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Page 23

by Kate Douglas

  She snuggled against his chest, comforted by his warm breath against her temple. She could’ve fallen asleep if the need for a bathroom hadn’t nagged at her. Since ignoring that wasn’t an option, she reluctantly moved from Jay’s embrace.

  “Where are you going?”


  He pointed to a white door across the room. “Through there.”

  As luxurious as his bedroom, Jay’s private bath had a shower big enough for three people, and a huge garden tub that sat beneath a wall of windows overlooking the bay. Roni could easily imagine sitting in the tub with Jay, surrounded by candles and drinking wine while they enjoyed the view.

  Wanting to be back in Jay’s arms as quickly as possible, Roni took care of business and returned to the bedroom. Jay stood at the end of the bed, holding two glasses of champagne. She liked the way his gaze dipped down her body as she walked toward him. She felt no shame, no shyness, to be naked with him. He apparently felt the same, since he hadn’t bothered to put on a robe.

  “I thought you might want something to drink.”

  “Mmm, yes.” She accepted one glass from him, holding his gaze while they drank. “Oh, that is so good.”

  “Flora has very good taste in wines. She’s an amazing cook, too. She takes really good care of me.”

  “How long has she worked for you?”

  “Going on ten years.”

  “And she knows you’re a shapeshifter?”

  Jay nodded. “Not at first. She worked for me almost a year before I confided in her. I had to be sure I could trust her not to run away screaming or spill my secret to the press.”

  “I gather she didn’t do either.”

  “No. She loves to read paranormal romances and got so excited the first time I shifted in front of her. She thinks it’s cool to work for a shapeshifter.”

  Roni chuckled and took another sip of wine. Then she realized what Jay had said. “You shifted in front of her?”


  “We’re naked when we shift.”

  He tapped the end of her nose. “I stood behind the kitchen island so she wouldn’t see any of my good parts.”


  Jay grinned. “Jealous?”

  Yes, but she wouldn’t admit that to him. “Of course not. And wipe that cocky grin off your face.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He drained his glass. “I think I have my second wind now. Want to try that run?”

  “I’d love to, but my suitcase is in my rental car.” She looked down at her nude body. “I can’t walk through your house like this.”

  “It wouldn’t bother me if you did.”

  She frowned at his teasing. “Jay.”

  He laughed, gave her a quick hug. “I’ve got it handled, sweetheart.”

  He took her glass and placed it along with his on the dresser, then crossed the floor to a door next to the bathroom. A light came on when he opened the door, exposing a large walk-in closet. He stepped inside and came out wearing a dark blue silk robe. Holding up its mate, he helped Roni slip into it.

  “I bought these when you told me you were coming. I didn’t think you’d want to walk naked through my house with other people here.”

  She tied the belt and turned to face him. The robe fit her perfectly. “Thank you. But how did you know my size?”

  “I, uh, cheated. I bought the same robe in three sizes.”

  Roni laughed at his ingenuity. Jay grinned. “I figured I could take back the two that didn’t fit you.”

  She tugged him closer for a kiss. “Very smart.”

  He took her hand, entwined their fingers. “Ready to run?”

  She squeezed his hand. “Ready.”

  Jay watched Roni shed her robe on the patio. He took the chance to admire her perfect form in the moonlight before she closed her eyes and shifted. Instead of the incredibly sexy woman he’d been with all evening, a black wolf stood before him. She sat on her haunches and looked up at him, her pink tongue hanging out of her mouth.

  “God, you’re even more beautiful as a wolf.”

  She tilted her head and whimpered. With a sharp yip, she ran five feet across the patio, stopped, and looked back at him.

  Jay laughed. “Okay, I get the hint. You’re ready to run.”

  The power flowed through him as he shifted. Roni took off toward the woods that surrounded his house. Jay hurried to catch up. He ran next to her, their strides in sync, until they were deep in the woods with nothing surrounding them but trees and the sound of the night creatures.

  She got ahead of him, her bushy tail high. A wolf’s natural urge to dominate, to mate, gripped Jay. He ran faster until he caught up to Roni again and nipped at her shoulder. She nipped back, catching his ear. He tried to circle her, but she kept moving, dodging him, avoiding his paw when he tried to hold her in place.

  He would swear there was a smile on her face.

  She took off again, bounding over downed trees and through low bushes. Jay ran full out to catch her. He finally cornered her in a patch of ferns. Growling softly, he approached her. She stood with her head high, her mouth open as she panted. He pawed at the ground, then moved closer. Her position in the trees wouldn’t let him get behind her the way he wanted to.

  Jay moved a bit closer, released a low bark. He tensed, ready to stop her if she tried to run away. She surprised him by turning around and moving her tail to the side.

  Offering her complete surrender.

  He placed his paws on her back and mounted her. She spread her legs wide, taking all of his weight as he thrust into her. The knot to tie them together passed from him to her. She whimpered softly, lowered her head. He could feel the ripple of her sheath around his cock, signaling her climax. Holding the back of her neck in his teeth, he followed her over the edge.

  Minutes passed while they lay bound together on the ground. Jay slowly pulled away from Roni and stood. She stood, too, and faced him. He nuzzled her neck, rubbed his muzzle against hers. She growled low in her throat, a sound of happiness and satisfaction.

  Turning, she broke into a run toward Jay’s house. Race you!

  He started forward, stumbled to a stop when he clearly heard Roni’s voice in his head. Legend said that once mated, wolves could talk to each other. He’d never been sure whether to believe that.

  Now he did.

  Wait! He took off after her. Roni, wait.

  Her laughter rang in his mind. Reaching her side, he ran with her all the way to his patio. He shifted as she did, drew her in his arms for a long, deep kiss.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I love you, too.”

  He drew back enough to see her face. Her eyes reflected her declaration of love, as did the smile that curved her lips ... lips he couldn’t resist tasting again.

  “Shower?” he asked after kissing her once more.

  She nodded.

  Scooping up their robes from a chaise lounge, Jay took Roni’s hand and led her back into the house.


  Roni gripped Jay’s buttocks and threw back her head as the orgasm flowed through her body. She hadn’t uncurled her toes yet from the powerful sensations when Jay flipped her to her stomach. Drawing her up to her knees, he rammed his cock into her pussy.

  Just like that, her body was on fire for him again. Roni spread her knees to balance herself for Jay’s hard thrusts. She had no idea how many times they’d made love the last two days, but she’d already learned some of his habits and quirks. On top of her, he was more tender and loving. When she was on top, he let her lead them on the path to orgasm at whatever speed she wanted to go. No pushing, no urging her to ride him faster. She set the pace and he followed.

  His wolf came out in this position. He liked it hard and fast, almost animalistic. So did Roni. Clutching a pillow, she spread her legs even farther apart.

  “Oh yeah. You like me fucking you this way, don’t you?”

  “I like you fucking me any way.” She arched h
er back, trying to take him even deeper. “Harder.”

  She moaned when he reached under her and cradled her breasts, pinched her nipples. Another twist of the hard peaks sent her tumbling again. He pumped once, twice, then trembled and moaned. His warm breath brushed her nape, sending little fingers of desire up and down her spine.

  Wolves were naturally sexual creatures, but Roni had never craved anyone the way she craved Jay. Even once a year when she was in heat for two weeks, the desire to fuck didn’t overwhelm her the way a simple look from Jay did.

  She didn’t know she could love so fiercely.

  Gently, he pulled out of her and helped her roll to her back. Once she’d gotten into a comfortable position, he lay on top of her and smiled. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” she said, returning his smile. “Although I think it’s technically afternoon.”

  “Details.” He pressed a soft kiss on her lips. “Sex is such a wonderful way to start the day.”

  Since they’d also started Friday morning with sex, Roni had to agree. “We haven’t done much but eat, sleep, and have sex.”

  “I know.” He grinned. “Ain’t it grand?”

  She laughed at the smug expression on his face. She had to admit he was right. Everything had been grand so far.

  Jay rose up to his knees between her legs. He cradled her breasts, thumbed her nipples. “Want to go for a run before breakfast?”

  They’d never run in daylight, only under cover of night. “Now?”

  “Sure.” Her concern must have shown on her face, for he smiled and tapped the end of her nose. “As humans, Roni.”

  “Oh.” While she loved running as a wolf, running as a human didn’t appeal to her at all. She wrinkled her nose. “Not really.”

  He shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “Then what do you want to do today? It’s Saturday. There’s no limit to what we can find to do in the city.”

  His thumbs made a pass over her nipples again. Each touch sent that little zing to her clit. “Keep that up and we’ll never get out of bed.”

  He flashed that boyish grin at her. “Works for me.”

  Jay’s cell phone on the nightstand belted out an old Doobie Brothers song. “That’s Troy.” He squeezed her breasts and lightly pinched her nipples. “I hate to let go of you to answer it.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Leaving one hand on her breast, Jay reached over and snatched up his cell phone. “Hey, man.”

  Roni watched Jay’s eyebrows draw together. “Today?” He looked at her. “I have plans today... . Well, yeah, I know I said that, but ... Okay, sure.... Give me an hour or so. I haven’t showered yet.... Bye.”

  “Is something wrong?” Roni asked as he replaced the phone on the nightstand.

  “Troy’s run into a problem and wants to talk to me about it. He said it can’t wait until Monday.”

  “He works Saturdays?”

  “Sometimes, when we’re pushing a deadline. We’re introducing our new computer line in August and still have some bugs to fix.” He stretched out on top of her. “That’s a secret, so you can’t tell anyone.”

  She made a motion over her lips, like turning a key in a lock. “I won’t tell a soul.”

  “I’m sorry to mess up our weekend. Troy wouldn’t bother me unless it was really important.”

  “You aren’t messing up anything.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You can drop me at a mall or shopping center, go do your business, then pick me up when you’re through.”

  Jay smiled. “Sounds like a plan. Then I’ll take you to dinner on the waterfront.”

  Roni cradled his face and kissed him. “Perfect.”

  Jay found Troy in the dungeon, a half-full mug of coffee at his elbow and a scowl on his face. He slapped his cousin on the shoulder. “You’re supposed to play on Saturday, not work.”

  “Yeah, well, you’ll be glad I’m so dedicated when I tell you what I found.” He swiveled his chair around to face Jay. “We have a hacker, cuz.”

  Instead of the panic Jay knew his cousin would expect, he shrugged. “We track a lot of hackers, Troy. It’s usually just kids trying to show off to their friends. No one ever actually gets past our firewall.”

  “They did this time.”

  Shocked at his cousin’s statement, Jay sank down into the chair next to Troy’s desk. “What?”

  “I discovered it early this morning. But get this. Now there’s no sign anyone was ever in our system. All traces I found right before I called you are gone.” Troy tapped one fingertip against his monitor. “Whoever did this is very, very good.”

  Jay looked at Troy’s monitor. He saw nothing but code for their operating system. “Are you sure? Maybe you only thought you saw something.”

  “I managed to get a couple of screen shots before everything disappeared. There’s no doubt someone got past our firewall.”

  Jay rubbed his forehead. In the eight years since he and Troy had formed JEMATAR, no one had managed to get into their system. “We need to get our security team on this.”

  “Already on their way. I called them right after I called you.”


  Troy leaned back in his chair, laced his hands over his stomach. “So, where’s your lady friend?”

  Since JEMATAR was so close to announcing the new line of computers, Jay would normally never take any time off. He’d told Troy that Roni was coming for a visit when he decided to take off Thursday and Friday. “I dropped her off at Fisherman’s Wharf so she could do some shopping while I came here.”

  “Everything going smoothly?”

  “Better than smoothly.” Jay smiled. “She’s the one, Troy. My mate. We bonded as wolves Thursday night.”

  Jay didn’t receive the smile or the “that’s great” he expected from his cousin. Instead, Troy’s scowl returned. “You bonded and yet you know nothing about her.”


  “It’s the female’s decision when to mate. How interesting that she was willing to move her tail the first time you met.”

  Jay scowled at Troy’s crudeness. “Look—”

  “Where does she work? Do you even know that?”

  “Will you let me finish a sentence?”

  Troy waved a hand in Jay’s direction, as if to give him permission to speak.

  “She works for her family’s business in Dallas.”

  “What kind of business?”

  Jay didn’t know, nor did he care. “It doesn’t matter to me.”

  “It matters to me.” Gripping the arms of his chair, Troy leaned forward. “Your father is our Alpha. You’re next in line to lead our pack. Not only do I love you and swear to protect you because you’re my cousin and business partner, but because you’ll lead us someday. I won’t let anyone hurt you, Jay ... not even the wolf you think is your mate.”

  “She is my mate, Troy.”

  “How do you know she isn’t a spy from a competitor? Or someone out to trap you? You’re worth a lot of money, cuz.”

  “She isn’t interested in my money. She may not have as much as I do, but she isn’t hurting. She lives in Highland Park. That’s a very ritzy part of Dallas. Besides, a wolf can’t fake the call of its mate. As soon as I heard her voice, I knew we belong together.”

  Troy stared at him long enough that Jay was about to snap at him when he tapped his monitor again. “You’re thinking with your dick, Jay, not your brain. I’m not satisfied with the little bit you know about Veronica St. James. As soon as I get this security situation straightened out, I’ll do that investigation on her.”

  Whatever Troy thought he might find about Roni wouldn’t make any difference in the way Jay felt about her. He knew she had nothing to hide. “Fine. Investigate away. You won’t find anything wrong with Roni. I know that for a fact.”

  Roni could tell something bothered Jay, something he hadn’t told her. He’d seemed fine when he’d met her on Fisherman’s Wharf. He’d even gone through some of the
souvenir shops with her and helped her pick out T-shirts for her sisters. But he’d been quiet and withdrawn ever since they arrived at the restaurant.

  She reached across the table and covered his hand with hers. “What’s wrong? You haven’t said three words since we sat down to eat.”

  He laid his fork on his plate next to his barely touched steak. “I’m sorry. I’m thinking about the mess at JEMATAR. Troy is going nuts with this hacker thing.”

  Roni wondered if she should offer Clint’s services. If someone had tried to hack into Jay’s company, she had no doubt her brother could find him. Clint could not only find a needle in a haystack, he could find a needle in the whole hayfield.

  Jay continued before she could make the offer. “Troy called in our security team. They’ll work nonstop to plug the leak, if there is one.”

  “Is your security team good?”

  “The best.” His gaze turned sharper. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because I can recommend someone if you need help.”


  “My brother.”

  Jay slowly sat back in his chair. “Your brother.”

  Roni didn’t understand the flat tone of Jay’s voice. “Yes. That’s what our family business is—computer security. I’m here to finalize the contract with Parks Bank. They’re our newest client.”

  When he said nothing, but continued to stare at her, Roni squirmed in her chair. Tension seeped off Jay, a tension she didn’t understand. She had no idea why he would be upset at the mention of her brother. “Did I say something wrong?”

  He smiled, but Roni thought it seemed forced. “Of course not.” He reached across the table and laid his hand over hers. “I’m letting business get in the way of our time together. Troy will take care of the hacker problem. I want to concentrate on you for the rest of the time you’re here.”

  His words should’ve relieved her, yet they didn’t. Something bothered Jay that he couldn’t—or wouldn’t—tell her. “I want that, too.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. No more talk of work or problems. We’ll just concentrate on us.” He picked up his fork again and stabbed a piece of steak. “We can go to the movies after dinner, or go back to my house and watch a DVD.”


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