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Zombie Havoc (Book 1): In The Beginning

Page 12

by McRaven, Vikki

  Isaac and I look at each other as we nod in agreement. Kassi chimes into the conversation, “So, what’s my job?”

  Ryder looks like he’s thinking for a moment, “Kassi, your job is to sit on the back of my motorcycle and look pretty.”

  Kassi looks at him and rolls her eyes, “Okay, whatever. I’ve already been doing that.”

  Ryder steps up to the driver’s side of the car. He looks up at Isaac, “Okay Isaac, walk over to the passenger side and sit down while I show you how to do this.”

  Isaac walks over to the passenger side, leans down to eye view of what Ryder’s doing as Ryder explains how to hotwire the car. As Ryder is showing Isaac, the car starts up. Then Ryder stands up with a cheesy grin on his face as he exclaims, “And that’s how it’s done.” He looks at Isaac as Isaac gets out of the car and stands up, “So, did you understand what I was doing?”

  Isaac shrugs his shoulders, “I think so.”

  “Next time, I’ll let you try it and see if you can do it without my help. You look like a smart man.”

  Isaac nods, “I may be smart as in book smart, but this kind of stuff, I’ve never done. But, hopefully I can pick up on it easily.”

  “Eh, it’s not too hard. After a couple of times, you’ll be a pro. In the World we live in now, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.” Ryder begins walking back to his motorcycle, “Okay, you two follow us, we’ll lead the way.”

  Isaac and I get into our new car as we back out of the ditch and get behind Ryder and Kassi as they take off.

  After a couple of hours driving, we come across a small town, with a few buildings, which look pretty much abandoned. Ryder pulls up in front of a café. Ryder and Kassi get off the motorcycle as Isaac and I pull up next to them. We get out of the car and walk over to Ryder and Kassi. Ryder stands there and scans the area. “I’m getting kind of hungry. Do you think that café is open?”

  Isaac and I look around the area to make sure it’s safe, then we look at Ryder as I respond, “It doesn’t look open.”

  Ryder begins walking towards the front door, holding a knife in his hand, “Let’s check it out.”

  Isaac and I look at each other, shrug our shoulders, as we follow Ryder towards the front door. Kassi stands by the motorcycle as she announces, “I’ll stand watch out here.”

  Ryder looks at her and nods as he continues walking towards the front door of the café. He looks back at Isaac and I as he puts his index finger to his lips. Isaac and I get our knives ready to strike if needed to.

  Ryder slowly pushes the door open as he peeks his head in, then takes a step inside. Isaac and I slowly and quietly follow behind him. Ryder continues walking towards the kitchen. He disappears inside, then a minute later walks out. He walks over to Isaac and me, “Okay, we should also check the bathrooms. Yesterday, when Kassi and I arrived at the gas station, Kassi went into the woman’s bathroom and almost got attacked. So, let’s check the bathrooms before we decide this place is safe to hang for a while.”

  Ryder goes into the men’s bathroom, while Isaac and I check out the woman’s. The three of us meet outside the bathrooms, as we all agree the café is safe to hang for a while. Ryder looks out the window, “I’m going to go and get Kassi.” He walks towards the door, opens it, peeks his head out as he announces, “Kassi, the café is safe.”

  Kassi walks over towards the door as she walks inside the café. She looks around as she winces, “This place looks gross.”

  “It looks like people were cooking and eating when the Zombies came. There are still uneaten plates of food on the tables. And partially cooked, or well, over-cooked food on the grill.” I reply observantly.

  Ryder walks behind the counter as he looks around. Then he walks into the kitchen. He comes out with a loaf of bread and a box of mixed pastries. “Well, I found some food. Carbs. They’ll keep you going.” He says with a chuckle.

  We all walk over to him as he lays the stuff on the counter. Isaac looks around, “I bet they have peanut butter around here.” He walks around looking high and low on the shelves until he says, “Voila!” He says as he holds a jar of peanut butter in the air.

  We’re all standing close together, hovering over the bread and pastries as we’re all stuffing our faces. After we’re done eating, Ryder announces, “I need a cigarette!” As Ryder and Kassi go outside to smoke.

  Isaac and I look at each other as we decide to follow them. We go outside as Ryder looks at us, holds out his box of cigarettes to us as he offers us one. Isaac shakes his head no. Ryder looks at him, “Dude, it’s the Zombie Apocalypse, we’re going to be on the edge of death every day. Relax and enjoy what you can.”

  I hold my hand out for a cigarette. Isaac looks at me with a dumbfounded look on his face. I shrugged my shoulders, “I used to smoke in high school and college.” I say in defense.

  Ryder gives me a look of shock, but with a smile. “I didn’t see that one coming.”

  Isaac looks at Ryder with wondering eyes, “So, where are we going next?”

  “Heading north, hopefully we’ll find a hotel, or maybe an abandoned house to stay somewhere safe for the night.”

  Isaac and I look at each other and nod. I look at Ryder with a sincere smile, “I want to thank you helping us out. We appreciate it.”

  Ryder looks at me with a warm smile, “We’re helping each other out. This is a tough time for everybody in the world. But, I’m sure that we’ll come across people that won’t be so nice, we’ll have to make sure that we keep our eyes and ears open and beware of certain people. We also have to make sure that we stick together. So far, it hasn’t been too bad, but I’m sure that as time goes by, things will get worse. But, hopefully, we’ll make it to Montana in a few days, before things start to go too bad.”

  Isaac and I nod in agreement. I look over at Kassi, who’s giving me a not so friendly look. I seriously don’t know why she doesn’t like me, or us, but I sure hope that she gets over it soon, after all, this isn’t junior high. This is a World Devastation right now and we all need to learn to get along so that we can survive.

  When Ryder is done with his cigarette, he puts it out on the ground, then looks around. “Wow, it’s pretty desolate over here, kind of eerie.”

  Isaac and I look around as we agree, “Where do you think that all the Zombies are? Do you think somebody may have done something to them, or do you think that they just wandered off?”

  Ryder looks around in a thinking manner, “I’m not quite sure. If they heard a loud noise or something, they could have wandered off, I suppose. Or…maybe they got stuck in or on something. But, it does seem kind of weird.”

  Kassi begins walking away from us. Ryder looks at her, “Kassi? Where are you going?”

  Kassi turns around, “I’m just looking around, is that okay?”

  Ryder shakes his head, “Whatever. Just don’t wander too far, okay? We’ll probably be leaving soon.”

  Kassi just gives him a thumbs up as she continues wandering off.

  Ryder looks at Isaac and me as he shakes his head, “I seriously don’t know what her problem is. She isn’t usually like this. She’s usually pretty laid back and fun.”

  Isaac nods, “Yeah, well, she’s probably just trying to take all this in. It’s a little stressful, which is probably making her a little on the moody side. I’m sure in a few days she’ll be herself again.”

  Ryder nods, “I hope so. I can’t deal with the attitude.”


  Ryder looks at us with panic in his eyes, “Kassi!”

  Chapter 16

  Candi and Chase & Adam, Ana, A.J. and Amber

  We’re following Adam as he’s taking us on the back roads, in order to avoid traffic jams. A.J. is riding in the backseat with Chase and me. I look back at him as Chase is driving us.

  “So, A.J., you go to high school?”

  A.J. looks at me, “Yeah, I go to high school.”

  “What grade are you in?”

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  I nod, “That’s cool. One more year till you graduate.”

  A.J. chuckles, “Does that matter now?”

  I look at Chase, who bursts out laughing, then I look back at A.J., “Um…probably not now. Sorry, just trying to make conversation.”

  A.J. laughs, “It’s all good. So, you two are going on a Zombie killing spree?”

  I look at Chase, who bursts out laughing again. I turn back to A.J., “Yeah, I think that was the plan. Chase came up with the idea. He wanted to save the World from the Zombies.”

  A.J. nods in agreement, “That sounds so cool. I’d like to join you guys. I want to help save the World from the Zombies.”

  I nod, “Yeah, that would be great. You can join us.” I look at Chase, who looks like he’s about to die from laughter. I smack him, “What’s so funny?”

  “You. You’re what’s funny.”

  “Whatever. I’m not trying to be funny, I’m just trying to have a conversation here about our current life situation.”

  Chase turns towards A.J., “A.J., we are planning on killing all the Zombies by chopping off their heads with machetes. The machetes make an awesome killing tool. The blade slices right through their neck. It’s clean, it’s quick, its freaking easy. We could kill so many Zombies with just the machete. If you’re interested, let us know. We’ll totally include you in on our plans.”

  A.J. looks at the both of us with an ear to ear smile, “I want in.”

  Chase and I look at each other and smile.

  Adam pulls into a grocery store parking lot while we pull up next to him. He gets out and walks over to Chase’s side of the car as the three of us get out of the car.

  Adam looks at Chase, “So, what do you guys want to do? Did you want to stop and eat? We’re getting hungry.”

  Chase nods, “Yeah, that sounds great. There’s food in the trunk.”

  Adam looks at the grocery store. “How about after we eat something, we go inside the store and get a few more things. We don’t know how long this food will last us. Plus, I want to make sure we have enough water and any other supplies that we can find inside.”

  Ana and Amber walk up behind us, as Ana chimes into the conversation, “Do you think the store is open?”

  Adam looks at her, “If it’s not, we’ll just take what we need.”

  Ana shakes her head, “Adam, what if there’s cameras in there? And then we get arrested.”

  Adam looks at her, “Ana, who’s going to arrest us? I haven’t even seen a police car since we left home.”

  A.J. decides to make an announcement, “Hey, I’m going to go with Chase and Candi on their Zombie killing adventure. I’d like to help them.”

  Adam and Ana look at A.J. dumbfounded. Then Ana responds, “A.J., you are not going Zombie killing!”

  Adam looks at Ana, “Why not?”

  Ana looks at Adam with crazy eyes, “Because he’s a kid, that’s why!”

  “He’s practically an adult. He’s not a kid anymore, and right now, with the way the world is, he’s the perfect age to go out and kill Zombies. Back in the day, by the time a boy was ten years old, they were taken out of school and working in the fields with their dads. It’s a different world today than it was a week ago. A.J. is considered an adult now.”

  Ana looks at Adam horrified, “Are you being serious right now?”

  Adam shakes his head, “Ana, the world needs more people who are willing to step up and help out with the Zombie population. I don’t see the police or military around doing anything, do you? So, let the young people who want to help out and do it, do it.”

  Ana shakes her head, “I will not allow it.”

  A.J. shakes his head, “Mom, I’m a man now, and I’m making the decision to do it.”

  Amber steps up, “Why don’t we all do it, as a family. What else do we have going on right now?”

  We all look at Amber, dumbfounded. Adam looks at Ana, “She has a point, Ana.”

  Ana looks at Amber, then looks at the rest of us, “Fine. We can do it all together.”

  A.J. walks up to Ana and gives her a hug, “Thanks mom. I really want to do this. And having all you do it with us, well, the more the merrier, and the more Zombies that will die in the process.”

  Chase puts his arm around me, pulls me up him and gives me a kiss on the forehead, “See, it all worked out. My idea is spreading like wildfire.”

  I look up at him and laugh, “You are such a trendsetter.” I wink at him.

  “Yes I am. Those Zombies aren’t going to know what sliced them.” I look at him as we both burst out laughing.

  Adam looks at me, “Hey, you want to pop your trunk, so we can get some food out of your trunk.”

  “Yeah.” I popped the trunk and we all walked over to it and grabbed some food and a drink.

  Adam stays close to Chase and me, “So, you two want to go inside the store with me to check it out before the others go inside? I’d like to make sure my family stays as safe as possible.”

  Chase and I both nod in agreement, “Yeah, that’s fine. We don’t mind.”

  “Yeah, I’m just not sure if it’s open or not. There’s a couple of cars in the parking lot, but that doesn’t mean anything.”

  Chase looks at the store, “That might mean that there’s a couple of Zombies inside the store.”

  Adam nods, “Yeah, my thought exactly.”

  I put my arm around Chase, “We’ve got this, guys. This is just the beginning of our big Zombie killing adventure!”

  We all hold our water bottles in the air and do a toast. Then we burst out laughing. I look at Chase, “We are the biggest dorks.”

  Chase bursts out laughing, “That’s what makes us fun and loveable.” He plants a kiss on my lips.

  Adam shyly smiles, “Well, I’m going to go over to my family, and I figured in about five minutes or so, heading inside the store.”

  Chase and I both look at Adam and nod in agreement. Adam does a nod, then turns and walks over to his family.

  I look at Chase and whisper, “Ana is a little uptight, isn’t she?”

  Chase looks at me, “She just needs to get used to the idea that there’s Zombies roaming around. She’ll be fine. Some people take longer than others to accept change.”

  “True. I’ll give her time before I actually start judging her then.”

  Chase looks at me confused, “Why would you judge her for that?”

  I shrug my shoulders, “I’m a female, that’s just what we do.”

  Chase just looks at me like I’m crazy, “Okay then.”

  Adam comes walking back towards us carrying three machetes, “Okay, you ready to check out the grocery store, get some food, water and anything else that we may need?”

  Chase and I both nod “Yep.” we reply in sync.

  Adam hands us each a machete as he begins walking toward the store, with Chase and I behind him. As we approach the front door, he looks at us, gives us a nod, then slowly opens the door. We all hold our machetes up in the air, ready to strike if needed.

  As we walk inside, the store is dark and quiet. We take slow, quiet steps. If there’s anybody or anything inside, we don’t want them to hear us.

  The cash register lanes are in the front of the store, we walk past them first. We scan the area but see nothing going on. Adam whispers, “Should we separate and go up and down each aisle, or should we stay together as we check the aisles?”

  I look at Chase to see what he thinks. Chase thinks for a moment, “I think we can separate. I think we’re capable of handling things, if anybody needs help, just scream.”

  The three of us nod in agreement. I take one end of the store, Adam takes the other end, while Chase takes the middle.

  As I’m walking to the far end, I pass the grocery store bank. I take a peek inside, even though the gate is down, I still look to see if I see anything, but I don’t. I slowly make my way towards the pharmacy. They also have a gate that’s down, and again, I don’t see anything. I contin
ue making my way down towards the dairy and frozen food section.

  As I’m passing the meat section, I hear a noise. I stop and listen. I can hear my heartbeat beginning to beat faster as I begin to get a nervous feeling inside of me. I take another quiet step forward, when I hear the noise again. I can’t really make out what exactly the noise is, but I definitely hear something out of the norm. I think it’s coming from behind the meat counter. I take a step towards the meat counter as I try to peek behind it. I take another step closer to look around the meat counter, that’s when I see a pair of empty, whitish eyes staring back at me. He’s got blood all over his mouth and as I look down, I see him eating someone. I jump back and as I’m trying to run backwards to get away I fall backwards onto my butt! The Zombie stands up and begins walking towards me as my body is going into panic mode and as I’m trying to get up, I fall down again as I lose my balance and my machete goes sliding across the floor! I slide on my butt backwards towards my machete to try and reach it, but the Zombie is getting closer to me. Then Zombie leans down towards me and right before he reaches me, I manage to grab my machete and stick it right through the forehead. As the Zombie falls on top of me.

  I slide out from under the Zombie and as I stand up, I look down and I have blood all over me. The smell is horrendous. I stand there for a moment, shaken up, while my heart still hasn’t started beating again and I feel like I’m going to throw up from the combination of blood and guts all over me…and the horrendous smell.

  Adam and Chase walk up to me. They look at me up and down, then they look down at the Zombie on the floor.

  Chase walks over to me with concern on his face, “Are you okay?”

  I nod, “Yeah…I’m good.” I respond, out of breath.

  “You sure.” He pulls me into his chest, “Why didn’t you yell for us?”

  I shake my head, “I have no idea. I think I just wanted to prove that I could do it on my own.”

  Chase looks into my eyes, “Candi, we’re in this together, don’t die trying to prove something to yourself. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.”

  Tears start to fill my eyes. “You’re the sweetest, Chase Freeman.” I plant a kiss on his lips.


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