Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood

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Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood Page 50

by William J. Mann

  Adorée, Renée, 179

  Affairs of Anatol, The, 104–5, 106

  Alexandria Hotel, 29

  Alias Jimmy Valentine, 176

  Allen, J. Weston, 122

  Alvarado Court, 6, 30, 47, 86, 108, 182, 187, 207, 217, 238, 405

  Alvarado Street, 82

  Ambassador Hotel, 109, 181, 334

  American Federation of Labor, 295

  American Humane Society, 85

  American Legion, 295

  Anderson, Maxwell, 387

  Anne of Green Gables, 60

  Antitrust regulation, 40, 147–48

  Apollo Theater, 154

  SS Aquitania, 107, 220

  Arbuckle, Minta, 297

  Arbuckle, Roscoe “Fatty,” 23, 104, 132, 158–59, 294

  and Adolph Zukor, 155–57

  arrest, 149

  banning of films, 156, 279–82

  comeback, 276–79

  comeback backlash, 333–39

  compromise, 338–39

  “Fatty and Mabel” comedy shorts, 151

  FTC charges, impact on, 158

  Gasoline Gus, 276–79

  hearing, 159

  marriage, 150

  reaction to murder, 206

  scandal, blamed on Jews, 169

  trial, 166, 221

  vaudeville, 296

  verdict, 275

  verdict reception, 275–76

  Zukor letter, 160

  Associated Producers, 65, 94

  Astor, John Jacob, 12

  Astor Hotel, 261

  Auntie Mame, 421

  Automatic Vaudeville, 35, 65

  Bachardy, Don, 422

  Balaban, Barney, 393, 424

  Balaban & Katz, 392, 424

  Balestier, Beatty, 311

  Banksia Place Sanitarium, 331

  Barnes, Eleanor, 201

  Barnes, Julius, 337

  Bartholomew, Frank, 200

  Beach, Rex, 121

  Beaverbrook, Lord, 39

  Benson, Betty, 50

  Berger, Marjorie, 268, 396

  Berkey, Arista “Writ,” 319–20

  Berlin, Irving, 393

  Bernhardt, Sarah, 37

  Beverly Hilton, 426

  Biograph Company, 45

  Block-booking, 132, 135, 389

  Blue, Monte, 82

  Bluhdorn, Charles, 426

  Blythe, Betty, 261

  Bone, Leon, 356, 409

  Boole, Ella, 105

  Brady, Alice, 54

  Brady, Matthew, 151, 333

  Brady, William A., 101, 105, 120, 137, 157, 159

  Brew, Julia, 72–73, 267, 386, 401

  Brisbane, Arthur, 261

  Broun, Heywood, 386

  Brown, Frank, 62

  Brownlow, Kevin, 423

  Brunton Studios, 29, 30, 31

  Longacre stage, 31

  Bryson, James, 163–64, 184, 283

  bad check, 164–65

  Buccaneer, The, 387

  Bunker Hill neighborhood, 24

  Burke, Billie, 54

  Burke, Joe, 372, 373

  Burns, Edith, 267–68, 360

  Busch, Mae, 46

  Bushnell, Asa S., 321

  Bushnell, John L., 311–12, 317–26, 344, 352–54, 365, 377

  family, 322

  letters, 366

  Cabanne, Christy, 144

  Cabanne, Vivien, 144, 257

  Cadillac Hotel, 164, 341

  Cahill, William, 142

  Calnay, James, 270–71, 288

  Camille, 146, 147, 148

  Capone, Al, 260

  Captain Alvarez, 130

  Carson, Frank, 257–60

  Cartier, Mr. and Mrs. Jacques, 107

  Casablanca, 421

  Casa Margarita, 307, 400

  Cast of Killers, A, 408

  Cato, E. R., 142

  censorship, xiii, 14–15, 30, 33, 85, 100, 251, 253–54

  and antitrust regulation, 40

  and Arbuckle, 276–79, 279–82

  Ellen O’Grady testimony, 120–22

  fight against, 18

  the Formula, 392

  and Hollywood parties, 327–28

  law, 121

  power of women on boards and clubs, 68–70

  production code, 102

  Production Code Administration, 424

  unsuccessful, 369

  Chamber of Commerce, 295

  Chambers, Joseph, 5

  Chandler, Harry, 358

  Chaplin, Charlie, 6

  Chaplin, Sydney, 90

  Chapman, Woodlawn, 336

  Chase, William Sheafe, 121, 331, 348–49

  Cheseboro, Ray L., 52

  Chopin, Frédéric, 33

  Christian, George B., 134

  Christie, Al, 26, 52, 126, 183, 387

  Church, Mrs. Norman, 385

  Clapham, Leonard, 184, 185, 288, 354, 365, 387

  aka Tom London, 387

  later life, 420

  Cline, Herman, 234

  Clune’s Broadway Theater, 84

  Coates, Edward, 106

  Coconut Grove, 179, 181

  Cody, Lew, 387

  Cohen, Sydney S., 38, 41, 70, 134, 135, 223, 261, 300

  and Ellen O’Grady, 70

  FTC testimony, 347, 350

  Collins, Dapper Don, 243

  Committee on Moving Pictures of the City Federation of Women’s Clubs, 105

  Compson, Betty, 32

  Connelley, Earl J., 355, 364, 366, 371, 372–74

  Connette, Honore, 283–85, 417

  extra for Taylor, 284

  gun, 284, 285

  Connick, H. D. H., 349

  Coolidge, Calvin, 368

  Cooney, Patrick J., 372

  Corona Typewriter Company, 144

  Courtell, Juliet, 267

  Covarrubias, Miguel, 386

  Covered Wagon, The, 370

  Coward, The, 26

  Cowboy and the Lady, The, 286

  Cox, James, 64

  Crafts, Wilbur F., 99–101, 120, 160

  death, 336

  and Fatty Arbuckle, 151–52, 154

  production code, 105–6

  Crawford-Ivers, Julia, 111, 114, 172, 197, 200, 225, 240

  Crowninshield, Frank, 393

  Cruise of the Kawa, The (Traprock), 205

  Cruze, James, 370

  Dallas, Jim, 342, 372

  Daniel, Viora, 183, 288

  Daniels, Bebe, 32

  Daughters of the American Revolution, 295

  Davenport, Alice, 327–28

  Davis, James, 261

  Davis, William, 186, 187, 190

  Deane-Tanner, Ada, 111, 221

  Deane-Tanner, Denis, 221

  Deane-Tanner, Ethel Daisy, 213, 241

  Dearborn Independent, 169

  Dedham, Massachusetts, 60

  Deed of Death, A, 408

  Dell, Ethel M., 187

  Dell, Floyd, 196

  Delmonico’s restaurant, 36, 65, 101, 236

  DeMille, Cecil B., 32, 79, 91, 102, 106, 250

  and production code, 104

  reaction to murder, 220–21

  Desmond, William, 359

  Dines, Courtland, 383–84

  Dix, Richard, 32

  Dixon, Thomas, 173, 222, 235

  Dodd, Rev. Neal, 33

  Dodge, Pauline, 133, 135

  Doherty, Edward, 223, 242, 245, 249–50, 384

  Dominguez, Frank, 52, 151, 157–59, 372–74, 418

  Dominick & Dominick, 118

  Doran, William, 246

  Douglas, James C., 51

  Duffus, R. L., 20

  Dumas, Verne, 195, 197

  Durfee, Minta “Mintrattie,” 150

  Dwan, Allan, 43, 387

  Dyer, Elmer, 309, 354

  Eagels, Jeanne, 386

  Eangler, Caroline W., 253

  East of Eden, 421

  Eaton, Chauncey, 62–63, 82, 400

  Eggert, Mrs. Thomas H., 68

, Rabbi Aaron, 395

  Ellicott, Milton, 31

  Emerson, John, 261

  Evening Telegraph, 276

  Eyton, Charles, 91–92, 199, 200, 223, 225, 226, 238, 240, 250

  handkerchief, 247

  release of Minter letters, 245

  statement about murder, 206

  and Taylor papers, 238–39, 250

  Fairbanks, Douglas, 32, 34, 64, 79, 91, 94, 154, 177–78, 262

  Famous Players–Lasky, 11, 13, 14, 26, 27

  alliance against, 135

  antitrust laws, 147–48

  and death of Taylor, 199–200, 222–23

  drugs, 91–92

  and FTC, 134, 147, 149

  and Graumann Theaters, 390

  papers from Taylor, 225

  production code, 102

  production move to California, 225

  reaction to murder, 206–7

  release of Minter letters, 245

  stock issue, 39

  stock market value, 14, 148, 225, 276, 348

  success of, 13

  trustification of industry, 133

  upswing, 299

  Fatty and Mabel Adrift, 152

  Feagan’s jewelry store, 174, 180

  Federal Council of Churches of Christ, 295

  Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 40, 147–48

  action against Famous Players, 134

  hearings on Famous Players-Lansky, 347–48, 349–51

  hearings on movie industry, 332

  and White House, 134

  and Zukor, 389

  Federation of Women’s Clubs, 279, 294, 334–35, 337, 384

  Fellows, Harry, 29, 61, 84, 108, 180, 197, 199, 200, 215, 225

  Fellows, Howard, 143, 197

  Ferguson, Hilda, 292

  Film Daily, 167, 245, 337, 369, 394

  First National Pictures, 38, 389

  Fischer, Nicholas, 354

  Fitts, Buron, 399

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 32, 424–25

  Flagg, James Montgomery, 387

  Flamingo Hotel, 224

  Ford, Henry, 169

  blame on Jews for scandal, 169

  Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The, 146

  Fox, William, 67, 101

  Francisco, Betty, 181

  Franklin Theatre, 365

  Frayne, Hugh, 261, 338

  Frear, James A., 368

  Fremont Place, 26, 56, 80

  Freud, Sigmund, 190

  Frohman, Charles, 57

  Fuller, W. Hayes, 347–48, 349

  Furnace, The, 87

  Fussell, Betty Harper, 410

  Garbutt, Frank, 238

  Gardner, Margaret, 52

  Garrick Theater, 277

  Garrow, Ida, 237

  Gasoline Gus, 155, 156, 276–79, 280

  Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs, 296

  Gerber, Neva, 86, 87–88, 109, 241

  Gershwin, George, 386

  Gibson, Charles Dana, 45

  Gibson, Margaret “Gibby,” 24–26, 34, 48–54, 75–79, 94–97, 110, 123, 125–30, 139, 151, 162–63, 270–71, 405–7

  Across the Border, 162

  aka Pat Lewis, 407

  aka Patricia Palmer, 25, 53–54, 110

  and Al Christie, 126–27, 183

  arrest, 52, 371, 372

  Associated Producers, 97

  bail, 372

  blackmail by Lasher, 365

  and Bushnell, 418

  childhood, 25–26

  Cowboy and the Lady, The, 287–90

  dismissal of charges, 374

  and Don Osborn, 75–79, 94–98, 184

  and Don Osborn, proposal for Read, 94–97

  and Don Osborn kickbacks, 185

  dreams, 185

  and Elbert Lewis, 418

  financial trouble, 126

  Golden Trail, The, 94

  Greater Than Love, 95, 97

  and independent producers, 162

  and J. Parker Read, 94–95, 96, 97

  and Joe Pepa, 48, 49–53

  Kiss, The, 129

  To the Ladies, 370

  Lasher scam, 340–43

  Lasky, power over, 417

  marriage, 370, 387, 418

  and Minter, 287–90

  Mr. Billings Spends His Dime, 312–13

  Pair of Hellions, A, 343, 365

  papers, 407

  Patricia Palmer Productions, 270–71

  quest for fame, 48

  rental income, 49

  rental income, and Don Osborn, 165

  residence, 24, 26

  responsibility for murder, 416–17

  return to Colorado, 162

  scams, 125–26

  slip into obscurity, 387

  and Taylor, history with, 26, 54

  and Taylor, knowledge of homosexuality, 130

  and Taylor blackmail, 413

  at Taylor funeral, 243

  and Taylor scam, 128–30

  and Taylor secrets, 413

  Tempest, The, 75–76

  testimony, 52–53

  train accident, 289–90

  trial, 52–53

  vow to mother, 48–49

  Web of the Law, The, 309–10

  westerns, 25

  Gibson, Tom, 309

  Girl Scouts, 295

  Giroux, Robert, 408

  Gish, Lillian, 146, 154

  Glaum, Louise, 94

  Glennister, J. W., 105

  Glen Springs Sanatorium, 71–72, 74

  Golden Trail, The, 94

  Goldwyn, Sam, 23, 46, 90, 101, 261, 368, 390

  and Mabel Normand, 72–73, 93

  Grant, Lawrence, 186–87

  Grau, Robert, 138

  Grauman, Sid, 156, 250, 251, 390

  banning Arbuckle films, 155–56

  Greater Than Love, 95, 97, 110, 126

  Green, Tom, 91–92, 153

  Green Temptation, The, 180

  Greer, Horace, 383–84

  Griffith, D. W., 14, 17, 45, 101, 106

  Guinan, Texas, 386

  Hahn, S.S., 51, 383, 384

  Hamburger’s department store, 96, 173, 312

  Hamilton, Mahlon, 110

  Hammerstein, Arthur, 339, 393

  Hamsun, Knut, 188

  Harding, Warren G., 64, 67, 134

  death, 368

  Harriman, Mrs. Oliver, 338

  Harrington, Neil J., 144, 181, 195, 197, 213, 414

  Harris, Nick, 304–5, 307

  Harron, Robert, 12–13, 31, 33, 123

  cover-up, 17

  death, 17

  D. W. Griffith, demotion by, 14

  funeral, 18

  shooting, 13

  Hart, William S., 177–78

  Hartley, Floyd, 186, 414

  Harvey, Brinton McClellan, 368

  Hays, Helen, 170, 330, 334

  Hays, Will H., 166–71, 251, 261, 291–97, 330–39, 391–92

  and Arbuckle, 332, 333–34

  Arbuckle announcement, 334

  Arbuckle backlash, 334–39

  Arbuckle compromise, 338–39

  Arbuckle films, banning of, 279–82

  Arbuckle letter, 296

  Arbuckle statement, 281

  Astor Hotel meeting, 261–65

  Astor Hotel meeting, speech, 264–65

  belief in the market, 169

  consolidations, 332

  contract renewal, 392

  decision to join industry, 178

  description, 167

  divorce, 367, 423

  drugs, 331

  duties, 262

  Europe, 367–68

  family history, 169

  the Formula, 92

  Gibson, charges against, 418

  Gibson’s release, role in, 374–75

  goals, 263

  growing power, 332

  at Hollywood Bowl, 291–97

  later life, 423–24

  life insurance, 178

  and Loew, 333, 351

  Loew, death of, 395

>   marriage, 170–71

  office, 262

  political career, 167

  Production Code Administration, 424

  Public Relations Committee, 295, 300, 336–37, 338, 368

  readjustment of industry, 369

  and Reid, 331–32

  reimagining industry, 332

  religion, 171

  and The Sins of Hollywood, 294

  top-secret memo, 332

  Zukor, control by, 292

  Zukor, letter to, 167–68

  Hearst, William Randolph, 216, 261, 390

  Heart Specialist, The, 204

  Hendrick, Peter A., 105

  Herron, Mark L., 294, 372–73

  release of Gibson, 373, 374

  Hickenlooper, Smith, 371, 380

  Higham, Charles, 408

  Hilo Tribune, 284

  Hodkinson, W. W., 65, 66, 349

  Hollywood Bowl, 19, 291

  Hollywood Memorial Cemetery, 244, 259

  Hollywood sign, 358

  Holmquist, Sigrid, 361

  Hoover, Herbert, 168

  Hoover, Mrs. Herbert, 338

  Hopkins, George James, 86–87, 111, 130, 173, 200, 225, 240

  later life, 421

  and Mary Miles Minter, outing, 116–17

  reaction to murder, 197

  and Taylor, relationship, 115–17

  Hopper, Hedda, 44

  Hotel Alexandria, 45

  Hotel Ambassador, 221

  Hoyt, Arthur, 198, 200, 235, 241

  Hughes, Gareth, 285

  Illustrated Films Monthly, 129

  Ince, Thomas, 32, 65, 67, 79, 97, 190

  Ince Studios, 94

  International Reform Bureau, 99

  Isherwood, Christopher, 422

  Ivers, Julia. See Crawford-Ivers, Julia

  Ivy H. Overholtzer mortuary, 208, 212

  Jesserun, Emile, 195, 197, 198

  Jewett, Christina, 190, 191, 414

  Jewish Welfare Board, 295

  Johnson, Hiram, 168

  Jolson, Al, 386

  Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Mattison Boyd, 116

  Jones, Richard, 269

  Joy, Jason S., 300

  Kahn, Otto, 39, 119, 351, 393

  Kansas City Journal, 337

  Katz, Sam, 393

  Kaufman, George S., 370

  Kennedy, Brownie, 16, 17, 34, 122

  Kent, Sidney, 349

  Keyes, Asa, 345, 346, 376, 377, 397

  indictment, 399

  Kid, The, 6

  King, Edgar C., 211–19, 222, 231–37, 272–73, 283, 314–15, 345, 396–401

  later life, 421

  and Minter, 303–8

  and Osborn, 357

  piece for True Detective Mysteries, 399

  and press, 234–35

  reputation, 212

  and Sands, 231–32

  Shelby, plot against, 304–8

  and spiritualist, 305

  Taylor case, obsession with, 376

  Winn, partner, 218–19

  Kingsley, Grace, 110, 277

  Kingston, Winifred, 83

  Kipling, Rudyard, 311

  Kirkpatrick, Sidney D., 408

  Kirkwood, James, 59

  Kiss, The, 129

  Kokomo Tribune, 278

  Kosloff, Theodore, 180, 236

  Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 39

  Ladd, Edwin, 368

  Laemmle, Carl, 67, 101, 300

  Lake, Virginia, 423


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