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Oh, Baby! (The Townsends Book 2)

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by Angie Campbell

  When she twisted, his head snapped back, and he groaned. He jumped up and sat her down on the floor, and backed away from her. His eyes were huge, and he almost tripped and fell back into the chair.

  The abrupt loose of his body heat made her feel cold. Despite the fact it was the middle of July, and probably in the high nineties outside. He just stood there, a stunned look on his face. He looked almost scared. Scared was not the reaction she was hoping for.

  When he finally spoke, all he said was, “Lisa.” It was whispered so low she could barely hear him. He was visibly shaking. She wasn’t sure from what emotion.

  She didn’t realize he was feeling the same way she was, and he had only stopped for fear he would take it too far. He was wondering now if maybe he should have gone ahead and done what he had planned to do on Valentine’s Day. Now he was thinking, if only he hadn’t chickened out.

  She figured the best thing to do for now, was act like nothing unusual had happened. “Are you ready to go?” She had to work hard to sound calm. What she really wanted to do, was push him back down in the chair and crawl back in his lap. She wanted more. A lot more. She was fairly certain he wasn’t ready for that though.

  In James’ mind, the only reason it would have been a bad idea, is because he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop a second time. He was thinking about sitting back down and pulling her right back down in his lap again, and picking back up where they had left off. He hadn’t got nearly enough of that either. It hadn’t taken very long for them to start to get out of control though. He knew it was a bad idea for him to kiss her again under the current circumstances. When he finally managed to answer her, all he could do was swallow and nod. He still wasn’t ready to talk yet.

  “Oh, yeah. Before I forget, Luke and Mindi are just going to meet us there. Okay?” Once again, he nodded his head. She didn’t know if this was a good sign or not.

  He walked outside, and turned toward her car. Normally when they rode somewhere together, they took her car. He had a big four-wheel drive that had been lifted. The truck sat pretty high up off the ground, and it was hard for her to get up in it. But she had something else in mind tonight.

  “Hey, come on. Let’s take your truck.” She tugged on his arm, steering him in the other direction. He appeared to be really deep in thought and just let her lead him back the other way.

  He had to help her get in the truck because of the dress she had on. Once in, she waited for him to get in and start the truck. After he had pulled out and started down the road, she scooted over beside him, tucking herself under his arm. She heard his sharp intake of air from surprise. She wasn’t sure, but he might have held his breath the rest of the way to the theater.

  When they got there, Luke and Mindi were already there and waiting outside for them. James pulled the truck to a stop and cut the engine off. He sat there for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. He eventually got out and held his hand out to her. Once she stepped out on the side step, he picked her up by the waist and sat her down on the ground. She walked around the bed of the truck and made her way over to where Luke and Mindi were standing.

  “What’s going on?” Mindi hissed, when she walked up. “He looks kind of dazed.”

  “I kissed him. Beyond that, I’m not sure. He won’t talk.” She was still a little nervous about that fact, and it showed in her voice. “But he did kiss me back. Boy did he kiss me back.”

  She heard Luke chuckle behind her. “You Townsend women. Of course, he kissed you back. He’s been wanting to kiss you ever since he was in tenth grade. Don’t worry. It’ll be alright. It might take some work though, but not because he doesn’t feel the same way you do. You know how he is about over thinking everything.”

  By then James had caught up to them, and they had to change topics. So, they started talking about the movies, trying to decide which one they wanted to see.

  Mindi was right. James was dazed. He was barely able to join the conversation. Luke couldn’t help himself. He ended up chuckling again, which caused James to give him a strange look. That just caused him to chuckle harder.


  They had decided to go get something to eat after they got out of the movie. Luke, Mindi and Lisa had anyway. James had still been too dazed to talk, and had just gone along without comment. He couldn’t get his mind off Lisa kissing him.

  They were now sitting in The Sapphire Café waiting for their food. The café had been around since the eighteen-hundreds, and had been owned and operated by Stephen and Catherine Peachy since at least nineteen-fifty. Their granddaughter Stephenie, along with her husband Travis Banks, now owned and ran the place. The food still tasted just the same as it did when Catherine was still back in the kitchen. It was one of Luke and James’ favorite places to eat. When they weren’t at the Townsend’s anyway.

  James had started talking finally, but only when spoken to, and with one-word answers. He was still staring at Lisa, a mystified expression on his face. He was trying to figure out why she had kissed him, and wondering how hard she’d punch him in the gut if he reached over and kissed her right now. He knew for a fact she found blatant public displays to be rude, but that had been the most wonderful experience of his life, and he was starting to think it would be worth getting punched.

  He had been in love with her since high school and had thought about kissing her several times a day since tenth grade. He wanted to taste her again, so badly, his head was spinning with it. His imagination, as strong as it was, had not even come close to how wonderful she truly felt in his arms, and how good she tasted to him. He wondered how the other people in the restaurant would react if he gave in, and just kissed her silly.

  He loved everything about her. From her dark, curly brown hair, to the crazy four-inch heels she wore to make her five-foot six-inch frame look taller. He loved how amazingly soft her skin was against his calloused hands. He loved the way her eyes changed color. Sometimes they were more gray or blue. Right now, with the green dress she had on, they were green, and they seemed to be sparkling. That just made him wonder what she was thinking.

  Her small size always made him feel an over whelming need to protect her. Truthfully though, for the most part, she could take care of herself. Zane had made sure all his sisters could defend themselves. She was just so naturally gentle, he couldn’t stand the thought of her using her delicate hands in that way.

  She had always been easily embarrassed. She said she just felt like there were certain things the rest of the world didn’t need to hear about. Or see. Like that public display he was still thinking about.

  As much as he wanted to kiss her, he was terrified it would backfire on him if he tried. He seriously was thinking about asking her why she had kissed him, but he was afraid he wouldn’t like the answer. What if she had just been wondering how he would react? Or somebody could have dared her. There were a lot of different reasons he could come up with for why she had done it, if he wanted to torture himself. What if her reason had nothing to do with being in love with him? Could he handle that? He wasn’t sure.

  She had taken him by surprise so thoroughly, he had lost control from the start. It had taken everything in him to let go of her when he did. His thoughts at the time had been more along the lines of carrying her back down the hall and tossing her on the bed. He hadn’t been thinking about movies and dinner at all. If she hadn’t twisted her hips, sending a fresh jolt through his system, he wasn’t real sure he wouldn’t have done just that.

  He was getting into dangerous territory. He didn’t want to lose his best friend. If only he knew what it was she wanted. If she was just kissing him for a thrill, he wouldn’t be able to deal with that. Now if she wanted him to marry her, he’d be willing to do that tomorrow. The he could spend a lifetime kissing her.

  “Hey, Earth to James. The planet needs you back,” Luke said, struggling not to laugh. The big guy was obviously still thinking about Lisa kissing him. He would almost bet, if he asked him about the movie they had j
ust watched, James wouldn’t be able to tell him a thing about what had happened. And he had really been wanting to see this one. That would be an accomplishment on Lisa’s part. A really impressive one. James had a mind like a steel trap. He never forgot anything.

  James’ head snapped around and he looked at Luke like that was the first time he’d ever seen the man before. “What?” His voice came out like a croak, the only indication he was embarrassed.

  “Sorry to interrupt your day dreaming, but I figured you needed a heads up. Here comes Bridget Hart.” Luke couldn’t help but grin at the big guy.

  “Dang it,” he said, fighting the urge to bolt from the building. “I wish she would just leave me alone. Has she seen us?”

  “Of course, she has. No offence,” Luke said, trying not to laugh. “You do kind of stand out in this town.”

  “Ha, ha,” James said, giving him a dirty look. “Is she coming this way?”

  “Once again,” Luke said, sounding a little exasperated, “of course. She’s the fly and you’re the honey. Why would you even have to ask?” Luke just shook his head. “Has she ever passed up an opportunity to let you know she wants you?”

  “I don’t understand why you don’t just tell her how you really feel. You are way too nice, sometimes,” Lisa said, giving the other woman a dirty look, despite how embarrassed she had gotten over Luke’s comment. She had obviously figured out were James’ mind had been as well.

  Just then Bridget stepped up to the table and walked her fingers across James’ shoulder and bent over to kiss his shaved head. James literally jumped, and grabbed her arm to push her back.

  She was actually a very attractive woman, if it wasn’t for how annoying and self-centered she was. She had really silky brown hair and blue gray eyes with really long eyelashes. And she was really stacked. She just seemed to think, whatever she wanted, was hers for the taking. Apparently, that included James. No matter how many times he told her different. He could barely stand being around her for the few seconds it took him to turn her down.

  He had a disgusted look on his face, and seemed unable to stop himself from snarling at her. “Do that again, and I’ll press sexual assault charges against you. I don’t want you to touch me, for any reason. You really need to get a clue.”

  Apparently, he had too much on his mind to deal with her right then. He had said that without thinking. The other three sitting at the table with him obviously thought the same thing. They all three wore the same perplexed and awed expression.

  “Oh, come on, James. You know you wouldn’t do that.” She sounded like she was going to start whining at any minute.

  “Oh, I don’t know, Bridget. I don’t think you’ve ever actually touched him before,” Lisa said, sounding like she could happily ring the other woman’s neck.

  Luke’s head swiveled around, and he was now looking at Lisa like an alien had taken over her body.

  “Do it again, and he won’t have to press sexual assault charges,” Lisa continued, the threat obvious in her tone. “How many times has he turned you down anyway? You would think after about the thousandth time you would have finally gotten the message that he doesn’t want you.”

  At first James just sat there staring at Lisa with his mouth hanging open. When he was finally able to pull himself together, he turned back, “Okay, Bridget. Let’s get this over with,” he said, sounding like he would rather try to chew glass. “What do you want? And for the record, I’m getting sick of this game.”

  “You know what I want, James,” she said, not taking Lisa’s or James’ comments to heart. “I want you.”

  “The answer is still no. I don’t want you. Now, go away,” he said, using a far more hostile tone than was necessary and shooing her away with his hand.

  Bridget finally got angry and huffed off just as their waitress walked up to the table. She looked at James with a shocked look on her face. She had obviously heard what he had said. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sound rude before. I thought it was genetically impossible. You’re always so polite.”

  “Sorry. I’m having a really unusual night. Not a bad night, except for Bridget. Just unusual. I’m not at the top of my game right now,” he said, sounding embarrassed once again. He knew Lisa would realize he was talking about her.

  The waitress sat the tray down on the table and started handing out plates. “Honestly, it’s nice to know you’re really not quite so perfect. It gives hope for the rest of us lowly humans. I mean, I’ve even seen Luke over here lose it a few times, and he’s quite the cool cucumber. That’s the first time I’ve ever saw you lose it even that much.”

  James just laughed and shook his head.

  After the waitress had finished serving them their food and walked off, Luke decided to see how much of the movie James could remember. If he could remember any of it at all.

  “Hey James, do you remember what movie we just went to see?”

  “Funny, Luke. Of course, I remember what movie we just saw.”

  “How much of it do you actually remember?” That time James just shook his head and looked down at his food.

  “Do you remember who played the main character?”

  “What are you trying to prove, Luke?”

  “Just wondering if you had your mind on the movie, or other things. I’m betting your mind was elsewhere,” Luke said, looking over at Lisa.

  James looked up to see Mindi trying to mouth something, but he wasn’t able to make it out. He must have stared at her too hard, because Luke turned and looked at her just as she was getting ready to try again.

  “Mindi, quit giving him help. I’m just curious. He has nothing to be embarrassed about. If I had tried to watch a movie I had never seen before right after you kissed me the first time, I wouldn’t have remembered any of it either. Sometimes, I still feel that way.”


  On the way to her apartment, he had reverted back to not talking. Lisa thought it might have had something to do with Luke’s little movie quiz. She didn’t try to pull him out of his deep thoughts. She figured she had given him enough to think about, and he deserved a moment to himself. Unfortunately, she knew he was going to over think it. He always did.

  When he pulled up to her apartment building, she thought about asking him if he wanted to come in for a while. Any other time, she wouldn’t have hesitated. She just wasn’t sure what the best thing was right now. She was afraid he might need some space. So, instead of inviting him in, before he sat her down on the ground, she just kissed him on the cheek. She missed the look on his face when she turned and walked into her apartment.

  He had been hoping she would ask him to come in. Now, his doubts had doubled. If she had asked him in, he might have got a chance to find out what was going on in her head. He was really hoping to get another chance to kiss her.

  Now he was afraid she was regretting that kiss, and he was afraid he’d never get the guts to ask her why she had kissed him. He was afraid to hope she really was in love with him. Despite how many times Luke and her older brothers had told him she was. It just seemed too much to hope for.

  Of course, she had gotten pretty vicious with Bridget. What might seem pretty mild for most people, was something entirely different for Lisa. She had been furious over her actually touching him. Maybe there was more to this than he was letting himself believe. He just couldn’t be sure.

  Chapter 2 – Thursday, July 12

  Luke had been determined to get him to go to dinner with him to the Townsend’s. He wanted to see Lisa bad enough, he had let him talk him into it. Now, standing in the kitchen, he was starting to feel like it had been a bad idea. He was thinking about that kiss, and he was starting to have trouble breathing. All he could do was stand there and stare at her, and she hadn’t even turned to look at him yet.

  He started to turn and walk back through the door, but Luke clamped a hand down on his arm. At that exact moment, if it had been just about anyone else, he would have happily ripped their
arm off and handed it back to them.

  As it was, he just looked down at him, and snarled, “Let go of me.” It sounded more like a growl than anything, and he wasn’t sure Luke had even understood. He certainly didn’t let go of him.

  “Don’t run, Man. Trust me.”

  Luke knew how freaked out James was, but Mindi had told him Lisa was going crazy wanting to see him. Apparently, James had been avoiding her for the last week, and no matter what the guy might try to say, he needed to see Lisa. He had been a complete bear all week. He was too used to seeing her almost every day. Luke couldn’t remember them ever going more than one day without spending time together. Even with just one day without seeing her, James could get grumpier than his usual cheery self.

  They had spoken barely above a whisper, but Lisa had still heard them. When she turned around, she didn’t even act like she noticed Luke. The only one she was concerned with was James. She just stood there, staring at him at first. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking. He now found himself wishing he could read minds. Her mind at least.

  When she finally spoke, she sounded like her heart was broken. “Are you still mad at me?”

  Now he felt like a real heel. He had never been angry. Confused. Shocked. Scared. Yes. But never angry.

  “I wasn’t mad.”

  “Really? You haven’t spoken to me in a week, except for the day I cornered you and made you talk to me. I never dreamed I would upset you so bad. I’ve missed you.”

  James realized they were starting to draw an audience. “I’m sorry. Maybe we should talk about this later.”

  “No. I’m afraid later won’t come.”

  “Lisa, this needs to stay between us.”

  “Why don’t you two go outside and talk?” Jamie walked over and took the plates out of Lisa’s hands and gently shoved her toward the back door.


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