Dom Wars - Round Four
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I stared at Tara’s huge eyes and winked. “Baby, you almost done?” I walked up to her and took the drink she made for him and drank it down with loud gulps like a boss on a lemonade ad. . “Mmm.” I leaned and gave her a lingering kiss. “So fucking good,” I whispered before putting my arm around her shoulder and nodding at the dude. “We done here?”
“Oh uh, yeah. I’ll just…get those keys.”
“Good. You should really call first Jack. People do have personal lives.”
“Yeah, sorry man. Well, I’ll see you Miss Tara.”
“Probably not. I’m rather jealous.” I gave him a level stare that any male with half a brain would recognize.
He gave a big awkward laugh and I saluted him.
The front door shut and she shoved me away with a huge gasp. “What! Are you doing here!” She gasped again. “Where were you?” Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh my God, where were you?”
I slid my jaw slowly to the right. “Right where you’re hoping I wasn’t.”
“Oh. My. God.” She covered her face with her hands.
“Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“What are you doing here! We’re not supposed to have contact!” She hissed the incredulous words.
“Who the fuck will know?” I leaned my hip on the counter, looking around. “I had to see you.”
“Why?” she nearly shrieked.
I leveled my gaze on her. “Because I had to.”
“Had to? As in, you have a specific reason?”
“Yes.” I pushed off the counter and slowly walked toward her, my body tensing up with the need to have her in every way all at once. She seemed to sense it and began stepping back, right into the wall, then slowly along it. The sight of her attempting to escape, attempting to deny me was received as a direct threat and hit some inner turbo dominance switch.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Quicker sidling along.
The warning in my voice was well received by her panic and she bolted up the stairs.
Chapter Three
Adrenalin sent me up after her. She screamed as she shut her door and I plowed into it before she could lock it.
Huffing, she climbed over her bed and looked around.
“No escape, love.”
She held her hand out to me. “You. Are not. Supposed. To be here.”
I looked back at the door long enough to see how it locked. I turned the latch then began undoing my pants.
“Why are you here?” Her gaze lowered.
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“Just to fuck?”
I chuckled. “Don’t think you can piss me off and deny me, love. And don’t you dare tell me, or lie your ass off rather, and say you don’t want me here. Didn’t dream it. Fantasize about it…” I stepped out of my jeans and stood in my tight white briefs, “…while you played with your gorgeous. Pussy.”
I stood with my legs apart and stroked the length of my cock while cupping my balls. “I was right here in this room baby.” I lowered the front of my underwear, freeing my hard on. “When you fingered your pussy…” I hissed and watched her. “You came so fucking good. Now take off your clothes. So I can fuck you the way you need.”
Her eyes flew to mine with that no contact rule blaring in her gaze.
I shook my head. “Nothing…in this world is going to stop me, love.”
“Lucian,” she whimpered, begging like a fragile lamb.
I began walking, but not directly toward her. Enough to give her access to the door while closing in. Daring her. I could see her begin to entertain the idea of running.
“You won’t make it out baby. I’ll be on you, pulling those flimsy shorts down and fucking you right up against that door.” I made my way slowly around the other side of the bed and she made a run for it, screaming as she fought to unlock the door. I covered her body with mine, pressing her against it then grabbed the waist band of her shorts at the back and yanked them down over her ass.
Frantic whimpers erupted as I slid my finger in her pussy from behind. At her scorching heat, I gasped in her ear, “So fucking wet baby.” I kissed her temple, then the edge of her mouth, her hot moans fueling the animal in me. I rammed her core, watching the way her brows pinched together hard, the way her mouth opened wider with those sweet cries of surrender. Delicious surrender. God yes do me baby surrender. I pressed my cock against her soft ass while exploring.
“This what you want? That why you ran? Because you really…really…needed this?” I fucked her with my finger rapidly until she cried and lifted her sweet ass. “God, I know, I know you need it.” I worked her shorts down to her upper thighs with my free hand then from the front, found my favorite gem. I kissed softly at the edge of her mouth as I barely flicked the tip of her clit until she shuddered and gasped for me. I slid that finger inside her too, feeling her everywhere before gliding the rear one out and moving it up between her ass cheeks. Her eager hand found my cock and she gripped it tight. I grunted and hissed, pumping myself in and out of her hold. “You were bad to run, baby.” I spanked her ass hard and she gasped.
“Yes, yes.”
“Yes, yes?” I gave her three hard spanks while fingering her faster.
“Fuck me, please.” She tried to turn her ass toward me.
“Grab your ankles.” She bent over and I held her hips and slid my cock up and down her length. “This baby, you thought of this while rubbing your pretty clit earlier?”
“God yes!” She reached for my legs, trying to get me inside her and I gave her three more good ones on her ass before swirling my wet finger on the tight opening.
“You want me to slam it in?”
“Yes, Lucian God please.”
“But I want to go slow baby.” I eased inside her, digging my fingers into her hips mostly to keep from jerking her onto me.
She soon filled the room with frustrated moans and begging whimpers. She put a hand on the door and shoved back against me, sinking my cock deep and sending heat shooting up my spine. I let her have it, three hard spanks while fighting to maintain control. “Aren’t you being so fucking bad today?” I barely managed the winded words.
She wiggled her way out of my grasp with one of her moves and turned to face me, all winded and her sweet face pinched with… desperation. “I need you,” she whispered. She slowly took a step toward me and I stood perfectly still. Mostly because I was torn with conflicting needs. To dominate and demand she obey me, and to give her exactly what she needed.
“Tell me what you want, baby.” The compromise came in a hard command.
She slid her hands over my chest and leaned to nibble on me. “Make love to me.” She slowly looked up and locked her gaze to mine. “In my bed?”
My heart hammered in the sudden silence until it echoed in my ears. Make love to her. In her bed. I placed my hands on her waist. “Hold on to me princess.”
She put her arms around my neck and I lifted her, cradled in my arms.
I stood there and stared at her. She stared back with the most innocent and hungry look. The most precious thing I’d ever been assaulted with. The need hit me out of nowhere and I couldn’t deny it, couldn’t stop it from escaping. “Am I your prince?”
The small smile that played at her lips and the sparkle in her eyes as she nodded nearly crippled me with joy.
I laid her in bed and straddled her. “My princess,” I whispered, slowly removing her shirt. I worshipped her body with my eyes and a slow glide of my fingers. A delicate moan accompanied the repeated brush of my fingertips over her nipples.
“You like that sweetheart?”
She looked at my cock and then up at me, nodding. “Make me suck you.”
Fuck. She clearly had fantasies to fulfill. “A sweet princess wants to suck my cock?”
She nodded eagerly, licking her lips while I stroked my length before her. “I still remember your face the first time you saw my cock. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of it. Just like now.�
� I placed a hand on the wall behind the bed and leaned forward. “Be still while I kiss your lips with it.
She answered with a sweet whimper, dear God, if she got any more fucking precious I’d die.
“Such a sweet girl, aren’t you?” I rubbed my cock along her parted lips. “Take hold of it, love. Kiss it.”
She did as I said, looking at me while she placed soft kisses then licks along the ridge.
“Is this what you thought about when you were a brand new woman?”
“Yes,” she whispered, taking the head into her mouth with a delicate moan, sucking me with innocent perfection.
“Fffffuck you’re sucking me so sweet, aren’t you.” She held the base and squeezed. I pushed into her mouth. “Fucking beautiful baby. My cock going in and out of your pretty mouth.” I kept my thrusts slow, going a little deeper each time. “I’m going to make you take it all.” The heat was nearing unbearable already, the sight of my wet cock moving in and out that way. “That’s what you want?” I slid my finger over the head of my cock and she licked that too. I went back to fucking her mouth very slowly and reached behind me and found her clit.
She moaned on my cock and the feeling and sound of it reverberated inside me like a love song I’d known in another life, another dimension. Her brows furrowed with her effort and even though it was difficult, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You’re pumping your sweet pussy on my finger? Your pretty clit is hot isn’t it?”
She let out a cry and grabbed my hips, moving me faster. I watched her and she opened her eyes to stare at me.
“Fuck baby,” I gasped. “When you look at me that way… makes me…feel like…” I wiggled my finger over her clit rapidly.
She squealed and moved on my hand in frantic pumps while pulling me faster in and out, hitting my head against her throat, telling me yes yes that’s how I want you to feel.
I gasped while watching her and I suddenly needed to know, right while I fucked her mouth. “I’m the one baby? The one you waited for all your life?”
She squealed her orgasm and raked her nails slowly down my chest, still jerking me in and out of her mouth.
“You want it in your mouth,” I barely managed, “fuck, God, baby.” I bit back a roar, growling as I threw my head back and let the orgasm have me, let her have me. Her nails bit just as hard, her moans vibrating my cock as she sucked me so fucking good and perfectly.
Somewhere during the ecstasy she began making her way up my body, kissing and sucking, still hungry.
Dizzy with desire, I watched her. She pushed me onto the bed, on my back and crawled until she sat her ass on my chest. What. A fucking. Treasure. I looked up the line of her body and locked gazes with her while gliding my hands up and down her as far as I could reach.
She grabbed my hands and dragged them to cup her luscious tits, then trailed her fingers down my arms, tracing the contours of muscles in a way that made me desperate for more. I loosened my hand to leave only her hard nipples touching my palms. A frustrated mewl escaped her and she leaned, trying for a firmer touch.
God, I fucking loved staring up at her like this, her body quivering with tension and only I had the key to release it.
She widened her legs to bring the heat of her sweet pussy closer to my chest and the friction she created made her moan. I squeezed her breasts again just to enjoy how her delicate flesh looked against the tanned skin of my large hands. With a quick little pinch to her nipples, I moved my hands down, gliding them over her smooth skin, across the swell of her hips, and around to cup under her ass. Of their own volition, my fingers separated her cheeks and slid down to part her outer folds and allow one finger to slip inside her.
I was so fucking hard again. “Ride me princess. Right here in this bed.” I helped her onto my cock and she took over with the eagerness of an inexperienced rider that had finally gotten a chance at the real thing. She gripped my abs with a fierceness and determination that stole my breath then began moving on me, warm fire, gliding with a silky perfection, long strokes to the very tip of my cock before plunging me straight in to her hot core. I gasped, watching the beauty of her on me, my princess, my baby, trusting me, loving me. Fuck.
Reckless need erupted in my blood and I barely got the words out, “Lay on me.”
With a cry, she covered my chest with hers and kissed me. The unexpected thrust of her tongue in my mouth ignited barbaric needs. I gripped her waist and devoured her hot cries while I forced her to ride me fast and hard. “Fuck!” I gasped in her mouth as she wrapped my head in her arms. “Oh, fuck, fuck, yes!” The words strangled out of me as I came hard.
“I love you, I love you,” she cried in my ear.
I grabbed her face and kissed her with so much need and hunger until the kisses dwindled to lapping waters on a shore after a storm. “You meant it, I fucking feel it.”
“I do, I do,” she whispered in my mouth and nodded. “I mean it with all my heart, Lucian.”
I wrapped my arms around her, stroking her body. “I know you do, I know.”
She let out a small sob and nodded. “I do. I’m sorry I don’t show you more. I’ll do better. I promise.” She said this with a million kisses all over my fucking face.
“Baby, you’re killing me.” She paused and stared at me with furrowed brows, like she hated being at the wrong end of those words. I smiled and nibbled at her lips. “It’s a good death baby. A very good fucking death.”
Chapter Four
I sat in the limo next Lucian, fretting with guilt. We’d broken the game rules. I didn’t like breaking rules. Rules were good. They kept order, kept everyone safe. Usually. And that was what my brain was picking up on, the fact that I’d done something unsafe. Well, not unsafe, but something that could have negative consequences. It had me…angsty. Feeling unsettled.
The problem was, Lucian would think it was because I didn’t like him. He was convinced as long as neither of us said anything, no one would ever realize. I wasn’t so sure of it. I needed to not let those stupid feelings take control of me. There was nothing really wrong, nothing wrong with me and him. That was all good. Scary maybe, but good.
Sitting there close to him, able to touch him if I wanted, felt good. It felt right. I watched him, so relaxed and casual looking, long legs stretched out, expression peaceful.
And that look told me he was anything but relaxed. I’d figured out he wore that sort of mask to hide his feelings. He didn’t like to show vulnerability. Not that I could blame him, especially in this game.
I watched as Steve and another guy loaded our luggage into the limo’s trunk. We’d been given a specific packing list, like before, with most of the clothing provided. On the other side of the car, the grounds of the Dom Wars mansion stretched, neatly manicured, to the stone fence that enclosed the estate. I was glad we would be away again for this round. The place made me feel smothered with the anxiety it inspired.
The trunk closed, drawing my attention back to Steve. He nodded to the guy that had helped him load up, then turned and walked to the front of the car with military precision. A man I’d never seen before stood there waiting for Steve to approach. The guy loomed over Steve’s nearly six foot height, and his impeccably tailored charcoal grey suit made him even more imposing.
I couldn’t help being a little proud of our Steve, though. He walked right up to the man with a direct gaze, hand outstretched. The man shook Steve’s hand and smiled, then spoke.
Steve’s whole demeanor changed for an instant and he suddenly looked nervous. What the hell? Just as quickly, he shook his head and his expression cleared. He smiled and spoke briefly, then the man nodded and shook his hand again. As Steve turned away, the man lifted a hand toward us and gave a sort of mock salute.
In a move that was quintessentially Steve, he took a polishing cloth from his pocket and wiped over the front of the car before opening his door and climbing in. “How are my two favorite Dom Warriors? Ready to move on to Round Four?” He di
dn’t wait for a reply. “Good! Good! I have a good feeling about this Round.” He started the car, then turned in his seat. “Remember to switch on your wrist cameras, and remember, you will not remove these for the duration of the Round.” He passed us each a cell phone, the same as in Round Three, and held up his own. “I believe you’re both familiar with these?”
Lucian reached up and grabbed his, then passed mine to me. “A little too familiar.”
Steve nodded and gave his sympathetic frown. “I know, Lucian. And you won’t like this any better.” He took an envelope from an inner pocket and passed it back. “The directive.”
Lucian’s face settled into a stony mask, and I could have sworn his hand held a faint tremor when he accepted the envelope. Surely he couldn’t be that nervous? After all, he’d had a relatively normal childhood.
He opened the envelope and took out the paper, read it, and put it back without a word. His hands were remarkably steady as he folded the whole thing precisely into thirds and slid it into his hip pocket.
Settling back into the seat, he met Steve’s puzzled frown. “What are we waiting for? Let’s get on the road. The sooner I dominate these fucking demons, the sooner we move to the next Round.”
Steve stared for exactly one second. “Yes, sir. On the road.” He turned back to the front and put the car in gear. As we started rolling forward, a faint hum accompanied the raising of the black privacy panel the separated us from the driver’s compartment.
I just looked at Lucian for a moment. It wasn’t like him to be so cold toward Steve. Before, he’d treated the driver with friendly respect, and earned a loyal ally in the process. And we could sure use all of those we could get.
It was like a recurring living nightmare with her. I would have this fantastic dream and wake up to find it really wasn’t true.
Tara suddenly took hold of my hand, lifted it to her lips and kissed it. Then set it back down in her lap. Holy shit. She didn’t make eye contact but that was definitely progress. Hope filled me to bursting job. That was all I needed. All I needed to see, to know, that I was headed in the right direction.