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Pure Claim

Page 13

by Marie Johnston

  Daylight was fading and that would probably work in their favor. They wouldn’t be as easily identifiable to anyone in town if the council sent out their descriptions to nearby packs.

  “Three miles,” Alex huffed ahead of him.

  They took turns taking the lead because there were too many obstacles to run side by side. Rhys liked when she ran ahead of him; she really was something to watch. Her strong, lithe body maneuvering over rocks and around tree limbs, climbing the steeper inclines without any hitch in her stride, she was made for the woods. She was made for him.

  He just had to figure out how to keep her.

  From the beginning, it seemed like their relationship was doomed. Sigma had been decimated, thanks to that bastard Demetrius. Alex should be free, but because of her blood, she was now hunted. He let her go six months ago, sensed she needed time, but now she was back and he wanted to make sure she didn’t leave his side again. Whatever it took.

  Easier said than done. They were at the cusp of rebellion, moving their pawns into place to topple their own government. Could it be as simple as replacing a few leaders on the council?

  Nothing was ever simple.

  Cresting a rise, Rhys picked up clear scents of civilization. Then he could see buildings and hear the dull drones of vehicles in the distance.

  Alex pulled up short. “Do you see what I see?”

  Rhys squinted into the darkness and scanned the expanse where the trees were thinning and small homes dotted the landscape. A sign with half the neon burned out barely stood above the rooftops.


  Alex grinned and wiped her face. They were both covered in grit and sweat. “Perfect. It looks like one of those strip motels with the entrances on the outside.”

  “We can bust into one of the rooms and hope they don’t realize it’s occupied until we’re gone.”

  Alex’s lush lips stretched even further, and her eyes twinkled. “Or, I could pay for it and hypno the clerk into thinking I’m an old blond lady passing through.”

  Rhys blinked. He had guns, knives, and enough silver lined his blades to pay for a whole stretch of rooms. But no money, in any form. “You have enough cash?”

  “Please. I didn’t reach the ripe old age of thirty by being unprepared.” She took off again.

  He had no choice but to follow, and he did so gladly. Watching that fine ass sway in front of him was a sight he’d never tire of.

  As the buildings became more frequent and closer together, they both slowed their pace. It was completely dark now, but they still utilized as much cover as possible.

  The Treetop Motel sat on the edge of town, where Main Street turned into a highway to nowhere. The building was nestled into a copse of trees that at one time may have been a beautiful shade. Now, the trees were scraggly and nearing the end of their lifespan. Every windstorm, the owner probably prayed one of them didn’t topple over and crush the roof.

  They made their way to the edge of the clearing around the motel. Alex unbuckled her shoulder holster and tactical belt. When each one slipped off, she handed it to Rhys. After her most obvious weapons were removed, she ran a hand through her hair to shake out any debris and ruffled it until it hung over her eyes. She untucked her shirt and tied the bottom until a tantalizing strip of belly was visible.

  “It’s easier to sway their mind when they’re distracted.”

  Rhys pulled his gaze up to hers. “What if it’s a woman?”

  Alex winked at him. “Chicks look too. Be right back.” She jogged around the motel to the entrance.

  Rhys let his senses roam. Whatever town this was, it seemed mostly human. That would benefit them greatly. There wasn’t much activity to be heard, other than some revving motors that told him the younger crowd was out and about for the night. He counted only three cars that used the road running past the motel in the time Alex was gone.

  When she came jogging back, she was holding some papers in her hand.

  “Everything go okay?” He didn’t doubt her, but couldn’t help asking.

  “The sixteen-year-old clerk didn’t stand a chance. Those young minds are like Play-Doh. We are Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, on our way to a family reunion.” She waved the papers in her hand. “I also grabbed a map and a brochure of everything to do in this great city, population twenty-five hundred.”

  Sweet. Now they knew where they were and could figure out how far away they were from the twin’s cabin.

  “Lead the way, Mrs. Johnson.”

  The motel had real keys, not digital cards. Alex let them into a sparse room that held a queen-size bed with a threadbare maroon comforter, a tiny flat-screen TV, and worn wooden tables. It smelled stale, but clean.

  “The kid said there was still one place open that delivers pizza, but we’d better call now because it closes soon.”

  Rhys’ stomach growled in agreement. He found the postcard for the pizza place next to the phone and dialed in their order.

  Alex headed to the bathroom. “I’m going to clean-up so I can be done by the time I have to convince the pizza guy I’m matronly Mrs. Johnson.”


  Alex let the spray hit her in the face, wash over the caked-on dirt and cemented-in perspiration. Several hours running in fresh air and untouched woods with her mate was glorious. Who could ask for more?

  Any memories she could make with Rhys would be cherished. The council wouldn’t leave her alone. Even if she and Rhys could prove their case against them and how they hunted mates, it was a stretch to believe she would ever be truly free. There was no way Rhys could leave his pack and run with her. He was a Guardian, through and through, and his people would need him now more than ever.

  She shut off the water and grabbed a thin towel from the rack. The Treetop Motel wasn’t the Hilton, but she’d stayed in worse. Once she was mostly dry, she threw on only her shirt, and wrapped the towel around her waist. She picked up the rest of her clothes from the bathroom floor and strode out of the small bathroom. Rhys sat on the bed with the map spread out. He glanced up at her, his eyes flaring with appreciation as he took in the way her shirt clung to her torso. His gaze slowly wandered down to where the towel ended and her bare legs started.

  “We’re not far from the lake cabin,” he said, his voice rough.

  “Good. Then I can convince our friendly pizza deliverer to let us use his phone.”

  The green in his hazel eyes gleamed as they roamed over her legs. Delicious heat pooled in her stomach and traveled further down. She contemplated going to him, considering what would happen next. The knock at the door interrupted the moment.

  The pizza smelled delightful, even through the closed door. Alex grabbed cash out of her pants and dropped them, and the rest of her clothing, on the table before answering the door.

  Catching the eyes of the young delivery driver, she murmured the same description of herself she gave to the motel clerk. Young minds were like slicing through room-temp butter.

  “You’re going to let us use your phone and not remember a thing.”

  The boy, with his eyes glazed over, handed over his cell. Rhys came up behind the door, remaining out of sight to make convincing the teen easier for Alex.

  Alex snatched the phone and told the boy to hold still. “Duuude,” she muttered, handing the cell over to Rhys, “No wonder the kid’s slinging pizza. That cell must’ve cost a fortune.”

  “I sure didn’t have anything like this at his age.” Rhys punched in Malcolm’s number.

  “The whole wheel thing was still pretty new when you were his age.”

  Rhys held the phone to his ear, amusement shining in his eyes. “Hey, it’s me. We can get to you in the morning. I want Alex to rest before she flashes again. Are the witnesses okay?” He paused while Alex tried to hear Malcolm’s response. “Nah. Wait ’til we get there and then we’ll figure out how to contact Bennett. His phone won’t be secure.”

  Rhys hit disconnect and returned the phone to her. She went into the call
history and deleted everything, then gave it back to the kid. Once he handed over the pizzas, she hit him again with her hypnosis.

  She was darn near drooling over the delicious smells coming from the boxes. It wasn’t the protein packed meal most shifters preferred, but she’d heard Rhys ask for triple sausage.

  They both plopped down on the bed, and devoured the greasy slices and two-liter soda.

  “I’m gonna hit the shower.” Rhys stood and stripped down while Alex unabashedly watched. With one last promising look at her, he disappeared into the bathroom.

  Alex pushed the pizza boxes and empty bottle onto the floor, and kicked them over by the garbage. Pulling out the map, she spread it across the bed and lay on her belly to study it.

  She had just pinpointed the area where the cabin was compared to the town they were in, when Rhys opened the bathroom door. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that he was completely naked, filling the doorway with his considerable mass.

  He was waiting for her to make the first move. The towel slipped from her waist as she rolled over and sat up. She stripped off her shirt, dropping it to the floor. The map was pushed off the bed to fall on top of her discarded shirt.

  Reclining on one hand, her knees drawn up so she wasn’t completely open to him, she beckoned him over.

  Hesitating a moment, he finally came to the foot of the bed. The burn in his eyes showed her how much he restrained himself.

  “I’m ready.” To prove her point, she lay all the way down and held her arms out to him.

  Again, he hesitated. While she was fairly sure she wouldn’t hit panic mode again, she could see why he was afraid of pushing her past her comfort zone.

  She sat up. The position put her face almost level with his straining manhood, yet she tried to keep her eyes above the navel. Tonight was about connecting, being present. Putting her mouth on him would certainly connect them, but she wanted more.

  His gaze roamed her body and returned to unite with hers. Clasping his hands, she pulled him over her as she lay back again. He came down over her carefully, not settling his weight on top of her.

  Her legs anchored on each side of him, her knees moved up to cradle him. She let go of his hands, splaying her fingers across his hard chest, reveling in the feel of his warm skin and the way the solid wall of muscle expanded with each breath.

  Rhys kept his weight on his hands and knees, no part of him touching her. He was being more than cautious.

  Reaching up to cup his face, she brought his head down to hers. The closer his body came to lying on top of her, the more she wanted to feel him pressed against her, head to toe. Their lips met in a tender kiss, and he groaned, leaning in. His rigid length rested against her belly, heat radiating between them, but he still held himself off her.

  Swiping her tongue over his lips, she coaxed him into deepening their kiss. At the same time he opened to meet her tongue with his, she tightened her knees at his sides to bring him in closer.

  Their tongues tangled, tasted, and caressed, each taking their time. She bathed in his scent, reveled in the feel of him, the heat of him, the pressure of him.

  At last, he settled fully on top of her, and instead of freezing or stiffening, she rolled her hips up into him. He rocked his in response, his lips tearing away from hers to move down her face and kiss her neck.

  He caressed her sides with his hands as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His lips seared a path down her neck as he moved one hand between her thighs to her center. She was achingly wet for him, a fact that made him growl as soon as his hand cupped her sex.

  Loosening the hold of her knees, she gave him more room. His strong fingers found her swollen nub and rubbed languid circles that might seem relaxed, but was anything but. She wanted the pleasure to go on forever, trying not to urge him to move faster.

  His mouth crashed down on hers, his tongue starting a dance that mimicked the thrusting of intercourse. If that wasn’t a heady enough experience for her, he adjusted his body so he could use his thumb to circle her clit while he inserted a finger to match the pace of his tongue.

  The combination was explosive. She gasped into his mouth and wrapped her legs around him. The pressure was building, the intensity staggering, and when she thought she was going to fall apart in his arms, he abruptly withdrew his finger and removed his hand.

  Her eyes flew open when he broke off the kiss, wondering why he would stop. He was gazing down at her with complete need and adoration.

  “I want to see this.” The veins in his neck protruded from the effort of holding himself in restraint.

  She peered down to him moving his shaft into position at her entrance. Her gaze rose to meet his. Her hips lifted, seeking to be filled with everything Rhys could give her. He could’ve pushed in, buried himself to the hilt. She wanted him to, but he didn’t. His stare anchored hers with the exquisite pressure of his slow invasion. She wanted to use her legs to push him in fully, but it was like they both sensed how monumental this moment was, how long they both had waited to be together.

  Rhys pushed in another inch and she couldn’t help it, she rolled her hips up, her body trying to grab as much of him as possible. The green in his eyes flared brightly.

  “Does my hybrid like that?”

  “I do,” she said, rolling her hips again. “I need more.”

  He shoved in completely, settling himself as deep as he could go. A full body sigh swept through her. At last. It was perfect. His massive size filled her completely.

  “I had no idea,” Rhys breathed, his head dropping to bury in her neck. “No idea it could feel so good.”

  She caressed her hands over his shoulders, down his spine, up to his nape. The short hair of his head prickled against her sensitive fingers, increasing the turmoil of sensations ricocheting throughout her body.

  “Me either,” she murmured. Never imagined how much pleasure could be found with the right partner. Getting off and making love were two totally different entities.

  He pulled his head up again, so she settled her hands upon on his broad back.

  “I want to watch you.” He pulled almost all the way out, giving her a momentary sense of loss.

  Thrusting back in made Alex gasp. All of her nerve endings were dying for more. She wrapped her legs tighter around him and held on as he pulled out and lunged forward. He began a steady pounding rhythm that brought her to the brink of another explosion.

  She wanted to hang onto the precipice, afraid she’d never get another moment like this again. Rhys had another idea. He moved his hand between them and found her ultra-sensitive nub again. The first stroke had her jacking her pelvis off the bed, an involuntary cry of pure pleasure escaping her lips.

  An expression of unfiltered male satisfaction filled Rhys’ handsome face; his pace increased. Alex’s vision splintered apart. She yelled, she cried his name, she clawed his back. The whole time, he watched her. The brief seconds her vision cleared, she saw the wonder in his eyes, glimpsed her own reflection.

  He had stilled when her orgasm hit, but now as she was coming down from her high, he thrust once. Twice. His own orgasm hit hard and fast. Throwing his head back, he roared her name. His hips quivered as he jerked his release. His warmth spread through her center, and when his arms gave out, she cradled him in her embrace.

  They both lay spent. He was still inside her, still hard, but like her, he also settled into the moment. Let their history lie, kept their uncertain future from clouding the moment.

  Rhys propped on his elbows to gaze down at her. “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “Your eyes get the loveliest burgundy glow within their green depths.”

  Confused, Alex cocked her head at him. “My eyes glowed red?”

  He chuckled softly. “You are part vampire. Hasn’t anyone ever noticed?”

  Uh, no. “Not since I was a kid. If they had, there would have been some serious questions raised. Besides, as little of me was in
volved with others as could be helped.”

  His bent his head to kiss the tip of her nose, an action that made her feel delicate, feminine. “Good. I get all of you.”

  Yes. She would always be his, even if their moments had to be stolen. She wouldn’t let concerns over her future spoil the night. Tonight was for her. For the last twelve years, she got tonight.

  Dropping his head again, he licked the rim of her ear causing a delightful shiver to move through her body. “I want to mark you.”

  She rocked into him, her body already wanting, needing, more of him. He desired to mark her. He wanted her permission. Could she give it?

  What if she needed to go on the run? Then she’d smell like she was claimed to other shifters. No big. It’s not like she planned to ever be with anyone else again, to use her body as a tool or a weapon. She didn’t even want to leave the option out there. No one could predict the future, but one thing was for sure, she wouldn’t let herself be used again.

  So the question was: What did she want? She wanted to be with Rhys. And if the council won and nothing changed, if she lived without Rhys, she wanted to carry his mark.

  To show he had her permission, she unwrapped her legs and pushed him away. His expression was guarded, like he wouldn’t show her his disappointment thinking she was refusing his claim.

  Her sultry smirk flamed the light in his eyes. He flipped over onto her belly. If he wanted to mark her, then they would do it the way their people had been doing it for centuries. He would also carry her mark before the night was over—because this was only the beginning.

  He growled as he caught her hips. With a strong thrust, he buried himself deep. There was no pause as he started a frantic tempo. The closer she got to the orgasm that was building rapidly, the harder she ground back into him.


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