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Zombie Havoc (Book 1): In The Beginning

Page 18

by McRaven, Vikki

  We walk through the dining area as we walk towards the bathrooms. I hear a thumping noise coming from the woman’s bathroom. I look at Isaac as I motion towards the woman’s bathroom and put my index finger to my mouth. Isaac nods with understanding. I hold my knife up in front of me as I slowly open the bathroom door. As we enter the bathroom, I notice a Zombie stuck in the handicap stall. I walk over to it as I pull on her hair and stab her in the side of the head. Then I turn to Isaac, “Let’s check out the men’s bathroom.”

  Isaac leads us to the men’s bathroom as I follow him quietly inside. We walk in, but there was nothing going on in there. We leave the bathroom and walk back to the dining area where Ryder and Kassi are sitting down in there.

  When Ryder notices us walking towards them, he stands up and walks towards us. “Let’s go see what kind of food we can find.”

  Isaac, Ryder and I walk into the kitchen where we find the dry storage room. We find bread, cereal, pastries, crackers, canned soup. We bring it out to the table. Ryder goes back to find a can opener to open the soup. He comes back with a can opener and some applesauce, “Look, I found applesauce too!” He announces proudly.

  We all chuckle, including Kassi.

  I go behind the counter to get plates, cups and silverware. I sit down at the table as I set everything on the table.

  We begin opening the food up as we start loading our plates. We sit there in silence as we pretty much eat our only meal of the day.

  When we’re done eating, Ryder heads back outside as I follow behind him. He pulls his cigarettes out of his pockets and when he notices me coming outside, he offers me one. I politely take one while he lights it for me.

  He looks at me curiously, “So, should we just stay here for the night?”

  I look around, “We might as well, it’s getting dark now.”

  He nods, “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. We could probably all just pick a booth and sleep in those. I know they’re not the most comfortable, but better than a car.”

  I nod in agreement, “True.”

  Ryder looks at me, “Hey, I’m sorry about the whole Kassi thing. I seriously don’t know what’s wrong with her.”

  “It’s okay, Ryder it is. Some people just don’t handle stressful situations very well.”

  Ryder nods in agreement, “I know, but it’s just frustrating that she’s got such an attitude.”

  I put my hand on Ryder’s arm as I look into his eyes, “Really, it’s okay. I don’t take offense to her. You don’t have to keep apologizing for her.”

  Ryder nods, “Thanks. Just give her a few days to get adjusted, hopefully she’ll be back to her old self.”

  I nod, “No problem. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Ryder puts out his cigarette as I finish mine, then we go back inside the Diner. Isaac is finishing cleaning off the table. He walks over to me and puts his arm around me as we sit down in a both together, “Everything okay?”

  I nod, “Yeah, just taking a cigarette break.” I lean in and plant a kiss on his lips.

  Isaac kisses me back then pulls me close to him. “We should get some sleep.”

  “Yes, we should. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover to get to Montana and we don’t know what’s ahead of us on this road.”

  “I know. That’s what scares me. If anything happens to you, Harley, I don’t know what I’d do.”

  I look up into his eyes and smile at him, “It won’t. I’ll be fine. I’m stronger than I look.”

  “So, I’ve noticed. I never realized how strong you were, but you’re kicking some ass.”

  We both chuckle. “My dad taught me a lot growing up. He wanted to make sure that nobody could hurt me. He believed women should know how to fight back. I’ve just never had to use it before. But, it’s really starting to come in handy.”

  “Your dad was a smart man.”

  “Yes, he was.” I lay my head on Isaac’s chest.

  Chapter 25

  Candi and Chase & Adam, Ana, A.J. and Amber

  As Chase, A.J. and I follow Adam, Ana and Amber, the sun is beginning to set as Adam turns into a camping ground. He pulls into the parking lot and drives around until he finds a place he likes, I guess. We get out of the car as Adam, Ana and Amber get out. We walk over to Adam as we’re stretching our legs. Adam looks at us and smiles, “Well, I guess since we have all that camping gear, might as well put it to good use.”

  We all chuckle. Chase looks around, “This looks like a good spot. How many tents did we get?”

  Adam thinks for a minute, “I think we got two, then we got six sleeping bags.”

  Chase nods, “Okay, well, I guess we should start getting set up here and settle down for the night.” He looks at me, “Hey, you and Ana want to start getting stuff ready for dinner. I’m so hungry.”

  I nod, “Yeah, I’ll go over to Ana now and figure out what to have for dinner.”

  I walk over towards Ana and Amber, “Hey, the guys are getting hungry. Let’s start going through the boxes of food so we can find something to eat.”

  Ana looks at me and smiles, “Good idea. I’m getting hungry anyway.”

  The three of us pull the boxes of food from the trunks as we carry them over to our camping spot. We begin to go through them, while we start pulling stuff out that will go together to make a decent meal for all of us.

  Once we have everything figured out, we go back to the truck to grab the grill, pots and pans, so we can actually make dinner.

  Once everything is set up, after reading all the instructions, we finally have dinner cooking. Everything is looking and smelling good. I look at Ana and smile, “This doesn’t even feel like an Apocalypse, it feels like we’re just out camping and having a good time.”

  Ana looks around, “Yeah, it kinda does, doesn’t it?”

  Once it looks like dinner is pretty much done cooking, Ana and I let the guys know that it’s time to eat. The three of them rush over to sit down next to us.

  I look over at Chase, “So, how’s our tent?”

  He looks at me with a goofy smile, “It’s all ready for us to snuggle up together inside.”

  I playfully hit him, “You are such a dork, you know that?”

  “Yes…and that’s why you love me.”

  “Who said that I loved you?” I reply facetiously.

  He looks at me confused, “Don’t you love me?”

  I tilt my head to the side and look at him side-eyed, “Maybe…”

  He grabs the back of my head and pulls it towards his as he plants a kiss on my lips and whispers, “You do love me, I knew it!”

  I playfully elbow him as I point towards the food we cooked, “Okay…okay…now let’s eat.”

  All six of us grab a plate and fill it with food. A.J. looks at his plate of food with big eyes as he exclaims, “Now this is what I’m talking about! This is awesome! Camping out in the wilderness, hanging out with friends, eating good food, and fighting Zombies! This is the life!”

  We all burst out laughing. Amber looks at A.J. with disgust, “You think this is the life? This sucks! I’d rather be at home, chatting with my friends on my phone, eating a home-cooked meal while sitting at our dinner table, under a roof and sleep in my bed at night. That’s the life, not this. This absolutely sucks ass!”

  Everybody sits there awkwardly as Amber yells at A.J.

  Ana chimes into the conversation, “Amber honey, come on, this is hopefully just temporary. Okay? We are just on an adventure and we’ll soon be going home.”

  Amber looks at Ana in horror, “Home? What’s at home? Zombies? Remember, they invaded our house as we fled from our home? What is there to go back to? I’m sure they ravished up and destroyed our house! They ate our dog, Baby! There is no home! This sucks! This whole thing sucks and all of you keep thinking of this as an adventure!”

  She stands up and begins to walk away as Ana stands up to go after her, “Amber honey! Please don’t go into the dark by yourself! Amber!”

turns around as she begins walking back towards us, just as a Zombie comes up behind her and before any of us could jump up to react, the Zombie grabs her neck and takes a bite out of it! All of us sit there in horror as Ana begins to run towards her, Adam jumps up and grabs her and pulls her back as she’s screaming, “AMBER! AMBER! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!”

  I stand up, grab my machete and I run over to them as I slice the Zombies head and Amber’s head off in one swipe.

  Ana looks at me with horror in her eyes, “You sliced Amber’s head off.” She says as she drops to the ground in shock.

  I look at Chase, then back at Ana as I simply say, “She was going to turn into a Zombie, plus she was suffering. I had to.”

  Adam looks at me with sad eyes as he tries to pick up Ana in his arms. A.J. just keeps looking at the Zombie and Amber laying on the ground with disbelief in his eyes.

  Chase stands up and walks over to me as he takes the bloody machete out of my hands. I look at him, not knowing what to do next. He looks at me with empathy, as I say, “I had to do it. I had no choice.”

  Chase nods as he whispers, “We should clean it up, so they don’t have to look at it anymore.”

  I nod in agreement, “Yeah, we should.”

  Chase and I carry the bodies and heads away, as Adam is busy comforting Ana while A.J. is sitting there dumbfounded, but it looks like he still has his appetite, because he begins eating again.

  After Chase and I took the bodies and heads out of the area and out of sight, we come back to the campsite where Adam and A.J. are sitting while finishing their dinner. Chase and I sit down with them as we pick up our plates to finish eating.

  Adam looks over at us with sad eyes, “You had to do what you had to. Don’t feel bad about it. You probably saved her from suffering any more. I’m sure it doesn’t feel good to be eaten by a Zombie.”

  I look at Adam as tears begin to fill my eyes, “It wasn’t an easy thing to do. You just need to think quickly in a situation like that. I’m so sorry that it had to be done. That’s the last thing that I wanted to do.”

  Adam nods, “I know. Ana will realize that too. I’m sure she doesn’t blame you. I think that she’s just in shock right now.”

  Chase and I both nod in agreement as I reply, “I’m sure she is. She’s strong. She’ll come through this.”

  Adam nods. He finishes up his dinner, then he excuses himself, “I’m going to bed now. I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

  Chase and I say ‘good night’ in sync.

  A.J. looks at us with a smirk, “That was pretty awesome the way you sliced both heads off at the same time.”

  Chase and I look at A.J. dumbfounded.

  A.J. just shrugs his shoulders as he continues eating his dinner.


  Last night was a rough night, we could hear Ana crying in the other tent the entire night. In the morning, I wake up and I see Ana sitting by the fire, drinking coffee. I look at her curiously, “You made coffee over the fire?” I ask as I sit down next to her.

  She looks up at me with red, puffy eyes as she replies, “Yes, have some.”

  I pick up a cup that was sitting there as I pour myself coffee. I look at her with empathetic eyes, “I’m really sorry that I had to do that last night. That wasn’t something I ever wanted to do. I’m so very sorry.”

  She nodded as she looked at me, “I know. You did what you had to. I’m not mad at you. I’m just sad that it had to happen.”

  I nod, “I just had to make a split-second decision. It seemed more humane to end her than to let her suffer.”

  Ana nodded as tears pour down her cheeks, “Yes, I know. Thank you. Thank you for making such a hard decision. And thank you for making a decision that I’d never be able to make myself. You’re such a strong woman. I admire you for your strength.”

  I put my hand on hers as I look into her eyes, “You’re a strong woman also. You’ll someday need to make a split-second decision in a life or death situation and you will know what to do.”

  Ana squeezes my hand as she tries to force a smile on her face, “In all honesty, I hope I don’t.”

  I nod in understanding, “In all honesty, I hope neither one of us has to.”

  Chase comes up from behind me as he sits down next to me. He looks at me, then Ana, with awkwardness on his face, “Morning.”

  Ana and I both say ‘morning’ to Chase in sync.

  Chase looks at my coffee cup, “Is there coffee?”

  I nod, “Yes, Ana made us coffee. Grab yourself a cup.”

  Chase looks at the coffee pot sitting on a stand over the fire as a smile grows on his face. He grabs a cup and pours himself coffee. He takes a drink of it and smiles, “Ahhh…it’s hot too.”

  Ana nods, “Yes. You guys got all the camping equipment and that coffee pot was in there. So, I made us some coffee.”

  Chase holds the cup up towards her, “Thanks, Ana, you’re awesome.”

  She smiles shyly at him.

  I get up and go through the food box, looking for something for us to eat for breakfast. I pull out some cereal boxes and a couple of bags of mini donuts. I bring them over to the fire where we are sitting. I look up at Chase as I ask him, “Do you want cereal or donuts for breakfast?”


  I shake my head at him, “How did I know that you would pick donuts?”

  “Because you know me so well.”

  “Yeah, a little too well.”

  I grab two bowls, I put cereal in mine, without milk of course, and a throw a few donuts in the other bowl for Chase. I sit down next to him as I hand him his bowl.

  Adam and A.J. come walking out of their tent and sit down next to Ana. Adam puts his arm around Ana as he kisses her on her cheek.

  A.J. looks at Chase and eyes the donuts. Then he looks on the ground and sees the bag of donuts. “Donuts!” he exclaims with excitement.

  After we’re all done eating breakfast, we pack up all of our camping stuff and get it loaded into the car.

  Ana comes walking over to me with wondering eyes, “So…um…where did you put her body?”

  I take her hand as I lead her to the body. On our way there, she grabs a flower off a bush. When we get to the body, I walk away so that she can be alone with her daughter. When I turn around, she’s leaning down as she places a flower in Amber’s hands. Tears start to flow down my cheeks, as I see this interaction. When Chase and I put the bodies over there last night, we did make sure that we placed the head up against the body to make it look like it was connected, just in case this moment happened.

  After our cars are loaded up, we all get into the cars as Adam leads us out of the parking lot. I look at Chase, “So, what’s our plan for today?”

  “Just drive till we get somewhere. What else is there to do?”

  I shake my head, “Nothing I guess.”

  Chase nods and smiles, “Exactly. We have nothing else better to do except go where the road takes us.

  Chapter 26

  Blake and Parker & Nina and Mandy

  I wake up the next morning with my manhood sticking straight up and Nina’s arm laying over my chest. I listen for a moment to see if I can hear Parker or Mandy awake, but I hear nothing. I kiss Nina on her forehead as she begins to stir for a moment. I turn onto my side as I begin to gently caress her body. She opens her eyes as she takes a moment to figure out where she is. Then she looks into my eyes with her beautiful hazel eyes and smiles. I put my hand on her face as I lean in to kiss her. Then I roll her over onto her back as I begin massaging her breasts. She wraps her arms around my neck as she pulls my body closer to hers.

  Then I grab onto myself as I slowly slide it inside of her. She arches back as she lets out a moan. I begin thrusting as deep as I can go, in slow motion, for longer pleasure.

  As I’m thrusting deep inside of her I can feel her warm insides grabbing onto me, squeezing my manhood tighter and tighter with each thrust. The deeper I go, the tighter they

  As I thrust my final thrust and my eyes roll into the back of my head, I spill my pleasure inside of her as she’s grabbing me tight. Then I slowly, gently slide it back out and I plop onto the bed next to her.

  As I lay there, relaxing for a moment, she begins kissing my chest as she looks up at me with her beautiful, hazel eyes. “Would you like me to get us breakfast.” She begins licking my chest, which is beginning to turn me on. I can feel my manhood move a little from that.

  “That would be great, Nina.” I reply as I brush my hand lightly across her cheek.

  She stands up and smiles at me with an ear to ear smile, “Even with all of this Zombie stuff going on, I’m so happy. I’m the happiest I’ve been in years.”

  I look at her and smile, “I don’t think that I’ve been happier, either. This has become a pretty fun experience.”

  She smiles as she nods in agreement, “It has. I don’t know how many people love the Zombie Apocalypse, but I’m loving this.” She winks at me.

  I let out a chuckle, “I love it too, Nina.”

  She gets all the way dressed as she opens the bedroom door to walk out to the kitchen. I hear her scavenging around as the cupboards and drawers open and shut while she’s searching for cooking items.

  As I’m getting dressed I hear the other two bedroom doors open and the scuffling of teenage feet. I step out into the hallway as I watch Parker and Mandy sauntering towards the kitchen. “Good morning you two angels.” I say with a wink.

  They both turn around to look at me as they each give me a faint smile and mumble, ‘good morning’. I just smile as I pass by them on my way towards the kitchen.

  Nina greets us all with a warm smile as we all appear within her eyesight. “I’m just getting breakfast items set up. I sure do miss electricity and running water. You can’t really do much when you don’t have either.”

  “It’s okay, at least we have food, friends and family, that’s all that matters.”

  Nina looks at Mandy, Parker and me as she replies with a smile, “I feel like the four of us are family now. It feels like the four of us were meant to be together.”

  Mandy and Parker look at us, then at each other, then back at us as Mandy asks, “Does that mean Parker is my brother?”


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