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The Lion's Fiery Fox MM Alpha Omega Mpreg

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by Akita StarFire



  Akita StarFire Copyright Notice

  CHAPTER ONE The Lion's Fiery Fox


  CHAPTER TWO Bonus Story


  The Lion's Fiery Fox

  Copyright © 2017 by Akita StarFire

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Everyone in this story is 18 or older and NOT blood related.


  The Lion's Fiery Fox

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  "Consider this a brand new start for you," Lee said, clapping his large hand on the smaller omega's shoulder.

  "Yes...yes...I can see that." Roland said as he considered his multitude of options. He looked up at the large, imposing were-lion.

  The small were-fox shivered, knowing Lee was right. This was a new chance to live a decent life.

  What can I be? What am I good at? Roland thought of all the things he was good at and they all fell outside the law.

  Roland watched a large, burly officer with a tall, lanky thief walk by. That had been him a couple of years ago. He never wanted to come back here.

  If it hadn't been for Lee and his belief that he could turn his life around, where would he be now?

  "You'd make a great mechanic. You could go into that." Lee told him, knowing he could not only hot wire a car, but take one apart and put it back together in no time.

  "True. Do you know anyone who'd hire me?" Roland wanted to know, scratching the side of his head.

  "Hmm...if you promise to stay out of trouble, I'll come up with someone." Lee promised and opened the door as Roland walked outside.

  He inhaled the city air, tasting freedom for the first time in a long time.

  "Yeah...I promise." Roland had nothing to lose and everything to gain. He'd dreamed big and what he wanted was to have the best car shop in the city.

  He did, however, need a start to get his foot in the door. Then he could start saving money for his shop. Could he do it?

  "See you later and good luck." Lee watched him walk down the street. He wished him all the luck in the world. He'd help him all he could.

  Roland waved farewell and walked down the street. Cars sped past as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

  What was he going to do for the next couple of days? Where should he spend the night? Were there any friends he could call?

  He pulled out some money they'd given him. Not enough to live on, not enough for shelter, but it was something. And something was better than nothing.

  There's was no one that he trusted enough to stay with, even though they were his "friends".

  Maybe he could go to a shelter for a few nights until Lee can get the info that he needed. He'd have to learn not to "borrow" things.

  Walking down the sidewalk, he noticed things he hadn't seen before. People talking with one another, lovers holding hands and the crisp, fall air all around him.

  He sat down on a bus bench, reveling in his new-found freedom.

  Lee was right. Destiny was in his hands. He needed to choose the best path for him and working for Riley wasn't one of them.

  That werewolf is one mean son of a...

  "Hey, Five Fingers," called an all-too-familiar voice that drew him away from his dreams.

  "What?" Roland shook the dreams away and faced reality.

  He saw Riley's henchmen, the crime overlord. Inwardly he groaned. Now what was he going to do?

  "The boss has a job for you," stated a pimply youth.

  Temptation sank its claws into his heart. Riley was generous with those who worked for him and a demon for those who failed him.

  It was a chance to redeem himself. His heart pattered in his chest as he thought about his options.

  Like an icy blast that slapped him across his face, he realized that Riley didn't help him when he was in the slammer.

  Why should he help him now? He looked at both of them suspiciously.

  The youth opened the door, motioning for him to hop in.

  There was the choice. Work for Riley again and take the risks and his fierce temper? Or choose his dreams - his car shop?

  "Tell him I'm not working for him again. Ever." Roland gritted his teeth, hoping he was making the right choice.

  They laughed as if he had just told them the funniest joke they'd ever heard.

  "They turned you?" The driver sneered, his words ice-cold.

  Roland leaped to his feet and raced down the street. Dodging people and stands, he rushed down a dark alley.

  How can he have been so stupid? He knew what happened when anyone said "no" to Riley.

  Roland lost himself in the crowds of the city. He wandered around, wondering what he should do.

  After long hours, he walked into a shelter. All he wanted was something to eat and a place to sleep for a couple of days.

  He'd go see Lee the next day and tell him where he was staying. He'd soon have a job for him. At least he hoped.


  "What?" Riley growled as he glared at his two underlings. He transformed into a large werewolf with large, sharp fangs.

  "He just gave us the slip," protested one of his men, attempting to control a shudder.

  "After all I've done for that little, no-good-for-nothing fox, he repays me like this." The wolf snarled, slamming his fist on the opulent table.

  "Yeah boss," they both agreed, knowing not to offend him in any way.

  "Tell my crew to look for that wily fox. The reward for finding him is $10,000," he told them with narrowed golden eyes.

  They nodded, rushing from the room.

  Riley sat back on his plush leather chair and steepled his fingers. Soon, he'd make an example of him and then no one would ever fail him again!


  Roland snapped open his eyes as he felt the rough hands grab him and bind him.

  Who? What was going on?

  "The boss is going to have fun making an example of you," laughed one of the dark figures.


  He knew Riley wouldn't take no. Why was he so stupid? Why not take the job and...and what? Skip out of town?

  No one really helped, just watched as they smuggled him from the room. It was as if they didn't hear them or, more likely, this joint was owned by Riley.

  They lifted him up and carried him out the door. He struggled, but the ropes were too strong.

  Great! Roland thought as he was jostled about. His claws went to work on the tight knot that bound his hands.

  He felt the men bang through the door and out into the outside. Where were they taking him? Did Riley want him dead?

  Roland transformed into his humanoid fox form and went to work on the ropes. He had to escape.

  Panic filled his heart, knowing Riley wasn't the forgiving type.

  "Police! Halt!" He heard a voice and his heart sped up. Lee! What was he doing here?

  Rough hands quickly threw him into the car. They sped away as Roland struggled to sit upright.

  Their wheels squealed as the car slammed him into the seat. He panted, trying to breathe through the sackcloth as he clawed his way through the ropes.

  Roland felt the car zigzag its way through the night's traffic on the freeway, trying to lose the cop. For the first time in his life
, Roland didn't want the cop to lose him.

  The guy riding shotgun, pulled out an Uzi and began firing it.

  No! He couldn't let anything happen to his lion!

  His lion? He shook his head. He never knew he had these sort of feelings for the handsome cop. He would have to explore those later. When he was safe.

  Roland ripped through the ropes and lunged forward, slapping the Uzi away. The gun flew from the lackey's hands as he glared at the were-fox.

  "Hey! What's happening?" The other stooge asked, putting his foot down on the pedal.

  The car horns blared in the traffic as the fox fought the stooge. The car swerved and zigzagged like a ping-pong ball.

  Roland knocked the man out and grabbed for the wheel. He grasped the wheel and tried to turn it, but the other man fought him for control of the car. As they were fighting, it spun out of control and skidded off the side and into a hill.

  Lee slammed on his brakes, just in time to narrowly avoid ramming into them. Jumping out of his cruiser, he rushed to the three injured men and was surprised to see Roland.

  What was going on? Why was he in the stooge's car?

  The were-lion called in for backup and for an ambulance. Then he went to Roland's side and tried to wake him up.

  The were-fox didn't respond to his prodding. Concerned for his friend, he wondered what had happened.

  The ambulance arrived a few minutes later and they carted the two men off.

  Lee followed behind them anxiously, wanting answers and he would get them.


  Roland slowly regained consciousness and heard the beeping of the instruments. He cracked open one eye and looked around to see where he was.

  "Roland, are you okay?" Lee asked, concern in his voice.

  "Yeah." He replied, not sure whether he was or not.

  "What were you doing in that car?" He wondered.

  Roland told his story as Lee listened, shaking his head.

  "You mean Riley still wants you to work for him?"

  "Yes." Roland croaked. His throat felt like sandpaper.

  "I'm glad that you refused him. But now we're going to have to get you into protection." Lee explained.

  "How would that work out?" Roland cocked his head, even though it hurt to do so.

  "You'd be in protective custody. We'd get you a new identity, a fake ID and all that jazz. Just leave it all to me." Lee told him.

  "I have no place to stay. Can I stay at your place?" Roland asked, rubbing the side of his head.

  "Sure! Let's get you out of this stupid hospital first." Lee said.


  Riley heard about the car accident, and knew that the fox was still alive. Damn! That wily fox!

  He paced throughout the room, thinking of what he could do. The fox must pay! And be made an example of. No one said no to him!

  An idea suddenly sprang into his mind and before he knew what he was doing, he picked up his cell phone and dialed his friend's number.

  "Jim! Hey it's me, your old buddy Riley. You remember me! Yeah, well, I need a favor from you." He paced back and forth as he thought about his devious plan.

  "I need you to get one of your guys into the PD and tell me what's happening to Roland."

  Roland couldn't be happier to be out of that confining hospital. There was no one he wanted to stay with more than Lee. He'd had a lot of time to think about Lee and what he meant to him.

  When he was in prison, no one believed in him except Lee. He always encouraged him to think of what he could do on the outside. What his strengths were. And how to avoid trouble.

  Throughout his time in prison, he really gained respect for the lion. He considered him a mentor and he realized that he had a crush on him.

  Did the were-lion feel the same way?

  When he entered Lee's place, he was amazed at how tidy the place was. For some reason, he expected a were-lion's den to be messy. He chuckled to himself when he realized how stupid that was.

  "Hey! How are you?" Lee came into the room with a large pot of stew. He set it down on the table and dished them both out a big bowl.

  Roland's stomach growled in spite of himself. It was so loud that they both laughed.

  "I take it you're hungry?"

  Roland nodded with a huge grin on his lips. Together they shared a meal and talked about the program and how it would change his life.

  Roland looked at him hopefully as lust filled his heart. Throughout the meal, he wondered if the were-lion shared his feelings.

  Roland admired Lee's powerful human body and wondered what he looked like in his were-lion form.

  Lee kept glancing out of the corner of his eyes, noticing that the fox's gaze was trained upon him. He wondered exactly what the were-fox was thinking. Did he share the same feelings he had? Or was he reading too much into his lustful gaze.

  Lee cleared his throat and stood to clear the table. He went to grab the were-fox's plate and Ray moved his hand at the same time.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Lee said as he brushed against Roland's hand.

  "No, no! It's totally my fault!" Roland responded as he looked into the were-lion's deep golden eyes.

  His heart was thumping like a race car's engine. All he wanted to do was kiss him and make wild passionate love to him. But a savvy alpha like him would never fall for an omega such as himself.

  Roland's heart beat even faster when he realized that Lee had not removed his hand. What was he saying?

  "Lee?" He stuttered. Could he say what was in his heart?

  "What is it?" Lee said a bit too quickly.

  "I…uh…" Roland looked away and, wondering if he could go through with it.

  "Yes?" Lee's face came closer and closer and soon their lips were less than an inch apart and Roland found that he didn't need to say anymore.

  With his emotions on overdrive, Roland closed his eyes and pressed his lips against Lee's. What he expected was for the lion to pull away and look at him in shock – and maybe even yell at him.

  What he didn't expect was Lee kissing him back and pressing his lips even harder into his. Was this really happening? Tingles washed through his body as he thought about what they were doing. This was so wrong! But it felt so right.

  He snuggled closer into Lee's massive chest and felt his iron-hard muscles pressing back against him. For some reason he couldn't quite understand, he felt completely safe and secure in Lee's arms. He'd never felt this way before.

  Lee loved the feeling of the omega's slender body pressed against his. Nothing stirred his blood more than to have the fox this close to him – his fox.

  Roland felt his cock grow hard in his pants and his ass produce lube from his excitement. He couldn't believe that this was happening. It all seemed like a dream.

  Lee swept him up in his strong, powerful arms and raced them to the bedroom. No words were spoken between the two lovers as he laid him down in his luxurious double bed.

  Without a second thought, Lee tore off Roland's clothes, exposing his luscious body to his greedy gaze. Roland laughed and covered his small cock.

  Lee leapt on the bed after he stripped from his clothes and passionately kissed his lover on the lips as his hands roamed over his body.

  The two men tussled playfully on the bed, testing each other's strength. Roland loved feeling Lee's strong, powerful muscles under his skin.

  They kissed passionately, exploring each other's mouths and faces with their hands. Roland didn't expect the fire coursing through his blood from the lion's touch. He had never been with a man before and knew not what it entailed.

  Lee's hands explored his chest and down his torso to Roland's eager cock. The were-lion's hot breath fell upon Roland's manhood as he devoured it greedily.

  Roland groaned and arched his back as feelings he couldn't explain rushed through him. Roland intertwined his fingers in Lee's long, golden hair and pushed him down eagerly on his cock.

  He'd never felt anything this good before in his entire life a
nd he wasn't sure that he ever would again.

  Lee's golden eyes promised more exotic pleasure. He knew that if he stared in them for too long, he would lose himself.

  Lee reluctantly pulled his lips away from his lover's cock.

  "Why did you stop?" Roland blurted out.

  "There's more to learn…" He said with a devilish smile.

  Lee shoved his massive dick into Roland's surprised face.

  "What the hell is that? I've never seen anything that big before!" Roland exclaimed as he looked over his lover's monstrous cock.

  "It's my cock. I suggest you get use to it as you're going to be seeing a lot of it – unless you don't want to…"

  Roland knew when he had been beaten. Opening his mouth as wide as he possibly could, he attempted to swallow the were-lion man's mighty cock. But try as he might, he could only manage to get his lips over the head.

  "Ooh! That's it! Right there under the head." Lee threw back his head and groaned.

  Roland worked his mouth around Lee's enormous dick as much as he could, licking up and down the shaft and working his tongue over the glans. He could tell how well he was doing by the strength of his groans.

  When he was finished, Lee lifted him up as though he were a small pup and laid him down on the bed.

  "What are you doing?" He looked into his lover's eyes.

  "I'm going to make love to you." Lee explained as he pressed his cock at Roland's ass. He was relieved to see that it was already lubed up for him.

  Roland was scared and excited at the same time. He to have that big beef stick deep inside him.

  "Relax. Don't tense up." Lee slowly eased his dick inside his tight hole.

  Roland attempted to relax as he felt Lee's shaft enter his tight opening. He breathed in deep, and pushed the air out slowly.

  Lee ran his fingers over his lover's lithe body. His skin was so soft and creamy, it drove him crazy.

  Pushing in, Lee felt Roland's ass massage his dick, sending flames of passion through him.

  Finally, he was inside his lover and nothing felt better than this. He waited, before withdrawing, then dove back in.


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