Heat of Passion

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Heat of Passion Page 9

by Pamela Yaye

  Robyn broke off the kiss, but Sean held her tighter, refused to let her go.

  “Do you want dessert now or after breakfast?” he asked, nibbling on her earlobe.

  “Wow, that’s some spread. You made enough food to feed the Belleza staff.”

  “You deserve it. You worked up quite an appetite last night, and besides, I love cooking for you.” A grin played on his lips. “You can repay me in kisses. Go ahead. Lay one on me.”

  “I’d love to.” Robyn leaned forward, gave him a peck on the cheek and giggled when he poked out his bottom lip. He affectionately squeezed her hips, and she secretly wished his hands would travel south. Way down south. To the treasure between her legs. She wanted him, craved him like a cold drink on a scorching, hot day, but she didn’t have the guts to make the first move. At least not in the kitchen. In the bedroom, after dark, was another story.

  “That’s all I get for slaving over a hot stove? One measly peck on the cheek?”

  “Yup!” Wearing a mischievous smile, Robyn plucked a mini cinnamon roll out of the glass bowl and popped it into her mouth. It was sweet and moist, and within seconds, she’d polished off another one. “I’d better stop. I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into next month, and I don’t want to look like a beached whale on Kim’s big day.”

  His face stiffened, and his lips twisted in distaste. “My sister doesn’t deserve your devotion. She doesn’t know anything about loyalty or a damn thing about love.”

  “Sean, that’s not fair.”

  “Yes, it is.” Anger covered his face, radiated off him in waves. “You don’t know Kim the way I do. She’s always had my dad wrapped around her little finger.”

  “And you’ve always been the apple of your mother’s eye.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Then help me understand, because I still don’t get why you’re mad at Kim. What did she do that was so wrong? It was your parents’ decision to award her control of the resort.”

  He flinched as if he’d been sucker punched, but Robyn didn’t hold back. Not this time. She was determined to speak her mind. Had to. No matter what. This conversation was long overdue; she should have set Sean straight the night he showed up on her doorstep months ago instead of making out with him. It was imperative she tell him the truth. Not for Kim’s sake, but for his own, before he lost his family for good. “What did you expect Kim to do? Turn down the job she’s wanted her whole life?”

  “That’s what I would have done.”

  “You’re lying,” she argued, not believing him for a second. “You know good and well if your dad had awarded you control of the Belleza you would have taken the job in a heartbeat.”

  Robyn expected Sean to argue, but he remained silent. Desperate to get through to him, she spoke from the heart. “Kim feels you abandoned her, and my heart breaks for her because unfortunately I know exactly what she’s going through. I’ve been there, and it’s a horrible feeling to have someone you love turn their back on you.”

  He stared at her, didn’t say a word, and she could tell by the pensive expression on his face, by the sadness that flickered in his eyes that her words had hit home. Robyn was hopeful she’d gotten through to him, but what he said next left her speechless.

  “I hope my issues with Kim aren’t going to affect our relationship, because I need you in my life, and I’m willing to do anything to make us work.”

  Robyn wished he would stop saying things like that. Her heart couldn’t take it.

  Suddenly thirsty, she picked up the water jug, filled her glass and took a long drink.

  “I knew there was something special about you the moment we met, and last night confirmed it,” he continued in a silky soft tone. “We were meant to be.”

  Her mind was reeling, spinning out-of-control, and her heart was beating in double-time. She was dreaming, right? Had to be. This wasn’t Sean. He didn’t do relationships, was deathly afraid of commitment and had a reputation for being a ruthless heartbreaker. And Robyn didn’t want to be the next casualty on his hit list. A night of wild, passionate sex was one thing; riding off into the sunset with her best friend’s estranged brother was another issue altogether.

  “I want us to date exclusively from here on out.”

  Robyn fervently shook her head. “I don’t have time to date.”

  “Make time. I want to wine you and dine you and show you off at black-tie events—”

  “Sean, you’re getting way ahead of yourself. It was just one night.”

  “This isn’t about sex.”

  Of course it is, she thought. What else could it be about?

  Hearing the wall clock chime, Robyn glanced over her shoulder and checked the time. It was eight o’clock on the dot. Sighing in relief, she felt tension and anxiety leave her body. By now, most—if not all—of the resort staff were at work, so the chance of someone seeing Sean leave her condo was slim to none. But to be on the safe side, she’d lend him a hat, a hoodie and a pair of dark sunglasses. Better safe than sorry, because if Kim finds out I slept with Sean I can kiss our friendship goodbye.

  “You’re the right woman for me, the only woman for me...” Trailing off, he cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her slowly, thoughtfully on the lips. His grip was tight around her waist, possessive, and his tongue danced inside her mouth, arousing every cell in her body. “And,” he said, trailing a finger along her bare shoulder, “I want to make you come every single night, over and over and over again.”

  How she loved the sound of that. But she was scared to death his family would find out about them.

  “Promise me you’ll give some serious thought to what I said.”

  Robyn nodded. “I promise. Now can we eat? I’m so hungry I’m dizzy.”

  Sean flashed a broad, sexy grin. “I’ve been told I have that effect on women.”

  “You wish! I swear, if your ego was any bigger you wouldn’t be able to fit your head through the door!”

  He gave a hearty laugh, and the sound warmed Robyn all over.

  “Let’s eat on the patio. It’s a hot, sunny day.”

  “I’m fine right here.” Robyn grabbed a plate, piled it high with her favorite foods and plopped down on a stool. No way could they eat outside where people could see them. “Besides, I like to watch the morning news while I eat breakfast.”

  Sean picked up the remote, turned on the TV and sat down beside her. He kept a hand draped behind her chair and stroked her neck and shoulders as she ate. Damn, did it ever feel good, but it was distracting, and she struggled to focus on what he was saying. He had the whole day planned for them, and his enthusiasm was so palpable, so contagious she wanted to kiss him for being so thoughtful and sweet.

  Giddy with excitement, Robyn could hardly sit still. Sean was in a class all his own and the most amazing lover she’d ever had. Too bad he was at odds with Kim.

  Someone knocked on the door, and Robyn almost jumped out of her skin. Her fork slipped from her hand and fell to her plate. Had Sean been outside on the patio? Did someone call Kim? Or worse, the Belleza police? Would he be arrested for trespassing?

  “Are you expecting someone?”

  Breaking free of her thoughts, she shook her head and swallowed the food in her mouth.

  “No worries,” Sean said, tossing his napkin on his empty plate. “I’ll get rid of them.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” To prevent him from going into the foyer, Robyn slid in front of him and pointed down the hallway. ”You’re going to go get dressed, and you’re going to do it now.”

  “I love when you boss me around. It’s such a turn-on.” Sean stalked out of the kitchen, and Robyn watched his every move. He moved with confidence, like a man who was used to having his way, and his walk was as captivating as his smile. Memories of them making love consumed her thought
s, arousing her afresh.

  A loud noise yanked Robyn out of her thoughts. In the foyer, she cracked open the front door. Kim and Gabby were standing in the hallway, wearing matching frowns. Sweat broke out on her skin, and her temperature spiked. What were they doing here? Did they know Sean was inside her suite?

  “How come you were a no-show at Pilates?” Gabby asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “I, uh, slept in.” To prevent them from coming inside, Robyn stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind her. Kim and Gabby exchanged a puzzled look, but she pretended not to notice. Fresh faced and pretty in tank tops and shorts, her friends could easily be mistaken for college students on summer vacation. “How was class?”

  “Boring without you.”

  Lowering her gaze to the floor, Robyn fiddled with her silver charm bracelet on her left arm. Robyn couldn’t look Kim in the eye, not after all the salacious things she’d done with Sean last night in bed. She struggled to speak.

  “Do you have any pancakes left?” Kim asked, wetting her lips with her tongue.

  Robyn frowned and cocked her head to the right. “How do you know I made breakfast?”

  “Because I can smell your yummy cooking all the way outside.” Kim groaned and rubbed her stomach as if she was dying of hunger. “I’m starving.”

  “Now is, uh, not a good time.”

  “Of course it is. You’re working from home. You have all the time in the world.”

  “Actually, I was just leaving. I have some, uh, running around to do.”

  “I have to go, too.” Gabby raised her cell phone in the air. “I just got a text from Charlene. She’s home sick in bed, which means I’ll have to do double duty at the restaurant.”

  “Well, be careful, because the last time you filled in for one of your staff, you got a lot more than you bargained for,” Robyn warned, giving her friend a knowing smile. Gabby had met her fiancé, Geoffrey Girard, at The Pearl last month, while waiting tables, and like Kim and Jaxon, they’d been inseparable from the moment they’d met. “Guys go gaga over you, so just make sure you’re not too friendly with the male patrons.”

  Love twinkled in her eyes, and a dreamy expression covered her face. “Geoffrey is the only man I need, and no one else can ever take his place.”

  I feel the exact same way about Sean.

  “Maybe we can do dinner tonight,” Kim proposed. “Jaxon took me to a Colombian restaurant a couple months ago, and I want to visit it again. I know you guys will love it.”

  “I can’t. I’m going to Posh Lounge tonight.”

  “Really? With who? Your mom?”

  Robyn laughed, not because the question was absurd, but because her best friend knew her so well. She often went with her mom on her days off, especially now that Kim and Gabby were always off doing something with their fiancés. “Yeah,” she said nonchalantly, hoping and praying Sean wasn’t on the other side of the door, listening to her lie through her teeth. “I’d better get going. I have a million and one things to do today.”

  “Have fun tonight,” Gabby said. “And give your mom my regards.”

  “Me, too, and don’t forget to invite her to my Jack and Jill bridal shower.”

  Guilt tormented her conscience, made it impossible for Robyn to return Kim’s smile. She’d given her best friend a hard time for hooking up with Jaxon Dunham back in June, but she’d done much worse last night. Not only had she slept with Sean, she’d told him about all of the problems at the resort, knowing full well the police considered him a suspect.

  “See you guys later. I’ll text you.” Waving, Robyn watched as her friends headed toward their respective residences. She slipped back inside her condo, collapsed against the door and released the breath she’d been holding for the last five minutes. That was a close one, she thought, mopping the sweat from her brow. But she wasn’t out of the woods just yet. She still had to smuggle Sean out of her condo.

  Chapter 9

  “Cute car,” Robyn said, struggling to keep a straight face. “It’s totally you!”

  “Ha-ha, very funny.” Sean was driving west on the I-10, toward Los Angeles, and she’d been teasing him about his smart car for the last ten minutes. It felt good to laugh, especially after the morning she’d had. Sneaking Sean out of her condo had been stressful, but after several close calls with housekeeping, they’d made it to his car and sped out of the parking lot like a pair of bandits. “If Ryan could see you now, he’d probably die laughing.”

  “No, he’d kick my ass for tarnishing the Parker image.” Sean chuckled good-naturedly, then shrugged his shoulders. “I knew my Bugatti would attract unwanted attention at the resort, so I switched cars with my assistant manager. Needless to say Jolene was thrilled.”

  “You let your assistant drive your sports car? Wow, you guys must be close.”

  “I’m not sleeping with her, if that’s what you’re implying.”

  Good, because I don’t want to share you with anyone else.

  “Isn’t it obvious how I feel about you?” He met her gaze. “I’m serious about you, Robyn. That’s why I came to the resort last night.”

  Studying his profile, she noted his calm disposition, how relaxed and at ease he looked behind the wheel of the car. His hair and mustache were neatly trimmed, but the stubble along his jaw gave him a rugged edge, one she was wholly attracted to.

  “Coming to the resort was risky. What if security had seen you and called the cops? Or tried to apprehend you themselves?”

  “The thought never crossed my mind. I was bound and determined to see you last night, and I wasn’t going to let anything stop me.” Sean reached across the center console and placed a hand on her thigh. His tone, the intensity of his gaze and his soothing touch made her heart flutter inside her chest. “You’re important to me, Robyn, and I’ll do anything for you.”

  To that, Robyn didn’t know what to say. To fill the silence she asked Sean about the SP Grill. “On Monday at lunch, you mentioned your issues with the construction company,” she said, recalling their conversation during dessert. “Has everything finally been resolved?”

  “Yes, thankfully, and once the building inspection is completed next week the SP Grill should get its certificate of occupancy.” He spoke openly about the pressure he was under, about his burning desire to succeed in the restaurant business, and Robyn assured him he would. As they drove, they discussed the LA food-and-wine festival and the upcoming Usher concert.

  “Are you hungry?” Sean asked, glancing at her.

  Robyn shook her head. “I’m still full from breakfast.”

  “Cool. Then let’s head straight to the beach.” Parting his lips, he moistened them with his tongue. “I hope you packed your bathing suit, because we’re going to spend the rest of the morning in the water.”

  “I’m wearing my bikini under my sundress.”

  His ardent gaze slid down her body, and Robyn wished his hands would follow suit.

  “Smart and sexy. I like.”

  I like you, too. More than I’ve ever liked anyone.

  Who are you kidding? questioned her inner voice. You passed like a long time ago.

  “Let’s swim first. It’s a weekday, so we’ll probably have the beach to ourselves.”

  His cell phone rang, and he fished it out of his shirt pocket. Sean pressed the speaker button, and said, “Hey, Jolene, what’s up? I hope you’re taking good care of my baby.”

  “Likewise. Bring my car back in one piece.”

  “How are things going at the restaurant?”

  “Good,” she replied, her tone bright and sunny. “But I wish you were here.”

  Robyn listened closely for several minutes and decided Sean’s assistant manager definitely had a crush on him. The woman giggled every few minutes, was blatantly flirting with him
, and Robyn just knew she was smiling from ear-to-ear on the other end of the line.

  “Are you going to be in soon?”

  Sean winked at Robyn but addressed his assistant. “No, not today. I’m taking a personal day, but if you need me you can reach me on my cell.”

  “What am I supposed to tell your mom?” she asked, her tone filled with concern. “She’s been here for almost an hour, and she’s growing impatient waiting for you.”

  “My mom’s there?”

  Robyn felt her mouth dry and her heart race. What was Mrs. Parker doing at the SP Grill? Was Mr. Parker with her? A cold, shiver whipped through her body, and panic drenched her skin. Had they discovered Sean had spent the night at her condo? Were they planning to fire her when she returned to the resort? Robyn couldn’t breathe, struggled to catch her breath. She had a million questions for his assistant manager but remained quiet. It was none of her business, and since she didn’t want Sean to get mad at her for butting in, she took her cell phone out of her purse and checked her email. She had dozens of new work messages but struggled to concentrate on what she was reading.

  “Your mom was waiting in the parking lot when I arrived this morning, so I let her in. Do you want to speak to her?”

  Sean didn’t answer, and Robyn nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. “Yes,” she mouthed. “It’s your mom. You have to talk to her.”

  Mrs. Parker’s voice floated over the phone line, and Robyn couldn’t help but smile. The mother of three was a smart, spunky woman who loved life, and Robyn enjoyed spending time with her. Mr. Parker? Not so much. He was serious and curt, and the only time he looked happy was when he was with Kimberly, his one and only daughter.

  “Hello, Mom,” Sean said. “I wish you would have called before driving all the way out to LA.”

  “I’ve been calling you practically every day for the last eight months,” she argued.

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “Too busy to call your own mother?”


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