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The Third Heaven: The Birth of God

Page 20

by Donovan Neal

  Flying over the great oceans, he admired how the tribes of men learned sea faring and navigated using the stars as guide. While musing on his admiration of man, he was accosted.

  "Halt, Time Lord!"

  Rorex emerged in front of him and stood to bar his path, and Isidor flew to his left with Turiel to his right. Chronos stopped as requested and replied, "I have seen the work of thy stylus, what doth the Redactors seek that you would hinder the Lord of Time?"

  Immediately Isidor and Turiel misted and were suddenly at his rear, and looking about him curiously. They said nothing, but continued to encircle him. Chronos looked upon the sky and fidgeted as he glanced repeatedly at the sun’s travel across the sky.

  "Time is of the essence, my brothers; I am on assignment from my Lord Jerahmeel. Why do you hinder my charge?"

  Rorex, looked at him and replied, "We seek examination of thee, and Argoth commands knowledge of your meetings with the Fallen. Yea, you meet with enemies of the crown, and we would know if you conspire to the hurt of the Kingdom. You will surrender this knowledge, or we will strip it from you."

  Chrono was taken aback by such boldness, and replied, "Nay, you shall not. For my dealings are my own and are not subject to the orders of the Grigori. If your master seeks knowledge of my actions, then he as Lumazi should query Prince Jerahmeel. My dealings are my own. Why speak to me at all? Is not my Grigori able to account of my dealings?"

  Isidor replied, "Assyrix is thy Grigori, yet he is not at thy side, nor does he report as required by our kind. He has violated Grigoric law in this thing. We will seek him out, and he shall be redacted. We do not seek war with house Harrada, nor will we restrain a member of its order. We will do as thou hast suggested and leave the matter of Lumazi with Lumazi."

  Chronos replied, "And what of you? What will you do?"

  The three began to mist invisible, and Rorex spoke from over his shoulder. "We will find the renegade Assyrix, and he shall answer for his crimes."

  Chronos watched as the last of the redactors became imperceptible and vanished from his sight.


  Eladrin spoke, and his voice made the ground to shake. "We have received word from El Elyon. You are here to find faith. Behold the race of men, and watch."

  Eladrin moved forward in time, and he noted that on the planet Earth a man by the name of Joshua stood as head of his nation's armies, and fought nation after nation to claim land given to his people by God. Moreover, when Joshua watched as his forces went to battle, the Ophanim noted that the sun was going down and light would leave the battlefield. Then spake Joshua to the Lord and he said in the sight of all Israel, "Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.” And God heeded the voice of a man, and immediately Eladrin knew the will of God in the matter and turned his massive wheels, and Ladders from his people enveloped the tiny planet of men and caused the Earth to stop in her race around the sun. Hundreds of the Ophanim heeded the call of El, and they encircled the planet and colored light shimmered over the blue skies, in waves of green, red, and yellowish hues. So the sun stood still, and the moon stayed her course, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it, or after it that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man in such a manner, for the LORD fought for Israel.

  And when Israel had avenged themselves on their enemies, Eladrin turned and once again the Earth continued her circuit about the sun, and Michael was amazed that a man of clay could bring God to hearken to his word so.

  His love of man is so that he would move Heaven and Earth for his children. If God so loved one nation, that at the voice of one man he would bring to stop the Earth in her run, how much more would he do for the race of men? Michael pondered the thing in his heart, as Eladrin carried him to parts unknown.


  Lucifer looked upon David and made note that the Hebrew nation had expanded to be as a light to the world. And when it became clear that El would establish his purpose through the man David's line, Lucifer devised means to bring the house of David and his people to heel, and strategized with his council.

  "The man-king thinks himself invincible. While he hast subdued all enemies without, there yet remains one enemy that can never be moved. Behold, I will cause the man to bring the wrath of El Himself upon his own head. For what sin doth El abhor more than pride? Witness how the human yields to my hand."

  And whilst David remarked on the wealth of his kingdom, the power of his armies, and the unchallenged love that his people had for him. Lucifer suggested to his mind that he should number by census his kingdom. And David entertained the thought and weighed it as a thing to be done.

  David then said to Joab and to the rulers of the people, "Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan; and bring the number of them to me, that I may know it."

  Joab the chief captain, answered, "May the Lord make his people a hundred times so many more as they be. But, my Lord the king, are they not all my Lord's servants? Why then doth my Lord require this thing? Why will he be a cause of trespass to Israel?" Nevertheless, the king's word prevailed against Joab. Wherefore the chief captain departed, and went throughout all Israel, and came to Jerusalem. He later returned and gave the sum of the number of the people unto David. And all they of Israel were a thousand thousand and an hundred thousand men that drew sword, and Judah was four hundred threescore and ten thousand men that drew sword. But Levi and Benjamin counted he not among them, for the king's word was abominable to Joab.

  The thing which David did displeased the Lord, and He was wroth, for He had commanded the king not to number Israel. "Lo, my servant hast yielded himself to the voice of the Adversary." And the Lord spake unto Gad, David's seer, saying, "Go and tell David, saying, Thus saith the Lord, I offer thee three things: choose thee one of them, that I may do it unto thee."

  Gad came unto David, and said unto him, "Thus saith the Lord, ‘Choose thee, either three years' famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee; or else three days the sword of the Lord, even the pestilence, in the land, and the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel’.".

  Gad gave the word to David and said, "Now therefore advise thyself, what word I shall bring again to Him that sent me?"

  David replied, "I am in a great strait. Let me fall now into the hand of the Lord, for very great are His mercies, but let me not fall into the hand of man."

  So the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel, and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men. And God sent an angel unto Jerusalem to destroy it: and as he was destroying, the Lord beheld, and He repented Him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed, "It is enough, stay now thine hand."

  And the angel of the Lord stood by the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite. And David lifted up his eyes, and saw the angel of the Lord stand between the earth and the heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders of Israel, who were clothed in sackcloth, fell upon their faces.

  And David said unto God, "Is it not I that commanded the people to be numbered? Even I it is that have sinned and done evil indeed; but as for these sheep, what have they done? Let thine hand, I pray thee, O Lord my God, be on me, and on my father's house; but not on thy people, that they should be plagued."

  Then the angel of the Lord commanded Gad to say to David, that David should go up, and set up an altar unto the LORD in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite. David did as was bidden and built an altar there and did sacrifice. And it was there that he determined to build God a house of worship, and the thing which David did made Lucifer wroth. For though many of Israel had been destroyed at the hands of the Lord, El's name would be exalted even the more through the act for David had determined to build Him a house. And Lucifer went away from Jerusalem for
a time, and planned how he might trouble the nation the more.


  And in the passage of time God raised Israel on high, and her people subdued all the people of the land as God commanded. And through her loins rose Solomon, who later reigned in his father David's stead, and David before his death set in his heart to build God a house, but the Lord spoke to his servant saying, "Thou hast shed blood abundantly, and hast made great wars. Thou shalt not build an house unto my name, because thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my sight. Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be, Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. He shall build a house for my name, and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever." Therefore, David ceded rule to his son Solomon and prepared for his son to build the house of the Lord.

  David then commanded all the princes of Israel to help Solomon his son, saying, "Is not the Lord your God with you? And hath He not given you rest on every side? For He hath given the inhabitants of the land into mine hand, and the land is subdued before the Lord, and before His people. Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God; arise therefore, and build ye the sanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and the holy vessels of God, into the house that is to be built to the name of the Lord."

  And David went to sleep with his fathers, and his son Solomon ruled in his stead, and as he was bidden of his father and was prophesied by the Lord of Hosts, Solomon's rule was great and he did all according to his father’s will and built the house of the Lord. And Judah and Israel were many, as the sand which is by the sea in multitude, eating and drinking, and making merry. Moreover, Solomon reigned over all kingdoms from the river unto the land of the Philistines, and unto the border of Egypt, each brought presents, and served Solomon all the days of his life. Such was the renown of his wisdom and kingdom that great queens and kings came to see his wealth and wisdom.

  It was at the height of Israel's power that ambassadors from Persia came to spy out the land of Israel and feigned honor to him. Spies sent on command by the Principality Marduk. Spies inhabited by daemons to destroy the nation.


  Eladrin was silent and with his many eyes and faces, looked at Michael. "We are the wheel within the wheel. See the shape of things to come, and see faith in the earth."

  Once again one of the faces of Eladrin turned and when it did, the skies of heaven changed and stars shot as blurred lines across the ceiling of Heaven, suns set and rose, and Michael found himself in Ladders not of his making and carried aloft by great winds that moved him past stars, and stars of stars. And Michael slid as if he were on a rails, and saw a young woman give birth to a baby girl, whom the mother had named Mary. The young baby was of olive skin, and lo, over her floated one of the Grigori of the Fallen, and when the spirit saw that, the young woman was a godly child. The Grigori looked upon the girl and screamed. For it saw a generation ahead as was the way of some Grigori, and wailed a wail that even the humans looked about them and took it as an evil omen for the child. Moreover, Michael noted that none of his kind was there to protect her.

  "Where is the child's guardian?" Why is the maiden left exposed to the enemy?"

  Eladrin was silent save the grinding of his wheels and gears within him, and motioned for Michael to continue to watch. The great rings within Eladrin moved and advanced so that Michael could see that the Grigori had told its master Lucifer about the child. Lucifer then descended upon the child and her family with a legion, and the horde fell upon the city as raining hailstones and burned up crops, and all animals roundabout died. Joakim, Mary's father, a Godly man, prayed and while in prayer, his eyes were opened and he was able to see the fallen prince. Lucifer turned to look at him, and commanded Charon to strike him down for laying eyes on his person. And Charon did so, and Joakim's heart stopped and he gave up the ghost, and when the mother of the child tried to protect her daughter; Lucifer waved his hand and she was flung as trash and crushed against a wall. Michael grew livid that Lucifer had reign to slaughter so, and moved to interfere. Yet when he tried to speak he could not, and when he tried to move he could not. For Eladrin forbade him to intervene. Eladrin motioned for Michael to watch. Michael grumbled his disapproval and looked at the developing scene.

  Lucifer picked the child Mary up, exited the house, and held her aloft for all to see. And when he did, the Horde cheered. Lucifer quieted the crowd and proceeded to speak. "See the vessel of Shiloh! A vessel I now hold in my hand!"

  The throng roared, and great shouts echoed within the city, and the people could hear echoes that seemingly came from nowhere, yet somehow were all about them. Some of the town's people saw that the small girl child was held aloft as if by nothing. Some said it was magic, and others said she was demon spawn or a child of the devil, and then their eyes grew wide as the baby cried and screamed as her body ripped apart, and was sent flying and smashed against the rocks of the ground. The people who saw it screamed, for it was a child and they thought the city cursed for they beheld nothing that could do such a thing.

  Lucifer smiled and laughed mockingly, and stood atop the body of the child, and shouted to them all. "El hast failed! For millennia, He has moved to create a vessel pure enough to cause entry into this accursed planet. Behold, and see the desire of his heart smashed against the stones! I am Lucifer...and I WILL BE GOD!"

  The multitudes of fallen angels cheered, and Michael fell to his knees in despair. Eladrin turned his body and immediately a Ladder reached for him, and Michael was pulled against his will as they hurtled across the circle of time to parts unknown.

  Eladrin returned Michael and Enoch to the aerie and placed the duo on solid ground. Michael became wroth and turned to the King of the Ophanim and spoke. "Why did you show me this? Who is responsible for the death of the maiden? Answer me, I command you!"

  Eladrin then turned to Michael and each of his four faces changed. Michael looked on in horror as each of the faces changed into his own, each screaming at him, each accusing him with the words, "You are the man!"

  Michael reeled, and he fell to his knees and buried his face in his palms and when he did, the repeated refrain stopped, and he looked up and eyed the dome of Heaven, and all about him was blackness and nothingness. No stars, no Heaven, there was nothing as far as the eye could see. Both Enoch and Eladrin had faded from view. Michael mused within himself what he had seen. For he was given charge by El over Mary. Yet he was absent from his post. Truant from the purpose of God, and his absence had allowed Lucifer to destroy the vessel of Shiloh's entry to bring down the Usurper. The realization of the matter dawned over him, and wave after wave of anguish washed over him, and a visage of Gabriel appeared to him. "Heaven counted on you! We all counted on you! I counted on you!"

  Michael spun from the rebuke and shouted, "Who am I to the plan of God that the Almighty would depend on me to assist in bringing the Adversary low? I did not ask for this! I did not fight for this!"

  Yet the visage did not relent and continued to berate, "Heaven was counting on you!" Michael sought to run away when an image of Jerahmeel appeared. "Would you deny God? Would you push away the outstretched hand of the Almighty?"

  Michael fell on his knees pleading. "But who can resist His will? Michael groped in the darkness reaching out to touch the giant Ophanim. "Where are you? Where am I? Release me, I command you!" However, only darkness was his companion, and blackness his friend and all about him was nothing but blackness, coupled with the sound of more nothing. Michael sat on the ground that he sensed was still there and closed his eyes and waited for what he knew were the stinging words to come. It was a wait that he did not have long to endure, a familiar phrase that now bellowed at him through the darkness. A phrase that he knew would mark that his time of judgment had come.

sp; "Decide!"

  Chapter Five


  Talus sat up in his bed. Thoughts shook themselves loose as fallen leaves, and with much effort, he attempted to pull them together into collective bundles, that he might sort through the emotions and feelings that gnawed at him. Reaching for his royal robes of Elysium silks, he dressed himself and then placed over his undergarments the formal garb of crystallite armor that showcased his rank as prince over all House Arelim.

  There are few who know of my burden. Whom should I confide in? Talus determined that he might seek the council of Argoth. He looked from his balcony and viewed the stained obelisk that reached into the sky. The monument that still stood at his command to remind him of his failure. Many of his household had asked if they might dismantle it. Some thought it too painful to look upon. Others felt it broadcasted the house's shame, while still others expressed that it was dishonorable to Talus himself. Nevertheless, Talus paid them no mind. His will was to leave it be for now. El had summoned him to appear before His presence by the first watch of the day. Talus left his abode and took to the sky to fly to the palace.

  The Prince of House Arelim landed in the court of the palace and proceeded to make his way into the Holy of Holies. Upon arrival, he bowed before the Lord of all things.

  "I am here as commanded my King.”

  El nodded and spoke. "Chafiel, you are dismissed from your duties, report to Argoth for reassignment."

  Talus's Grigori, Chafiel, materialized, floating just above the shoulder of his charge and bowed to his God and King. He then floated away from the throne room, and the great doors sealed themselves of their own power, and the sound echoed throughout the room.


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