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Douluo Dalu - Volume 06 - External Spirit Bone

Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

That was an enormous spider web, rings within rings, extremely fine meshed, the entire spider web was woven from Blue Silver Grass, only these Blue Silver Grass were even a bit thinner than the Blue Silver Grass Tang San directly released before, furthermore appeared a crystal clear blue.

  The spider web expanded, as it touched the two trees it tightened in a moment, forming a large net suspended in the air. The five meters in diameter large net suspended there, twinkled with a blue gleaming lustre under the dawn light’s illumination.

  Tang San’s complexion after releasing this spider net had clearly become somewhat pale, evidently the reason was the great effort he used. This was Tang San’s third spirit ability, Spider Web Restraint[ (蛛网束缚)].

  “Little San, tell me your thoughts about this spirit ability.”

  Grandmaster while carefully observing the spider web adhering to the two trees, simultaneously asked Tang San.

  Tang San said:

  “After I absorbed the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring, this spirit ability appeared. According to what I sensed of this spirit ability, it has several properties. First, because it’s formed from Blue Silver Grass, it possesses all the properties Blue Silver Grass does. Poison and durability both. Second, the spider web itself has a kind of sticky property. It possesses extremely powerful adhesion, if touching it even a bit, it will immediately bind, tightly restraining the target. Third, the spider web itself is released instantaneously, with my current spirit power, launching this spirit ability once requires the consumption of a third of my spirit power.”

  Grandmaster’s brows wrinkled,

  “Only this? Aren’t there still other properties?”

  Tang San said:

  “There is still the most important one, it’s the spider web’s own durability, it’s directly twice that of Blue Silver Grass. Later using this spirit ability, its area as well as usage frequency and toughness, all will change as my spirit power increases. In other words, the tougher Blue Silver Grass is, the tougher this spider web will become. Blue Silver Grass’ toxicity will also be within it.”

  Grandmaster nodded,

  “This is suitable. What’s your opinion on this spirit ability?”

  Tang San said:

  “Although it wouldn’t appear very wonderful, I feel this ability is unusually practical. It has a very powerful effect on my spirit’s control power. Spider web with twice the toughness of Blue Silver Grass isn’t so easy to struggle free from.”

  Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

  “No, you are still underestimating it. It’s use is not only that simple, moreover it’s an exceptionally powerful spirit ability. How would you breaking the limit to absorb the Man Faced Demon Spider still give you an insufficiently tremendous spirit ability? I can practically be certain, unless it’s encountering an opponent just right to counter your ability, otherwise, on the same level, or even if it’s a spirit master within ten ranks higher than you, no one would be able to throw off its restraint. With it, you can be considered as having a truly powerful position among control system Spirit Masters.”

  Seeing Tang San’s with like a ponderous gaze, Grandmaster continued:

  “When Spirit Masters fight one on one, the most powerful isn’t physical strength Spirit Masters, nor is it power attack or even agility type Spirit Masters. Rather it’s control system Spirit Masters. Because a control system Spirit Master is able to restrain the opponent’s movements, maybe even stopping the opponent’s actions, under these kinds of circumstances, as long as the other side is unable to throw off your control system spirit ability, how will they still attack you? In the Spirit Master world, control system Spirit Masters are always terrifying existences. It’s only since control system Spirit Masters generally need comrades in arms to coordinate with, they’re not very well known. But truly formidable spirit masters all know the true importance and power of the control system.”

  Tang San said:

  “Teacher, you are saying, if in one against one conditions, right now Spirit Masters under fortieth rank would be unable to throw off my Spider Web Restraint?”

  Grandmaster nodded, saying:

  “Basically so. But still don’t rule out exceptions. This world is equal. Every spirit also has their advantage. Originally were you not also thinking your Blue Silver Grass was a trash spirit? In the same way, although this third spirit ability your spirit added is already unusually powerful, at the same time it has a nemesis.”

  While speaking, Grandmaster from his chest pulled out a simple thing, slowly walking over below the spider web Tang San previously released.

  In Grandmaster’s hand was a torch, he flashed it against the wind, immediately a flame puffed out from within the torch. Grandmaster burned the torch below the spider web, using the flame to roast the net.

  Just at the start Tang San still didn’t see anything. But in a moment, he clearly saw that extremely durable spider web’s lowest thread begin to gradually melt in the flame.

  “I understand. You are saying the nemesis is fire.”

  Tang San suddenly realized, at the same time recalling the first time he met Ma Hongjun. At that time Ma Hongjun effortlessly dissolved Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass Binding just by relying on his Phoenix flame. Although later he still got the worst of it, he still made Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass a useless spirit.

  Grandmaster nodded, saying:

  “Whether it’s plants or your spider web, they themselves fear fire. The flame burning on this torch is very small and naturally insufficient to threaten the spider web. But, if you encounter a Spirit Master expert in using fire, then, your spirit will be completely restrained by the other side. Practically every control system Spirit Master has something classified as their weakness, this is also the greatest cost of a control system spirit compared to other attribute spirits. And your Blue Silver Grass’ weak point is just fear of fire. As a result, hereafter when you meet Spirit Masters with this kind of property you must be sure to be even more careful.”

  Tang San pondered, saying:

  “Teacher, then if when I hereafter again obtain spirit rings do my utmost to think of a way to add spirit rings with resistance to fire, will this erase the weak point?”

  Grandmaster said:

  “Don’t do that. Although that kind of thing will increase your Blue Silver Grass’ flame resistance, consider, if you would waste even two spirit abilities on flame resistance, then, after your spirit power thereafter reaches a certain degree, will you still have enough spirit abilities to contend with your opponent?”

  “But, if I don’t increase the flame resistance, when I later encounter Spirit Masters with this kind of spirit wouldn’t I lack any methods?”

  Tang San said doubtfully. He didn’t fail to understand Grandmaster’s meaning, but his spirit having such a large defect clearly wasn’t something he wanted to see.

  Grandmaster smiled calmly, saying:

  “Control system spirit masters very rarely act alone, the best method is to let your companions take your place to deal with these issues. Of course, you also aren’t without your own methods to deal with it. Aren’t you always playing with those hidden weapons of yours? Although in my opinion toys lead to loss of purpose, I also have no choice but to admit that your hidden weapons truly have astonishing power. Moreover, don’t forget, you don’t only have the one Blue Silver Grass spirit.”

  By Grandmaster’s reminder, Tang San immediately recalled that hammer of his, his heart leapt,

  “Teacher, you are saying that I can cultivate that hammer?”

  Grandmaster resolutely shook his head,

  “Out of the question. Remember, without my consent, you absolutely cannot add spirit rings to that hammer. Definitely cannot. This is extremely important to your future. Right now what you can rely on is only Blue Silver Grass.”

  Although he didn’t understand why Grandmaster insisted on this, Tang San still nodded his promise.

  Grandmaster said:

Little San, don’t bite off more than you can chew. To you, even more important is still upgrading spirit power. The spirit abilities Blue Silver Grass currently possess already surpass my expectations. In the future you will only become even stronger. You are Teacher’s hope, you understand? Good, now let me have a look at your most significant matter, the question in your heart. Take off your jacket first.”

  Tang San’s heart tightened, ever since leaving Star Dou Great Forest, without the threat of spirit beasts, Tang San had all along wondered what was going on with those eight spider legs on his back. Now meeting Grandmaster, he naturally impatiently wanted answers. Regarding spirits, spirit beasts and spirit rings alone, he was convinced there was no one who knew them better than his Teacher.

  Removing his jacket, Tang San turned his back to Grandmaster. Grandmaster walked up to his back, raising his hands to touch Tang San’s spine.

  Tang San only felt a warm and gentle spirit power flow into his back, immediately afterward, this force began to flow up and down his spine.

  With a very serious expression, he carefully examined every vertebra in Tang San’s spine.

  “Little San, after you withdrew those spider legs, could you feel them go somewhere?”

  Tang San turned his right hand to his back, pointing at his rear ribs, saying:

  “Fitting on these eight ribs, I can feel like they adhere to the ribs. But to my body there is no effect whatsoever. On the contrary it feels like my back strength is even a bit larger than before.”

  Grandmaster touched the places Tang San indicated, immediately discovering that not only did these eight ribs appear a bit thicker and more solid than the other ribs, but at the same time, the vertebra these eight ribs connected to were also somewhat thicker than the others, feeling not only solid, but also extremely tough. Even Tang San’s back muscles seemed somewhat tougher.

  A pleasantly surprised expression gradually appeared on Grandmaster’s face, but he didn’t say anything, only quickly drew back several steps, moving five meters away from Tang San’s back,

  “Use your spirit power, release those eight spider legs.”

  Circulating Mysterious Heaven Skill, right now Tang San couldn’t help but be somewhat nervous, after all, this was his first time releasing these monstrous spider legs of his own accord. Honestly speaking, although he felt these spider legs would improve his strength, Tang San didn’t have any fondness for them. He always thought that by having these eight spider legs he seemed to become monstrous.

  Grandmaster was unable to take his eyes off Tang San’s back, afraid to let any details slip by.

  Faint blue light began to appear at Tang San’s back. Immediately afterward, Grandmaster clearly saw, Tang San’s entire spine seemed to move outside his body, releasing a weak purple light, just now he took notice of purple light releasing especially clearly on several of the vertebra. Immediately following, the tips of eight ribs protruded from Tang San’s back, taking the shape of eight bulges.

  A little bit of soreness or stinging tickling appearing on his back made Tang San feel slightly out of sorts, but he didn’t stop his spirit power.

  * * *

  [1] 2寸 = 6.7 cm

  [2] Idiom: Parents seeing their child die before themselves.

  [3] (蛛网束缚)

  Chapter 038: External Spirit Bone

  Part 1

  Tang San discovered that the change on his back didn’t use up too much spirit power. It seemed those vertebra themselves contained a certain energy.

  Following the eight bulges protruding, the purple light on Tang San’s back also became more and more distinct.

  Suddenly, along with a burst of Tang San trembling, the eight bulges finally broke open, eight thick and solid purple pillar shapes swiftly extended from his back.

  If Tang San’s Shrek Academy companions were here right now, they would discover that this time the spider legs’ growth speed was much faster than last time.

  In practically only several eyeblinks, the spider legs had already extended at least a meter and a half. Immediately afterwards, the spider legs abruptly extended again. From the tip joints on those one and a half meter thick and solid spider legs abruptly ejected one and a half meters longer, showing the sharpest part.

  Tang San couldn’t help but make a low howl, the eight spider legs on his back simultaneously unfolded on either side of him, dull purple light glinting, like eight enormous arms protecting him in the middle.

  On the surface of the spider legs could be faintly seen a layer of purple gas, purple light moving, appearing transparent like purple crystal.


  Grandmaster gasped in admiration,

  “Little San, control your spider legs to stab a tree, use strength.”

  Although to Tang San his spider legs still seemed unfamiliar, he could still manage just piercing a tree. Leaning sideways slightly, on his left side a spider leg abruptly shot out.

  With a pu sound, Tang San was amazed to discover, the spider leg like it hadn’t hit any obstruction, effortlessly thrust into that tree large enough that a single person could wrap his arms around it, and pierced through the other side.

  An even more astonishing scene followed. Along with the spider leg skewering it, Tang San and Grandmaster both clearly saw a layer of purple quietly spreading from the spider leg over the tree, spreading widely across the tree trunk with astonishing speed.

  Not just the tree trunk quickly became purple. In a moment, even the branches and tree leaves became the same color.

  One by one tree leaves dropped from above. Before they even fell to the ground, already in midair they transformed into wisps of purple dust and faded away unseen. And that large tree melted away more like ice and snow, just like that quietly transforming into purple powder and dissolving. Even on the ground in the vicinity of the tree some bushes coming into contact with this purple powder successively became purple and disappeared, within a circumference of several meters, completely turned into a purple deathly stillness.

  A faint energy transmitted along the spider leg into Tang San’s body. Although the energy wasn’t much, it was very distinct.

  Last time after Ma Hongjun was poisoned by touching the spider legs, Tang San also had a similar feeling, only that time it was even slighter, and he also hadn’t paid much attention. This time it was extremely obvious. It was like that spider leg had absorbed the tree’s accumulated energy and transmitted it into Tang San’s body.

  The purple dust falling to the ground gradually became colorless. In a moment it already blended together with the soil, no longer visible, and that large tree was like it had previously never existed there. Tang San’s thrust out spider leg still maintained its previous position, but there already was only empty air.

  “This, this actually is……”

  Tang San looked stupidly at the spider leg. Although he had already guessed the spider legs’ attack power would be pretty good, he hadn’t expected the toxicity of these spider legs would be so terrifying.

  Grandmaster slowly walked over next to Tang San, moving around his spider legs,

  “It appears my estimate was correct. Little San, this time your gain was the greatest. It’s not the third spirit ring, it’s even less that third spirit ability Spider Web Restraint, but these eight spider legs, or perhaps to say, it’s this external spirit bone.”

  “External spirit bone?”

  Tang San looked at Grandmaster.

  Grandmaster nodded,

  “These years I always taught you how to differentiate spirit beasts and spirit rings, as well as spirit cultivation methods and every kind of application, always without speaking of knowledge pertaining to spirit bones. This is mainly because I never thought you could come into contact with spirit bones so early. It appears, right now is the time to give you a lecture relating the mysteries of spirit bones. Saying this, let’s first talk about what spirit bones are.”

  At Grandmaster’s indication, Tang San controlled his
spirit power to withdraw those eight spider legs within his body. Just like last time, withdrawing these spider legs consumed a large amount of Tang San’s spirit power, sharply differing from releasing them.

  Grandmaster sternly said:

  “Spirit bones are a kind of extremely unusual thing. One might say, they are something Spirit Masters most hope of obtaining in their dreams. Somewhat analogously to spirit rings, spirit bones also come from spirit beasts. But they also possess enormous differences from spirit rings. First, the probability of spirit bones appearing are only one in a thousand, or even less, generally speaking, only with extremely formidable strength, and also when the circumstances of killing the spirit beast has some special circumstances is it possible for spirit bones to appear after killing, not at all like how a spirit ring will appear from every spirit beast. Consequently, spirit bones have become extremely uncommon, and extremely precious.”

  “Another difference between spirit bones and spirit rings is that it doesn’t require like spirit rings for whoever kills the spirit beast to use it. After obtaining spirit bones they can even be traded. Do you still remember, I told you before, you must as much as possible save up some money. The purpose is to in the future in a somewhat peculiar place purchase the spirit bones you need. Any spirit bone, even if it’s common spirit bones, is still extremely expensive. Moreover they lack markets.”

  Tang San said:

  “Then how should spirit bones be used? Your meaning is, these eight spider legs on my back are eight spirit bones?”

  Hearing Tang San’s words, Grandmaster couldn’t help but smile,

  “Don’t be greedy. Let alone eight spirit bones, to be able to have one spirit bone is already extremely fortunate, to say nothing of yours still being an external spirit bone. Its value is practically comparable to first rate spirit bones. This spirit bone of yours is vertebra, of course, also related to eight ribs. Its effect is precisely storage for the toxin of that Man Faced Demon Spider you killed, furthermore duplicating its eight spider legs and afterwards integrating them with your your own capability, evolving into these present eight spider legs.”


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