Celtic Spirit (Celtic Storm Series Book 4)

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Celtic Spirit (Celtic Storm Series Book 4) Page 22

by Ria Cantrell

  With a wink, Gavin said, “T’is why I am here, lass.”

  Shaking her head and laughing softly, Kiera said, “I don’t know if I will ever get used to the likes of an Ancient Guardian and all his strange ways.”

  “Ye’ will, lass. T’is in yer’ blood. T’is part of ye’, to be certain.”

  Kiera nodded, once again distracted. She said, “Tell me about the clans…mine and yours.”

  “Yours, Lass? Ye’ mean the MacCollums?”

  “Well, yes. I meant the MacCollum clan. Moira…I mean Morag told me a little and I read what I could, but I suspect you could fill in the gaps. Why were your clans at war?”

  “Ah, Lassie, it was a turbulent time. Initially we just raided each other’s lands. Some clans had more when others had less. It just was the way of things. Only, my son and his sons took the raiding too far. My son, having buried two of his wives in a matter of years took to the drink and after my death, his sons let the Keep fall into ruin. By the time my grandsons were men grown, the Keep had all but crumbled into a moldering pile of bricks. They drank or squandered away any of the stores and so they had no choice but to return to pillaging. For some reason, Derek’s brother Roderick was twisted with hate. I suspect it was because he saw that the MacCollums thrived when he himself wasted in the ruined Keep. No matter that he had caused its downfall almost single handedly. That hate caused his heart to blacken over time. For that one, there was no savin’.”

  “I am sorry. That must have been hard for you to--”

  “I was long gone and I was not yet a Guardian. Still, ye’ dunna’ wish to see yer’ offspring fall into the pit of blackness. The laird of MacCollum was not my enemy. Nor were his sons and daughter. One of his four sons married my granddaughter, Gabrielle; my precious jewel and flower. It seemed that peace between the clans were eminent at that time. Lass,” he paused and with a heavy sigh, he continued, “Derek is my only hope now. There are Campbells far and wide, t’is true, but none are from the original line. That line is steeped in ancient past. It needs to thrive again.”

  It needs to be forged with the line of the other great clan and only ye’ can provide that pure blood line. Gavin left the last part unspoken. It was too much to throw at the girl and she was already feeling pressured to succeed in helping his grandson.

  “I guess I still don’t understand. How is it that Derek can help the clan rise again? He is…well he is a ghost.” Kiera blurted out the obvious, but she watched a small hint of a smile lift the old Guardian’s lips.

  “Well, that is only a half truth, Kiera Callum.”

  “Wait a minute. What are you saying? Are you implying that he isn’t a spirit?”

  “I am saying that things are not always what they appear.”

  “Gavin, I am not sure I like what you are implying.”

  “And what would that be, Lass?”

  “That he isn’t a ghost. That he is a man.”

  “He is a man. And he is a ghost…more or less.”

  Kiera’s mouth hung open as she was about to beg for an explanation but the train arrived with a loud roar and brakes screeched a warning for those near to the tracks. She fumed silently as steam billowed from the train engine, feeling like she was about to boil over as well. She had little time to foster the frustration because within a few minutes, she caught sight of her friends disembarking from the open door of one of the train cars. Giancarlo, her friend Karen and Karen’s fiancé smiled when they saw Kiera standing next to the tall elderly man. Waving, they rushed toward each other. Dropping his bag, Giancarlo, grabbed Kiera in a less than chaste embrace and kissed her fully on the lips.

  “Bella Mia, so happy to see you!”

  Glancing at Gavin as he silently watched the exchange, Kiera saw a look of disapproval in his eyes. She turned away and hugging Giancarlo back, Kiera laughed. She had missed his flirting ways. She then hugged Karen and her fiancé, Billy. Karen and Billy were Americans who had travelled to Italy to study. Karen was an aspiring opera singer and had been commissioned at La Scala for the summer season. She had met them through Giancarlo and had instantly formed a friendship with the attractive couple.

  Billy gave her a squeeze and she smiled up into his handsome face. He was the direct opposite of the cultured and refined Karen. He was big and beefy, with a shock of black hair that seemed always to be tousled and rakishly fringed his brow line. He looked like a big lumberjack as he sported tight worn jeans and a light plaid shirt that seemed to strain over his muscled shoulders. Billy had lived on a farm most of his life, but he had met Karen when they first attended college, where he majored in art. He had started out as a painter, but then took to photography. His work was fabulous, as Kiera remembered an exhibit he had displayed in one of the galleries in Rome. Billy seemed to not have lost his country roots at all as he exuded the ease of a simpler life, while Karen was directly his opposite. She was a petite blond that almost appeared pixie-like in appearance. She was dwarfed by the big handsome brute she was engaged to. To say Karen was tiny was an understatement as she only came up to Billy’s chest. Karen was very refined and she emanated the complexity of an urban upbringing. She had lived in Sacramento, California for most of her life; studying vocal music and honing her own vocal skills. Being petite, Karen was not the picture of an opera singer, to say the least, but when she sang, what she lacked in stature, she made up for with the strength of her voice. She had sparkling blue eyes and was dressed impeccably. Although she had just been sitting on a train for a number of hours, Karen seemed perfectly groomed. She was the epitome of class and sophistication. Not a hair was ever out of place as it was tucked neatly in a stark ponytail. Her make-up was perfectly applied. She and Billy adored each other! Kiera loved that this unlikely couple had found true love. The thought of true love tugged at Kiera’s heart. It was something she did not want to think about; at least not for herself.

  Forcing herself to be joyful at her friends’ arrival, Kiera hugged them and she pasted a smile on her lips. It was so good to see these people, who had taken her under their collective wings when she had arrived in Italy. The brief visit would be just what she needed to put thoughts of love and passion out of her mind and most of all to put thoughts of a man spirit in the corner for now.

  With their greetings behind them, Kiera turned to Gavin and introduced her friends to him. He nodded quietly and doffed his cap. He eyed the one called Giancarlo and wondered at his more than friendly greeting to the lass. While he could sense she was not more than a friend, Gavin suspected that his presence was going to put a bee in his grandson’s bonnet. Well, love worth keeping sometimes had to be tested. Perhaps this would give Derek the fight he needed to ease the process of his transition from spirit to man again.

  Being a Guardian did not offer Gavin views into the future. That still remained unknown and hidden in mystery. Gavin hefted the bags into the boot of the cab while his new passengers squeezed into it for the drive to Castle Campbell. He said very little on the drive there. He had almost said too much before Kiera’s friends had arrived and he knew that he had been given a reprieve, albeit a brief one. Gavin was certain that the moment that the lass had time to speak to him, she would demand more answers that he was not wont to give. She would want to know if Derek would manifest a human body. It was inevitable. Morag said she had sensed a shift and a mating of sorts between them. Gavin was not sure, but he would almost bet that Derek had realized that he was entirely a man in the world of dreams. And if that was true, Gavin would also bet the first thing Derek would do with this knowledge would be to make love to the Lass. Gavin was not sure if Derek knew that within the wards of the tower ruin, he was also whole; that was the place Arianne’s curse could not reach him. That would be the place where Derek’s fate would be sealed.

  As they made their way to the Keep, Billy kept noting the scenery and vistas before him. He said he just couldn’t wait to start snapping photos and there were certainly an unending supply of beautiful and inspirational shots
he could make. He was garrulous and Kiera thought how different her highlander was from this man. Her highlander…when in the hell had Derek Campbell become her highlander? Kiera knew that those sorts of thoughts were detrimental at best. Nothing good could come of such a thing and it would set her up for a terrible fall, as well as unending heartache. The sooner she could send the spectral border off to the Light, the better. Kiera caught Gavin’s gaze upon her once again in the mirror. Was he reading her mind again? She turned her eyes away and focused on the excitement of her friends, which was infectious. She was not going to let this crazy business ruin her special weekend.

  After the visitors were settled, Kiera gave them a complimentary tour of the Keep and the grounds. She saved her apartments for last. Stopping in at the kitchens, she garnered a light dinner and some Prosecco to celebrate their visit. She had the afternoon off because there was going to be an event in the evening and the Keep was off-limits to tours, so Kiera took the time to enjoy her friends’ company. When Billy and Karen went out onto the parapet to take some pictures and Kiera suspected, to smooch, Giancarlo leaned against the doorframe, sipping his sparkling wine. He smirked at Kiera and said, “Bella Mia, you have met him, no?”

  Blush flooded Kiera’s face and casting her eyes downward, she said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “Tsskk, Bella. I think you do. The man…the one I saw about you. He is here.”

  “Gianni, there is no man. Trust me when I say that.” Kiera could not allow herself to think of Derek as a man. That was much too dangerous. It was much better to let him exist only as a spectral mist of sorts. She ignored the nagging notions in her brain that shouted that Derek Campbell was far from mist. He was the most virile man she had ever gazed upon; even if he was only a ghost. But Gavin had said that not everything was what it seemed. What had he meant by that? Kiera was going to find out at the first opportunity she had to grill the Ancient Guardian about what he had insinuated. She was tired of these maddening riddles!

  “Bella Mia? Are you alright?” Giancarlo’s voice snapped Kiera out of her reverie. Shaking her head she said, “Oh yeah, sorry.”

  “Didn’t you hear me, Cara? You were …how do you say…million kilometers away?”

  “Miles,” she answered absently. “I’m sorry, Gianni, I was just thinking about something you said.”

  “Yes, about that man. I know, Bella. I see it in your face. You look different, too. Like someone who had been finally made love to in the right way. You were beautiful before, but now you are…magnifico…muah.” Giancarlo kissed his fingers to emphasize his point. Kiera laughed. “You are so Italian, Gianni.”

  “Si, si, but I am still right.”

  Kiera tried to wave him off, but he was not easily thwarted. Shaking his head, Giancarlo said, “Bella, you still guard your heart. Why?”

  Why? Because I am attracted to a ghost. Who would ever believe such a thing? I don’t believe it myself! “Gianni, let’s just drop the subject, okay?”

  “Okay, Kiera. You will tell me when you are ready.”

  He drained his glass and watched as some wavering emotion passed on Kiera’s expressive face. Kiera was once again thinking that she needed to work to get Derek to the Light more diligently. Despite her initial sense of failure and hopelessness in that department, Kiera realized she had to try again. It would not be wise to let her stupid heart get too attached to him. Even though she had thought she was failing miserably in aiding him, she was determined to try harder. Her heart’s protection counted on it.

  Chapter 27

  Derek had seen them entering Kiera’s quarters. There was a couple who were obviously mated and there was a lone man. He did not like that and if he could, he would make sure the bastard kept his hands off of Kiera. Derek did not know what would come of himself or if he would ever be “man” enough to win Kiera’s heart, but he knew damned well he did not want that one near her. He had never had a reason to succumb to jealous proddings, but things were different now. He could not shield his mind and psyche from her. She, who was a MacCollum; she who was whole and human and worlds apart from him from centuries gone by; and she who thought of him as a monster. Those thoughts cut him to the quick. He supposed he deserved it and he really did not know how to make her see him differently, especially since he wanted to tear the head off that smarmy bastard that looked at his beautiful Kiera with unabashed lust. Derek knew that despite all of that, he had to try. It was more than the promise of his salvation. He was falling in love with her.

  Love, imagine that! He had never loved anything in his life, not even himself. Yet, here he was, not man nor spirit, but loving this unlikely woman. He had hidden himself back in the sanctuary of the tower when she had looked at him with disgust and loathing. That had been almost too much to bear. For the first time in his life, Derek did not want to be the monster he had prided himself to be. He wanted this woman to see him as a man who could change and who could love. What was happening to him? He felt all the hardness he had fought to maintain all of his life melting away. Instead, tenderness was filling his heart and he suddenly felt he would do anything to gain her love and respect.

  He had broken one of his promises to her and he sometimes watched her when she was sleeping. He did not stay overlong, because he somehow felt she would sense him and there would be hell to pay if she thought he was invading her privacy. Those stolen moments were like heavenly respite. He did not enter her dreams again to make love to her. Derek could not be sure that even given her passionate response to him before, her anger with him would prevent her from enjoying the experience and he vowed he would not force her. By God, he would never force her. If she softened her heart toward him, he would try again. Until that happened, he would not seduce her while she loathed him, because he did not think he could stop himself from being with her once he started. He wanted her willing like she had been the other time. There was no pleasure in it if she abhorred him. His heart now beat for her. He could not seduce her while she held no love for him.

  Now, Derek needed to make sure this swain would keep his hands off of Kiera. He knew he should not retreat to his old ways, but there was no way he was going to let that man touch his woman. Derek avoided the tiny voice that said he had no right to such a claim, so he ignored it. In his time, when a man claimed a woman for his own, it was done and no man would ever dare touch what another man had claimed. Derek did not know if it was the same in this time, but he was not going to wait to find out. The future be damned! Kiera was his and he cared not for the trappings of this modern world.

  And about that, Kiera was going to have to help him survive in this time. He was not certain he would be allowed to reclaim his mortal body, but if he did, he knew nothing about this time. Kiera did and he would need her to school him in the ways of this world he knew nothing about. He had not left the grounds of the Keep in nearly 700 years. Even thinking of that made him get a queasy feeling inside. It was almost too much to bear, so instead, Derek decided to focus on what he needed to learn to become skilled in what would be required of him to exist with this woman in her time.

  As the visitors went off to their own separate chambers for the night, Derek was glad to see that the dark little man had not decided to stay in Kiera’s apartments. He followed him down the corridor to the newly refurbished wing and he wanted to push him down the stairs. Instead, he just tailed him closely and made certain he stayed put in his own room. At one point the man turned and seemed to look right at him and Derek froze, wondering if the little shyte could see him. Giancarlo just smiled knowingly and put the key in the lock of his room and slammed the door in Derek’s face. He was not able to walk through walls, so he turned to go back to talk to Kiera. It was time to face her and try to break through her loathing and hatred of him. Her apartments were not locked up and Derek did not want to think that she was waiting for that puny little scoundrel to come back. As he approached, he heard her voice clearly say, “I’ve been waiting for you. Please
come in.” Did she mean the little shyte? It became clear when she said, “Derek, I know you are there. Don’t just stand skulking in the shadows.”

  Had she been waiting for him? His heart practically soared in his chest at those words. Still, there was a sharp edge to her tone and he suspected she had not changed her opinion of him, and rightly so. Derek was not one to ever be afraid, but the sharpness of Kiera’s voice almost made him tremble in his boots. He really did not want her to abhor him. As he mustered up the courage he needed to face her, he straightened his shoulders and stood tall. He moved before her and said, “Hello, Lass.”


  “Might I come in?”

  “I already told you to. Come, sit down by the fire.”

  Kiera knew that seemed to be a place he liked to sit. She tried to still her heart from frantically pounding in her chest as he made his presence visible to her. She was assailed with images from that dream that haunted her more than his presence. My God, he is freaking gorgeous; even if he is just a ghost, Kiera thought as he stretched his long muscled legs before him after seating himself before the fire. He could not feel the warmth of it, but he could sense it and seeing her again sent warmth to parts of him that had long been cold.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Here and there.”

  “I…I am… well I needed to apologize to you.”


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