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Nerds on Fire

Page 19

by Grady, D. R.

  His expression turned droll. “She hasn’t even started packing. That’ll take at least two evenings and she’s scheduled to work the early shift on Saturday. We have time.”

  “Oh, right.”

  They locked up and she located the garage door opener for Lauren’s side. Lauren had agreed to the money Trixi asked for both the apartment and the garage bay without question or dispute. It made her wonder what her friend was paying right now for her current place. Trixi had no intention of asking, but was thankful Lauren at least had somewhere to live.

  That would be a really scary situation. Trixi had always been well aware she had a home to return to. It had been a legacy, and burden, passed down through the generations so she never had to wonder where she would end up.

  There was comfort in her situation.

  Rylan scanned the next report, his mind churning through the data presented at rapid-fire speed until he caught a word out of the corner of his eye that looked surprisingly like Nina. The stray thought knocked him out of the report. It was like getting hit by a linebacker who outweighed him by a hundred and fifty pounds.

  It left him gasping for air and wondering what had happened.

  He sat at his desk and stared blindly at the report he was supposed to be reading. The memory of an evening spent at his house wrapped around his mind and thoroughly emptied it of anything pertinent.

  How Nina’s blue eyes twinkled as she laughed. How her hair glistened in the lamplight.

  Just as he imagined, she looked exactly right in his home. It felt complete when she was there.

  She hadn’t looked comfortable the first time. In fact, he feared she was planning to escape through the nearest window, but after a little while, she relaxed. Those gorgeous eyes and lips soon softened.

  Never before had a man been so lucky.

  Right now he had everything.

  Life was good.

  Glancing up when a shadow blocked the light in front of her, Nina sent the person her professional smile.

  “May I help you?”

  “Are you Nina McCormick?”

  The smooth voice, coupled with the woman’s plastic perfection immediately tightened Nina’s spine.

  She kept her smile in place. “Yes, I am. How may I help you?”

  The eyes staring back at her weren’t friendly at all. She recognized the calculating look, if not the woman.

  “I’m Chrissy Hunter, Rylan’s fiancée.”

  Nina nodded. Rylan had warned her about this creature. “Odd.” She propped her chin on a fist. “He told me your engagement ended several weeks ago.”

  To give Rylan’s ex credit, she didn’t so much as flinch. “That’s not true. We’re still engaged.”

  Nina glanced at the woman’s left hand. “Where is your engagement ring?”

  Hand curling around the bare finger in question, Chrissy spat, “It’s being cleaned. I haven’t picked it up yet.

  A lie, as Rylan told her how Chrissy had flung the large diamond at him.

  Nina contemplated the woman-in-denial and felt only a wave of pity. “You might want to look into some counseling.” Her voice dropped to her most compassionate. “He’s not in love with you and you deserve a man who is.”

  Chrissy’s perfect features crumbled but she soon regained control of her emotions. “He promised to marry me. Not you.”

  “He asked you to marry him before he realized neither of you loved the other. There is no sense in tying yourself to a man who doesn’t love you.” She reflected briefly on her first marriage. “It’s not worth it, Chrissy.” The conviction in her tone must have shocked Chrissy out of her inner turmoil.

  “You know something of this?” The woman’s expression morphed to calculating again.

  “My husband loved me, but he loved his job more.”

  “You’re married?” There was hope there now, maybe some glee.

  “I’m widowed. He died in combat overseas.”

  The calculating look slowly disappeared. “I’m sorry for your loss,” she said stiffly.

  “It was a long time ago.” Nina shrugged. She was well over it now. She had barely been a wife before he left to enter the action elsewhere. Raising their son while he chased across the globe. Until the day he didn’t come home.

  Really, what did she know about giving advice? Not much, but the early realization that she could never compete with his job had been a shattering blow.

  Rylan was different. His job was well established, as was his business, and while he enjoyed his job, there were other things that came first. Foremost was his family. Nina loved his loyalty.

  Loved his loyalty? As in loved him?

  When had that sneaky emotion snuck in?

  “Oh no.” She moaned.

  Chrissy’s eyes widened. “Are you all right?”

  “I don’t know,” Nina whispered, her eyes fixed on her blank computer screen as shock and something else she couldn’t identify fought like two cats.

  “What’s wrong? Do I need to call a doctor?”

  Fortunately, the waiting room was empty, or Nina would have been mortified.

  The woman’s question did straighten her emotionally sinking boat. Everything evened out. “I’m in the right place if I do,” she murmured with a faint smile.

  Chrissy glanced around the very nice waiting room with a faint air of disdain. “True.”

  The phone rang, and Nina was grateful. With an apologetic smile, she indicated the phone. “Since I’m the only one here, I do need to answer that.”

  Rylan’s former fiancée appeared to get the message. “Right.”

  She didn’t say anything else but turned and left. Something about the way she carried herself made Nina wonder if the woman had been a little in love with Rylan after all.

  Nina understood this concept all too well now because the man had enthralled her. How had he crept in and stolen her heart without her realizing it?

  Fortunately, she couldn’t think further on this right now because she had to answer the phone. Never had she been so grateful for a patient who needed to reschedule an appointment.

  Chapter 27

  “Are you okay?” Mark cornered Trixi later that evening when he finally tracked her down in the family room.


  Her expression seemed far away. As if she wasn’t quite with him.

  “You seem really... distant.”

  She stared at him blankly. Mark gave her time, because he appreciated when people allowed him space to collect his thoughts.

  “I’m thinking,” she said, her voice soft and gentle. Like her.

  Her beautiful eyes shone in the lamplight and caused intriguing thoughts to pop into his head.

  Seating himself beside her on the love seat, he nodded. “I like to do that.”

  Her sweet smile could have lit up the entire room. But it was directed at him, so it lit him up instead. Mark was grateful.

  “Sometimes you have to.” Her eyes were downcast, so he reached under her chin to raise her face to his. He wanted to see her eyes. They were fast becoming an obsession. Like those adorable freckles splattered across her nose.

  Touching the delicate skin under her jaw proved to be a mistake. Now he wanted to do nothing else. Her silvery-blue eyes widened as they encountered his. Since his thoughts scattered, he had to forcibly make them comply so he didn’t look like a complete idiot. This was a new sensation for him.

  Nothing made his thoughts scatter. Before this moment, he would have said such a thing was impossible.

  Now, gazing into those amazing eyes, his life was forever changed. As though of its own volition, his head lowered until their lips were a mere breath apart. Because his fingers were still under her chin, he felt her gasp. Just a small, breathy intake but it was enough to compel him to lean forward.

  He kept his movements easy and careful. She didn’t rise, screaming, from the love seat. Instead, she leaned a fraction closer. It was the reaction he needed.

  Mark se
ttled his lips on hers in a real kiss.

  The fit of her lips was amazing. Her feminine scent, a combination of vanilla and cinnamon underlaid by a floral, swirled around him. From her warmth to her scent to the sweet texture of her skin, everything about her appealed to him. His father had promised the wait was worth it when you found the right woman and he was thankful to prove that good man right.

  Overcome by the heat pouring through him, he slid both arms around her to draw her close. He wanted to tuck her inside himself, to keep her safe and away from predatory males. He bit off the growl that nearly erupted and instead lifted his head to refit their lips.

  The gentle strength in her was heady. He loved how she pressed against him like she didn’t want to be anywhere else. How her arms rose to encircle his neck. She shimmied closer. It was such a tiny movement, but the impact pounded through him.

  He traced her lower lip before delving inside. With skill he had not perfected, but the knowledge came instinctively, he enticed her tongue to come out and engage with his.

  Although quiet and a little shy, she did answer his summons. Once her tongue tangled with his, all was lost. The moment shot to his head. He wanted this woman. But his senses screamed at him to proceed with caution or all would be lost.

  Trixi deserved a courtship. She deserved to be wooed. Both old-fashioned words, but they applied to his and Trixi’s relationship. Neither were adept in the mating dance, and Trixi was a gentle soul. She deserved to be shown how magnificent he found her. Because she was without equal.

  “I had a visit from Chrissy today,” Nina said.

  Rylan started and then examined her straight back as she finished drying the last pot lid. She placed it on the base before neatly spreading the towel out to dry.

  Something didn’t register. “What?”

  She repeated the statement. Even though he was better prepared, it still shocked him.

  “Why would she bother you?”

  Nina smiled, a mysterious, feminine curling of her pink lips and it distracted him. This amazing woman was who he wanted now. He couldn’t imagine her not being a part of his life. She gestured toward the family room and he followed her without thought. This was probably a glimpse of his future—him blindly following her. Yet the prospect did not faze him.

  It was perfectly natural for him to sit beside her on the sofa. She leaned into him, as though seeking to be closer. He concurred. Rylan enfolded her hands in his, because he needed to touch her.

  “What did Chrissy want?”

  Nina stiffened. “I think to make trouble.”

  He swallowed before asking his next question. “Did her attempt work?” His throat felt raw as fear clawed up it.

  “No.” Nina’s beautiful mouth curled down. “I think all it did was make me feel sorry for her.”

  It was the last thing he expected, but on the same vein, he tumbled a little further under her spell. He nodded and tightened his hands briefly on hers in approval. “What did she say?”

  “She tried to convince me the two of you were still engaged.” She shook her head. “I asked where her engagement ring was.”

  My woman is both beautiful and smart. “A great idea.”

  “She didn’t have it to show me, of course. Said something about it being cleaned, but you told me you broke off the engagement and why. In time, it all came out.”

  “She didn’t love me.” His murmur didn’t elicit the result he expected.

  Instead, her head tipped to the side as she contemplated him. “I’m not sure I agree.”

  His eyebrows winged up. “What? You think she did love me?” Internally, he rejected that preposterous notion.

  “I believe it’s a definite possibility.” She tugged her hand free to cup his cheek.

  Rylan’s heart melted at her gesture. It took a moment to focus on their conversation again. “No, she didn’t love me. She might have loved what I possess, but not me.”

  Nina still didn’t look convinced, so he didn’t say more, but on this he was certain.

  “Do you not think you’re...?” She stopped, shook her head, and then slid right into his personal space. He laughed, and grabbed her so she couldn’t escape.

  Her arms slid around his neck and it soon became apparent she entertained no such thoughts. “I think you’re wrong,” she whispered before her lips met his and anything coherent fled as the fire ignited between them.

  Inside, everything male in him roared in triumph as his woman staked her claim.

  “Why?” Trixi asked. Her huge, shadowed eyes gave nothing away.

  “Why what?” It was probably gentlemanly to release her, but he wasn’t feeling in the least bit courteous.

  “Why did you kiss me?” She sounded so surprised he leaned back to peer into her face.

  “Because it was inevitable.”

  “It was?” Shock and confusion intertwined on her expressive little face.

  A surge of protectiveness crashed over him. He tightened his hold. Just holding her was nice. Never before had he felt this way. Never before had he wanted to.

  “Oh, yes. Expect to receive a lot of kisses,” he warned.

  She blinked rapidly. As though his statement wouldn’t process.

  “Is this a problem?”

  “No.” She pulled away and he opened his mouth to protest, but something in her expression alerted him that he needed to give her this space.

  “It better not be a problem.” He ended on a growl, all but pounding his chest.

  “The man of my dreams doesn’t start kissing me out of the blue.” Her tone was musing.

  “Man of your dreams?” The chest-pounding male surged back, as triumphant as ever.

  Trixi scowled at him. “What do you want?”

  That scowl, coupled with her skepticism, quelled the chest thumper. “You.” He snatched her back into his arms.

  She gasped again, and braced herself by placing her hands on his shoulders. Before she could protest, he tucked her tight and threaded a hand through her hair. Anchoring her, he fastened their lips together again.

  All stiffness within her drained away as her lips curled up. He suspected she moaned. Of course, it might have been him, but he continued because he could. Because he had to. Stopping this kiss made no sense, so he kept on, savoring the precious woman in his arms, reveling in the wondrous feeling of her soft curves filling his hardness.

  “I still don’t understand,” she murmured when they finally came up for air.

  She stared at him, looking completely stunned.

  “Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

  “Not really. I dated briefly in high school and college, but those relationships never amounted to anything.”

  He nodded. “Exactly how it was for me.” Then he tilted her face back up to his. “What these kisses mean is we’re dating exclusively.”

  Her lips curled up. “Like a monogamous relationship?”

  “Yes.” He sealed their new relationship status with a kiss. And he took his time, savoring her. He intended to do this a lot.

  In the back of Trixi’s mind, the twelve-year-old who resided there but was usually quiet clapped her hands to her mouth, screaming through them in girlish wonder. Jumping up and down, exclaiming how happy she was.

  In reality, Trixi, the adult, was a lot less exuberant, and a lot more pessimistic about this new relationship. Why would this fantastic man want her? She wasn’t beautiful, wasn’t particularly wealthy, and didn’t have a fantastic figure. All she had was this house. Was her house enough for a man?

  Yet, if his feelings really were in his kiss, as the song promised, then he found her pretty amazing. The man seemed to like her very much. He acted like he wanted to devour her, and since she felt exactly the same way, she curled closer, determined to enjoy these kisses for as long as they were her privilege.

  If they were in a relationship, then she could kiss him whenever she wanted to. The resulting thrill caused a surge of euphoric wonder.

n he arrived home much later that evening, Rylan nearly groaned at the sight of the unwelcome car parked ostensibly in front of his door. There was no missing it, which was probably Chrissy’s point.

  Instead of driving around to the garages, he instead parked beside her and climbed out. It was with some relief to see she was actually in the vehicle and not waiting for him inside the house.

  She gracefully exited when he approached.

  “What do you want Chrissy?” He kept his tone easygoing, when what he really wanted to do was toss her off his property.

  Her blue eyes swam with tears.

  “Rylan, I can’t believe you no longer care for me.” Her voice cracked.

  His sigh was long. “I don’t. I’m sorry, but I don’t want you in my life. I’ve moved on with a woman I...” Love was the word right there, and it made him gawk at Chrissy’s car roof.

  Love? Oh man... this is way bigger than me. He had known he was attracted to Nina but this plunged much deeper. “Oh man,” he repeated because while it had been quietly bubbling there all along, he hadn’t recognized the emotion for what it was.

  “What’s wrong?” She placed a hand on his arm. There was alarm in her voice.

  “I just realized something.” Effervescence burst into jubilation at the understanding. He was in love with Nina.

  Chrissy must have heard his ebullience because her eyes turned soft in the light from a nearby lamppost. “You realized what?”

  He shook his head. “I can’t tell you. Not until I tell her.” Rylan bundled her back into her car, moving before she had time to balk. “Thanks for stopping by Chrissy, but my feelings for you are long gone. Go find yourself a man who loves you and who you love. It’s an incredible feeling.”

  With a goodbye thump on her car roof, he hopped back into his car and took off. Around the side of the house to the garages, he pulled his car into the bay he used and lowered the door. Then he sat in his car in the darkened garage and made some very definite plans for his future.

  “Hopefully Nina approves of them,” he murmured because she played a starring role.


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