.

  The Moon and the Zither: The Story of the Western Wing. By Wang Shifu; translated by Stephen H. West and Wilt L. Idema. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.

  Mu-lien chiu-mu ch’üan-shan hsi-wen 目連救母勸善戲文 (An exhortatory drama on how Maudgalyāyana rescued his mother from the underworld). By Cheng Chih-chen 鄭之珍 (1518–95). Author’s preface dated 1582. In Ku-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-chi, item 67.

  Mu-tan t’ing 牡丹亭 (The peony pavilion). By T’ang Hsien-tsu 湯顯祖 (1550–1616). Edited and annotated by Hsü Shuo-fang 徐朔方 and Yang Hsiao-mei 楊笑梅. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1959.

  Nan Ch’i shu 南齊書 (History of the Southern Ch’i dynasty). Compiled by Hsiao Tzu-hsien 蕭子顯 (489–537). 3 vols. Peking: Chung-hua shu chü, 1972.

  Nan Hsi-hsiang chi 南西廂記 (A southern version of the Romance of the western chamber). Usually attributed to Li Jih-hua 李日華 (fl. early 16th century). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970).

  Nan Hsi-hsiang chi 南西廂記 (A southern version of the Romance of the western chamber). By Lu Ts’ai 陸采 (1497–1537). In Hsi-hsiang hui-pien, pp. 323–416.

  Nan-k’o meng chi 南柯夢記 (The dream of the southern branch). By T’ang Hsien-tsu 湯顯祖 (1550–1616). Completed in 1600. Edited and annotated by Ch’ien Nan-yang 錢南揚. Peking: Jen-min wen-hsüeh ch’u-pan she, 1981.

  Nan-kung tz’u-chi 南宮詞紀 (Anthology of southern-style lyrics). Compiled by Ch’en So-wen 陳所聞 (d. c. 1604). In Nan-pei kung tz’u-chi, vols 1–2.

  Nan-pei kung tz’u-chi 南北宮詞紀 (Anthology of southern- and northern-style song lyrics). Compiled by Ch’en So-wen 陳所聞 (d. c. 1604); edited by Chao Ching-shen 趙景深. 4 vols. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1959.

  Nan-pei kung tz’u-chi chiao-pu 南北宮詞紀校補 (Collation notes and supplements to Nan-pei kung tz’u-chi). Compiled by Wu Hsiao-ling 吳曉鈴. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1961.

  Nan Sung chih-chuan 南宋志傳 (Chronicle of the Sung conquest of the south). Attributed to Hsiung Ta-mu 熊大木 (mid-16th century). 10 chüan. Nanking: Shih-te t’ang, 1593. Fac. repr. in Ku-pen hsiao-shuo ts’ung-k’an, ti san-shih ssu chi, vols. 1–2.

  Nao Fan-lou to-ch’ing Chou Sheng-hsien 鬧樊樓多情周勝仙 (The disturbance in the Fan Tavern and the passionate Chou Sheng-hsien). In Hsing-shih heng-yen, vol. 1, chüan 14, pp. 264–76.

  Nü ku-ku shuo-fa sheng-t’ang chi 女姑姑說法陞堂記 (The nun who took the pulpit to expound the dharma). In Ku-pen Yüan Ming tsa-chü, vol. 3.

  Pa-i chi 八義記 (The story of the eight righteous heroes). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Pai-chia kung-an 百家公案 (A hundred court cases). 1594 edition. Fac. repr. in Ku-pen hsiao-shuo ts’ung-k’an, ti-erh chi, vol. 4.

  Pai Niang-tzu yung-chen Lei-feng T’a 白娘子永鎮雷峰塔 (The White Maiden is eternally imprisoned under Thunder Peak Pagoda). In Ching-shih t’ung-yen, chüan 28, pp. 420–48.

  Pai-p’ao chi 白袍記 (Story of the white robe). In Ku-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-chi, item 46.

  Pai-she chi 白蛇記 (The story of the white snake). By Cheng Kuo-hsüan 鄭國軒 (14th century). In Ku-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-chi, item 43.

  Pai-t’u chi 白兔記 (The white rabbit). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Pai-yüeh t’ing chi 拜月亭記 (Moon prayer pavilion). In Ku-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-chi, item 9.

  Pao-chien chi 寶劍記 (The story of the precious sword). By Li K’ai-hsien 李開先 (1502–68). In Shui-hu hsi-ch’ü chi, ti-erh chi, pp. 1–98.

  Pao-chüan ch’u-chi 寶卷初集 (Precious volumes, first collection). Compiled by Chang Hsi-shun 張希舜 et al. 40 vols. T’ai-yüan: Shan-hsi jen-min ch’u-pan she, 1994.

  Pao Lung-t’u Ch’en-chou t’iao-mi 包龍圖陳州糶米 (The story of Academician Pao and the sale of rice in Ch’en-chou). In Ming Ch’eng-hua shuo-ch’ang tz’u-hua ts’ung-k’an, ts’e 4, pp. 1a–18b.

  Pao-p’u tzu 抱朴子 (The master who embraces simplicity). By Ko Hung 葛洪 (283–343). In Chu-tzu chi-ch’eng, 8:1–234.

  Pei-Ch’i shu 北齊書 (History of the Northern Ch’i dynasty). Compiled by Li Te-lin 李 德林 (530–90) and his son Li Pai-yao 李百藥 (565–648). 2 vols. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1973.

  Pei-kung tz’u-chi wai-chi 北宮詞紀外集 (Supplementary collection to northern-style song lyrics). Compiled by Ch’en So-wen 陳所聞 (d. c. 1604). 3 vols. In Nan-pei kung tz’u-chi chiao-pu, pp. 1–89.

  Pei Sung chih-chuan 北宋志傳 (Chronicle of the Sung conquest of the north). Attributed to Hsiung Ta-mu 熊大木 (mid-16th century). 10 chüan. Nanking: Shih-te t’ang, 1593. Fac. repr. in Ku-pen hsiao-shuo ts’ung-k’an, ti san-shih ssu chi, vols. 2–3.

  P’ei Hsing Ch’uan-ch’i 裴鉶傳奇 (P’ei Hsing’s [825–80] Tales of the marvelous). Edited and annotated by Chou Leng-ch’ieh 周楞伽. Shanghai: Shang-hai ku-chi ch’u-pan she, 1980).

  P’ei Hsiu-niang yeh-yu Hsi-hu chi 裴秀娘夜游西湖記 (P’ei Hsiu-niang’s night outing on the West Lake). I
n Hu Shih-ying, Hua-pen hsiao-shuo kai-lun, 1:343–49.

  P’i-p’a chi 琵琶記 (The lute). By Kao Ming 高明 (d. 1359). Edited by Ch’ien Nan-yang 錢南揚. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1961.

  The Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P’ing Mei. Volume 1: The Gathering. Translated by David Tod Roy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.

  The Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P’ing Mei. Volume 2: The Rivals. Translated by David Tod Roy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001.

  The Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P’ing Mei. Volume 3: The Aphrodisiac. Translated by David Tod Roy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006.

  The Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P’ing Mei. Volume 4: The Climax. Translated by David Tod Roy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011.

  P’o feng-shih 破風詩 (The critique of the poem on the wind). In Ku-pen Yüan Ming tsa-chü, vol. 3.

  P’o-hsieh hsien-cheng yao-shih chüan 破邪顯正鑰匙卷 (Precious volume on the key to refuting heresy and presenting evidence [for correct doctrine]). By Lo Ch’ing 羅清 (1442–1527). Originally published in 1509. In Pao-chüan ch’u-chi, 2:1–508

  P’o-yao chi 破窯記 (The dilapidated kiln). In Ku-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-chi, item 19.

  P’u-ching ju-lai yao-shih pao-chüan 普靜如來鑰匙寶卷 (Precious volume of the Tathāgatha P’u-ching: the Buddha of the Key [to salvation]). By P’u-ching 普靜 (d. 1586). In Pao-chüan ch’u-chi, 5:21–186.

  P’u-ming ju-lai wu-wei liao-i pao-chüan 普明如來無為了義寶卷 (Precious volume of the Tathāgatha P’u-ming who thoroughly comprehends the meaning of Non-activism). By P’u-ming 普明 (d. 1562). Completed in 1558. In Pao-chüan ch’u-chi, 4:373–605.

  P’u-tung Ts’ui Chang chu-yü shih-chi 浦東崔張珠玉詩集 (Collection of poetic gems about [the affair of] Ts’ui [Ying-ying] and Chang [Chün-jui] in P’u-tung). Included as part of the front matter in the 1498 edition of Hsi-hsiang chi, pp. 13a–21a.

  Records of the Grand Historian of China. Translated by Burton Watson. 2 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961.

  San hsien-shen Pao Lung-t’u tuan-yüan 三現身包龍圖斷冤 (After three ghostly manifestations Academician Pao rights an injustice). In Ching-shih t’ung-yen, chüan 13, pp. 169–84.

  San-kuo chih 三國志 (History of the Three Kingdoms). Compiled by Ch’en Shou 陳 壽 (233–97). 5 vols. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1973.

  San-kuo chih p’ing-hua 三國志平話 (The p’ing-hua on the history of the Three Kingdoms). Originally published in 1321–23. Shanghai: Ku-tien wen-hsüeh ch’u-pan she, 1955.

  San-kuo chih t’ung-su yen-i 三國志通俗演義 (The romance of the Three Kingdoms). Attributed to Lo Kuan-chung 羅貫中 (14th century). Preface dated 1522. 2 vols. Shanghai: Shang-hai ku-chi ch’u-pan she, 1980.

  San-ming t’ung-hui 三命通會 (Comprehensive compendium on the three fates). Compiled by Wan Min-ying 萬民英 (cs 1550). In [Ying-yin Wen-yüan ko] Ssu-k’u ch’üan-shu, 810:1–691.

  San-pao t’ai-chien Hsi-yang chi t’ung-su yen-i 三寶太監西洋記通俗演義 (The romance of Eunuch Cheng Ho’s expedition to the Western Ocean). By Lo Mao-teng 羅懋登. Author’s preface dated 1597. 2 vols. Shanghai: Shang-hai ku-chi ch’u-pan she, 1985.

  San Sui p’ing-yao chuan 三遂平妖傳 (The three Sui quash the demons’ revolt). Fac. repr. Tokyo: Tenri daigaku shuppan-bu, 1981.

  San-ts’ai t’u-hui 三才圖會 (Assembled illustrations from the three realms). Compiled by Wang Ch’i 王圻 (c. 1535–c. 1614). Preface dated 1609. 6 vols. Fac. repr. Taipei: Ch’eng-wen ch’u-pan she, 1970.

  San-yüan chi 三元記 (Feng Ching 馮京 [1021–94] wins first place in three examinations). By Shen Shou-hsien 沈受先 (15th century). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Seng-ni kung-fan 僧尼共犯 (A monk and a nun violate their vows). By Feng Wei-min 馮惟敏 (1511–80). In Ming-jen tsa-chü hsüan, pp. 333–50.

  Seng-ni nieh-hai 僧尼孽海 (Monks and nuns in a sea of iniquity). Originally published in the early 17th century. In Ssu wu-hsieh hui-pao, 24:151–339.

  Sha-kou chi 殺狗記 (The stratagem of killing a dog). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Shan-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an 善本戲曲叢刊 (Collectanea of rare editions of works on dramatic prosody). Taipei: Hsüeh-sheng shu-chü, 1984–87.

  Shang Lu san-yüan chi 商輅三元記 (Shang Lu [1414–86] wins first place in three examinations). In Ku-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-chi, item 28.

  Shen-hsiang ch’üan-pien 神相全編 (Complete compendium on effective physiognomy). Compiled by Yüan Chung-ch’e 袁忠徹 (1376–1458). In Ku-chin t’u-shu chi-ch’eng, section 17, i-shu tien, chüan 631–44.

  Shen Hsiao-kuan i-niao hai ch’i-ming 沈小官一鳥害七命 (Master Shen’s bird destroys seven lives). In Ku-chin hsiao-shuo, vol. 2, chüan 26, pp. 391–403.

  Sheng-Ming tsa-chü, erh-chi 盛明雜劇,二集 (Tsa-chü dramas of the glorious Ming dynasty, second collection). Compiled by Shen T’ai 沈泰 (17th century). Fac. repr. of 1641 edition. Peking: Chung-kuo hsi-chü ch’u-pan she, 1958.

  Sheng-shih hsin-sheng 盛世新聲 (New songs of a surpassing age). Preface dated 1517. Fac. repr. Peking: Wen-hsüeh ku-chi k’an-hsing she, 1955.

  Shih Chen-jen ssu-sheng so pai-yüan 時真人四聖鎖白猿 (Perfected Man Shih and the four generals subdue the white gibbon). In Ku-pen Yüan Ming tsa-chü, vol. 4.

  Shih-hou chi 獅吼記 (The lion’s roar). By Wang T’ing-no 汪廷訥 (fl. 1593–1611). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Shih Hung-chao lung-hu chün-ch’en hui 史弘肇龍虎君臣會 (Shih Hung-chao: The meeting of dragon and tiger, ruler and minister). In Ku-chin hsiao-shuo, vol. 1, chüan 15, pp. 212–38.

  Shih-i chi 十義記 (The story of ten righteous persons). In Ku-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-chi, item 42.

  Shih-lin kuang-chi 事林廣記 (Expansive gleanings from the forest of affairs). Fac. repr. of 14th-century edition. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1963.

  Shih-san ching ching-wen 十三經經文 (The texts of the thirteen classics). Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1955.

  Shih-wu kuan hsi-yen ch’eng ch’iao-huo 十五貫戲言成巧禍 (Fifteen strings of cash: A casual jest leads to uncanny disaster). In Hsing-shih heng-yen, vol. 2, chüan 33, pp. 691–706.

  Shou-t’ing hou nu chan Kuan P’ing 壽亭侯怒斬關平 (The Marquis of Shou-t’ing angrily executes Kuan P’ing). In Ku-pen Yüan Ming tsa-chü, vol. 3.

  Shu-i chi 述異記 (Accounts of strange things). Compiled by Tsu Ch’ung-chih 祖沖之 (429–500). In Ku hsiao-shuo kou-ch’en, pp. 137–65.

  Shuang-ch’ing pi-chi 雙卿筆記 (A record of the two Ch’ing [Chang Cheng-ch’ing 張正卿 and Chang Shun-ch’ing 張順卿]). In Kuo-se t’ien-hsiang, vol. 2, chüan 5, lower register, pp. 1a–31b.

  Shuang-chu chi 雙珠記 (The pair of pearls). By Shen Ch’ing 沈鯖 (15th century). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Shuang-chung chi 雙忠記 (The loyal pair). By Yao Mao-liang 姚茂良 (15th century). In Ku-pen hsi-ch’ü ts’ung-k’an, ch’u-chi, item 33.

  Shuang-lieh chi 雙烈記 (The heroic couple). By Chang Ssu-wei 張四維 (late 16th century). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Shui-hu ch’üan-chuan 水滸全傳 (Variorum edition of the Outlaws of the Marsh). Edited by Cheng Chen-to 鄭振鐸 et al. 4 vols. Hong Kong: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1958.

  Shui-hu hsi-ch’ü chi, ti-erh chi 水滸戲曲集,第二集 (Corpus of drama dealing with the Shui-hu cycle, second series). Edited by Fu Hsi-hua 傅惜華. Shanghai: Ku-tien wen-hsüeh ch’u-pan she, 1958.

  Shui-hu hsi-ch’ü chi, ti-i chi 水滸戲曲集,第一集 (Corpus of drama dealing with the Shui-hu cycle, first series). Edited by Fu Hsi-hua 傅惜華 and Tu Ying-t’ao 杜穎陶. Shanghai: Ku-tien wen-hsüeh ch’u-pan she, 19

  Shuo-k’u 說庫 (A treasury of literary tales). Compiled by Wang Wen-ju 王文濡 (fl. early 20th century). Originally published in 1915. Fac. repr. 2 vols. Taipei: Hsin-hsing shu-chü, 1963.

  Sou-shen chi 搜神記 (In search of the supernatural). Compiled by Kou Tao-hsing 句 道興 (10th century). In Tun-huang pien-wen chi, 2:865–89.

  Ssu-hsi chi 四喜記 (The four occasions for delight). By Hsieh Tang 謝讜 (1512–69). Liu-shih chung ch’ü edition. Taipei: K’ai-ming shu-tien, 1970.

  Ssu-ma Kuang tsou-i 司馬光奏議 (The memorials of Ssu-ma Kuang). Edited by Wang Ken-lin 王根林. T’ai-yüan: Shan-hsi Jen-min ch’u-pan she, 1986.

  Ssu-sheng chiao Fan Chang chi-shu 死生交范張鷄黍 (The chicken and millet life and death friendship between Fan Shih 范式 and Chang Shao 張劭). In Ch’ing-p’ing shan-t’ang hua-pen, pp. 280–83.

  Ssu-sheng yüan 四聲猿 (Four cries of a gibbon). By Hsü Wei 徐渭 (1521–93). Originally published in 1588. Edited and annotated by Chou Chung-ming 周中明. Shanghai: Shang-hai ku-chi ch’u-pan she, 1984.

  Ssu-shih hua-yüeh sai chiao-jung 四時花月賽嬌容 (The flowers and moonlight of the four seasons compete in loveliness). By Chu Yu-tun 朱有燉 (1379–1439). In Ku-pen Yüan Ming tsa-chü, vol. 2.

  Ssu-shu chang-chü chi-chu 四書章句集注 (Collected commentary on the paragraphed and punctuated text of the Four books). By Chu Hsi 朱熹 (1130–1200). Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1983.

  Ssu wu-hsieh hui-pao 思無邪匯寶 (No depraved thoughts collectanea). Compiled by Ch’en Ch’ing-hao 陳慶浩 and Wang Ch’iu-kuei 王秋桂. 45 vols. Taipei: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1995–97.

  Su Ch’ang-kung Chang-t’ai Liu chuan 蘇長公章臺柳傳 (The story of Su Shih [1037–1101] and the courtesan Chang-t’ai Liu). In Hsiung Lung-feng ssu-chung hsiao-shuo, pp. 23–28.

  Su Shih shih-chi 蘇軾詩集 (Collected poetry of Su Shih). By Su Shih 蘇軾 (1037–1101). 8 vols. Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1982.


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