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Tainted Kiss

Page 29

by Sharon Kay

  With a whole lot of letters written across it. More than R-I-A.

  Ria gasped. “Not my whole name! Arawn, it’s too long! That’ll hurt like a bitch.”

  Marina paused, her hands suspended above Arawn’s pecs, nervous eyes darting between the two of them.

  “Tirianna, baby. I love your name. So hell yes, I’m going to get every letter inked into my skin. And you know I don’t do anything halfway.” His eyes glowed with anticipation and promise.

  Ria took his hand, humbled by the devotion flowing through their connection. I can’t believe you’re doing this for me. I know what venom feels like.

  He rubbed this thumb over her knuckles. Doesn’t matter. I’d mark every inch of my skin, if you wanted. I’m yours.

  “Okay,” she whispered, unable to manage more syllables than that, as her soul was swept up in the deluge of his unyielding desire.

  Arawn gave a nod to Marina, who carefully laid the paper down. In seconds, the moisture on his chest absorbed the design and the nymph held up a mirror for his final approval.

  “Looks good,” he said, and slid a sexy, questioning glance to Ria.

  “I love it.” Big and bold, strong and dominant, just like him. I love you.

  Ria watched the nymph dip her gun in a bottle of deep midnight blue. With a quiet buzz, her gun came to life and she leaned over Arawn’s chest.

  Arawn didn’t even blink at the first press of the needle into his skin. Ria watched in fascination as Marina filled in the letters one by one, sealing in the color with venom that her sexy mate took in stride.

  A tear sprang, unbidden, to her eye. This towering, menacing male belonged to her. His harshness, his flaws, his courage, his hopes, his fierce and undying adoration. You make me so happy. I can’t imagine anything more perfect than this.

  A mischievous glint danced in his dark eyes. “Good. Because I have another surprise planned.”




  RIA AWOKE to muscular warmth at her back and a brawny bicep draped across her chest. Arawn’s luxurious sheets were askew, half kicked off the bed, and her pillow was missing. No matter. She preferred Arawn’s body to rest her head.

  The room was warm, thanks to a stubborn climb of the temperature. It was unusual but not unheard of, and just warm enough to make Ria crave the water. She turned over in Arawn’s arms.

  The exquisite pattern bearing her name stood out proudly on his chest. Letters that were thick yet curved, with edges tapering to thin lines that managed to be graceful without being frilly. The bold black and midnight blue strokes covered his pecs in a chain from left to right. Proclaiming to all the world that she owned this sexy, dangerous male.

  The pinkness from his skin’s protest of the needle had faded in a day, but the effects of the venom had lasted for three. He’d handled it like it was nothing, a dose that would have other Lash vomiting, but when they were alone she’d insisted on rubbing a numbing salve from Ashina into the stinging areas.

  She kissed it now, something which had become her favorite pastime. Starting with the T, she licked and traced with her tongue, feeling the exact moment he woke and rumbled alive with lust.

  “Didn’t know this was going to turn into your new favorite way to wake me up.” One strong hand dropped to her ass and pressed her against his thick erection.

  “I didn’t know you had a sweet streak that was going to make me melt.” She paused halfway across his chest and peeked at him through her eyelashes. “And you also have a mean streak, keeping my surprise from me.”

  “It wasn’t ready.” He dipped his head to her neck and nipped.

  She gasped as desire uncurled low in her belly and he grabbed her thigh, yanking it up and over his hip. His shaft brushed against her core. Her blood heated and a breathy moan escaped her lips. Feeling his desire through their bond, feeling the relentless lust he had for her, fed her own desire like a match on kindling. “When…when do I get it?” She had to fight through the fog of lust to make a coherent sentence.

  “That’s a loaded question, Princess,” he growled. “You’re gonna get it right now.” With one smooth thrust, he sank deep in her body.

  Her mind short circuited at the delicious fullness. “You’re so bad,” she panted, and pushed at his shoulder until he lay on his back and she straddled him. “Are you trying to distract me with sex?”

  “No.” A roguish grin tugged at his lips. “I just want you every goddamn minute of the day.”

  “Mmm.” She rocked her hips against him, settling into a perfect rhythm. He took her breasts in his hands, caressing and playing as her every nerve hovered on the edge of bliss. Her eyes dropped to his broad, defined chest emblazoned with her name. It made him look even more sexy, and his pride in claiming her made her feel more cherished than she’d thought possible.

  That’s right, babe. You’re mine. His love exploded in her heart. Come for me.

  Her body obeyed. She arched backward as shuddering waves ripped through her. His hands moved to her hips and slammed her down on his cock, a growl reverberating through the room as his orgasm detonated deep inside.

  She collapsed on his chest as contented bliss liquefied her muscles. “So.” She swirled her tongue around the dark edge of a letter. “When do I get it?”

  His cock flexed against her tight walls. “You’re persistent.”

  “You already knew that about me.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I did.” He pushed her wild curls away from her face. “How about today?”

  She jerked upright. “Today? Yes! Is it here?”

  His eyes tracked the swaying of her breasts. “Not here. I’m taking you somewhere else.”

  She shifted off him and knelt on the bed. “Oooh, where?” She got up, tapping her fingers on her chin. “What could you have for me, that you can’t give me here?”

  “You’re welcome to pace around naked while you try to guess.” He folded his arms behind his head and drank her in.

  “I thought it was a special weapon, maybe. But you could give that to me now. Or have Gage make it.” She paused at the dresser. “Where we’re going, is it warm or cold?”

  “Warm. Bring a bikini so no males get even a peek at your sexy ass.”

  “Oh my gosh.” She hunted through the clothing in a drawer and pulled out a bright blue string bikini and a gauzy white beach cover-up dress. “Warm? Water? Beach? I already love it.”

  He got up and crossed the room to join her, grabbing a pair of jeans from the dresser and pulling them on.

  “Hang on.” She hooked a finger into his belt loop. “Commando? And where’s your suit?”

  “The less clothes I have around you, the quicker I can fuck you.” He traced a finger down her cleavage.

  “Yeah, but I don’t want any females seeing this.” She palmed his cock over the denim. “You’re mine.”

  “I love how possessive you are.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips and turned to open another drawer. Rummaging around, he retrieved a pair of black board shorts. “Happy?”

  “Very.” She wriggled into the bikini and pulled her beach dress over it. “I’m ready.”

  “Let’s go.” He tugged her closer and grabbed an amulet from the dresser. “And let’s hope Whysper’s extra detail to this thing worked.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s kind of important to land in just the right spot. You’ll see.” With a sly wink, he invoked the spell to the portal and they jumped in.

  Flying through zero gravity darkness was getting easier. Or maybe it was just Arawn’s comfort with it calming her through the bond. Either way, Ria felt only the smallest flicker of nausea as they hurtled through the ether…then they hit the ground with a thud.

  Arawn had maneuvered to get beneath her and cushion her fall on the dirt. Wait…not dirt.

  Black sand.

  Ria leaped to her feet as salty ocean air lifted her hair. Joy made her clasp her hands in front of her chest.
“Are we on Tarsa?”

  Arawn stood. “You got it, babe.”

  “I love it here!” She dug her toes into the soft, warm sand. “This is one of my favorite places ever. Thank you for bringing me.” She pulled his face down for a quick kiss. “But why did it have to wait? What wasn’t ready?”

  He cupped her jaw. “Look behind you.”

  She whirled to see a one story, bleached wood bungalow. White curtains blew in the gentle breeze coming in through large paned windows. An overhang protected the wraparound porch from Tarsa’s infrequent but strong storms. She shot him a curious glance. “It’s…adorable.”

  “It’s ours.”

  “What?” Her jaw dropped. “Ours?”

  “Whenever we want to get away. Day or night. This cove is fairly isolated.”

  Shock still blocked her thought process. “That…is ours?” She pointed to the bungalow.

  “Yep.” Strong arms encircled her from behind. “It’s my mating gift to you.”

  Happy tears gathered in her eyes and she turned to face him. “Arawn, you are my gift. I still can’t believe it.”

  “Gonna spoil you, Princess.” His eyes shone with love and lust. “Make up for lost years.”

  She kissed the bold lettering on his chest. “No need, sweetie. We have hundreds of years ahead of us.” She darted a peek at the calm blue waters. “And now I see why you needed the coordinates to be exact.” The surrounding sea was full of creatures that ate anything. Even predatory demons stayed out of it.

  He tugged her dress over her head. “If anything is going to take a bite out of you, it’s gonna be me.”

  “What if I want to cool off?”

  “There’s a small pool around the other side. Plus a walk-in shower.”

  She threw her arms around his neck as stunned happiness zinged through her. “But what about D’mari and Zinaya?” The warrior couple led the fierce razor-toothed demons of the Tarsa peninsula.

  “They just asked to let them know when we come and go.”

  “Whoa. We have a getaway home on Tarsa!” She clapped a hand over her mouth. “I’ve never heard of anyone doing this.”

  “That’s because we’re the only ones.”

  “How did you convince them?”

  He tugged one blond curl and let it bounce back. “Wasn’t hard. They both thought you were a pretty cool chick when they met you a few months back. Plus, they had their hands full in the fight with Elegia’s goons, until we dispatched the Makara to help them.”

  She slid her hands down his bare chest. “How do you keep getting more perfect?”

  “I’m the best at what I do.” He tugged at the knot at the back of her top. But you know that already.

  “Mmm, yes I do.” She helped him pull her top off. “You, a beach, and sex. This is my dream come to life.”

  “Always tell me your dreams, Ria. I’ll make them happen.”

  “I know you will.” She met his hungry lips for a kiss that infused her soul with promise, possession, and infinite joy. Forever.


  I sincerely hope you enjoyed Tainted Kiss! Please take a moment to leave a review at the digital retailer of your choice. Reviews are pure gold for indie authors. Thank you!



  Atropa Sword – a sword that many believe to be a myth, it is magically enhanced with one seed of deadly nightshade embedded in its creator’s blood. When used by him or his kin, the blade coats itself with nightshade (Atropa belladonna) poison.

  Black lily – a plant native to Evena. Liquid can be extracted from its leaves and stems that if ingested, will provide temporary added strength, speed, healing, and sensory perception. Control of the plant was the cause of a war that took place four centuries ago on Evena between the Serus demons and the Kentini demons. The plant survived the toxic breath of the Serus demons, but many other vegetation did not, and neither did the humble brown bee. This bee was the sole pollinator of the lily, and the entire crop became extinct.

  Bloodspire Mountains – highly treacherous and inhospitable mountain range

  Carapace Mountains – a mountain range full of limestone formations resembling weapons

  Cotton Creek – a village of peaceful pixies skilled in harvesting and weaving cotton

  Demonish – The native language of demons, it has many dialects. Some are ancient and some are specific to a particular species

  Deserati – A predatory humanoid demon. They have small horns on their heads and a whip-like tail that they can conceal with magic. They are all skilled at scrying. A small percentage can also control lightning. They tend to stick to their own clan business, but will get involved in conflicts if there is something to be gained.

  Domu – A predatory demon with gray, ashy skin and yellow eyes. Most are seven feet tall and their hands are clawed.

  Elder – Any old and learned member of a species

  Evena – One of the demonic realms. Sparsely populated due to the environmental damage caused by war between the Serus demons and Kentini demons.

  Fae – Includes several petite and mostly peaceful races like the wood nymphs, water nymphs, sprites, pixies, fairies, and elves. Dark elves are also part of the fae group, though they are bigger and more hostile.

  Ghazsul – A grotesque-looking red skinned demon with claws. They have been recently reported to have an altered physiology that includes wings and the ability to cast spells.

  Halice – one of the larger cities on Torth

  Hellhound – A large canine breed that resembles a Napoleon mastiff. Adults weigh over a hundred pounds. Used as guard animals. They have black fur, red eyes, sharp teeth, and are skilled at tracking.

  Hota – Demonish word for grandmother

  Hoto – Demonish word for grandfather

  Ivydale – A village of peaceful plant pixies. Skilled at coaxing many different plant species to grow, the village has become an important agricultural hub.

  Karishi – A deceased clan of warrior demons

  Kentini – A species of predatory demons, most of whose members were killed in battle with the Serus demons. The Kentini need only a miniscule amount of oxygen to survive

  Khali – Demonish word for granddaughter

  Lakewood region – A popular tourist destination, this region is known for its many lakes, including Lake Coriander, Caine’s home

  Lash – A race of predatory demons who work to maintain the balance of peace in the realms. Able to summon balls of fire in their hands. Their eyes glow when they experience strong emotions

  Makara – an undead race of warriors who were defeated by the Karishi in a battle near Ravenbane. Unable to avenge their loss, they remain trapped in a nebulous state underground, prevented from moving to a peaceful afterlife

  Mate – A bond chosen between two individuals which lasts until one of them dies. The bond can occur between members of two different species. Once mated, the two can sense each other’s emotions at all times and can project thoughts and mental images when near. Each will also gain a lock of hair that matches their partner’s hair. In the instance of a mate’s death, it is rare but possible to mate again.

  Neshi – A predatory demon with four arms and orange, scaled skin. Their skin is resistant to fire and will not immediately burn. They are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for up to one hour.

  Nihja – Demonish affectionate term for a girl

  Nihjo – Demonish affectionate term for a boy

  Ravenbane – An ancient ruin where a battle between the Makara and Karishi took place centuries ago. It rests at the bank of a river in a remote part of Torth, and is easily identified by a tall white tower.

  Rivkin – A colony of wood nymphs who reside in a large, densely wooded part of their forest

  Scry – To look into a reflective surface (water, a mirror, or glass) and see events unfolding somewhere else. Most creatures with this ability can see events in real time, while some can see past events. Future events are not discern
able. Sometime scrying can be done by an individual who has no special talent for it, but uses a spell or a special surface.

  Serus – A predatory demon race who can breathe toxic fog. The level of damage depends on the strength of their opponent and on the amount of toxin they inhale. Serus demons are humanoid in form, with gray skin, black eyes, and wispy white hair.

  Skell – A demon species who are unintelligent and clumsy. They are greedy and are happy to do others’ dirty work in exchange for money or protection. They are petite with gray skin and have faces that are human-looking but are more elongated and oval shaped.

  Solsti – Four women linked by blood who can control the elements of fire, air, earth, and water. They only exist when the need for their level of power arises. Many creatures consider them to be a myth.

  Splinter – a rogue group of Ghazsul demons, more vicious than their kin, who live in the Bloodspire Mountains

  Stroehm – A region of Torth that is largely barren of vegetation. A gladiator compound of the same name is located here, where slaves must fight to the death for the enjoyment of a crowd. The father and sons who lead the compound are known for their cruelty. It is thought to be impossible to escape.


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