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Page 5

by Sydney Morgann

  Her heartbeat accelerated. And the warmth of her skin seemed to heat up a few degrees. “Why can't you go home?” he asked.

  “Because the small portal they created to send me here was a once only event. We have a non-interference policy when it comes to other race's evolution. However, this is a special case and a lost race of aliens created the transporter technology, not my people. We cannot duplicate it. Every time we tried to power it up, it would only last for a short time then it went dead. We don't know why it opened up enough for me to go through. I only know that it took an extraordinary amount of power. I can never go back to my people.” She squeezed his hand. “So, I guess I should feel relieved that my time alone here will be short. Do you understand?”

  He returned the squeeze. “Yes, I understand. One last question, if I may?”

  She nodded and smiled. “It's only fair. I ask questions of humans all the time. I think it irritates them.” She giggled.

  “Why are you so fascinated with human sex? I would think a race as advanced as yours would be more interested in technology, culture, history...”

  Penny pushed his hand down until it covered one breast. “Because, since I changed into this human body, sexual gratification seems to be all it wants. I...” she chuckled and rubbed his hand over her breast. The nipple hardened. “I can't control it, and, truth is, I don't want to.”

  “You changed into a human? You don't normally look like this?” Malcolm asked, dropping his free hand to her knee and leaning even further forward. “What do you look like?”

  She laughed. “Believe me, my real form is quite different. And, yes, I am a shape-shifter. It's a learned talent on my world. I studied for many decades to emulate human form. I found it exciting and unique.” Her eyes took on a gleam. She parted her knees and exposed muscular thighs and an uncovered female groin. “I still do.” Her voice became husky and sultry.

  “I find it an interesting study, also.” Malcolm's hand crept up her thigh and came to rest close enough to her vagina for him to reach out a finger and caress the enlarged clitoris, which rapidly hardened under his touch. “Female anatomy and response varies from one human female to another so much that the study is endlessly variable.” He thrust his thick finger inside her, causing her to squirm down in the chair to give him better access.

  Penny moaned and reached up to unzip the simple shift she wore. Small, pert breasts, topped with erect pink nipples, came into view. Her slim waist and coppery pubic mound were tense and hard with anticipation. “You'll find my responses a bit different, I'm sure. I'm looking forward to learning yours,” she whispered as she moved her pelvis back and forth against his hand.

  Malcolm withdrew his finger, stood and pulled off the black shirt and pants he wore. He stood in front of her; he knew she would want to take a good look at his body just as he inspected hers. He grabbed his twelve-inch erect penis and held it out toward her. “I'm told this is superior to most human males’ organs. Do you find it acceptable?”

  Penny stood, wrapped her hand around his large cock, then slid it between her thighs. She looped her arms around his waist and moved her body tightly against his. Slowly moving her swollen, wet clitoris against his erection, she said, sighing lustily, “Oh, yes. Very acceptable. Can we indulge in some sex talk? I haven't had the opportunity to experience that, yet.” She rubbed her hard nipples against the thick hair on his chest and felt them harden even more.

  Malcolm grabbed her hair with one large hand and gently pulled her head away from his body, exposing her throat. He leaned forward to nibble and lick her neck and ear. “Anything you want, baby, is okay with me. I want to fuck you, make your pussy throb so hard you'll be glad when you cum.” He lightly bit her ear then nudged her head back further as his tongue snaked out to lick the hollow at the base of her throat. “I'm going to ram my cock into you, then I'm going to tease you by slowly withdrawing it and just as slowly sliding it into you again.”

  Penny moaned, threw her head back and wrapped her legs around his waist. He easily held her with one arm. With his free hand, he reached up and massaged one of her breasts, teasing the nipple between two fingers. His mouth slowly lowered to the same breast. His tongue snaked out to tease the hard tip before his lips closed over it, sucking and tonguing the nub inside his mouth.

  The cabin began to hum with the rhythm of their hips as they thrust against each other. A dim pink glow spread over their bodies as Penny and Malcolm slowly sunk to the carpeted floor behind the command chairs.

  Cea stopped abruptly at the entrance to the bridge, stunned by the sight of Malcolm slowly licking Penny's body as he made his way down toward her upthrust hips and ending with his head buried in the thick bush of her pubic mound.

  Every nerve in Cea's body came alive at the sight. Her heartbeat accelerated. Her palms began to sweat. Her nipples became hard, taut and painful as they brushed against the shirt that suddenly seemed too tight and confining. She felt her vagina pulse with each rhythmic motion of Malcolm's head and tongue as he teased and sucked Penny's clitoris. Cea's breath became labored and harsh, mimicking Penny's as the woman groaned and moaned, clutching at Malcolm's head.

  “What the...?” Tal bumped into Cea's back, forcing him to grasp her by the waist to keep from knocking her over. He looked over Cea's shoulder and saw the reason for her quick stop. A groan escaped his mouth before he could stop it. His body responded to the sight of the amorous couple despite a frantic struggle to control it. Instantly hard beyond hope, his hips ground into Cea's ass, and his hands tightened on her waist. His mouth came down to taste the back of her neck and the top of her shoulder.

  Cea, still locked in place, stared at the two on the floor, and unconsciously responded by leaning back into Tal, returning the pressure against her buttocks.

  Tal's hands unlocked from her waist and crept up to mold both Cea's breasts. His breathing became harsh and rapid. “Cea, my love, I've wanted to do this...” he whispered while unbuttoning her blouse. His hands moved to cover then massage both her breasts. After which, he simultaneously fingered both nipples. His hips moved against her, grinding his erection into the cleft between her ass cheeks.

  Cea leaned forward, encouraging the pressure, top and bottom.

  At that moment, Malcolm reared up, his lips wet from Penny's juices, his erection poised above her. She writhed and gyrated with abandon beneath him.

  Tal's fingers reached down and slowly began to peel Cea's pants down; one hand snaked down to her swollen clitoris and the other grabbed her waist, balancing her. After freeing his swollen cock, Tal's fingers reached down and slowly began to peel Cea's pants down; one hand snaked down to her swollen clitoris and the other grabbed her waist, balancing her. His erection slid between her legs, probing for the hot, moist darkness of her vagina.

  Cea's mind filled with the image of his penis, then the vision devolved into a rapid slide-show, featuring various parts of Tal's body. The mental pictures sent her libido into hyperdrive.

  Penny squealed in ecstasy when Malcolm thrust into her.

  * * * *

  At that moment, the rosy glow of the alien transporter rapidly cycling up to a brilliant white light captured Cea's eye. Then, the ship suddenly shuddered with enough force to throw Tal and Cea to the floor. The ship and its contents disintegrated into a blur. Molecules and atoms flew apart. The atoms themselves split and became a blinding violet-white ball of energy that roiled, steadied, then streaked across the cosmos. Within a matter of nanoseconds, the light died down to nothing, leaving only unblinking stars in the hard vacuum of space.

  Chapter Six

  “What the fuck?” Tal blurted when he regained consciousness to find his body entwined with Cea. Malcolm and Penny were not far away. All of them lay exposed in various stages of nudity.

  Penny shook her head, focused her eyes and gazed around at the jumble of bodies as they all began to move and moan, touching and flinching at rising bruises and sore spots. “I'd say it's not what the fuck; it's w
ho the fuck!” She laughed, deep and loud, tickling Malcolm's flaccid penis as it lay tantalizingly close beside her head.

  “Very funny,” Cea groaned, sitting up then rubbing the side of her head where it had struck the back of her chair. Her bare breasts jiggled as she vigorously massaged a red spot on her temple.

  Malcolm untangled his nude body from Penny's groping hands and rose to his feet, completely unruffled and unembarrassed. “I think the question should be where the fuck are we? And how did we get here?” He peered out the view screen then down at his console. “According to my data, we just jumped about a quarter of the way across the galaxy, without programming it into Mother or losing any fuel.” He reached up to scratch the top of his head.

  Cea frowned at him, aware that he did these human mannerisms to taunt her, then rose and sat in her chair, her bare breasts moving as she slapped on Mother's headset. “Mother, where are we?”

  “No known planet of this type in my database,” Mother intoned.

  Tal fastened the Velcro on his pants and sat down in the weapons chair. “The only thing we can do is go down and take a look,” Tal said. “At least we're better off than we were minutes ago, facing suffocation or worse, out there.” His arm swept across the front of the ship's view screen.

  “I guess the party's over,” Penny sighed, zipping up her shift. She sat with crossed bare legs and pointed at the alien transporter, still glowing on the floor. “Take a look at that thing. It's changed.”

  Cea swung her chair around. “It's...” The words died in her throat.

  Tal laughed. “It's obvious how we got here.” He laughed again, pointing at the transporter. “Seems we fulfilled its need for kinetic energy.”

  The two pieces of the transporter locked together and pulsed pink in a familiar rhythm. The hum it gave off was reminiscent of groans and moans, combined.

  “I'll be dipped!” Penny whooped, slapping her leg with a hand. “The damned thing is a cock inside a pussy. All we had to do was put the two together and fuck to get it going.” She held her sides and guffawed. “If that don't beat all.”

  “Now, we know what got us here. Question is where are we and what's waiting for us down there?” Malcolm asked, pointing at the planet's configuration on the data screen.

  “We don't have a choice. We have to go down and find out. Maybe we can find a hull patch and fuel down there,” Cea said, cheeks flaming. “Malcolm, get some clothes on then pull out some extra spacesuits and get the shuttle fired up.” She stood up, fastening her blouse. “I'll break out some weapons, just in case.” She fled the cabin.

  Tal stood and watched her go, a wide grin on his face. “This is the little lady that said she didn't want adventure in her life.” He shook his head then followed her down the passageway.

  Malcolm shrugged at Penny. “Guess we're left to do the real work.”

  “Nah, we already did that. We got this whole damned ship here, and all it took was a hot fuck,” she sniggered, while caressing his bare ass. “Moving a tiny shuttle to the surface will be a piece of cake.” She stood and admired him as he dressed.

  * * * *

  The half-buried complex, covered with red dust from the surrounding landscape, rose from a surface scoured clean of all life. All around them, dunes of red sand undulated under a strong wind. The sky swirled with grey and black eddies of dry clouds, thick and dense. Red sand hammered against their synthetic suits and plastic helmets with a ferocity that rivaled an Earth tornado.

  The four helmeted figures battled against the wind as they made their way toward a large, steel double-door, dimly seen in the middle of a shapeless, gray building that blended into the backdrop of the dunes.

  Tal tried the indented door entrance port, but the doors wouldn't budge. “This looks like it's keyed to specific hand imprints,” he said, inspecting the surface of the lock. “We'll have to find another way in.”

  “According to Mother, there is no other entrance to this building,” Cea spoke into her helmet microphone. “Malcolm, can you figure out how to get it open?” She turned toward the figure standing beside her and pointed at the keypad mounted on the wall beside the doors.

  Without comment, he stepped to the keypad and pulled the faceplate off. “This is a simple, sealed computer entry code lock.” He indicated a round slot at the bottom. “All it requires is a digital hookup to search the central computer for the correct code.”

  “Do it,” Cea ordered, fighting to keep her body balanced against the gusts of wind that threatened to toss her to the ground.

  Tal stepped forward, grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him. “Hold onto me,” he said, protecting her from the screaming wind with one arm while holding a laser pistol up with the other. “Stay close when the doors open and let me go first.”

  “My hero,” Cea snapped, removing her pistol from her thigh pouch and holding it in readiness.

  Penny moved up and peered over Malcolm's shoulder. “What kind of hookup do you need? I can look through our work kit for it and help you,” she said as she indicated a bag in her left hand.

  “I have all I need,” he responded. He removed his helmet and pushed his face close to the open panel. After blocking the sandy wind with his helmet, a long, pink tongue snaked out of his mouth then began to shape itself to the lock. It quickly hardened into a shape matching the slot. Malcolm inserted it. “Accessing now,” he reported, slurring the words around his tongue.

  “Holy shit!” Penny exclaimed. “If I knew you could do that, I would've put it to better use than a lousy key for a door.” She smiled.

  The doors silently began to open. Malcolm pulled his tongue back into his mouth then replaced the keypad cover. Still holding Cea's arm, Tal pushed her behind him then moved through the doorway with pistol aimed forward. Penny moved the tool bag onto her back then lifted her pistol and followed behind them. They quickly entered with Malcolm bringing up the rear.

  Tal stood, straining to see through the darkness. Cea hit a blinking red button beside the doors. They closed without a sound, shutting out what little light the outside provided. The absence of the wind threw the interior into absolute silence.

  Malcolm took a deep breath of the atmosphere. “My sensors report the air is stale, but safe to breathe,” he said while scanning the surrounding area. “I'll find a power source and turn some lights on.” He moved further into the dark room.

  Tal pulled his helmet off. “This place feels empty.”

  Cea and Penny removed their helmets and shook out hair matted against their heads. Penny removed the tool bag from her back and set it gently down on the floor, noting the surface felt like steel.

  “I don't trust anything to be what it appears,” Cea retorted, gripping the pistol and straining to see and hear in the darkness.

  Especially when it comes to you, she thought, aware of Tal's body close to hers in the dark. Against her will, the memory of his hands on her breasts and the feel of his erection against her buttocks and moist kisses on her neck sent a shiver down her body. Perspiration gathered under her arms and on her palms.

  Tal reached over and squeezed her arm. “Don't worry. If anything was here, I think we'd know it by now.”

  She tried to throw off his hand. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”

  Bright neon light suddenly flooded the room, temporarily blinding them. Tal's hand gripped her arm tighter, and Cea froze in place, her gun still raised, her ears listening for any threatening sound. Within seconds, her eyesight cleared. All she saw was a large empty room.

  “It's okay,” Malcolm shouted from somewhere across the room. “I found the main power switch.”

  Tal's hand dropped from Cea's arm as she moved forward across the bare steel floor. He followed, cursing her damned independence.

  Penny picked up the tool bag then followed close behind, curiously inspecting the cavernous room. “This looks like it was either a loading bay or a warehouse area. It sure doesn't look like the main entrance to me.�
�� She noted steel hooks hanging from the ceiling and thick shelves lining all the walls. “Whatever it was used for, it's not being used now,” she added, as they came upon Malcolm seated at a large computer console inside a small cubicle.

  “What is this place?” Tal asked, peering over Malcolm's shoulder.

  Malcolm pointed to a logo on the wall behind him. “This place was run by the Earth government. It's the logo of a cybertronics firm. It does covert research for the military. My guess is this was one of their secret labs,” he glanced over at Cea. “But it's abandoned now. I'm searching the logs for more information.” His fingers flew over the keyboard.

  “Labs? What kind of labs?” Penny asked in a distracted voice, while tracing the logo on the wall with a finger.

  “One moment. There's a lot of data here,” Malcolm responded.

  Penny turned and placed her hands on his shoulders. “Can't you just hook in like you did outside and download all the data quicker than reading it?”

  “I would if there was a data port on this console, but there isn't,” he replied, still typing and scanning the information on the screen.

  Penny fished in her bag and pulled out a small box. She moved behind the computer and plugged it in then set it beside the keyboard. “Do your stuff, stud. I want to watch again.” She grinned down at Malcolm, pointing at the oddly shaped slot on the front of the data converter.

  “Go ahead, Malcolm. Just get the damned information. I'm going to investigate this place further. Catch up when you're done,” Cea snapped out her orders then left, heading for another set of double doors outside the cubicle.


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