Heat of Passion

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Heat of Passion Page 8

by Pamela Yaye

  Laughing, their hands intertwined, Sean and Robyn collapsed onto the bed.

  * * *

  Sean had never seen a more beautiful woman. He marveled at Robyn’s curvy, figure. Her perky nipples, her hips, her toned legs, which went on for miles. The sight of her naked body caused his erection to rise. Showing up at her condo had been a calculated risk, but he’d never been one to play by the rules and refused to let his family keep them apart. Not when they clicked on every level—especially in the bedroom.

  Hungry for her, he tipped his head toward her and kissed her hard on the lips. She had a tight little ass he loved rubbing and stroking and squeezing. Sean couldn’t get enough of her. Couldn’t stop kissing her, playing in her hair, telling her how gorgeous she was, how sexy. She was his fantasy, and her pleasure was his only concern.

  He spread her legs wide-open. So wide, he couldn’t resist burying his face there for a taste. He’d never given a woman oral sex before, but it was different with Robyn. He wanted to please her, to prove he was the only man she’d ever need. To do that, he planned to make her come over and over again.

  Sean licked her inner thighs, showered kisses along her warm, soft flesh. Gripping her hips, he slid his tongue back and forth across her clit. The payoff was immediate. Robyn clutched his head in her hands and rocked her hips. She spread her legs wider, invited him in to explore her body. It was a sexy, erotic moment, one Sean would never forget.

  Bursting with confidence, he put his tongue to work. He flicked it against her sweet spot, teased and tickled it until she cried out. Planting her feet on the bed, she gripped the headboard, used it as leverage to match him thrust for thrust. He sucked her lips into his mouth, and her moans grew stronger, louder, until they filled the room. Sean glanced up at Robyn just in time to see her orgasm hit and a look of pure bliss cover her face.

  “Do you have condoms?”

  Robyn looked sleepy, but she rolled onto her side and gestured to the mahogany table.

  Sean opened the drawer, found a box, took a packet out and ripped it open. He rolled on the condom, rejoined Robyn in bed and gathered her in his arms. Raining kisses across her face, he stroked her body with his hands.

  Robyn seized his erection, parted her legs and guided him inside her treasure. His length filled her, possessed her. She felt incredible, tighter than tight, even better than he’d imagined. They moved as one, slowly at first, then picked up speed as her muscles relaxed.

  Sweat clung to his skin, and his temperature climbed higher with each thrust. No one wanted a robot in bed, and not only did Robyn meet his intensity, she unleashed her inner vixen. Their lovemaking was primal, explosive, without a doubt the most erotic experience of his life. It was important to him, imperative even, that sex was enjoyable for her, the best she’d ever had. He wanted to be the only man in her life, the person she confided in, but more than anything he wanted her love. He had no one on his side and valued having Robyn in his corner. She was the kind of woman he could see himself settling down with, and he wanted her for more than just one night. Forever.

  Sean held her close to his chest, nipped and tickled her earlobe with his tongue. She giggled, and the sound brought a proud smile to his mouth. There was nothing better than making love to her. Her moans made him feel like a superstar. Watching her come undone, feeling her body quiver and shudder beneath his, was the greatest thrill.

  Wanting to make the most of their time together, Sean cautioned himself to relax, to take his time. But it was too late. Tingles tickled the tips of his ears, then shot to his toes. He was burning up, and his skin felt hotter than a flame. Sean pressed his eyes shut, tried to control his body, but he lost the battle with his flesh. He was coming, losing it, and hoped he wouldn’t embarrass himself when his orgasm finally hit.

  Spasms filled with electric currents pulsed through his groin, stealing his breath. They were so powerful, so crippling and intense Sean feared he’d black out. As he climaxed, every muscle in his body tensed and contracted.

  Satisfied but exhausted, Sean collapsed onto the bed and released a deep, ragged breath. Robyn rested her head on his chest. Stroking her hair, neck and shoulders, he told her how special she was, how much she mattered to him, that she was the only woman he desired. Robyn listened, didn’t speak, but he sensed that she was pleased.

  Sleep made his eyes heavy and his limbs weak. Worried he was going to doze off, Sean sat up, swung his legs over the side of the canopy bed and searched for his clothes.

  “You’re leaving?”

  Sean heard the quiver in her voice, saw the uncertainty in the depths of her eyes and shook his head. “No way. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” He tipped his head toward her and kissed the tip of her nose. “I just need something to drink. Can I get you anything?”

  “You sound like a waiter.”

  “A good chef does it all, and I pride myself on being hands-on in and out of the kitchen.”

  Sean expected Robyn to laugh, but she didn’t. A pensive expression covered her face, and panic filled him with dread. Did she regret making love to him? Was she having second thoughts about him spending the night? A lump formed in his throat. Was she unsatisfied?

  He studied her, tried to make sense of her furrowed brow. Robyn looked as if she wanted to say something, but didn’t, and since Sean didn’t want to question her for fear of looking clingy, he swiped his boxer briefs off the floor and put them on. “Are you sure I can’t get you anything from the kitchen?”

  “I’d love another glass of chardonnay, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. One glass of chardonnay, coming right up.”

  “On second thought, just bring the bottle.”

  “You’re a lush.” Sean flashed a grin. “Sexy as hell, but definitely a lush.”

  A pillow hit the wall, narrowly missing his head, and Sean chuckled. He enjoyed joking around with Robyn, liked that she didn’t take life too seriously or get bent out of shape when he teased her. Heading for the kitchen, he made a mental note to bring her something to eat, as well.

  Sean stopped short, couldn’t believe what he saw. Chairs were overturned in the living room, the furniture was out of place and they must have accidently knocked Robyn’s purse over in their haste to get to the bedroom because its contents were strewn all over the floor.

  Bending down, Sean retrieved everything from under the breakfast bar and shoved it back inside her tote bag. Picking up her leather planner, he was surprised to see the note she’d written on an upcoming date: “Lunch with Enrique Salazar at The Pearl.”

  Confused, Sean scratched his head. Robyn had written two paragraphs about the Mexican billionaire, and as he read her detailed notes, his spirits sank. The business magnate was a brown-eyed charmer who collected beautiful women like trophies, and unfortunately, Robyn was exactly his type—tall, curvy, feisty. Enrique’s father, Mauricio, was a close friend of Sean’s dad, and over the years, the two families had become close. But that didn’t mean he was going to stand by and let Enrique steal his girl. Sean was bound and determined to take Robyn off the market and couldn’t risk her falling under the tycoon’s spell. Not when they were finally making progress.

  Sean raked a hand over his head, tried to formulate a plan to keep his girl and his friend apart. He hadn’t spoken to Enrique in months, not since he’d left the resort and moved to LA. Had no desire to. Losing the Belleza to Kim was not only a crushing blow but a personal embarrassment, one he didn’t feel comfortable talking about to anyone except Robyn.

  He stood up. His thoughts raced. Why was Robyn having lunch with Enrique? How did she know him? Had Kim set them up? Something Robyn had said earlier, while they were having dinner, replayed in his mind, intensifying his fears. His sister had always loved playing matchmaker, but according to Robyn, Kim was desperate to set her up with one of her fiancé’s single, s
uccessful friends. Yeah, over my dead body, he vowed, stalking over to the stainless-steel fridge and yanking open the door. There was no way in hell he’d stand by and watch Robyn date other men.

  Sean wanted to ask Robyn about her lunch date, but he didn’t want to ruin their romantic night. She’d accuse him of snooping and probably kick him out of her condo, and Sean wasn’t ready for their time together to end. Going home to his empty house held no appeal, neither did getting into an argument with Robyn about her personal life. To get to the bottom of things, he’d touch base with Enrique and find out exactly what was going on. But not tonight.

  Sniffing the air, he smelled incense burning, and wondered if his lady love was reading his mind. Grabbing everything he needed, Sean closed the fridge and turned off the lights in the kitchen. Whistling a tune, he strode back down the hallway.

  Entering the bedroom, Sean was pleasantly surprised to find Robyn sitting up in bed, singing the song playing on the stereo, rocking her body from side to side.

  “Took you long enough,” she quipped with a laugh. “I was just about to come get you.”

  “Be patient, baby girl. Good things come to those who wait.”

  “What’s all that?”

  “Dessert.” Sean knew he looked a sight, holding a wine bottle in one hand, and strawberries, chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream in the other. He flashed a boyish smile. “Ready for round two?”

  Her eyes sparkled, and a smirk filled her lips. “You don’t even have to ask.”

  Chapter 8

  Robyn woke up on Thursday morning to the sound of twittering birds outside her bedroom window. Chilled, she closed her eyes and snuggled deeper into the satin sheets. Robyn had a full day ahead of her, but she gave herself permission to relax in bed for a few more minutes. Her brain felt foggy, her legs were sore, and her body ached all over. That was no surprise. She’d had sex with Sean—not once, not twice, but three mind-blowing times. And had it ever felt good.

  Wild. Passionate. Exhilarating. Like a real-life episode of Sex in the City.

  Memories of their sensuous encounter warmed Robyn all over. X-rated images scrolled through her mind, and each picture was more erotic than the last. Sean was a patient, considerate lover, playful and frisky in bed, too. Laughing and joking around with him made Robyn feel less self-conscious about her body, more confident and secure, and when she’d dozed off in the wee hours of the morning, it had been with a dreamy smile on her face.

  Wanting to hear Sean’s voice—to prove their connection was real and not something she’d imagined—Robyn rolled onto her side and grabbed the cordless phone off the bedside table. She punched in his number and waited anxiously for the call to connect. Like her, Sean was an early riser who woke up every morning raring and ready to go. He was probably already at the SP Grill, hard at work in the kitchen, so she’d have to keep their conversation brief.

  Robyn heard music playing inside her en suite bathroom and instantly recognized the catchy Drake song as Sean’s ring tone. Confused, she hung up the phone. Had Sean forgotten his cell? Did he know it was missing? Tossing her blanket aside, Robyn jumped to her feet and rushed into the bathroom.

  And there, sitting on the counter, was Sean’s cell phone.

  Hearing a noise, her eyes narrowed and her ears perked up. Had she left the TV on last night? Was housekeeping doing their weekly cleaning? Creaking open the bedroom door, she peered out into the hallway, listened for a minute. Someone was in the kitchen—opening cupboards, rifling through the pantry, fiddling with the stereo—and Robyn knew who it was. Her heart was beating so loud she couldn’t hear herself think, and her stomach was coiled into a knot. No! No! No! It can’t be!

  Panic slammed into her chest, stealing her breath. Her pulse roared in her ears, sounded like an out-of-control freight train zipping down the tracks, and her hands began to sweat and shake. Robyn had a vague recollection of Sean kissing her goodbye, so hearing him in her kitchen, humming to the Jodeci song playing on the radio, puzzled her.

  Questions overran her mind, questions she didn’t have answers to. Why was Sean still here? Didn’t he understand the risks, what was at stake? Was he trying to get her fired?

  Desperate to get to the bottom of things, Robyn threw open her bedroom door and charged down the hallway. As she passed a mirror hanging on the wall, she caught a glimpse of herself and stopped abruptly.

  Good God, she thought, staring at her reflection. I could scare Frankenstein. Her hair was standing on end, and her pink satin nightie was a wrinkled mess. Not a good look. Before she saw Sean, a shower and a wardrobe change were definitely in order.

  Spinning back around, she returned to the bedroom and grabbed everything she needed to make herself look more presentable. Robyn heard her cell phone chime, signaling she had a new text message, and glanced around the room in search of it.

  Robyn spotted it on the dresser, picked it up and typed in her password. She had three missed calls and dozens of text messages. She already knew she was in trouble with her mom for not getting in touch last night. Her mother had retired from nursing last year, sold her condo and moved to Palm Springs. Robyn loved having her mom nearby and made time to see her a few times a month. She wanted to phone her mom to touch base, but first she had to sort things out with Sean.

  After a quick shower, Robyn put on a turquoise halter-neck sundress, which accentuated her shape. Diamond stud earrings and bejeweled sandals complimented her easy, breezy look. She wanted to curl her hair and do her makeup, but there was no time. She had to send Sean on his way before someone discovered he was at the resort and ratted her out to Kim. Or worse, called the police.

  Robyn banished the thought. Don’t go there. It’s not going to happen. Your secret’s safe.

  Feeling more confident about facing her one-night stand, despite the butterflies in her stomach, she headed for the kitchen. The blinds were drawn, and the balcony doors were wide-open. Warmth and sunshine flooded the living room. A fruity aroma was heavy in the air, and Robyn’s mouth watered at the scent of fresh fruit.

  Her feet slowed to a stop, and goose bumps prickled her skin. Whoa, baby! There was nothing better than finding a half-naked man in the kitchen, making breakfast. Robyn stared at Sean with longing, admired his strong, athletic physique. Seeing Sean at the stove, flipping pancakes, made Robyn hungry for more than just food. Her hands itched to touch him, to stroke him all over, but she was determined to keep her wits about her.

  Robyn was surprised to see that the breakfast bar was covered with a delicious array of foods. Eggs Benedict, bacon casserole, chocolate-chip waffles topped with whipped cream, maple syrup and strawberries. If not for the dirty dishes piled high in the sink, she would’ve thought it was room service, but it was obvious Sean had cooked everything himself. The food was a feast for the eyes and so was her drop-dead sexy chef with the tight butt.

  “See something you like?”

  Do. I. Ever. Robyn tried to speak, but her lips wouldn’t work. Her body did, though. Her nipples hardened, her sex was tingling uncontrollably, and desire roared through her veins. What’s the matter with me? Why am I acting like this? It was just one night.

  Embarrassed that Sean had caught her staring at him, she raised her head from his muscular body and met his gaze. His boyish smile—the warmth and tenderness of it—made Robyn’s heart leap inside her chest, and the urge to kiss him was so overwhelming it dominated her thoughts.

  “Good morning,” Robyn said quietly, wishing her limbs would quit shaking. Last night in bed, she’d talked dirty and done things she’d never done before, but in the light of day, she had zero confidence.

  “Good morning, yourself.” Sean must have sensed her anxiety, her inner turmoil, because he turned off the stove and took her in his arms. “You’re looking gorgeous, as usual.”

  “Thanks. Did you sleep well?” she a
sked, determined to conquer her nerves.

  His smile widened, lit up his entire face. “Of course I did. I spent the night with the woman of my dreams.”

  Robyn wasn’t sure if Sean was speaking from the heart or just feeding her a well-rehearsed line, so she asked the question weighing heavily on her mind. “I’m surprised you’re still here. Aren’t you supposed to be at the restaurant?”

  “You don’t remember, do you?”

  “Remember what?”

  “Cornering me in the bathroom and having your way with me.”

  Heat burned her cheeks. The air was electric, charged with fire and desire. It was a fight, a struggle to stay in the moment when all Robyn wanted to do was make love again. She had an aching need for him, a hunger that threatened to consume her, and his deadly sexy gaze only fanned the flames.

  “You can be quite persuasive, Ms. Henderson.” He lowered his lips to her ear, spoke in a husky bravado that spoke of his insatiable need. “And when you dropped to your knees and took me in your mouth, that sealed the deal.”

  He kissed her then, boldly claimed her mouth with his own. Robyn suspected Sean was trying to jog her memory with his lips; he didn’t, but she appreciated his effort. She loved kissing him, could never get enough of him and wished she didn’t have to kick him out. But she did. And she had to do it now, before things spiraled out of control.

  Too late. His lips were everywhere, his hands, too. Playing with her hair, fondling her breasts, stroking her hips, grabbing her behind as if it belonged to him. Groaning, as if in physical torment, he ground himself against her, boldly rubbed his erection back and forth against her sex. The move made Robyn’s brain turn to mush and her body quiver like jelly.

  Abandoning herself to his kiss, Robyn pressed her chest against his and curled her arms around his waist. She wished they could spend the rest of the day in bed, but they couldn’t, she thought sadly, touching his face. One last kiss and then I’m sending you on your way.


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