Celtic Spirit (Celtic Storm Series Book 4)

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Celtic Spirit (Celtic Storm Series Book 4) Page 14

by Ria Cantrell

  “Could you just wait until I make sure Mr. Kilt-man isn’t hiding anywhere else?”

  The man nodded nervously and he wanted to get as far away from the room as quickly as possible, but he could not admit he was scared witless and leave the pretty young new caretaker alone if there really was an intruder in the place. Still, his feet were planted to the spot and that left Kiera to check the rest of the place by herself.

  After all closets and rooms were checked, she said, “He must have realized he scared me and left. He must be one of those re-enactors that stay here, and he must have somehow wandered to the wrong side of the keep.”

  That had to be the logical explanation. The cook’s assistant did not want to tell the woman that there was no other people staying in the guest quarters but a few wedding revelers. He thought better than to say out loud what sounded so ridiculous even to his own ears. Instead, he just agreed with her and stammered, “I-I must be getting back.”

  “I’m sorry to have troubled you. Thank you for staying with me while I had a look around.”

  The small nervous man nodded hastily and hurried back to his post in the kitchens. Kiera shook her head and laughed. So much for that man’s help. She did not want to buy into his superstitious and paranoid behavior, so she began unpacking her bag and setting up her space. The fire in the room gave a welcoming warmth and after taking a few deep breaths to steady herself, Kiera set to the task at hand and hung up a few of her things in the beautifully appointed wardrobe in the bedroom area of the suite. She did not give further thought to the man in her rooms or, in fact to the fire blazing beneath the rustic looking mantle. Well, mostly, she thought. She tried to put the image of that man out of her head, but the memory of his beautiful physique kept creeping into her mind.

  As she sorted through her things and set up her laptop on the writing desk, Kiera tried to stop her thoughts from wandering to her unwanted guest. He was so familiar, like she had seen him somewhere before. Kiera felt like she knew him or at the very least, should know him.

  His dark hair hung past the collar of his shirt. She usually did not go for long haired guys, but something about this one intrigued her. On that man, it suited him. He had the widest shoulders she had ever seen on a real man. When she intruded on him, he had his long legs dangling carelessly over the side of the chair and Kiera could not help but notice how strong his thighs were, even as he sat in a relaxed way. He could have been one of those romance book cover models. Kiera wished she had not been so startled upon finding him in her apartments. Despite only just beginning to settle there, those rooms were not hers prior to that moment. She should have cut the guy a little slack. He certainly did not look like he was trying to steal anything; else he would not have been casually relaxing in the place. That brutally handsome man may have been interesting to get to know. After all, hadn’t she been dreaming of just such a guy on and off during the past few weeks?

  Kiera jumped up from the desk chair.

  “Oh my God. It was him,” she exclaimed to the quiet of the room as that sudden realization hit her like a punch in the face.

  Chapter 18

  It was her. She is here…finally. And she saw him. She could really see him! Derek almost could not contain his excitement. She saw me! She saw me! He kept repeating that thought over and over in his head. If she sees me, then she must be the one.

  He did not want to build his hopes unnecessarily, but even seeing her briefly, he knew she was the lass. She was the lass in his dreams when he was able to sleep in the tower. She was the lass who looked like that MacCollum wench in the painting. There was no doubt that she was the one sent to save him. And she can see me. Derek no longer thought about the lass’ MacCollum ties. She was like a fae angel; beautiful face with big expressive eyes fringed with long dark lashes and honeyed lips begging to be kissed. She wore those strange clothes of this time, he supposed, but they suited her. She had donned those tight navy trews on her shapely legs and the softest looking tunic over her very lovely and curvy body. It looked almost like it was made of soft down and it was the color found in the eye of the peacock’s feather. It seemed to hug her lush curves perfectly. Ah, yes, her curves. That tunic had not hid a thing. He could imagine feeling her perfect, full breasts in his big hands. He thought about her gently rounded hips that tapered into legs he could imagine wrapped blissfully around him. Those indigo trews of this era left nothing to his imagination and as she hurried out of the quarters, Derek had gotten a good look at her tempting posterior. She was positively beyond his hopes. The Ancients had gotten it right, after all.

  The girl in the painting, Jenna Brandham looked greatly like her, it was true, but Derek could not truly appreciate the figure of the painted girl rendered by the artist. The garb this actual girl wore, did not allow Derek to guess any longer. She was beautiful, sensual and she had spirit. She was perfect. He wished he hadn’t frightened her so he set a fire burning in the hearth to offer her welcome to the place. He hoped she would return, but he would have to be certain not to startle her again. He kept himself hidden and waited until she had returned.

  He watched as she searched the rooms while that puny little shyte cowered like a whipped puppy, never even offering her assistance or protection. He wondered if the men of this time were all gutless like that one. He would have liked to give the little prat a good kick in the arse. Derek smiled to himself imagining such a thing. He would have to remember to do just that should the situation arise in the future. Now that the little worthless sot had left, Derek noticed the girl had indeed stayed. He would have to approach her very carefully, lest she run scared and leave him to his torment yet again. He certainly did not want to scare her. In fact, he enjoyed being able to look at her from his vantage point. Ach, she was a true beauty. Derek watched as the girl leapt up from the chair. She snapped the case-like object closed and started toward the door. Bloody hell! She was heading right for him. He ducked out of sight and watched her stop short of the doorway, just before his hiding place. Now that he knew she could see him, he did not want to chance revealing himself. He wanted to observe her a little longer, and then he would take himself to the tower to give her privacy and peace.

  Her actions were as if she had realized something and when she jumped up from the desk, she seemed to have had some sort of revelation. Derek kept himself at a complete halt; ever the warrior trained in stealth and disciplined to be still and silent. He watched silently as her body language betrayed her sense of determination.


  How could it be? Was she losing her mind? She had been so affected by those dreams that they stayed with her even though she could not hold onto a clear memory of the man in them. Maybe, since the memory of him was so clouded, Kiera could have been mistaken. Maybe she was just projecting her dream man onto the man she had seen. As she tried to rationalize it, she realized deep down that the man in her room and the man in her dreams was one in the same. She had bolted to the door as she had made her revelation and then tried to circumvent her discovery with rational thinking. It was a flight of fancy to give merit to the coincidence, but as she gave way to that thought, she felt her rationale warring with her gut feeling. She remembered dreaming of a man, but since, up to that point she really had not remembered the details of him, Kiera believed she was projecting the re-enactor onto her wishful thinking. Still, something gnawed at her subconscious mind and told her that was not it at all. Mr. burly highlander man was the same one she had dreamed of and now she had gone and made him leave. Maybe she had dreamed of him because she was supposed to meet him in the castle all along. She wished she had gotten a better look at him, because what she remembered certainly was pleasing to the eye. In fact, if she hadn’t been so caught off guard, she was pretty sure she would have liked to look at him again and again. With a heavy sigh, Kiera murmured, “yeah, I am going to need to get laid soon…all this self imposed celibacy has addled my brains.”

  Kiera fought with herself to not ponder it further an
d went back to the room. She would see about getting a bite to eat from the kitchens and then decide if she would spend the night or not. There was still enough daylight to go back to the inn to gather her remaining things. Once all of her stuff was transferred over, there would be no reason not to stay. The sooner the better, Kiera thought. There seemed to be no reason to wait any longer.


  “She what?”

  Morag faced Gavin Duncan Campbell in disbelief and fear.

  “The lass seemed so very determined.”

  “But ye’ know she is not ready to be there by herself. What if she runs into our boy? We needed to prepare her.”

  “Morag, t’is time. Ye’ yerself have said so. She is ready. I can feel it.”

  “Can ye’ now? What if she has her wits scared from her?”

  “She willna’. She has fire and spunk. She will be alright.”

  Morag paced wildly. “I should have told her. I should have explained. Now it may be too late.”

  “Morag, she will be alright. Besides, she made mention of having seen the presence of those who have gone before.”

  “Oh and ye’ know that fer’ certain? What if she keels over from fright at the sight of him.”

  “She willna’ do that either. I suspect she may frighten him more than he frightens her. I dunna’ know how I know this, but I sense she will be drawn to him like a moth to a flame. She is a Seer, Morag. You must have known that.”

  “I sensed it, t’is true…but she needs to know.…”

  “Ye’ canna’ manipulate the hands of fate, Woman. That is part of the bargain. I dinna’ make the rules.”

  “But I need to give her some advice.”

  Gavin Campbell stood up. He no longer looked like the doddering old cabbie, but looked very much like the powerful man he had been in life. Morag was not intimidated, but she took a step back, just the same. A smile broke his hardened expression and he said, “T’is time, Lass. Ye’ have pleaded for his soul and ye’ have seen to his redemption. Now it is up to the girl. All will be well.”

  Morag looked into the eyes of the man who had been Laird so many, many years ago. He was right. There was nothing more she could do. It was in the girl’s hands now. Pray to the Holy One that her heart was pure and strong enough to save him.

  With a deeply felt sigh, she said, “Aye. T’is time. I just wish I could have given her more help.”

  “Ye’ have given her plenty. And it is not like ye’ are going to leave her without answers. The more she discovers, the more ye’ will be able to confirm.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “What we have been doin’ all this time. We wait. We will know soon enough if she has mettle enough to rise to the task. Although, I no longer have doubts. I like this lass. She has spirit. If she had lived in our time, I might have sought her betrothal to the lad from the start.”

  And with a grin he added, “Even though she is a MacCollum.”

  Morag bristled at his jab. Undoubtedly they had been on opposite sides in past battles, but this time, they stood Guardian and Wise One, together in agreement for the sake of Derek’s immortal soul. Though she was aged, she seemed filled with a restless energy. There were so many things that could go wrong. She had half a mind to have Gavin take her to the Keep immediately, but looking at him, she knew he would not budge on this point. Morag knew the girl had to find her own way, but she just worried that it would have all been for naught if the girl ran scared. Bloody hell, she was getting too old for this. Her heart could not take all of this strain, she was certain. Gavin looked at his cohort and friend. Reading her mind, he said, “T’was not my meddlin’ that brought us to this day. Ye’ do recall that fateful morn, don’t ye’?”

  With a scowl that could frost hell, she said, “As if I could ever forget. T’is what we have been preparing for.”

  “Woman, I do hope that my grandson has been worth the trouble.”

  Morag’s face dropped. How could Gavin say such a thing? Of course the lad was worth it, for not only was it for his sake, but for the sake of melding the Clans surely as Ruiri and Brielle had done all those centuries ago. In these times, the clans were all but memories, but with the possibility of this union, and the strength of two of the greatest clans of all times, there would be glory again. The people would remember the past and embrace it.

  “He’s worth it, Gavin. He has been tempered these many years. Now he just needs to fill that emptiness with love. It is his last test.”

  Smiling, Gavin said, “I dunna’ remember ye’ to be so sentimental in the days by-gone.”

  “Never ye’ mind.”

  “Never ye’ mind, Morag. Worryin’ and pacin’ will no’ help the lass or Derek. Trust! All will be well.”

  Casting a sidelong glance over to the man, Morag wanted to relax in the knowledge that all would be well. Something, this time, made her uneasy and she not only doubted herself, but the outcome. With another heavy sigh, she said, “Aye, time will tell now, I suppose.” It was in the hands of the One power, now.

  Chapter 19

  Derek watched the lass leave the apartments. He wanted to follow her, but thought he better keep out of sight until he was ready to make her acquaintance again. He was not certain how long she would be away, but he knew one thing for sure; he was going to wait for her. He could feel his heart beating, like he truly lived again. She had done that. He could feel his humanity returning just upon seeing her. Derek took himself to the battlements and looked out over the land. Tonight he did not feel the loss and solitude he had for so long. Instead, he could feel the promise of redemption and it filled him with peace and elation.


  Kiera walked back to the inn to gather the last of her things. She hoped that she could find Duncan to help her return to the keep because it had been quite the eventful day and quite frankly, she was more than a little tired. Duncan was nowhere to be found. She thought she saw Moira slipping from the kitchen out the side door and when she tried to catch up with her, Kiera once again found herself alone.

  “Dang, that old lady can sure move fast,” she thought. With a sigh, she scribbled a note for Moira to let her know she would be staying at the Keep and she would probably see her tomorrow. She hefted her bags, which suddenly seemed a little too heavy and she began the two mile trek back to the Keep. By the time Kiera had made her way to the grounds of Castle Campbell, she was more than just a little weary. She was downright drained. Perching herself on a fallen log in the shade, she took a little rest.

  She had worked up a little sweat and the shaded resting place offered Kiera cool respite. Tossing her bags beside her, she stretched out on the log, bending one leg to plant it on the ground and she laid back. She shielded her eyes from the dappled sunshine that splashed through the leafy cover above her and breathed in the fresh scents around her. She could hear the muted sounds of the revelry still going on from the wedding, she supposed, and she decided to just enjoy this still moment to herself before finishing her move into the place. She must have dozed off because when she next opened her eyes, it was nearly dusk. Stretching, Kiera expected to be stiff from napping on the log. Napping? Kiera felt as if she had been in a coma. As she worked the kinks out of her neck and bent forward to stretch her back, her eye caught sight of someone on the battlements. She thought she had seen a shadowed figure walking between the crenellations. She stopped dead in her tracks and stared toward the catwalk between the two larger rounded parapets. Was her mind playing tricks on her? Oh what the hell was going on over there?

  Hastily grabbing her things, Kiera forgot about being tired. She trudged quickly to the side entrance of the keep and stomped into the kitchen. Once again, the cook looked up in surprise. With an impatient little sigh, he said, “Is something wrong again, miss?”

  “Does someone have access to the catwalk between my apartments and the wing of the inn?”

  “No, miss. Those areas are strictly off limits to any guests.”

realized she must have looked like a lunatic so just mumbled, “Oh…well never mind. Must have been the shadows from the setting sun. If you would, please let me know when you will be done for the evening. I want to be certain everything is locked and secured. I will be up in my rooms unpacking.”

  “Very well, Miss.”

  As the cook went back to his task, Kiera did not miss the roll of his eyes. She did not make the same mistake as she previously had but took the main staircase to her rooms. After unlocking the heavy wooden doors with the skeleton key, Kiera called out, “Hello? Is there anyone here?”

  She received no answer, so she made her way further into the suite. There was no one there, but the fire in the hearth was burning warmly again.

  “I’ll be darned. I thought I banked that before I left. What the hell is going on here,” she said out loud.

  Kiera crouched next to the hearth and saw that it was indeed a new log. She was glad for the heat of the fire, because suddenly she felt a chill envelope her that caused a shiver to involuntarily course through her very bloodstream. She looked around the room and saw how warm and inviting it really was. There was nothing creepy about it. It was lavish and wonderful so why was she suddenly getting spooked?

  “Damn you Duncan and Moira…you are turning me into a fearful, superstitious child.”

  Kiera felt her patience wearing thin. There was nothing scary about the place. She felt ridiculous for giving even a minute to her irrational fears. She began unpacking, but it was more like she was slamming her things out of one bag and into another location.

  Derek saw the girl had come back into the Keep. He had been watching her from his high perch on the ramparts of the Keep.

  She had been like a sleeping fairy in the glade…a beautiful fae nymph of the wood.

  His heart thrummed a sharp rhythm as he viewed her from his hidden spot. She seemed upset and agitated as he watched her taking out her aggression on her clothing that she had brought with her. He wondered what had caused her to get into such a snit. He forced himself to remain quiet as she kicked her satchel out of the way after she had taken everything from it. He didn’t even so much as want to chuckle at the display of temper lest she hear him. He could not be sure she couldn’t now that she had seen him, so he bit down on his lip to keep from laughing. She did not see him on the guard walk so he used his vantage point to observe her silently. One thing he had learned was patience and patience it was that he needed now as he waited for the lass to settle in for the night. After her little tantrum was spent, she sat in the chair she had seen him in, with her legs tucked up under her. She had some sort of lighted device in her hand that she stared at. Derek wanted to get a closer look to see what it was that held her interested, but he just could not chance frightening her. He would wait just a little longer. Sometime later, and he did not know how much later because time was still blurred for him, Derek watched as the lass put the device aside and she readied herself for bed. He shielded his view of her while she undressed because even ghosts could be decent, he thought with a grin. He would have liked nothing more than to watch her, but somehow he just could not do that to her. Not to her. So after he was certain she was asleep, he silently made his way out of the room. But not before gazing at her beautiful face, relaxed in sleep. He stood over her for the briefest of moments and decided to spend the night in the tower. He was not going to invade her privacy; at least not just yet.


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