Celtic Spirit (Celtic Storm Series Book 4)

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Celtic Spirit (Celtic Storm Series Book 4) Page 15

by Ria Cantrell


  Kiera put down her Kindle and decided to call it a night. All nerves and jitters had left her as she lost herself in the pages of a delicious romance. After her fantasy of the Highland Hunk, it seemed like just the thing to calm her jangled nerves. As she read page after page, she sank into a peaceful calm and felt fully relaxed. The cook had brought her a cup of tea and told her the revelers were winding the party down. He would see to it that all the entrances were locked and he would be back in the morning. He bid her a good night and took his leave. After that, she slid into a comfy nightshirt and took herself to bed. She was quite tired, surprisingly, and so sleep was quickly found. Her last conscious thought was that she wondered if she would dream of the kilted beefcake, now that she sort of had a face to put to the fantasy. Instead, she felt safe and protected, like someone was watching over her and she fell into a dreamless sleep.

  In the morning, Kiera bathed and dressed. She was happily relaxed. She felt like she had the best night’s sleep in a very long time. So much for trying to scare her with silly ghost stories! She thought she was going to like living in a castle. Today’s task was going to be to seek out the volunteer who was acting as a tour guide and follow her through her rounds so Kiera could get an idea on how to proceed with showing tourists and visitors the treasures and artifacts of the place. After a quick breakfast, Kiera headed to the museum part of the keep to find the young girl who was picking up the slack since the regular guide had quit.

  Kiera introduced herself to the friendly girl named Margaret. She was no more than a teenager, but Kiera found herself instantly liking the young woman. Margaret wore her fiery auburn hair in a French braid which could not seem to contain the riot of hair as wispy tendrils escaped about her face. The girl’s eyes were a sparkling blue and she had a generous sprinkling of freckles on the bridge of her pert little nose. While her accent was harder to understand, Kiera found herself laughing and enjoying her time spent with the girl. Kiera watched Margaret happily lead tours throughout the many rooms and exhibits of the place and she thought how easily the young woman did the job. It got her wondering why the girl hadn’t taken the job herself, but Kiera soon learned that Margaret would be leaving to study abroad in a few weeks.

  Towards midday, the two women sat outside to take a sandwich. Kiera took the opportunity to ask some questions she was certain this local girl would be able to answer.

  “Margaret, have you ever seen historical re-enactors staying here?”

  “Ah, yeah, well not for a few months, maybe. They are funny, aren’t they…they are so serious about their hobby, but ye’ know…we live the history every day.”

  “So there hasn’t been a group of them here in some time?”

  “Maybe three months or so ago, I would guess.”

  “Hmmm, that’s odd. I could have sworn I saw someone here yesterday that would have been one of them.”

  The girl laughed and said, “Well perhaps ye’ have seen the ghost of the great laird’s grandson. They say he walks the walls of the Keep to this day.”

  Kiera’s head shot up at this comment. “Have you ever seen him?”

  “Aw, no. I dunna’ believe in wee ghosties.”

  “Don’t you?”

  “No. Never seen one. I think the people here hold the spirits of the ones who went before. We all share the past within us.”

  “I think your predecessor would have disagreed with you.”

  Margaret giggled. “I know. She surely got spooked. I think it is funny, really. I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when she ran screaming into the bailey. All the town was abuzz with the story. I mean can ye’ imagine how funny that must have been?”

  Kiera smiled. She did not want to laugh at the poor woman’s expense. After all, it was through her leaving that paved the way for Kiera to take her place. Still, imagining the woman flailing and screaming as she ran about like a chicken without its head was an image that brought Kiera a little giggle; which she suppressed quickly. Sobering, Kiera said, “What do you know about the legend of the Laird’s grandson?”

  “Weel, they say he lived a long time ago. Maybe six or seven hundred years ago. Some say he was the evil offspring of the great laird. That story has changed over the years and some say he guards the castle still to this day. There are lots of legends like that. I suppose with time, no one knows the truth.”

  “You keep referring to the great laird. Who do you mean?”

  “Why, Laird Gavin Campbell, of course. They say he was the last great laird that the Campbell thrived under. The Keep fell into disrepair after his passing. It is said that the MacCollums took it over thereafter. It has changed hands many times, I suppose since then. It really looks very little as it did when the great laird lived. It has been completely restored and most of the original Keep is no more.”

  “Laird Gavin Campbell…hmm, his portrait is in the great hall, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, aye. Most of the old lairds have portraits hanging there.”

  “And his grandson? Is his portrait there?”

  “Ach, no. That’s why I said much of what is known is simply legend.”

  Kiera pondered what the young woman said. She had gotten more information from this girl in a few short sentences than hours spent with Moira or Duncan. Taking another bite of her sandwich, Kiera thought about asking if there was ever a tower. She didn’t want the young woman to think her silly. Ah, what the hell, Kiera thought. I am going to be giving the tours. I might as well learn as much as I can. She swallowed a gulp of water to wash down her food and then said, “Margaret, you said the original Keep is mostly no more. Is there any of the old Keep still within the one we see here today?”

  “Oh, aye. I think most of the stone façade is from the original Keep. They added the wing for guest accommodations. There are some ruins back in the forest that still remain, but no one ever goes to see them.”

  “Ruins,” Kiera said, snapping alert. “Would I be able to see them?”

  “I reckon, but it would take a bit to get to them. They are not well tended and the area is quite overgrown with weeds and brambles. There really isn’t much left of them to see. I believe there is only one solitary tower that is completely hidden with vines. I would think ye’ would need a broad sword to cut through the stuff enough to get a glimpse of it.”

  Kiera did not want to show her excitement. She knew that this tower had to be just like the one that was in her dreams. Now, if only she had not frightened that kilted hunk away. Still, if the tower existed, Kiera thought there may have been a chance that she would see him again. Chiding herself for thinking like a lovesick school girl, Kiera put her mind back to the conversation with Margaret. She tried to blot out the words of her friend Giancarlo as she asked more questions about the grounds, the keep and the tower ruin. Try as she might, though, Gianni’s words invaded her thoughts. Baby, I see a man about you… Ah hell, Kiera was just being crazy. She had work to do and she didn’t have time to chase any kilted hunks around the property.

  Chapter 20

  In all the time that had passed, the time until he could see her again seemed like a new eternity. Perhaps it was because he could not gauge the length of time as he had when he lived. Only now, that he had seen her, he knew that he could not wait to see her again. This, quite possibly, was the worst torture he was forced to endure. And when he did see her, how was he not going to scare her senseless as he had that other lass? Derek thought carefully about how to approach the lass. He did not want to frighten her any more than necessary, but he truly did not know how to avoid it. Except, that the lass did not seem frightened when she had seen him. She seemed to be annoyed and fear was replaced with a fiery temper. And that girl could move. He never saw a woman move so fast, except for that one he had scared. She had taken off so swiftly, Derek could barely get a look at her beautiful legs…barely. The fact was that he had gotten a good look at her. He smiled to himself. He may have been less than a man all these endless moments in s
eclusion, but he could still appreciate a lass with beautiful legs; the kind of legs that were perfect for wrapping around a man. Bloody hell, where was she? He had to see her again. She was going to be his salvation. She was going to set him free and if all went well, he would be able to feel those glorious legs wrapped around him. She would save him! As if being given a warning from the Ancients, Derek felt a pain in his ribs that was sharp and searing. He called out to no one in particular, “Alright. I understand. I canna’ force her to aid me.”

  Instantly the pain subsided. It was a warning alright. So, he would get his senses back, and with them came the feeling of pain. Still, if he could feel pain, perhaps, he would be able to feel less painful things…like the silky thighs of the lass wrapped around him.

  Derek pondered the next meeting with the lass. He had to try to make her understand that he did not want to hurt her. He would coax her gently to not run from him and he would….

  Derek’s thoughts were interrupted with the sound of footfalls padding up the stone stairs. He ducked into the corridor and tried to retreat to a hidden place. When the lass said, “Wait! Who are you?”

  Derek knew he had been spotted and it was too late for him to hide. He muttered an oath under his breath and slowly turned around, expecting to find a cowering girl before him.


  Kiera could not believe her eyes. She was just returning to her room to check her email when she spied none other than Celtic Hunk. He was back. Well this time he was going to explain himself. Crossing her arms over her chest, she watched as he slowly turned to face her. He looked more stricken than she felt and she stood her ground and demanded, “Well? What do you think you are doing here? Do I need to call the police?”

  Derek tested his voice and said, “How is it, lass, that ye’ can see me? Who sent ye’?”

  “Sent me? Look, I don’t know what kind of game you are playing, but I am not in the mood. Why don’t you tell me who sent you? Let me guess, Moira. She wants to play a little trick and scare me. Well you can tell her I am not scared and I do not think this is funny. Now unless you explain yourself, I am going to be forced to call the police.”

  “Po-leess,” Derek said testing the word. It was not one he was familiar with.

  “Fine, if that is what you want, I will be happy to oblige.” The girl took a deep breath and screamed, “HELP! Get the Police!”

  Derek did not know what the polees were but he knew what screaming for help meant. While he was certain no one else would be able to see him, he did not want people coming just yet.

  “Lass, wait. I dunna’ want ye’ to call for the polees. I dunna’ know who they are, but I promise ye’ I mean ye’ no harm.”

  “Then what in the hell are you doing up here? It is off limits to guests and visitors and it is the second time you have helped yourself to the space. Why don’t you start by telling me who the fucking hell you are?”

  Derek smiled. The lass’ accent was a strange form of English and she had a mouth on her like a sailor.

  Now the big gorgeous brute was smiling at her like the village idiot.

  “Lass, ye’ would not believe me if I told ye’.”

  “Try me.”

  He wished! She was beautiful with those eyes whose color were like the underside of leaves; just as they were in his dream and just as they were in that painting. Although she was not tall, she seemed not to be tiny. He supposed it was the way she was standing so straight and guarded, with her arms crossed over her perfect bosom. He did not know if she was afraid, but she looked practically murderous. His eyes raked her body as it was clad it that strange attire. Strange though it was, it showed her delicious curves to their full advantage. He was again aware of her delicious “wrap around a man’s waist” legs. He did not want to be so bold as to look around her to get another gander at her lush little bum. He remembered as he had gazed on her in her sleep, she had been lying on her side and he could see her female form perfectly silhouetted under the covers. Her long brown tresses were shorter than the lasses of his time, but still hung past her shoulders to the middle of her back in soft, thick waves.

  Kiera was losing her patience. He was gawking at her like a man who hadn’t seen a woman in a long time. Perhaps he was a criminal just having been released from jail. She knew it was dangerous to be there in that corridor with him, especially if he was indeed a criminal, but somehow she did not feel afraid. An escapee would not be standing there dressed like that. The thought that he was the man from her dreams niggled at the back of her mind and Kiera just knew in her heart he was not going to hurt her. In fact, she felt strangely safe.

  “Why are you staring at me? Did you just get out of jail or something?”

  “In a matter of speaking, lass.”

  Kiera’s eyes widened. “You were in jail? I was just kidding about that.”

  “Well, nay not in a cell. I will explain, but not yet. Ye’ willna’ understand.”

  “I will not understand if you don’t explain. Why don’t you at least tell me your name.”

  “I was called many things, Lass.” Rolling her eyes in annoyance, Kiera said, “Well what is your given name?”

  “I was called Derek. Derek of Clan Campbell.”

  “Was? What do you mean was?”

  Derek shook his head, not really knowing how to explain this to the lass.

  Kiera’s eyes opened wide as the name registered. “Derek Campbell? That is impossible. Now I know this is a joke.”

  “T’is not a joke, Lass. I be he. What have ye’ heard about me,” he asked with a slow grin forming on his handsome face. And handsome was an understatement. It did not begin to describe him. He could quite possibly be the most handsome man Kiera had ever seen in her entire thirty-two years.

  “What I heard about a man named Derek Campbell was that he was the grandson of the Great Laird of the clan, Gavin Campbell.”

  “Aye, t’is true.”

  Kiera ground out, “He lived nearly seven hundred years ago.”

  Kiera watched as stunned horror and disbelief seemed to pass over the gorgeous hunk’s eyes.

  “Seven hundred years? Did ye’ say seven hundred years?”

  “Yes. Do you have a hearing problem or are you just dense?”

  “Lass, it canna’ have been seven hundred years.”

  If a big burly beast of man could pale, this one before her suddenly had. He looked as if he had received a shock of some sort. He cringed and held his side, expecting to feel the pain from his fall but he felt nothing; nothing except disbelief and overwhelming sorrow. It was almost too much to bear. Kiera observed him and she saw him falter.

  Chapter 21

  Seeing the man who said his name was Derek Campbell seem to pitch forward, as if he was going to sink to the floor while clutching at his side as if in pain worried Kiera. Despite him being some sort of crazy intruder, Kiera was moved with concern. She said, “Are you alright?”

  In a very small voice from a man who seemed larger than life, he said, “Lass, what year is this?”

  Getting angry again, Kiera felt like someone had gone to a lot of trouble to set up this elaborate hoax. Her concern had bought her more of his foolery. Taking a protective stance again, she said in a mocking tone, “Okay, this really is not fun anymore. You know perfectly well what year this is. It is the year of our Lord, two thousand and thirteen.”

  “Two-thousand…Bloody feckin’ hell! Two bloody feckin’ thousand?”

  “And thirteen!”

  “Lass, that isna’ funny.”

  “No it is not. I don’t know what game you are playing, but I think it is about time that you leave. To think I hoped to see you again.…” Her voice trailed off at that admission. She really should not have admitted that.

  “Ye’ what? Ye’ wished to see me?”

  “Never mind that. You need to go.”

  Derek mulled what he had just learned and he felt the old familiar rage seeping forth from the depths of his tormented past. Thos
e bloody bastards! They had kept him locked in this chasm of time for nearly seven hundred years. How could they call themselves Guardians? How could they do this to a man? It would have been better had they sent his soul straight to the fiery pits of hell. They were crueler than any misdeeds he had ever done in life.

  “Well are you going to leave peacefully or will I have to get someone to drag you back to jail or wherever you were from?”


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