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Timeless Mist

Page 26

by Terisa Wilcox

  Elsie laughed. "She is just concerned for ye. And, she knows how her son is. She is happy for the both of ye and sees how much ye truly care for each other. Though ye are unsure about Iain's feelings for ye, Sorcha and I ha'e seen the way he watches ye and looks at ye. 'Tis nay the look of a mon who has no caring for ye at all. Though neither of ye may see it just yet."

  "Oh, I think I'm beginning too. After a week of having Iain bring me flowers, and gifts and sending me special treats from the kitchens as well as the way he looks at me at meal times, as if he wishes I were the meal instead, has given me a good idea that he's not just doing it all for show. Still, I'd like to hear him voice it. Men can desire a woman, but still not have any true, deep feelings for her."

  "Aye, I ha'e seen him gi'e ye more than enough of those looks to make me envious, lass."

  "Didn't your husband ever look at you like that?"

  "Oh, aye, quite often. Which is why I am envious." Her eyes twinkled as she winked at Kris. "Come on wi' ye then. We must get ye into Sorcha's rooms afore Iain decides to pop his head out here and sees ye. 'Tis bad luck ye know."

  Kris nodded, looked around quickly then scurried off to join Sorcha for breakfast.

  "Good morrow, Kristianna." Sorcha greeted her. "You're up bright and early this morning. Is there a particular reason for you looking so excited?"

  Kris giggled and kissed Sorcha on the cheek. "Now I know where your son gets it from."

  Sorcha laughed. "You have a glow this morning, Kris."

  "Hmmm. I wonder why?" Kris tapped her chin thoughtfully, "could it be that I'm getting married today?"

  "Aye, that may just be the cause of it."

  Both the women collapsed in a fit of giggles. Elsbeth looked at them and shook her head at their foolishness, but smiled just the same.

  "Would ye two care to eat? Or do ye suppose ye will make it through the festivities on just your giddiness?"

  "We'll eat." Sorcha said.

  "I don't think I'll be able to eat much, Elsie," Kris informed her, "I'm too nervous. I think just some bread and cheese for me this morning."

  "I'll see to it then." She looked at Sorcha, "and ye behave yourself this morn, my lady. Today is an important day for lady Kristianna and I willnae ha'e it ruined by ha'ing ye upset her. Understood."

  Sorcha grew serious and gave Elsie a mock salute.

  "Humph." Elsie strolled out the door.

  "I will not bring the subject up today of all days, Kris. You needn't fear that."

  "Thank you, Sorcha. I'm nervous enough at the moment."

  "After the ceremony today, you and Iain will be alone for the week."

  "For the entire week?"

  Sorcha nodded.


  "Because it will be your honeymoon, silly."

  "Oh, of course. I didn't think about that. Iain and I haven't really talked about any of that. Not since before when he suggested a handfasting to begin with. Then he told me the marriage need not be consummated if I didn't wish it."

  "Well of course it has to be consummated, Kris. Didn't you realize tradition dictates that the elders see the marriage sheets?"

  Kris gasped. "You're kidding?"

  "No, actually, I'm not. It's the way it's done in the Highlands. And the clan elders will be especially keen on seeing yours and Iain's if only because they think you are English."

  "Oh dear." Kris put her head down on the table with a thunk. "I never even thought of that." She mumbled. Then she raised her head. "I wonder what Iain had planned then, when he assured me that it didn't need to be consummated."

  Sorcha shrugged. "He must have had something in mind, but I couldn't say what."

  "Well, it seems as if we are both keeping secrets."

  Sorcha laughed. "Only his aren't quite as bad as yours, now are they?"

  "No, I don't suppose they are." Kris waved a dismissive hand. "Today I want to play Scarlett O'hara."

  Sorcha quirked a questioning brow at her.

  "I'll think about that tomorrow." She grinned from ear to ear.

  Sorcha couldn't help another chuckle. "If that's the way you wish it, then so be it." She smiled.

  * * *

  Iain woke the morning of his handfasting and breathed a sigh of relief. Mayhap this one he would actually get to the ceremony without finding out something dire about her first. Such as, she was in love with someone else or that she had betrayed him to his enemies.

  Aye, Kristianna would not do that to him, of that he was certain. Although he still sensed she had a secret or two, he was fairly certain it wouldn't be as big as her being from the future. He smiled to himself. He could still scarce believe it.

  How had the men of her time missed her? True, with her red hair and smattering of freckles, she wasn't a classic beauty, such as the kind the minstrels warbled on about, but she possessed a fire and a passion that he couldn't seem to resist.

  And she was definitely not too hard on the eyes. Hers was a beauty that one only saw when they spent time with her and got to know her.

  She had a wonderful wit and could speak with knowledge on many subjects. He'd seen some of her sketches and her artistic talent was something of a wonder to him. With a shake of his head, he rose and dressed.

  "Enter," he called at a rap on his door. "Ahh, Raibert, good. Is e'erything in readiness?"

  "It is. The hall has been transformed, laird. I dinnae think ye will recognize it." He grinned. "'Tis a good thing ye are doing in ha'ing this elaborate handfasting, laird. The clan needs something to celebrate and now ha'e a reason."

  "Aye, there ha'e been too many sorrows in the recent months and years. They need a chance to forget for a bit all the troubles that plague us just now." He glance up from buckling on his sword, "Do ye ha'e the necessary items?"

  Raibert nodded, "aye. The binding cord is in readiness as is the rosette pin and the plaid. And my màthair has already been down to the Greathall to inspect the cook's offerings." He chuckled, "'tis a verra good thing that they get along so well, otherwise I think the cook would ha'e bashed my poor wee màthair on the head wi' that rolling pin she is so fond of brandishing about like a weapon. I swear, she is more dangerous wi' that thing than if she had a sword."

  Iain laughed. "Aye, ye ha'e that aright."

  "I just came to see if ye needed anything and to gi'e ye an update of the scout's reports."

  "Ahh, aye. Ha'e they anything to report then?"

  "Nay. Nothing of consequence for the now. They ha'e made the rounds of the entire area, but ha'e seen nothing as of yet."

  Iain sighed in relief. He wanted nothing to ruin this day for Kristianna and had they had to begin fortifying the keep, that would most certainly have put a damper on the day.

  "'Tis good then. Ha'e the men make sure there is always someone keeping watch for the now. 'Tis nay a good time to grow lax in our stance."

  "Nay. I will see to it."

  "And while ye are at it, see if ye can bring me something to break my fast."

  "Aye, we wouldnae want ye to be short on energy this day." He laughed as Iain took a swing at him, and ducked out the door.

  * * *

  Elsbeth poked her head into Sorcha's rooms before the usual mid-day meal would take place. Today, it would be a bit late because of the celebration. Sorcha told Kris the cook had been up since early morning preparing and baking for the festivity.

  "She's been in her glory, happy to have a reason to cook all the delicacies I've taught her over the years. There hasn't been much of a chance in recent years to cook them, but she does love it."

  "Are ye ready then, lass?" Elsbeth asked.

  Kris glanced at Sorcha who nodded. "I guess so. I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

  "You look lovely, Kris. You will take his breath away, trust me."

  "All I know is that if the butterflies don't quit doing a jig in my stomach, I'll never be able to eat all those wonderful things the cook is making."

  "You'll be fine, trust me," Sorcha told
her with a hug. "I must go down. I will see you in the Greathall. Give me five minutes, then follow." She glanced at Elsbeth, "come on with you, Elsie, lass. We had best be getting down there before Iain decides to come find us all."

  She winked at Kris, linked arms with Elsbeth and strolled out the door.

  Alone, Kris took a deep breath and held it, trying desperately to calm her jittery nerves. She could do this, she knew she could. But oh, how she wished her family were here. Hailey would have been beside herself with excitement, helping to plan everything with Sorcha.

  A tear escaped down her cheek but she brushed it away impatiently. She would not cry today of all days. She loved Iain and she was marrying him. And she prayed that someday, he would feel the same about her. She knew he cared, but didn't know how much or even if it was just the natural caring of a man who was the head of a large, powerful clan.

  She would not think overly much about what her family was missing today. She was here, and her family was four centuries away. There was nothing she could do about it, and thinking about it still hurt too much.

  She squared her shoulders, took a last look in Sorcha's mirror, and smiled. When she'd first seen her reflection, she thought she was looking at someone else. Never had she thought of herself as even pretty, let alone beautiful. But the woman who stared back at her was just that.

  She pinched her cheeks a bit to bring some color into them lest she worry Iain by looking too pale, then headed out of the room, firmly closing the door on her past in the future.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Iain waited not so patiently at the Laird's table, glancing none to casually at the stairs.

  "Do not worry, Iain, she will be here."

  He nodded to his màthair, but couldn't help another look at the steps before he looked elsewhere. Where was she? Had she changed her mind? Had something happened…he stopped mid-thought at a noise. He looked up and saw all who were in the hall looking in one direction. He followed their gazes and inhaled sharply. Then almost forget to let it out.

  Kristianna stood at the doorway to the upper floor, an absolute vision of loveliness. Never had he seen another look as beautiful. He gave himself a mental shake, gathered his wits together and crossed the room to meet her.

  Taking her hand, he brought it to his lips.

  Kris stared at him in awe. He was so handsome, so sexy, so totally male, that she nearly forgot to breathe. How was it possible that she had found the man of her dreams, literally, and he actually appeared to care for her?

  When he brought her hand to his mouth, she held her breath again. Instead of placing a kiss on her knuckles, however, he turned her hand over and placed a kiss on the inside of her wrist. The intimate gesture sent immediate shivers of awareness through her body and she had a difficult time repressing the quivers of delight and desire.

  She curtseyed to him and let him lead her to her place at the table. She barely noticed as the entire crowd in the Greathall rose. She vaguely heard them all sit again once she and Iain took their places. He did not allow her to sit yet. Instead, he kept her hand in his and after glancing to the hall, he turned back to her and gazed into her eyes.

  "My friends and family," he said at last, not taking his gaze from hers, "I welcome ye to this celebration. I ask ye all to bear witness to my statement." He nodded to Raibert who produced a cord.

  Iain took Kris' right hand in his left and her left in his right as Raibert wrapped the cord around their wrists several times, tied it snuggly then stepped back a step or two.

  "This cord represents the binding of these two people. May their love be as strong as these three cords that bind them together."

  "Kristianna Armstrong, today I, Iain MacGregor, Laird of Clan MacGregor, take thee as my betrothed wife. I vow to protect ye at all costs, to put ye above myself and to cherish ye above all others."

  Kris took a deep breath her mouth was so dry she wished she had something to drink.

  Iain's brow rose a fraction when she continued to stare at him without saying anything. He nodded imperceptibly.

  "Iain MacGregor," she began, licked her lips, swallowed, and continued, "of, um, oh, Laird of Clan MacGregor, today, I Kristianna," she hesitated and swallowed again, "Armstrong, take thee as my betrothed husband. I vow to protect you at all costs, to put you above myself and to cherish you above all others." She smiled when Iain chuckled.

  Then she forgot everything else for Iain kissed her, his tongue sending shivers of desire racing through her again. For a long while, his mouth continued to explore hers until a smattering of laughter reached her dulled brain. She pulled away, her cheeks flaming.

  The people clapped and cheered loudly as Sorcha stood in the center of them, holding their bounds hands.

  When the noise finally died down, she said, "Kristianna, I welcome ye to the clan MacGregor. Know that this union has my blessing." She kissed Kris on the cheek. "I present ye wi' this pin and plaid of our clan. May ye wear them wi' pride and honor." She then presented them as handfasted to more applause.

  "Can we untie this cord now?" Kris whispered. "I think Raibert got a bit carried away because my hand is going numb."

  Sorcha laughed and nodded as she untied the cord binding them together.

  "We are now well and truly handfasted, lass." Iain whispered in her ear.

  "Now, we ha'e the celebration." Sorcha said, as she moved back to her place at the table. She nodded to a group sitting just below them and Kris was surprised when they rose and went to the far end of the Greathall. There, they retrieved what looked like instruments and began to play.

  Kris shot Iain a look of delight. "Will you teach me some of the dances later?"

  "Ye like to dance?"

  Kris nodded with enthusiasm.

  "Aye, then I shall endeavor to teach ye some of our dances." He smiled at her. "I ha'e a gift for ye."


  Iain nodded and dug in his sporran. "'Tis a little something I had made for this occasion. I hope it pleases ye."

  Kris looked down and then back up at Iain again, tears pricking her eyes. He held a ring out to her. The stone was blue, with tiny diamonds on either side of it. She held out her hand to him and he slipped it on her finger.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  "Ha'e I made ye unhappy then, that ye would weep?"

  Kris shook her head. "No," she whispered, unable to stop the tears. "On the contrary, I don't think I've ever been this happy before." She flung her arms around him and held on. "Thank you, Iain."

  He returned her embrace, placing a kiss close to her ear.

  "I have a gift for you, as well." She said, pulling away and smiling at him.

  Iain looked at her in surprise, for she too had a ring for him. The ring shocked him, for it was quite well made. It was large with the MacGregor badge etched into it, a tiny green gem used for the lion's eye.

  "Do you like it?"

  "I dinnae know what to say. Aye, I like it verra much." Iain glanced at her and smiled again. "I willnae be able to wear it all the time, ye understand."

  Kris nodded and waved away his concern. "I realize that. If you wore it while training, it might get in the way. I just thought you might like it for special occasions and such. You know, of course, that it's traditional to exchange rings at a wedding."

  "Of course. 'Tis the same in this time, lass. 'Tis nay always done at a handfasting as that is much akin to a betrothal ceremony. But I cannae tell ye how pleased I am that ye would gift me wi' this."

  "I have another gift for you as well."

  "Kris, ye needn't…"

  "It's just something I've been working on in my spare time and thought you might like to have it. I finished it and thought it would be a nice surprise for you. Would you like it now or would you rather wait until we're alone?"

  "Is it something that should wait until we are alone?" he countered, a lascivious look in his eye.

  "Oh, you…" Kris shook her head, feeling her cheeks grow warm. "No, it's
something everyone can see." She nodded to a couple of guards who left but returned quickly. They carried a large, flat thing between them, covered in a sheet.

  Sorcha looked at Kris who smiled back at her.

  "What is that, Kristianna?"

  "You'll see in a minute." Kris rose from her chair and walked down to where the men stood. "I hope you like it." She said to Iain, then removed the sheet.

  Iain stood and gasped at the portrait of himself. In it, he stood with his arms crossed in front of his chest, his face stern but with a small, confident smirk.

  "Lass." He said as he moved to stand beside her, examining the picture more closely. "I ne'er knew ye were such an artist."

  "Aye, Kris," Sorcha rose from her seat as well, "ye do have a talent. It looks just like him."

  "You like it then?" She'd had doubts about painting it, especially when she'd looked at the finished product and realized it was the one she'd seen hanging in the hallway in the twentieth century. She'd had no idea at that time that she'd been the one to paint it.

  "Aye, lass," Iain nodded and hugged her. "We shall hang it here in the hall over the hearth were all may see it."

  Kris embraced Iain, who left his arm around her waist and led her back to the table. The celebrating began as the food was finally brought out.

  * * *

  Several hours later, Kris found herself ensconced with Iain in the bridal chamber.

  "Are ye nervous, lass?" Iain turned to Kris after seeing to the fire.

  Kris chuckled, "a bit. It's not like this is something I've done before."

  "Aye, lass, I know it. Mayhap we should talk awhile. Although if that is your wish, may I suggest ye cover yourself wi' that robe." He grinned at her, with undeniable interest.

  Kris blushed and reached for the robe. When Sorcha had brought her the silk nightgown, Kris had been unsure about it. White, with lace in all the right places, and a deep v-neckline, it showed more than it hid.

  "I thank ye again, lass, for my gifts. More so because they werenae expected."

  Kris sat in the chair across from him and smiled shyly. Iain had no idea how to put her at ease. He poured them each a goblet of wine then pulled her from her seat.


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