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Heat of Passion

Page 17

by Pamela Yaye

  “I need to find a date for Kim’s wedding, or I’m going to be the odd man out,” Ryan complained, drumming his fingers absently on the granite bar. “Speaking of Kim’s wedding, have you bought your tuxedo yet?”

  “I’m not going.”

  Ryan glared at him with open contempt, as if he couldn’t stand to look at him, and he elbowed him hard in the ribs. “Dude, she’s your sister, the only one you’ve got, and it’ll break her heart if you’re not there on her big day.”

  Sean opened his mouth to argue his case, but Ryan interrupted him.

  “I know you’re pissed about not being awarded control of the Belleza, but it’s time to let it go and move on. Kim needs you and if you don’t make things right, you’ll lose her forever.”

  Fear flooded Sean’s body. As he sat at the bar, contemplating his future, Robyn’s words came back to him, played in his mind at a deafening pitch. Sometimes you can be a real jerk, and now I see why you’re estranged from your family. Kim was right. You’re selfish and petty, and you don’t care about anyone but yourself.

  Sean hung his head, stroked his freshly trimmed mustache. He had the best of everything money could buy, but what did it matter if he didn’t have his family and the woman he loved more than anything in the world?

  Ryan’s words broke through his thoughts. “Sean, this feud has gone on long enough. It’s time to reunite with our family.”

  He looked at his younger brother. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right.” Ryan’s grin was wicked and mischief gleamed in his grayish-brown eyes. “Straighten things out with Kim, then go get your girl back, because it would be a damn shame if you lost Robyn to someone who looks just like me!”

  Chapter 15

  God, please don’t let Jonah die. I need him and so does the Belleza Resort, Robyn prayed silently, clasping Kim’s and Gabby’s hands as they exited the elevator on Unit Six of the Belleza Medical Center. They walked down the corridor, but the blue walls and vibrant paintings did nothing to calm her frazzled nerves.

  Staring at the clock at the end of the hall, she watched the seconds tick by, praying the next wouldn’t be Jonah’s last. A television blared some game show inside the waiting room, nurses hustled from one end of the unit to the next, and the scent of death was so heavy in the air Robyn felt sick to her stomach.

  After Kurt had received the call from Jonah’s doctor he’d ended their meeting and advised everyone to go directly to the Belleza Medical Center.

  Entering Jonah’s private room, Robyn gathered herself and took a deep, calming breath. She was crying on the inside but plastered a bright smile on her face. She feared this would be the last visit she’d ever have with Jonah and wished Sean was with her. He was close to Jonah, and Robyn knew how much the two men loved each other. She considered calling Sean, to give him an update on Jonah’s condition, but decided against it. They were finished, and the only hope she had of ever getting over him was severing all ties.

  Good luck with that, said her inner voice. You can’t go five minutes without thinking about Sean, and that will never change. He is, and always will be, the love of your life.

  Robyn pushed aside her thoughts and followed her friends into the room. The blinds were drawn and the air conditioner was blowing, but perspiration drenched her skin. Monitors beeped, drawing her attention to the bed, and to her surprise, Jonah was awake. He was gazing out the window, a pensive expression on his face. He looked so vulnerable, so weak and frail, tears came to Robyn’s eyes.

  “It’s good to see you, Jonah. How are you feeling?” Kim asked quietly.

  Turning away from the window, he acknowledged her presence with a nod. His eyes were empty, and he looked defeated, as if he had no fight left in him.

  “Do you need anything?” Gabby wore a small smile, gestured to the door with her hand. “Do you want me to get you something to eat from the cafeteria?”

  “A rum and cola would be nice.” His voice was hoarse, and talking seemed to require all his strength, but amusement colored his sunken cheeks. “And while you’re at it, bring me one of your juicy steak burgers, because hospital food sucks.”

  The friends shared a knowing look.

  Some things never changed, Robyn thought, shaking her head at the wise-cracking bartender. Jonah was in pain, but he hadn’t lost his sense of humor.

  “Robyn, come closer. I need to speak to you in private. It’s important.”

  Her body froze. Is this the end? Is this the last time we’ll ever talk? Ever see each other? Swallowing the lump in her throat, she moved to the bed and took his hand in hers. Jonah Grady was a sweet man, one of the kindest people she’d ever met, and she’d never forget all the times he’d given her advice. He was the heart and soul of the Belleza Resort, and things wouldn’t be the same without him.

  “Have you reconciled with Sean?” Jonah asked, speaking only loud enough for her to hear. “Did you apologize for pushing him away and finally profess your love?”

  A gasp fell from her mouth, and the room flipped upside down on its head. Robyn was stunned. How could Jonah possibly know about her secret relationship with Sean? He’d been unconscious when she’d spilled her guts that afternoon, right? Straining to hear him, she leaned in close and concentrated on what he was saying.

  “The bond between you and Sean has existed for years, but he didn’t want to ruin your friendship by confessing his true feelings. He spent many nights at the bar after work, talking my ear off about you, you know.”

  He had? She’d had no idea.

  “I know you’re committed to your career, but you have to find a way to have Sean and the Belleza. You’re destined to be together, and I know in my heart he’ll take good care of you. I might be an old man, but I know a thing or two about love.”

  Robyn moved even closer, soaked up his words of wisdom. As Jonah spoke, gently admonishing her about the affairs of the heart, Robyn knew what she had to do. Being without Sean, not having him in her life was a terrifying concept, and Robyn didn’t want him to be the one who got away. He made her feel safe, took care of her, never let a day go by without telling her she was beautiful and smart and special. Sean understood her, believed in her and, most important, loved her. And, thanks to Jonah, she’d realized the errors of her ways.

  “There is nothing worth more than love.” Wearing a sad smile, he patted her hand. “Always remember that.”

  Sniffling, she fervently nodded her head. “I will. I promise.”

  “I wasted years of my life chasing rainbows or, more accurately, hidden treasures...”

  For the second time in minutes, Robyn was speechless. She was stunned by what Jonah whispered in her ear. She didn’t know whether to believe him or not and wondered if his confession was the truth or just the ramblings of a dying man. The only thing Robyn knew for sure was that she had to reconcile with Sean before it was too late. She sensed Kim and Gabby beside her, could hear their soft cries and hugged them to her side to comfort them.

  “We love you, Jonah,” they said in unison.

  “I love you girls, too. Keep in mind what’s really important in life...” His eyelids grew heavy, his voice trailed off, and his arms fell limply at his sides.

  Seconds later, nurses burst into the room and worked frantically to save Jonah’s life.

  * * *

  The hospital waiting room was empty apart from an elderly couple seated beside the far window, so Robyn, Kim and Gabby sat down on the hideous beige couch along the wall. Doctors and nurses were attending to Jonah as they had been for the last forty-five minutes, but Robyn wasn’t leaving until his condition improved. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were standing in the hallway, speaking to a female doctor in a stylish red pantsuit, and when the trio disappeared into Jonah’s room, Robyn knew it was as good a time as any to come clean to her friends. />
  Fear gripped her heart, but Robyn was determined to have a frank, honest talk with Kim and Gabby. This conversation was long overdue, and Robyn knew if she chickened out now she’d never have the courage to tell them the truth.

  Before she could confess, Kim spoke up. “I think Jaxon and I should postpone our wedding until Jonah’s better.”

  “Jonah would hate that,” Robyn replied. “He’s always preaching to us about how precious love is and how we shouldn’t hesitate when we find it. He’d want you to marry Jaxon as planned.”

  “Robyn’s right,” Gabby said, glancing up from her cell phone. “Besides, it’s too late to cancel. I’ve already bought thousands of dollars’ worth of veal, so don’t even think of it.”

  As her friends debated the issue, Robyn felt as if she would bust. Now that she’d made up her mind to tell them, she couldn’t hold it in any longer. She parted her lips, and the truth came tumbling out. “I’ve been secretly dating Sean for the past three weeks.”

  Kim spoke through pursed lips. “Sean who?”

  Gabby shrieked. “Hot damn! I knew you had a lover, but I had no idea it was Sean. No wonder you’ve got a permanent smile on your face these days.”

  “How did you know I was seeing someone?”

  “Because you suck at lying,” Gabby said with a laugh. “Robyn, we’ve been friends forever, and I probably know you better than you know yourself.”

  “I thought I was being careful.”

  “Of course you did, but I’m your bestie, and I don’t miss a thing.” She gave Robyn a wink. “I put two and two together when you started skipping Pilates class and leaving the resort every night after work.”

  Kim shot to her feet. “I can’t believe this! Of all the people you could have dated, why does it have to be him? Why couldn’t you find someone else?”

  “Because she’s been crushing on Sean since they were teenagers, that’s why.” Gabby gave Robyn a one-arm hug and held her tight. “I’m so happy for you. You guys are perfect for each other, and I’m thrilled you finally found your one true love.”

  “Thanks, Gabby,” she whispered, moved by her friend’s words of encouragement. “Your support means more to me than you will ever know.”

  “Anytime, girl. That’s what friends are for.”

  But Kim didn’t have the same reaction. “How could you do this to me? You’re supposed to be my best friend.”

  “I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn’t know how.” A tremendous weight had been lifted off her shoulders by coming clean, but it tore her up inside to see her friend in pain. “Kim, I’m sorry. I should have told you about Sean from the beginning. He wanted me to, but I was scared of losing you as a friend, and I couldn’t imagine my life without you.”

  “Save your apology for someone who cares,” she shot back. “You’ve been running around with Sean behind my back and lying to me for weeks, and you have the nerve to sit there and act like everything’s okay? Well, it’s not. You betrayed me, and for all I know, you could be in cahoots with Sean to destroy the Belleza.”

  Robyn felt like a knife had been plunged into her heart, but she didn’t lash back, didn’t argue. Kim was upset, and rightfully so. In time, Robyn hoped her best friend would come around, because she was reuniting with Sean, and no one was going to stop her. In the meantime, she knew what she had to do.

  “I don’t want to cause you or anyone else at the resort undue stress,” she said somberly, “so I’ll tender my resignation first thing tomorrow.”

  “Tender your resignation?” Gabby repeated, her voice filled with confusion. “But you love working at the Belleza. You said it’s the best job you’ve ever had.”

  “It is, but I don’t want to hurt Kim any more than I already have.” Her eyes stung with unshed tears.

  “You can have Sean, your career and our friendship,” Gabby insisted. “Right, Kim?”

  “I don’t know...” Kim trailed off.

  “I never dreamed in a million years I’d find my soul mate, but I did. And now that I have Sean, I have everything I could ever want. Life is simply too short for regrets, and I’ll never forgive myself if I lose the only man who’s ever loved me unconditionally.” It had taken Jonah to make her understand that. She gave a bittersweet smile as she thought of her dear friend, fighting for his life. Once again, he’d given her sage advice.

  She started to get up from the couch, but she saw a police officer walk down the hall and meet up with the Parkers, who’d just exited Jonah’s room. What was he doing there?

  “Sorry to interrupt, Mr. and Mrs. Parker,” she heard him say, “but there’s been a break in the case, and I’d like us to discuss the latest developments before someone leaks the information to the press.”

  The trio walked into the waiting room, and introductions were made. Robyn regarded the officer with open contempt. The surly detective had it out for Sean, and that made him enemy number one. If he said anything disparaging about her man, she was going to let him have it.

  “Have you arrested the person responsible for Jonah’s accident?” Robyn asked, cutting to the chase. “Are they finally in police custody?”

  “Yes, and it’s the last person any of you would have suspected.” Detective Fenton sat down on one of the padded chairs, gestured for Mr. and Mrs. Parker to have a seat, and after they had, he continued. “Charlene Vincent confessed that she was hired by a third party to provide them with unlimited access to the grounds.”

  “What?” Kim, Gabby and Robyn shouted in unison. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Charlene turned herself in when she realized that she was indirectly responsible for Jonah’s accident. Sobbing hysterically, she admitted she never would have agreed to anything that would harm such a nice, sweet man.”

  “Who hired Charlene?” Mr. Parker asked solemnly. “Was son?”

  “No, sir, it wasn’t. The third party turned out to be Trina Erickson.”

  Mrs. Parker gasped. “Sean’s ex-girlfriend? But she’s such a sweet girl.”

  “And an heiress, too,” Kim added, her tone filled with righteous indignation.

  “Trina is a major investor in The Pinnacle,” Detective Fenton explained. “Apparently, she promised Charlene a position at her resort in the entertainment department and hefty financial compensation in exchange for her assistance.”

  “Why would Trina try to destroy the Belleza? What have we ever done to her?”

  “Trina was outraged when your son broke up with her, Mrs. Parker, and felt that it wasn’t enough for The Pinnacle to succeed. She wanted the Belleza to fall apart, and if Sean was arrested, the better. She found Charlene to be an easy pawn and played her for a fool.”

  Robyn thought back over the last three months, reflected on everything that had happened during the summer at the resort. She couldn’t believe that Charlene—the hostess she’d befriended, and trusted—had plotted with Trina Erickson to destroy the Belleza. “Has Charlene been formally charged?” she asked, curious about what would happen to the young woman. Charlene was a good person who’d made a bad decision, and Robyn couldn’t help but feel bad for her misguided coworker. “Is she looking at significant jail time?”

  “I can’t say for sure. We’ll see what the DA thinks,” Detective Fenton said. “A lot hinges on whether or not Jonah pulls through.

  Kimberly narrowed her gaze. “Charlene is just as guilty as Trina, if not more. We trusted her.”

  “That’s true,” Detective Fenton conceded. “But Charlene had no idea Trina would attempt murder. What she thought would be a simple business maneuver turned into something ugly, but she was too scared to go to the police. Trina, on the other hand, is responsible for everything—the fire, the kitchen accidents and, most horrifyingly, the accident that severely injured Jonah Grady.”

  “I feel like an idiot,”
Mr. Parker confessed, hanging his head. “Charlene told me Sean resented me and how unhappy he was working at The Pearl, and I believed her. I bet they were all lies, just stories she made up to cause strife and dissention in our family.”

  “Yeah, Dad, they were. Every single one.”

  At the sound of that male voice, Robyn glanced to the right and spotted Sean as he entered the waiting room with Ryan. Her heart skipped two beats, and hope surged through her veins. Looking at Sean, she felt butterflies dance in the pit of her stomach. Robyn drank him up, openly stared at him. She loved the simplicity of his look, how attractive he looked in his fitted white shirt and jeans. They’d broken up twenty-four hours ago, but it felt like weeks since she’d seen him, touched him, enjoyed the pleasure of his kiss. Robyn wanted to go to Sean to apologize for the things she’d said last night but knew it wasn’t the right time.

  “Sean! Ryan! It’s so good to see you!” Mrs. Parker jumped to her feet and threw her arms around her sons. “My babies are finally home!”

  Robyn watched in amusement as Ilene hugged and kissed her sons as if they were school-aged children rather than grown men. It was a heartwarming moment.

  Robyn tried to catch Sean’s eye, but he looked right through her, as if she wasn’t there. A searing pain shot through her heart, made her body numb with cold. He was mad at her, no doubt about it, and Robyn didn’t blame him; she’d messed up big time. She had her work cut out for her, trying to convince him she’d made a terrible mistake, but she was determined to win him back. Nothing scared her more than the thought of being without him. Her desire for him was so strong, so powerful, she couldn’t stop staring at him.

  “I’m so glad you’re back in the Belleza. I’ve been waiting for this day for eight long months.”


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