Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood

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Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood Page 51

by William J. Mann

  Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 168

  Lasher, Christine, 343

  Lasher, George, 340–43

  blackmail of Gibson, 365

  and Bushnell, 365

  Lasker, Albert, 261

  Lasky, Jesse, 16, 31, 101–4, 223, 226, 250, 251, 252, 393

  and Arbuckle verdict, 276

  and Gibson, 312–13, 366, 417

  reaction to murder, 206–7

  and Reid, 331–32

  Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald), 424–25

  Lazarus, Judge, 159

  Leacock, Stephen, 187

  Lee, Lila, 32

  Leviathan, 367

  Lewis, Elbert E., 418

  Lewis, Pat. See Gibson, Margaret “Gibby”

  Lichtman, Al, 349

  Life with Father, 421

  Lifted Veil, The, 114

  Lindsey, Estelle Lawton, 242

  Lindsey, Judge Ben, 32, 129

  Little Lord Fauntleroy, 154

  Little Mouse, The, 385–86

  Lloyd, Harold, 32

  Locklear, Ormer, 31, 33

  Loew, Arthur, 37, 146

  Loew, Jane Constance, 302

  Loew, Marcus, 35–40, 41, 101, 169, 261, 368, 394

  ambition, 36

  Automatic Vaudeville, 35

  as beloved figure, 37

  dress, 36

  feature-length films, 36–37

  FTC hearings, 349–50

  FTC testimony, 391

  funeral, 394–95

  and Hays, 333

  and Lottie Zukor, 37

  Merger, 390

  Metro Pictures, 36

  MGM, 390–91

  and MPTOA, 39

  Pembroke, 391

  radio, 390

  tennis, 36

  theater ownership, 38

  theater ownership rise, 146–47

  and Zukor, 301–2, 390, 395

  Zukor, assisting, 253

  and Zukor, defense of, 136

  and Zukor rivalry, 132

  London Follies, The, 266

  Long, Bruce, 409

  Long, Ray, 405–9

  Long, Stephen G., 372, 374

  Long Beach Press, 283

  Lord, Eva, 16

  Lord’s Day Alliance, 99–100

  Los Angeles, population increase, 19

  Los Angeles Examiner, 33–34, 84, 222, 244, 253, 257, 288, 304

  Los Angeles Herald, 23, 52

  Los Angeles Police Department, 5, 198

  Los Angeles Record, 201, 223, 361

  Los Angeles Speedway, 267

  Los Angeles Times, 31, 89, 116, 277, 283, 292, 305, 307, 326, 358

  Mabel at the Wheel, 46

  Mabel’s Married Life, 46

  MacDonald, William, 200–201

  MacLean, Douglas, 6, 190–91, 192, 196, 198, 199, 233

  MacLean, Faith, 190, 191–92, 214, 233, 285, 306–7, 412–14, 416

  description to police, 214

  MacLean, Lawrence, 380

  aka Larry Outlaw, 363

  Bushnell scheme, 363

  letters, 366

  Madsen, Blackie, 127–28, 139, 184, 310, 366

  aka Ross Garnet Sheridan, 319

  Army, 319

  assault, 320

  bail for Osborn and Putnam, 364

  Bushnell scheme, 317–26, 354–56, 363–64

  family, 319

  FBI hunt, 377–79

  gun, 414

  later life, 420

  mother, 378–79

  mustache, 416

  sentence, 380

  Maigne, Charles, 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 225, 286

  Mailheau, Theodore, 236

  Male and Female, 32

  Maloney, Leo, 184, 365, 420

  Mann Act, 322, 343, 353

  Marion, Frances, 72

  Mark of Zorro, The, 79, 94

  Marsh, Mae, 32

  Marshall, Charles, 117

  Martin, Vivian, 115

  Maurice and Hughes, 181

  Max O. Miller Productions, 365

  Mayer, Louis B., 351, 390

  McCoy, Kid, 421

  McFarlan automobile, 84, 91, 112, 116, 117, 142, 179, 187

  McGinness, Arthur, 365, 370, 387

  McGuire, W. D., 106, 296

  McKean Democrat, 224

  McMahon, Charles, 338

  McNab, Gavin, 333

  McPherson, Jeanie, 361

  Meehan, Owen, 371, 377, 379

  Meighan, Thomas, 32, 43

  Melrose Avenue, 29

  Melrose Hotel, 24, 26, 48, 53, 125, 128

  Methodist Preachers Association, 331

  Metro Pictures, 36

  merger, 390

  Metropolitan Quartet, 33

  MGM formation, 390

  Miles, Julia, 57, 273–74

  gun, 274

  Miles, Lilla Pearl. See Shelby, Charlotte

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 386

  Miller, Bill “Ranger,” 343

  Miller, Gov. Nathan, 120, 121

  Miller, Max O., 341, 343

  Million Dollar Theatre, 84, 156

  Minter, Mary Miles, 26–28, 34, 54, 55–63, 79, 80–83, 109, 116, 127, 243, 286–88

  age, 58

  aka Juliet Reilly, 57

  alibi, 205, 399

  Anne of Green Gables, 60

  attempted murder story, 361

  Cadillac roadster, 55

  and censorship, 253–54

  comeback, 361

  contract and salary, 245

  contract nonrenewal, 327, 346

  Cowboy and the Lady, The, 286

  delusion, 81

  dreams, 27

  drugs, 362

  faked suicide attempt, 62

  funeral home, 227–28

  and Gibson, 287–90

  grand jury testimony, 400

  hair sample, 315–16

  Heart Specialist, The, 204

  and James Kirkwood, 59

  later life, 421–23

  lawsuit against mother, 360–61

  living independently, 326–27

  love affair story, 361–62

  marriage, 422

  and Marshall Neilan, 173

  mother, 27, 55–63, 114

  mother as suspect, 398

  move back to California, 422

  move to New York, 388

  and Normand, 360

  and Normand confrontation, 209–10

  origin of name, 57–58

  poetry, 61

  police interview, 246–48

  police re-interview, 1926, 398

  pregnancy and abortion, 59

  press after death of Taylor, 228

  reconciliation with mother, 346

  separation from mother, 326–27

  Sweet Lavender, 130

  and Taylor, 27–28, 60–63, 81–83

  and Taylor, Christmas gift, 173

  and Taylor, good-bye, 174–75

  and Taylor, homosexuality, 116–17

  and Taylor, letters to, 81, 113, 229–30, 244–45, 247–48, 288

  and Taylor, obsession, 113–15, 143–44, 173–75

  Taylor funeral, 244

  Taylor murder, reaction, 204–9

  and Thomas Dixon, 173

  train accident, 289–90

  and Zukor, 58

  and Zukor, letter to, 80

  Mirage, The, 74

  Mishawum Manor, 16, 122, 131, 134, 147

  Mission Theatre, 78–79

  Molly O’, 93, 153, 241, 267

  Monarch Hotel, 318

  Moon-Calf (Dell), 196

  Moonlight and Honeysuckle, 229

  Moore, Fred, 127, 184, 185, 353

  aka Earl Frank Dustin, 344

  working with Bushnell, 343–44

  Moore, Jackie, 184

  Moore, Owen, 32, 43

  Moore, Tom, 179

  Morals, 5–6, 130

  Moreno, Antonio, 69, 181, 241

  Motion Picture Directors Association, 5, 29

  Motion Picture Theater Own
ers of America (MPTOA), 38, 65, 70

  movies, as industry, 13

  American movie theater revenues, 38

  appointment of Hays, 261–65

  and beauty, 20

  beginnings of, 19

  and First Amendment, 14

  impact on society, 20

  and Jews, 17

  losses in 1920, 14

  open-air shooting, 19

  parallel with baseball, 168

  production code, 101–6

  revenues from Paramount films, 39

  and scandal, 14

  as scapegoat for cultural changes, 152

  shift from New York to Los Angeles, 20

  Taylor death as additional scandal, 223–24

  vigilance committee, 254

  Moving Picture World, 130

  Muir, Florabel, 257

  Murder in Hollywood, 408

  Murphy, Wiley, 203

  Murphy, Patrick, 107, 179

  Murray, Mae, 43, 154, 261

  Mystery of the Leaping Fish, The, 91

  Nast, Condé, 393

  National Association of the Motion Picture Industry (NAMPI), 18, 105, 122, 166

  and Will Hays, 166–71

  National Bank of New York, 39

  National Board of Review, 18, 68, 106, 296

  and production code, 104

  National Catholic Welfare Council, 295

  National Conference of Catholic Charities, 69–70

  Nazimova, Alla, 146, 148

  Neilan, Marshall “Mickey,” 154, 173, 229, 235

  and Minter letters, 229–30

  New Catherine Theatre fire, 69

  New Theatre of Alexander Pantages, 84

  New York Police Department, first policewoman, 68

  New York Times, 33, 146, 181, 265, 329, 335, 386

  New York Tribune, 64

  Niblo, Fred, 94

  Nietzche, Friedrich, 190

  Night Riders of Petersham, The, 129

  Normand, Claude, 22, 44–45, 267

  Normand, Mabel, 21–24, 26, 34, 42–47, 71–74, 86, 87, 89–93, 109, 127, 186–90, 266–69, 294, 358–60

  addiction, 23–24, 43–44, 153

  affair, 21

  age, 21, 22

  alcohol, 23, 109, 179, 360, 386

  apartment, 21

  “baloney card,” 22

  censorship, 267

  childhood, 22

  and Clarine Seymour, 42

  cocaine, 23, 43

  at coroner’s jury, 233

  criticism of, 266–67

  death, 401

  description, 45

  D. W. Griffth, 45

  England, 329

  Europe, 325–26

  Extra Girl, The, 359

  father, 44–45

  “Fatty and Mabel” comedy shorts, 151

  and Fatty Arbuckle arrest, 150–52

  and Federation of Women’s Clubs, 384–85

  at funeral, 241–42, 244

  generosity, 23

  and George Patterson, 266

  Glen Springs, 89

  and Glen Springs Sanatorium, 71–72, 74

  Greer trial testimony, 383–84

  gun tip, 216

  hiding, 267

  illness, 268

  implicated in Taylor death, 242

  Little Mouse, The, 385–86

  and Mack Sennett, 45–46

  and Mack Sennett, professional relationship, 93

  and Mary Miles Minter, 360

  and Mary Miles Minter, confrontation, 209–10

  modeling, 45

  Molly O’, 93, 153

  move to New York, 385–87

  movies, start in, 45

  New York, 325–26

  and Olive Thomas, 24, 42

  and Olive Thomas funeral, 42–44

  photo at scene of Taylor murder, 196

  pleurisy, 153

  and police, 268

  police search, 218–19

  pregnancy and stillbirth, 73

  public perception of, 153

  “Queen of Comedy,” 21

  and Reid’s revelation, 328–29

  return to California, 89

  and Sam Goldwyn, 23, 46, 72–73

  and Sam Goldwyn, contract, 90, 93

  Slim Princess, The, 21

  Staten Island, 74

  suicide attempt, 46

  Suzanna, 189, 269

  and Taylor, 47, 90–91, 173

  and Taylor, and argument, 179–80

  Taylor, and drug dealer, 90

  and Taylor, and letters to, 44, 238–39, 242

  Taylor, and sanatorium, 71–72

  Taylor, final visit to, 187–90

  Taylor murder reaction, 203–4

  tuberculosis, 387

  weight gain, 89

  witness, 214

  North Beachwood Drive, 49

  Obenchain, Madalynne, 222, 306

  Ochs, Adolph, 107

  Oesterreich, Fred, 376, 421

  O’Grady, Ellen, 68–70

  testimony, 120–22

  O’Hildebrandt, Brandon, 422

  Olcott, Sydney, 261

  Old Wives for New, 32, 417

  Osborn, Don, 75, 125–26, 270, 283

  ambition, 77, 78–80

  arrest, 355

  bunco, 127–28, 163, 185, 310–11

  Bushnell scheme, 317–24, 352–57

  forgery, 77

  and George Weh, 77

  and Gibson, proposal for Read, 94–97

  and Gibson, scams, 125–26

  Gibson rental, 165

  and Lasher scam, 343

  later life, 420

  and Madsen, 127–28

  marriage, 76, 77, 164

  and Rose Putnam, 96

  and Rose Putnam affair, 139–40, 163–64, 165

  sentence, 371

  son, 77

  threat to Rae Osborn, 140–41

  Osborn, Earl, 77

  Osborn, Rae, 77–78, 96, 127, 139, 164

  marriage to Don Osborn, 139–41

  obsession with Don Osborn, 184

  Otello, 115

  Overholtzer, Ivy, 208, 227–28

  Overstreet, Jay R., 184

  Owl Drug, 4–5

  Pacific Electric Railway, 25

  Pair of Hellions, A, 343

  premiere, 365

  Palace, 84

  Palmer, Mrs. George, 384

  Palmer, Patricia. See Gibson, Margaret “Gibby”

  Pantages Theatre, 129

  Paramount, 15, 16

  bankruptcy, 424

  percent revenue of all motion pictures, 39

  Paramount building, 389, 391

  completion/opening, 393–94

  Paramount Theater, 299

  Paramount Theaters management, 392

  Parent-Teachers Association, 295

  Parsons, Louella, 74

  Pathé, 76

  Patricia Palmer Productions, 270

  Patterson, George S., 266

  Patteson, Stake, 130

  Peavey, Henry, 4–8, 144–45, 172–73, 187, 188–89, 233, 411

  arrest, 189

  description, 5

  discovery of body, 192, 196

  and Examiner, 257

  ghosts, 259–60

  home, 4

  reaction to murder, 207–8

  sexual orientation, 5

  spotlight after murder, 256

  vagrancy charge, 5

  Peete, Louise, 212, 222

  Pelton’s Theatre, 78

  Pepa, Joe, 48, 383

  lewdness charge, 51

  and Margaret “Gibby” Gibson, 49–53

  marriage, 50

  suit against police, 49–50

  trial, 53

  Pettijohn, Charles L., 105

  Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger, 40

  Photoplay, 387, 394

  Pickford, Jack, 24, 154, 229

  Pickford, Lottie, 43

  Pickford, Mary, 6, 25, 27, 32, 34, 43, 56, 64, 79, 83, 154

Gazette, 190, 224

  Poor Little Rich Girl, The, 283

  production code, 101–6

  and The Affairs of Anatol, 106

  made public, 103

  National Board of Review, 104

  unenforceable, 120

  Production Code Administration, 424

  Prohibition, 15, 23

  Public Is Never Wrong, The (Zukor), 425

  Purviance, Edna, 6, 195, 203, 267, 383

  Putnam, Rose, 96, 125, 128, 163–64, 165, 184, 311–12

  abortion, 310

  arrest, 356

  and Bushnell, 311–12, 317–18

  Bushnell scheme, 352–57

  and James Bryson, 163–64

  later life, 420

  marriage, 311

  release, 380

  scams, 125–26

  sentence, 371

  Putnam Building, 12, 118, 119, 298

  Queen Elizabeth, 37, 255

  Ralph Story’s Los Angeles, 407

  Rappé, Virginia, 149, 151, 157

  Ray, Charles, 26, 32

  Read, J. Parker, 94–95, 96, 97

  Realart Picture Corporation, 58

  Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, 32

  Reid, Wallace “Wally,” 84, 104, 132, 294, 312

  addiction, 327–29, 332

  death, 339

  drugs, 91–92, 153

  Reilley, Mrs. Eugene, 68

  Reimer, Charles, 377, 379

  Rialto, 84

  Rich, Irene, 387

  Ritz-Carlton, 37, 44, 146

  Roach, Hal, 42, 387

  Robbins, Ethel May, 236–37

  Roberts, Ed, 292

  Robins, Edward L. C., 237

  Rodriguez, Ralph and Lola, 50–51

  Rogers, Will, 32, 395

  Roosevelt, Teddy, 170

  Rosa Mundi (Dell), 187

  Ross, Gene, 181

  Ross, Herbert I., 366

  Rucker, Edward, 373

  Rudin, J. Robert, 392

  Ruggles, Wesley, 179

  Ryan, John A., 354, 366, 380

  FBI hunt, 377

  Ryan, May, 139, 184, 320–21, 363

  bunco, 320

  Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, 260

  Salisbury, Edward A., 252–53

  Salvation Army, 295

  Sands, Edward F. “Jazz,” 86, 108–12

  aka Edward Strathmore, 111

  aka Snyder, 110

  crimes, 110–11

  flyers about, 252

  gun, 112

  and Minter, 86

  pawn ticket letter, 176

  possible weight loss, 232

  spying on William Desmond Taylor, 108–9

  Taylor, spying on, 111, 113

  Taylor, vandalism and crimes against, 142

  and Taylor murder investigation, 213

  as Taylor murder suspect, 201, 213–14, 215, 231–32, 247, 284, 412

  Taylor’s house, seen at, 188

  Sanhuber, Otto, 421

  Santschi, Tom, 75

  Saucedo, Maria, 420

  Scarborough, George, 229

  Schallert, Edwin, 116, 117

  Schenck, Joseph, 101, 154, 155, 160, 169, 291, 368, 369

  Schenck, Nicholas, 279–81, 394

  Schiff, Jacob, 39

  Schuyler, Betsy, 386–87

  Schwab, Charles, 393

  Schweppes, Mr. and Mrs. Richard, 116

  Seeling, Charles, 162–63, 183

  Selznick, Lewis J., 58, 101, 135, 166, 168, 261


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