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Zombie Havoc (Book 1): In The Beginning

Page 20

by McRaven, Vikki

  Ryder nods with fascination in his eyes, “So, what was the painting?”

  I look at Ryder with passion, because I love the painting so much, “There’s this golden stairway, with two angels holding a baby angel, as they make their way up over a rainbow on their way towards Heaven, as God is sitting on a silver-lined cloud, with open arms, waiting to hug them as they are ready to enter the Golden Gate.”

  Ryder looks at me curiously, “So, is that your parents and your baby sibling.”

  I nod, “Yes, it is.”

  “That’s beautiful. I like that. I’d like to see it someday.” He says as he stares at me with his sparkling blue eyes.

  “Hopefully.” I reply shyly.

  Kassi takes a deep breath as she announces, “I’m ready for bed now.”

  Ryder stands up, “Okay, I guess Kassi is ready for bed.” He says with a little irritation in his voice.

  Isaac stands up, then holds his hand out towards me, “Yes, I think I’ve had a little too much wine myself.” He says.

  I stand up, whoa, a little bit too much wine for me too. Isaac puts his arm around me as we walk towards one of the bedrooms.

  Kassi wanted the master bedroom, so they took that bedroom. Isaac and I didn’t care which bedroom we had, it was better than sleeping on a floor or in a booth.

  After we were in our bedroom, Isaac shuts the door and locks it. He puts his hands on my face as he gazes into my eyes, “I love you so much, Harley.”

  I smile at him, “I love you too, Isaac.”

  He takes off his shirt, then he takes mine and pulls it up over my head. I undo my bra as I throw it on the floor. Then he unzips his pants and takes them off as I take my pants off. Then he nudges me towards the bed. I lay down, as he climbs on top and hovers over me, he leans down as he plants his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as I wrap my legs around his body and pull his pelvis down towards mine. He grabs himself as he slowly slides inside of me. I arch back as I let out a moan. He plants his lips on mine as he begins to thrust back and forth, deeper with each thrust. I can feel my spasms inside of me going off as my insides grab a hold of him. The deeper and harder he thrusts, the louder my moans get. The louder my moans get, the deeper and harder he thrusts. As he gives his final deep thrust, his eyes roll into the back of his head as he fills my insides with his pleasure. I can feel my contractions grabbing onto him, holding him inside of me. He slowly slides it out as he plops down next to me on the bed. I look at him with satisfaction and happiness as I lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me as he pulls my body closer to his. “I love you, Harley.”

  “I love you too, Isaac.”

  Chapter 28

  Candi and Chase & Adam, Ana and A.J.

  As we’re driving, I look at Chase curiously, “Did it bother you at all when I had to chop Amber’s head off?”

  Chase looks at me as if I was crazy, “What? Seriously? It had to be done. I mean, she was suffering, and she would have turned into a Zombie anyway. You had to do it. Why, didn’t it bother you?”

  “Of course, it did. But at the same time, it didn’t. Because like you said, it had to be done. I guess I just felt like a heartless human being as I was doing it. I felt like, oh, my God, I just chopped a fifteen year old girl’s head off, but after that moment, I felt no remorse, I just felt like, well, it had to be done.”

  Chase laughs at me, “Listen, Candi, that was your adrenaline speaking, not your heart. It had to be done, there was no way around it. It wasn’t your fault the Zombie came up behind her. You were acting on the behalf of our group. You were like the hero.”

  I nod in agreement, “I guess your right. I just feel horrible for Ana and Adam. Ana is so broken-hearted by it.”

  “Of course, she is. That was her daughter. But she understands. She knows that you had no other choice. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t. It’s just so hard not to, in a way.”

  He puts his hand on my leg and squeezes, “You’ll be fine. You’re doing great out there, by the way. I’m really impressed by your skills.” He says with a warm smile.

  “Thanks.” I look out the window as I notice a Zombie roaming in the distance, just walking aimlessly. It’s kind of sad in a way, that a person dies, turns into a Zombie, and just wanders aimlessly until they find a person, or an animal, to eat. I wonder how long they can go without eating somebody or something?

  Adam pulls off on the side of the road as Chase pulls off behind him. Adam gets out of his car and walks towards ours. Chase opens the door and steps out to talk to him. A minute or so later, Chase gets back inside the car as Adam gets back in his car. I look at Chase, “What’s up?”

  “Adam is getting low on gas, so he says he’s going to try and see if he can find a car to syphon gas from.”

  “Oh, okay. We’ll probably need gas too, huh.”

  Chase looks at the gas gauge, “Yeah, we will.”

  As we’re following Adam, we come up to a pile-up of cars. Adam stops, gets out of his car, Chase also gets out of our car as he walks over to Adam. They look at the pile-up as they’re talking. Chase walks back to the car, opens the door and leans down, “Um…we’re going to try and move our cars as close to those cars as possible, so that we can syphon some of their gas.”

  I nod, “Okay, that sounds like a good idea.”

  “Yeah, but then we have to figure out how we’re going to get past this.”

  “While you guys are syphoning the gas, I’ll look around and try to find a way around the cars.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  I get out of the car as Adam is maneuvering his car as close to the pile-up as possible, so that he can get some gas syphoned into his gas tank.

  As the guys are taking care of that, A.J. and Ana join me in figuring out how to get around the cars.

  Once we figured out a way, I start looking inside the vehicles that are just sitting there, scavenging for things that we may need. I brought my knife with me, just in case I may need it. As I’m looking inside the cars, I come across some sleeping Zombies. I try to rummage quietly through those cars. I managed to find a few things that we may need. I found some pain medications, guns, gloves, because it’s starting to get cold out, maps, blankets, a couple of jackets. It was like going to a thrift store, you never know what you’re going to find.

  When I was done rummaging, I walk back to Adam and Chase. “I found a few things.”

  I hear a weird noise coming from a nearby car, it was like a squeal. I walk over to it, look inside and I see a baby Zombie strapped inside a car seat. I look at this as I felt sadness and empathy for that poor baby that never had a chance. I look over at Chase with tears forming in my eyes. I walk back to him, “There’s a baby Zombie strapped in a car seat over there.”

  He looks at me with empathetic eyes, “That’s sad.”

  I nod as I feel a tear fall down my cheek, “It is sad, it’s very sad.”

  Adam announces, “Well, I think we’re done with syphoning.”

  “Here’s the plan that Ana, A.J. and I came up with to get out of here.”

  I told him the plan that we came up with. After I’m done explaining it to him, Chase and I walked back to our car.

  Adam began driving and maneuvering his way around the pile-up as I had explained to him as Chase and I followed behind him. Once we’re out of the pile-up, we continued onto the open road.

  As we’re following behind Adam, we see a herd of Zombies walking towards us, taking up the entire width of the road. Adam stops suddenly as so does Chase. Adam gets out of his car and quickly walks towards our car, Chase gets out to talk to him. I decide to get out too. I walk over to them as I look at the herd of Zombies coming right towards us.

  Adam looks at Chase and me, “So, how in the world are we going to get around that?” He points at them.

  Chase and I just stare at them dumbfounded as we shake our heads. I walk over to the side of the road to s
ee how far back they go. Then I walk back to where Adam and Chase are standing.

  “What about just driving down the middle of them?” I suggest.

  Adam and Chase look at me like I’m crazy.

  Chase looks at Adam, “How about we turn around and go down the first side street we come across, and then find another main road. You can follow me, Candi found a map in one of the cars she was going through.”

  Adam nods in agreement, “Okay, that should be fine. I just don’t want to get trampled on by those things.”

  Chase chuckles, “Neither do I.”

  So, we turn around and the first side road we come across, Chase turns down. We drive for a while, and as I’m looking at the map, I find the main road not too far from where we are now.

  After we turn onto the main road, we let Adam pass us. Then we look ahead and see beautiful mountains ahead of us. I look at Chase with a smile, “Those are absolutely gorgeous!” I exclaim.

  He looks at me with a smile, “They are, they are gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as you, Candi.”

  I shake my head as I reply shyly, “I don’t think so, but I guess you can say that if you want.”

  “Candi, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on…and I’m being honest.”

  I playfully smack him on his arm, “Stop!” I reply in a shy voice.

  As Adam drives closer to the mountains, we see a lake coming up ahead. Adam pulls into a camping ground near the lake. Adam gets out of his car as he looks towards the lake and the mountains. Chase and I park next to his car as we get out of the car. Ana and A.J. also get out of the car as all of us stand there, staring at the lake and mountains.

  Adam puts his hands on his sides as he says, “Wow…this is beautiful! I think that this is the perfect place to camp for the night.”

  Ana folds her arms in front of her as she replies, “It’s kind of cold out here.”

  “Eh…we’ll build a fire. It’s beautiful, it’s so tranquil and peaceful. It’s almost like there’s nothing wrong going on in the World right now.”

  Ana looks offended, “Um…our daughter just got killed by a Zombie less than twenty-four hours ago, how can you say that?”

  Chase and I look at each other uncomfortably.

  A.J. chimes in, “I don’t think dad meant anything by that. I think he’s just trying to find his own peace.”

  Ana just shakes her head in disgust.

  A.J. walks up to Adam as he puts his hand on his back, “Dad, I think this is a fine place to camp for the night.”

  Adam looks at A.J. with a satisfied smile, “Thanks son.”

  Chase goes to our trunk as he begins pulling out the camping gear. “Okay, let’s get unpacked and set up before it gets dark.”

  Adam and A.J. walk over to their trunk as they begin pulling out their camping gear also.

  As the guys are setting up the tents, Ana and I begin getting dinner ready. Ana is quiet and doesn’t really say much as we’re cooking dinner.

  After dinner is ready, I walk over to the guys to let them know that it was time to eat. They pretty much rush over to the campfire that we set up to cook dinner and keep us warm, after all, it was starting to get cold.

  As we were eating, everybody pretty much remained quiet. The silence was all around us as the moon shone brightly on us. It looks like a full moon tonight, which is good, otherwise it would be pitch black out here.

  As we all begin to finish eating, Ana and I stood up to put away the dishes as we scrape the scraps onto the ground. After everything was cleaned up, Ana looks at all of us as we sit there, “I’m tired, I’m going to bed now.”

  Adam, A.J. and Chase all look up at her as they all thank her for making dinner.

  She nods towards them as she replies, “Your welcome, it’s my pleasure. I’m just tired and cold.”

  Adam stands up as he gives her a hug and whispers, “I’ll be in there in a few minutes. I just want to relax for a moment.”

  She gives him a kiss on the cheek as she heads to their tent.

  I look at Adam empathetically, “She’ll be fine. She just needs to grieve in her own way.”

  Adam nods, “Yeah, I know. She’s been quiet all day. Amber was her baby girl. They were almost like best friends.”

  I nod in agreement, “I know.”

  Adam looks at A.J., “I guess I should probably go in there and keep her warm.”

  A.J. just smiles at him, “Okay, dad. I’ll be in there in a few minutes.”

  A.J. looks at us and chuckles, “Wow…it was so awkward riding with them today. I tried to take Amber’s place by riding with them so that they had a child with them, but they were both so quiet that it made me feel uncomfortable.”

  Chase and I both smile and nod in agreement as Chase comments, “Yeah, I can just imagine that would make for an uncomfortable day. I’m a talker, I like to talk. If it wasn’t for Candi, I don’t think I could be doing this.”

  I look at Chase as I burst out laughing and reply sarcastically, “Aww…that was the most romantic thing you’ve ever said about me, Chase.”

  Chase looks at me seriously, “No, seriously, I love how you like to talk too, you are so much fun to be with.”

  A.J. shakes his head, “Wow, all you guys are making me feel like a fifth wheel. My mom and dad, and you and Candi…Ugh!”

  I look at A.J. as I try not to laugh, “Oh, I’m so sorry, A.J., we’ll try not to make you feel like a fifth wheel.”

  “I need a girlfriend, but obviously, that’s not going to happen now.”

  “It could happen, you never know, you might meet a nice girl on our journey.”

  “I haven’t even seen a girl, or anybody other than us out here, it’s really kind of depressing.”

  I nod in agreement, “It is kind of eerie, where is everybody? Are we like the only people left on Earth?”

  Chase shakes his head, “Nah…there has to be somebody else out there. We cannot possibly be the only people left. That’s impossible. There’s other people out there, we just need to find them.”

  “Hopefully there’s a girl out there about my age. Yeah, then we can procreate again.”

  We all burst out laughing. Then A.J. looks at us with a serious look on his face, “Hey, why don’t you two procreate. You two would make an adorable baby.”

  I look at him with a serious look, “Um…A.J., I really don’t think that this is the appropriate time to make a baby. I mean, we’re fighting Zombies.”

  A.J. looks at me like I’m crazy, “What? It’s the perfect time! You two should make a baby. It’ll be in history books someday. Woman gets pregnant during the Zombie Apocalypse! And you’ll see the headlines, ‘First Baby born during the Zombie Apocalypse’. It’ll make history!”

  Chase and I both look at A.J. dumbfounded. Then Chase chimes in, “I agree with Candi. We can’t take care of a baby right now, plus there’s not doctor’s. How are we going to take care of a pregnancy and then deliver the baby?”

  A.J. looks at us dumbfounded, “How did they do it in the old days?”

  “Um…A.J., a lot of women died during childbirth back in the old days.” I replied.

  A.J. continues looking at us dumbfounded, “Oh. Well…I tried.”

  I look at Chase, “I’m getting tired, let’s go to bed.”

  Chase nods in agreement, “Yeah, me too.”

  A.J. looks at us, “Okay, I can take a hint.”

  Chase looks at A.J., “Um…we’re not going to do anything, we’re in a tent. How awkward, you guys are right next to us.”

  A.J. nods and smiles as he goes into his family’s tent. Chase and I put out the fire, then go inside of our tent. Chase wraps his arms around me as he snuggles up next to me. Then he whispers with a chuckle, “Have a baby…”

  Chapter 29

  Blake and Parker & Nina and Mandy

  After walking for a few hours, Nina, the kids and I begin to get very tired and hungry. Plus, it’s starting to get cold outside. I look out onto th
e distance to see if I see anywhere to spend the night and eat. As I’m scanning the distance, I see a sign for something. I grab Nina’s arm, “Hey, look. I think that’s a sign for a hotel.”

  Nina looks and smiles at me, “It is a sign for a hotel.”

  We continue walking and as we get closer, I notice the sign is for a hotel but it’s also a sign that says, free continental breakfast. I look at Nina, “Hey, that hotel has a free continental breakfast.”

  Nina gives me a disappointed look, “Yeah, but they’re not open to actually give us a free continental breakfast.”

  “But, that means that they have the food for the free continental breakfast there. We can search for it. That means bread, cereal, pastries.”

  Nina smiles at me, “Wow, you are so smart to figure all this stuff out.” She links her arm in mine as we continue walking.

  As we get closer, I turn towards the kids who were lagging behind us. “Hey you two! Look! There’s a hotel with free breakfast! We can sleep in a bed and eat breakfast in the morning!”

  Parker and Mandy look at me with smiles on their faces.

  About ten minutes later, we arrived on the door step of the hotel. I walk towards the office, and I see two Zombies in there. I look at Nina, “Hey, stay out here with the kids while I take care of this.”

  Nina looks at the two Zombies as she steps forward, “Let me help you. I need to learn to do it anyway.”

  I look at her surprised, “Really? You want to help me?”

  She nods, “Yes, I do. I need to learn.”

  I smile at her, “Okay, come on then.”

  I open the door as Nina and I both walk inside. I look at her with a smile, “Okay, all you do is stick your hand near their forehead for support and also as a buffer between you and them. Then you either stab them in the forehead, or their temple. Whatever is easiest for you at the time.”

  Nina nods, “Okay.”

  “Now watch me as I do the first one. Now, I’ll be right here in case you get into trouble with the second one.”

  Nina nods nervously, “Okay.”

  I walk up to the front one, as I stick my hand in between us, then stab on the side of the head.


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