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The Druid Breeders 4-Book Bundle

Page 22

by Eros, Marata

  But that wasn't all, there were five cops swarming all around her, groping her breasts, ramming their hands between the huge cop and her. Trying to get at her crotch.

  Aubree moaned, not from pleasure but unadulterated fear. One or two she could fight. With the element of surprise on her side, maybe three. But the big-ass fucker who was using his horse dong like a weapon, and the five lined up behind him?

  She couldn't survive it. Aubree could taste despair on her tongue.

  Then the spectacular happened.

  Three vampires showed up and stole the show, tearing the huge guy off of her like he weighed ten pounds instead of two hundred plus.

  They were as scary as the ones that had attacked her only hours ago, their eyes a glacial blue, the fangs hanging two inches out of mouths that hissed. Aubree watched all of it like it was happening to someone else and knew that she was in some state of shock.

  Like she had time for that.

  They started to work through the crowd of humans. And there were a lot, the cops had all stopped screwing the human women.

  It hadn't been five, it had been more like twenty. But all she'd seen from her limited vantage point were the five. A wave of nausea threatened as she saw the big cop make a dent in the wall and slide down until his ass hit the floor.

  The leader looked at Aubree for a heartbeat and she saw him for what he was, a monster... a predator.

  She ran, leaving the carnage and the pervs behind her.

  When she was dropped from behind all her training left her and panic enveloped her totally. Aubree began to hyperventilate, as the human males swarmed over the top of her.

  Then he was there.


  He moved through them like water made of flesh, his talons sliced the man that held her down, his cock buried against the seam of her jeans, the material the only protection from his penetration. The blood splatter sprayed her face and Aubree instinctively closed her eyes as the wetness slammed into her.

  She felt them reach for her like mindless zombies and Beau killed two by slamming their skulls together, eggshells cracked, the yolk of their brains sliding out in a grotesque spill of wasted flesh on the floor.

  He pulled her up and into his strong arms.

  “I told you to go,” she yelled over the carnage, swiping the blood out of her face.

  “I know,” he grunted against her, stabbing the throat of a cop that tried for her even as she was held inside the crook of his body.

  Aubree felt their bond knit together with an exhaustive finality and she sighed as it closed, her arms locked around his body. He looked down at her with eyes that were the palest shade of water, pegging her with his devotion.

  When the vampire contingent she'd utterly forgotten about came for him she stood in front of him to offer protection from something that would crush her.

  Beau pulled her behind himself protectively and bared his fangs at the Reapers that came for her, “Don't fucking touch her,” Beau hissed out, his very soul meshing with hers as they stood together.

  Josiah held his hand out in supplication, “We want you to join us.”

  The other two flanked their leader and Andrew added, “We are alike, let us provide you and the Druid shelter and protection.”

  Druid? Aubree thought. Great, crazy fucking vampires. Now that she knew there was such a thing she was going to stay with the sane one. She surveyed the damage and saw that this time, Beau wouldn't need her to chase cops off to save them. They were out of commission. Bodies lay everywhere, the human females, cops and a lone graveyard shift receptionist, collecting their clothes in a dazed stupor.

  Beau shook his head. “I don't know what in the fuck is going on here, but you guys... haven't been about protection.” He backed away from them, holding Aubree tight against his muscular chest.

  Too late Beau felt the threat at his back and the vampire that spoke last widened his eyes in subtle warning just as Beau scooped the girl against him and crouched down, turning as he did and a crushing blow landed on the back of his head.

  Aubree's screams followed Beau into the spiral of unconsciousness that consumed him. His terror at her harm proved insufficient to keep Beau awake to save her.


  Con dumped the Druid vampire in a corner of an all-stone room, bars on the window, mechanical shutters in place for their vampire “guests.”

  Huge fucker, Con thought.

  Didn't want to fry his ass. Just yet. As a matter of fact, it had been some time since they'd had a warrior with this much Druid blood in his veins.

  Constantine used his shitkicker boot and toed the unconscious vampire. No movement.

  Maybe he shouldn't have whacked him so hard? Con gave an internal shrug and turned his attention to the female Druid. He raised his nose into the air... she smelled delicious.

  She'd looked so large in life, so vital, even held as she was against the large Druid male. But thrown on the small cot she looked fragile. Her dark hair obscured part of her face, bold-faced exhaustion covering every inch of her.

  The stupid guards had been tripped up by the Druid male. It wouldn't have happened on his watch, Con knew.

  Con strode to the bed and moved the hair away from her face, wanting to get a better look at her. Druids were so rare, they hadn't had many with this level of blood. He had a broken moment of inspection when her fist took him by surprise, landing a solid jab to the jaw he'd held above her.

  Sneaky bitch.

  He backhanded her and her head fell against the wall with a yelp and a hollow crack.

  Con nodded, satisfied that she'd behave herself better when he was tender toward her in the future. After all, Druids were necessary, not revered like the weak Reaper and traditional rogue liked to think of them.

  The pussies.

  Con clenched his hands in fists. He wanted to fuck her, unconscious or not, right there on the cot, his prick hardening at the prospect. He could scent the seed of the Druid male on the floor inside her. He wanted to cover it with his own, it was a primitive impulse from deep inside his loins.

  He smiled. It'd be great sport to fuck her while this Druid vampire was helpless to aid her. Oh yeah, that'd be fucking-A marvelous.

  Russel walked into the cell and looked at Constantine. “Don't even think it,” he said, seeing his cock standing at attention.

  Con barked out a laugh, “Yeah, like you're not thinking of screwing the Druid six ways to Sunday.”

  Russel looked at the sleeping Druid and gave a hard swallow past the sudden dryness of his mouth and gave Constantine steady eyes.

  Con nodded slowly. “Yeah, that's what I thought. You want to bury your pole in her too. Don't be sanctimonious with me. Save it for someone who gives two shits and a fuck.”

  Russel growled low in his throat.

  “Save it,” Con held up a hand and suddenly smiled. Russel raised a brow.

  “They're a mated pair, full Druids.” He let that sentence fall on Russel, the implications wonderful.

  Russel smiled back. “We can use them against each other.”

  Con snapped his fingers, giving a point and shoot at Russel. “You got it. He'll do anything for his Druid mate...”

  “Including collecting the undiscovered,” Russel finished.

  “Or getting that fuckable Druid Queen the goddamned Reapers have squirreled away somewhere.”

  Russel nodded once, satisfied then looked at the female Druid. “Better separate them now; more leverage.”

  “Now you're seeing things my way,” Con said.

  “This time, in this situation, yeah.”

  “Not willing to give an inch, are ya?” Con asked.

  “No,” Russel said in a short voice, turning on his heel and striding off as Constantine went to the girl and picked her up. She weighed nothing, the bruise a livid mark he'd placed there to subdue her aggression. He pressed her against his body, ignoring everything that happened physically when he did so.

  Including the pa
ng of regret that seared him when he thought of hitting her.


  Josiah flashed fangs, flying forward to help the Druid pair and the male was already ducking to avoid the blow that would rain down on him from behind, but too late the hit struck and the large male fell, the female driven down into the hard precinct hallway on her head, knocking them both out as one.

  The talon slid along the female, the faction taking his time to place it at the slender throat where a pulse still jumped like a caged animal. Their gazes locked and the enemy hissed, “Move and I kill the Druid.”

  “He wouldn't,” Elias said.

  “Try me, Reaper,” his eyes held theirs in a crimson glare of intent, “it is the Queen that we want,” he said, pressing the tip of his talon against the Druid's throat. When a small drop of her precious blood slithered down to pool at the hollow where her collarbones met Josiah swore. “Step down.”

  “Fuck that, I say we take him,” Andrew said, balling his hands into fists.

  “Really,” the faction drawled, a second talon on the opposite hand joining the first.

  This one stood at the throat of the Druid male.

  The Reapers tensed.

  “You're going to let us make our escape, feel lucky that it is an undiscovered female that we have and not your precious Queen.” He pierced each one of the Reapers with his intense gaze then added, “Yet.”

  He and the two others dragged the unconscious Druids out of the shattered glass doors that marked the entrance to the police station while impotent rage coursed through Josiah's veins. He looked at Elias and Andrew, their expressions mirroring his.

  “Goddammit!” Elias roared, smacking his fist into his open palm, his battle adrenaline still singing for closure.

  Andrew gave a disgusted snort.

  Then the three looked at each other in surprise. The faction was gone, the police, both women and men stood in thrall, expressions vacant, clothes-gone, the battle lust riding the Reapers without mercy.

  “Is this what the Druid did?” Andrew asked, looking at the women again, his cock rising to attention at the sight of their nudity.

  “Come on, we need to get back and report to Cole,” Josiah said.

  Elias shook his head. “You don't feel it?”

  Their eyes met each other and Josiah gave a curt nod.

  “That Druid pair blanketed the entire human populace of the police station in lust.”

  “Lust for her,” Andrew clarified.

  “Amplified by the male's seed, then compounded by his presence,” Josiah agreed.

  “How does that happen?” Elias asked, shaking his head, the fog of sexual need throbbing in his balls with the beat of his heart.

  Josiah stood there for a heartbeat, undecided. He knew that they needed to return to their new coven, rectify the botched acquisition but the Druid presence had skewed his logic, his directives... maybe it wouldn't be smart to return in this state to a kiss that held two full blood Druid females.

  Not smart at all.

  Decision made, he turned to the nearest human female and said, “Get on your hands and knees.”

  Andrew and Elias didn't waste any time, they latched onto the nearest female, their balls bursting with pent up Druid pheromone.

  Brought on by a bred Druid female... coupled by living with two full bloods. Relief was theirs, however brief, however inappropriate the timing.

  They should have been running to the coven, regrouping to go after the Druid pair. Instead, they would relieve their sexual needs by dumping their vampire cum in the human female's willing pussies.

  Josiah started in on what he was sure was the ripe graveyard shift receptionist while the cops looked on with zombie-like expressions. So much for protect and serve.

  It was serve, all right. The females were going to serve the Reaper's needs this night.

  His finger went right for the female's pleasure button, slick with the cum of the human male before him and grinned an expression of pure lust, she was his for the taking, the pump already primed. He spread the globes of her deliciously round ass, parting the bud of her ass with the pink folds of her glistening pussy and began to shove the blunt end of his dick into her ready hole.

  She moaned as he entered her, deeply held in thrall, bringing on Josiah's lust in an acute surge. He moved inside her, the tip of him pounding into the entrance of her womb, his concentration hiccuping when he heard Elias give a barking shout of relief, dumping his load into a female he had pinned against the wall like a fragile butterfly. One of her legs was flung over his broad shoulder while his hips pistoned into her wetness.

  It was Andrew that made the most sense, Josiah thought thickly as he gave a last, hard thrust, diving into the pussy in front of him harder than he should. Josiah shot hot jets of seed deeply into her cunt as she shouted an orgasm into the strangely silent air of the police station, the only activity was their sexual gratification.

  Over the female's shoulder he gripped, he watched Andrew take turns on two females, sticking his cock into one, ramming into her waiting cunt while she writhed underneath the assault, then he tore his sword of flesh out of her and slammed it into the female that had her ass up in the air, pressed up alongside the other.

  Elias strode to one of the females that Andrew was screwing into the floor and kneaded her ass. “Come on, stop dicking around, come in her snatch and let's go.” Elias played around with her slick folds, inserting a large finger in her pussy and pumping it hard as Josiah slid out of the female he'd just fucked with a satisfied groan.

  Cole would kick their asses for sure, spreading their DNA in the pussies of female cops. Then he looked around and noticed that their were some crusty cranks amongst the male cops.

  Josiah figured it would be the biggest coverup of the century and smirked. They'd be hard-pressed to sort it out.


  He walked over to a pumping Andrew, his slick cock a blur of flesh in the female's glistening channel.

  “Come on,” Josiah snarled by Andrew just as he threw his head back and groaned, “Ah... yeah, take it.”

  The human female did, hitching her hips up higher to take Andrew's considerable length.

  Her pussy would be plenty sore tomorrow, Josiah thought. Not that she cared now, he noticed, her eyes fluttering closed, her ragged breaths asking for more.

  Andrew cupped her body from above her as Elias reluctantly dragged his finger out of the female right beside him. She tried to follow that finger as he dislodged it with her hips, a satellite coming to orbit.

  Josiah's eyes dilated at the sight and met Elias' gaze.

  “I can share,” Josiah said, going against his own judgement.

  Elias nodded. He slid underneath the female and positioned himself , slamming her wet cunt over his shaft in one brutal plunge where she gasped in pleasure at the sudden invasion, throwing her head back in a shrieking moan.

  Josiah scooped a wad of cum from the female next to her, Andrew moving his body off hers so he could and he pressed the handy lubricant against her waiting rosebud, pressing one of his fingers deep in her tight bud. Elias pumped her pussy, her breasts slapping against her ribcage from the force.

  “Hurry up, Josiah, I can't keep this rhythm up forever before I blow my cum inside her,” Elias said in a strained voice.

  Josiah pulled his finger out of her wanting ass like a fleshy cork pulled out of a bottle of fine wine and began to press his stiff prick into her waiting virgin hole.

  He could feel her tightness as he ground inside and felt his dick throb with more cum waiting at the brink of explosion. If he wasn't careful, he'd barely pierce her ass before he filled it to the brim with his seed. He lathered more cum on his rod and inch by inch he pushed it into the female, his vampire brother fucking her pussy as he did. Finally, when her holes were filled to bursting with vampire flesh, they slid out as one. Then with a mighty shove they pushed forward, stabbing her body with their pricks. She gasped, then screamed as they came togeth
er in a throbbing mass, her orgasm at being filled with their rods overcoming her. Her powerful orgasm washed them all in a pulsing cocoon of her pussy and tight ass clenching and releasing their dicks.

  Josiah and Elias pulled out a final time and shoved into her again, her cunt and ass tearing the orgasm out of their cocks in a brutal pull against her suctioning walls. The Reapers screamed together, their built up need for release shattering the still air of the precinct and breaking the spell of thrall with a final ear-splitting note.

  The cops eyes filled with consciousness like a glass filling with water and saw three huge men, two of which were buried in the body of one of their colleagues and went for their weapons, only to find their limp dicks hanging where guns should have been.

  Josiah smiled as Elias and Andrew jerked up their pants and with typical vampire speed, left the naked humans behind in the mess they'd created.


  Aubree woke up, her face a wall of numbing pain. Her hand rose and she gingerly worked her fingers over the part that hurt the worst and flinched when she found the most tender spot. Aubree opened her eyes and stared at a stone ceiling above her.

  She was in some kind of dungeon. She sat up and the room spun. Aubree clung to the edge of the cot that was attached to the wall with chains, clenching her eyes shut until her world stopped spinning.

  That prick vampire had clocked her a good one, her bell soundly rung.

  She opened her eyes and there he was, his blood red eyes pegging her to the makeshift bed.

  Aubree moved so quickly the vertigo slammed into her in a fresh wave and using her momentum she cornered herself against the wall and he was just there, inches from her face as she panted into his, stray wisps of her hair falling between them.

  “Fuck off,” Aubree spit out, not even bothering to take a breath before she spoke.


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