Passion Fruit

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Passion Fruit Page 7

by Imari Jade

Chapter Seven

  "The babies are doing fine, Mrs. Yoshida," Dr. Sou said to Shaundra the next day. He helped her sit up on the examination table. "Where's Mr. Yoshida? He hasn't missed a prenatal visit since you returned to Osaka. "

  "He's busy rehearsing for a tour and a charity concert benefit," Shaundra told him. Mr. Niigata had arrived early this morning and whisked the fellows out of the house and off to some unknown location before she woke up. Ichiro left a note informing her that he was sorry he couldn't go with her and didn't know what time he'd be returning.

  "Did you drive here by yourself?"

  "Yes," Shaundra answered. "I'm beginning to get the hang of maneuvering around in all the traffic. "

  "You might think about having someone drive you here the next time. We don't want to take any chances of you getting hurt or kidnapped. "

  Shaundra laughed. "Why would someone want to kidnap me?"

  "Because you're a world famous author and you're married to a pop idol. "

  And not to mention a much hated person on the Aomori fan club list. Not a day went by when she didn't receive threatening e-mail or Twitter blasts and even more so now that someone had announced her pregnancy on Aomori's home page. "Okay," Shaundra agreed. "I'll get someone to drive me next time. "

  "Good, you're entering your third trimester and we have to be very careful with the babies. "

  "Is it still only two inside of me?" she asked. "I've been putting on a lot of weight. "

  Dr. Sou chuckled. ""As far as I can tell you're carry two very large. . . "

  "Shush, don't tell me their sex. "

  "Are you sure? Most women want to know so they can buy a specific color of clothing for the babies. "

  "I'm sure I don't want to know. Aomori wants boys and everyone else wants girls. "

  "And what do you want?" The doctor asked.

  "Healthy babies," Shaundra answered. And a hysterectomy.

  "I want you to stick to a no-salt diet, drink plenty of milk, and take your vitamins. "

  "Is it still safe to have intercourse?" Shaundra asked.

  "Yes, for now. I'll let you know when you need to stop. " He paused. "I guess it is hard having a young husband. "

  "Not really," Shaundra replied. "Except for him being potent. He wants to have more kids after these. "

  "Does he know your true age?" the doctor asked.

  Shaundra nodded. "Apparently he thinks women can continue to push out babies well into their sixties. "

  "It is not impossible," the doctor replied. "But I do not recommend it. You'll be too old to run behind them. "

  "I'm already too old to run behind them," Shaundra replied. "Anything else?"

  "Well, except for your blood pressure, you're in excellent shape. Your pressure is normal at the moment but I'm still keeping an eye on it. "

  "Thanks," Shaundra said. That's all she needed was one more person keeping an eye on her salt intake. She'd kill for a potato chip right about now.

  "So when is the tour beginning?" the doctor asked.

  "In two months," Shaundra told him. "They're doing Europe this time. "

  "Will he come back to Osaka for the births?"

  Shaundra shrugged. "I'm not holding my breath on that. I knew what I was getting into when I married an idol. He has to earn a living. "

  "Yes, I supposed he does. " The doctor scribbled something on his pad. "I'd like to see you back her in a month. Then I will decide whether we have to put you in the hospital in September or October. "

  "Do I still need a Cesarean?"

  The doctor nodded. "It looks that way. These babies are too big for you to deliver normally, and I don't want to harm you in the process. "

  "I understand. I'll let Ichiro and the others know. "

  The doctor rose and helped her off the table. "You can get dressed now. " He bowed and left her to change.

  Shaundra removed the hospital gown and got dressed. Ten minutes later she had her next appointment scheduled and was about to leave when she remembered something.

  "Can you tell me where I can find the anesthesiology department?" she asked the receptionist.

  The receptionist gave her the information and Shaundra left and rode the elevator to the fourth floor. She walked up to another information desk. "Hello, I'm trying to find Keiichi Wantanabe. "

  "Oh, I'm sorry. He just went down to the cafeteria for lunch. "

  "Where is the cafeteria?"

  "It's located on the second floor to the right of the elevators," the young woman told her.

  Shaundra bowed. "Thank you. " She smiled at the woman and headed back to the elevator. Moments later she stepped inside the cafeteria. She spotted Dr. Wantanabe seated at a table, amazed that she still remembered him. He hadn't changed much. He was a nice looking Japanese man with thick black hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a hospital uniform and was busy eating a sandwich when she approached.

  "Good afternoon, Dr. Wantanabe," Shaundra said.

  The man looked up, his eyes widened and then he jumped out of his seat. "Mrs. Yoshida, is that you?"

  Shaundra nodded and smiled at him.

  He hurried to her and hugged her, ignoring the stares from the other diners. "I'm so glad you've awakened and you're safe. Please join me. Can I get you something to eat?" He helped her into a chair.

  "No, thank you. I have to have all of my meals specially prepared. "

  "Oh, that's right. You have hypertension. "

  Shaundra sighed. She supposed that little bit of information will be written on her tombstone when she died.

  "Please finish eating your meal. I just came by to thank you for saving my life. "

  "No thanks needed. I would have done the same for anyone," he said modestly.

  "Yes, but you risked your own life to do so. "

  Keiichi went back to his seat. "I couldn't very well leave you to die. You needed to live. "

  "Thank you. I appreciate you saving me, looking after me and getting me safely to Tokyo. "

  "When did you wake up?" he asked.

  "Several weeks ago. I didn't know where the heck I was or what had happened?"

  He leaned forward. "How much of it do you remember?"

  "I remember the earthquake but everything after that is a blank. "

  He leaned back in his seat. "Nothing else is important. "

  "I also remember that kiss," Shaundra replied.

  Keiichi blushed. "I'm sorry for being so forward, but you were terrified and I thought it would calm you down. "

  "It did," Shaundra said with a smile. "Thank you. " Of all the things to remember.

  "So, did your family find you? I remember a young man coming here to find me a couple of months ago. He said he was your brother-in-law. "

  Shaundra nodded. "Satoshi. He's not really my brother-in- law. He's in a singing group with my husband, but he is a very dear friend of mine. "

  "You're married to a singer?" Keiichi asked.

  "Yes, have you heard of a pop group named Aomori?"

  "Are you kidding? Of course I've heard of them. Wait, you're married to Ichiro Yoshida?"

  Shaundra nodded.

  "No wonder I thought I recognized the young man who visited me. So is he the father?"

  "Yes," Shaundra replied. "He's way too young for me, but yes. "

  "He's one lucky fellow," Keiichi replied.

  "He knows that. "

  "So what are you doing in Osaka?"

  "I live here," Shaundra said. "I had a doctor's appointment earlier and I thought I'd drop by and say thank you. I will always be grateful for what you did for me and Aomori. " She paused. "What are you doing on Friday night?"

  "I'm off," he answered. "Why?"

  Shaundra opened her purse and pulled out two tickets. "I want you to be my guest at a private performance for Aomori.

  It's a charity event for Japanese earthquake victims. "

  "No," I
can't accept those," Keiichi said. "That's for your friends. "

  "You're my friend," Shaundra told him. "And it would mean the world to me if you accept. "

  "I don't have a tuxedo to wear to something like that,"

  Keiichi said.

  "You don't need one. A suit will do, and you'll get to meet Aomori and the rest of my friends. They will all want to meet you. "

  Keiichi finally accepted the tickets.

  Shaundra rose. "I have to go. "

  Keiichi rose. And walked over to her.

  Shaundra rose up on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for my life and the life of my babies. "

  Keiichi wiped a tear from his eyes. "You are one special lady, Ms. Yoshida. "

  "Call me Shaundra. We're friends remember?"

  Keiichi nodded. "Thanks for the tickets. My mother is going to be so excited. "

  "Your mother? You're not married?"

  "No. I'm still waiting for the right woman," he confessed.

  "Lucky girl," Shaundra replied. "You're one hell of a kisser. " She smiled at him, bowed, and left the cafeteria.

  Goro Niigata looked over at his motley group of singers remembering how they looked when he first recruited them as kids. Now they were all taller than him and the hottest group in Asia. He sighed. No father could be prouder. And what a handful of trouble.

  Yori, the leader with the beautiful face and the arrogant ego of a God had gotten himself married to a pain-in-the-butt wife who couldn't control her spending but who loved Yori dearly.

  Satoshi, the rock on which Aomori was built, used to be arrogant, flirtatious, and a bit of a ladies' man, but now he'd mellowed into one of the greatest piano men in the country.

  Everyone always went to him with their problems, but he couldn't recall a time when Satoshi ever complained about anything. He didn't know if it was a good thing to keep all his concerns bottled up, but he figured sooner or later he'd find someone to confide in.

  Takumijo, the dancing man had been trouble from the moment he'd been recruited. He had doubts about that one in the beginning. He'd been feisty and full of play. But when it came right down to it, Takumijo had more discipline than any of the others. He knew what he wanted out of life even if some of his decisions got him into trouble. While he and Masaaki worried about Takumijo's relationship with the actor Osamu, Goro decided not to mention it again and hoped Takumijo would make the right decision when the time came.

  That left the maknae, Ichiro. He grown and matured over the years. In the beginning he barely spoke. He had the beautiful voice of an angel but he was so shy. Then suddenly he blossomed into maturity and fell in love and married a woman twice his age. Goro didn't think that it was a good idea at the time, and still didn't. But it was too late now and besides, Shaundra was pregnant.

  Oh, yes, he'd heard the rumors about the babies not being Ichiro's, but no one would know the truth for a couple of months. His money was on Harper Kehoe. Only a fool could not see that the man was hopelessly in love with his star author and she had some serious feelings for him too. The man even brought her clothes and flew halfway around the world a couple of times to see her. In his heart he hoped Harper wasn't the father because if he turned out to be, all hell was going to break loose in Aomori's camp and he'd be the one who'd have to put out the fire.

  "Well, what do you guys think about going to Europe,"

  Goro asked them.

  "It is a great opportunity," Yori said. "And it's time we get back out on the stage again. I am beginning to go stir crazy just sitting around the house. "

  "That's because Amaya is there with you," Takumijo teased. "I told you I'd take her off your hands when you get bored. "

  Yori smirked and rolled his eyes at Takumijo.

  "You have to choreograph me some killer steps for the tour," Goro told Takumijo. "You won't have time for chasing Amaya. "

  "Working it all out in my head," Takumijo replied. "I'm just waiting on the music. "

  Goro turned to Satoshi. "You're up piano man. Got any music we can use for this tour?"

  "Some," Satoshi answered. "Ichiro has written some wonderful songs and we are thinking about doing one of them Friday at the benefit concert to introduce it. I'll be working closely with Ich for the next couple of weeks. "

  "Not to close," Ichiro said. "I can only tolerate you in spurts. "

  Takumijo laughed at Ichiro's joke. Now, that's the Aomori he remembered. They were always laughing as kids and teasing each other good-naturedly.

  "Are you happy to be going back on tour, Ich?" Goro asked him.

  "Yes, but I've torn emotionally. I don't want to leave Shaundra. "

  "I'm sure she wished you only the best," Goro said. "She will be okay. I'll ask Amaya to keep an eye on her. "

  "No," everyone said simultaneously.

  "What's wrong with Amaya?" Goro asked.

  "They don't get along," Yori explained.

  "Why?" Goro asked, enjoying seeing Yori squirm.

  "She's a bit jealous of Shaundra," Yori said.

  Takumijo and Satoshi chuckled.

  "In what way? They're both women, and they are both talented in their own right. Why is Amaya jealous?"

  "Because Yori still has a thing for my wife," Ichiro answered.

  Goro looked from Ichiro to Yori. Yori, Lord help him, didn't have the decency to deny Ichiro's allegation. In the beginning the two of them were close. Yori looked out for the shy Ichiro and acted like a big brother toward him. Now, the two of them seemed so distant. "Anyway, we'll find someone to look after Shaundra while we're gone. "

  "She will go live with my sisters," Ichiro stated. "She is family now. They will see to her needs. "

  Yori laughed. "Have you run that past Shaundra yet?"

  "I don't have to run anything by her. She is my wife and will do as I ask. "

  Takumijo groaned. "You are so cute when you take charge, Ich. But you're wrong this time. Shaundra will listen but she's going to refuse. "

  "What makes you think that she will refuse?" Ichiro asked.

  "One, Shaundra is your equal not someone to boss around, and two, she's not the type to have others taking care of her.

  I'm sure she loves your sisters and Daichi but her home is the farmhouse. We can hire someone to stay with her like we did the last time. "

  "I can have Harper check on her," Goro suggested. "He'll be in town another couple of months. " Why are Takumijo, Satoshi, and Yori looking at me like that?

  "No," Satoshi said. "Not Harper. We can't leave Shaundra alone with him for two months. "

  "Why not?" Goro asked. "He's her boss and her friend. "

  "And he buys her underwear," Masaaki answered. "We will not be leaving her with Harper Kehoe. "

  "Okay," Goro agreed. "Harper is out. We'll stick to the original plan and hire someone to stay with her. We'll also get Ichiro's brother Daichi to make sure she sticks to her diet. I'm sure he won't mind stepping in and taking care of her. "

  Ichiro paled. "What? No, out of the question. Not Daichi. "

  "Why not?" Goro asked. "He's your older brother. "

  "That's exactly the reason," Ichiro said.

  Takumijo chuckled. "I don't think you've noticed, Mr.

  Niigata, but Shaundra draws men to her like flies to a picnic. "

  All the men in the room nodded in agreement.

  "We can't trust other men around her," Takumijo said.

  "But she's pregnant," Goro argued. "No man will want to flirt with he in that condition. "

  Every man in the room, including Kenshin looked at him like he was crazy.

  "Have you seen her boobs?" Yori asked him. "They are phenomenal. "

  "And the behind is stellar," Satoshi replied.

  "And she has the prettiest eyes," Kenshin said.

  "And. . . " Masaaki didn't have a chance to comment.

  "And you guys are so dead if you t
ouch her," Ichiro warned.

  Goro smiled. Now he understood. "Okay, no man is to come near her. On to the next subject, the charity benefit. "

  The meeting went on late into the evening. Afterward, Ichiro invited everyone to his restaurant for dinner.

  "Good evening, Mr. Yoshida," a pretty, young waitress said to Ichiro when they arrived at his Osaka restaurant.

  "Good evening, Eri," Ichiro replied. "Nice to see you again. "

  Satoshi watched the young woman's eyes light up as she spoke with Ich, and she gave him such a sweet smile.

  "We have a private room available," Eri told Ichiro. "Follow me. " Eri turned on her heels and walked away.

  Satoshi noticed a sensual switching of her hips as Ichiro followed her. Takumijo elbowed him in the side, smiled, but did not comment. Yori thankfully had seen what they saw and didn't comment either.

  Eri opened the door to the private banquet room and continued to smile at and only speak to Ichiro. "I will tell Daichi and the chef that you are here. " She paused. "Will you need sake?"

  That definitely meant that she knew Ichiro well.

  "No," Ichiro said. "I've given up the stuff. "

  "Shochu and plenty of it," Takumijo said flopping down on a pillow on the floor.

  "Shochu and tea," Ichiro told Eri as the others got comfortable on the floor too.

  "Yes, Mr. Yoshida. " Eri bowed. "I'll bring it in personally. "

  Ichiro joined them on the floor.

  "Who is that?" Takumijo asked.

  "Her name is Eri. She's been working here about six months. "

  "Is she single?" Takumijo asked.

  "Yes," Ichiro answered. "She's twenty-one and just graduated from Osaka University. "

  "Oh, she's a smart girl," Yori said. "Don't bother Tak.

  Smart girls are not what their cracked up to be. "

  "Eri is a nice girl," Ichiro replied. "She wants to be a chef. "

  How come Ichiro knew so much about her? He bet Ichiro knew more about the young woman than he knew about his wife. "Where did Shaundra go to college?" Satoshi asked.

  "I don't know," Ichiro said. "Why are you bringing her up?"

  "Just curious," Satoshi said. Point proven. "You seem to know a lot about Eri. How come?"

  "How come what?" Ichiro asked. "People, for some reason lately have been entertaining me in conversation. She's an employee, so we have to talk occasionally. "

  A year ago they couldn't get Ichiro to speak to a fan. Now he was Mr. Talkative.

  "Did you introduce her to Shaundra when you brought her here for dinner?" Takumijo asked.

  "No, I don't think so. Why would I introduce my wife to a waitress?"

  Takumijo chuckled. "No particular reason. "

  The others laughed.

  "You guys are too much," Ichiro said.

  The door opened and Ichiro's brother Daichi entered. He spoke to everyone. "Where's Shaundra?" he asked.

  "At home," Ichiro replied. "We came straight here from rehearsal. "

  "Rehearsal? Does that mean you're going back on the road?" He sat down next to Ichiro.

  "Yes, we're touring Europe. "

  Eri entered carrying in the shochu and glasses. She knelt down next to Ichiro and placed the glasses and drinks in the middle of the circle, bowed and then left again. Ichiro's eyes followed her out the door.

  "When?" Daichi asked him.

  "In two months," Goro answered as he poured shochu in a glass before one of the younger men served him.

  "But isn't Shaundra due around that time?" Daichi asked.

  "Yes," Ichiro answered.

  "And you're just going to leave your pregnant wife and go on the road?"

  Ichiro sighed. "It is my job. Shaundra understands this. "

  "And you are her husband. Your place is at her side. Didn't you learn anything the last time?"

  "Do not remind me of my responsibilities. I have to earn a living to provide for my wife and kids, and I'm a member of Aomori. I have to perform. "' Satoshi shook his head. Someone had brainwashed Ichiro but he didn't know who.

  "But?" Daichi argued.

  "But what? What do you want me to do?" Ichiro asked. "I walked away in China when she disappeared. I can't do that again. She's had four other babies before. It's like riding a horse. She will know what to do when the time comes. "

  Satoshi gazed over at Ichiro. He knew him well enough to know that he didn't want to leave Shaundra but to go against Mr. Niigata was suicide.

  "I will fly back here the moment she goes into labor. I will not miss the birth of my sons. "

  "And what about the christening? Will you be here for that or will you leave her to do it all herself?"

  Ichiro didn't answer Daichi.

  "What christening?" Goro asked.

  "The babies' births have to be registered," Daichi told him.

  "I will register them," Ichiro said. "They are my babies. "

  "Like you. . . "

  The look Ichiro gave his brother silenced him. What was Daichi about to say?

  "I will do my fatherly duty when the time comes; now can we please change the subject?"

  "Very well," Daichi said rising. The waiters began bringing in the food. "Enjoy your meals. " He bowed to them and left.

  "What christening?" Yori asked refusing to give up the subject.

  "Daichi wants to put on this big elaborate festival for the birth of my kids. They are the first babies born into our family in a long time. I was the last. "

  "And look how well that turned out," Yori said sarcastically.

  Ichiro glared at him.

  "When is he planning this festival?" Satoshi asked.

  "It was supposed to be in October. He's spoken to the elders of our village and they have agreed to allow him to do it. "

  "Maybe he can get it postponed and reschedule it when we return," Masaaki suggested. "A Christmas festival would be nice. This will be Shaundra's first real winter in Japan and she'll get a big hoot out of it. "

  Ichiro sighed. "I suppose you're right. I can register the babies' birth then. I will speak with Daichi later about it. "

  "Cheer up, Ich," Takumijo said opening the soju and pouring himself a glass. Shaundra will understand. "

  Eri reentered the room and knelt down beside Ichiro again.

  She poured him some tea.

  "Thank you," Ichiro said, smiling at the young woman.

  "You're welcome, Mr. Yoshida. Please call on me if you need anything else. "

  "He won't," Takumijo said.

  The young woman looked over at him. She seemed angered at first for the interruption and then she smiled. It didn't quite reach her eyes. She bowed and left.

  Yori looked at Takumijo but did not comment.

  "This looks delicious," Kenshin said breaking the silence.

  Ichiro began to serve them.

  Always the mama-san, Satoshi mused. If he had one good thing to say about Ichiro, their maknae never forgot his place on the food chain even though he was by far richer than most of them. He would always be the youngest member of the group, no matter how tall he grew or how famous he became.

  Satoshi picked up his bowel of rice and scooped some into his mouth, ignoring the conversation going on around him.

  Now who could he get to look after Shaundra to make sure she ate right? Cristal would be perfect company, but she had to travel with Aomori. And, it would be nice if they could send her home to her family during this time, but she wasn't supposed to fly. He guessed they would just rehire the lady who took care of her before, and if Mr. Niigata or Masaaki thought Aomori was going to miss the birth of those babies, both of them were sadly mistaken.

  Hana peeped in a few minutes later.

  All the men tried to rise to their feet.

  "Sit down," she told them. "I just came in to say hello and to check on your meal. I didn't know you guys were h
ere until Eri told me. "

  "Is Daichi working you too hard?" Satoshi asked.

  "No," Hana replied. "I was just in the office going over the books. Daichi is a pleasure to work with. " She looked over at her younger brother. "How is Shaundra?"

  "Fine," Ichiro answered.

  "Well, give her my love. I might drive over to see her in a couple of days to see if she needs anything. "

  "That will be nice," Ichiro replied. "She needs feminine company after being cooped up in the farmhouse with us guys. "

  "Where is Ms. Gentry? Is she out of town again?" Hana asked.

  "No, she's there, but she's busy most of the time. "

  "Then I'd be honored to visit her. I'll bring Esuko with me.

  We'll have a girl's day. " She bowed and left.

  "Your sister is very pretty," Kenshin said to Ichiro.

  "And off-limits to you," Ichiro told him. "You already have a girlfriend. "

  "I don't," Yori said.

  Ichiro rolled his eyes at Yori. "You have a wife. Oh, I forgot. That does not matter to you. "

  "Eri's kind of cute too," Yori said, ignoring Ichiro's comment.

  "I haven't noticed," Ichiro said eating his rice.

  Yeah right. Guilt is written all over your pretty face.

  Satoshi lifted his bowl of rice.

  The meal ended and they left the restaurant and climbed back into the limousine. Kenshin got in behind the wheel and drove to Mr. Niigata's home, dropped him off first, and then drove to the farmhouse.

  Satoshi spotted Amaya's car the moment they got past the guards and headed toward the front door.

  "What is she doing here?" Yori asked. He was out of the car and running up the steps before Kenshin brought the limousine to a full stop. The others followed.

  Satoshi could hear the argument as soon as they entered the farmhouse.

  "Who are you calling a whore?" Shaundra asked.

  "You," Amaya said. "Ichiro is going to divorce your ass when he finds out that those bastards aren't his. "

  "Oh, shit," Takumijo said. "They're at it again. "

  They hurried toward the shouting and found Shaundra, Amaya, and Cristal in the den facing off.

  "That is uncalled for, Amaya," Cristal said. "You don't know that. "

  "Do you hear her denying it? Not once has she said that those babies are Ichiro's. She just waltzed her ass back into this farmhouse like she's the Empress and everybody is afraid to say what they think. Well, I'm not. "

  "I don't understand what your problem is, but you better get your skinny ass out of my face," Shaundra warned. "I know who the father of my children is, and I don't need some jealous wench saying otherwise. "

  "I can say what I want," Amaya said getting into Shaundra's face.

  "You better back it up before I lay you out," Shaundra threatened her again. "That's the problem with you. You don't have any home training. Your mother should have taught you better instead of letting you do and say anything you want. "

  "Like I said before, I can say what I want to say," Amaya continued to argue.

  "You need to keep your mouth shut. You'll live longer that way," Shaundra told her.

  "Are you threatening me?" Amaya asked.

  "No, it's a promise," Shaundra told her. "Why are you so sure I messed around on Ichiro? I love my husband. I left my life in the United States and traveled to this place to be with him. If I wanted Harper or Yori, I would have married Harper or Yori. I cannot help it if you're insecure in your marriage.

  Try giving him a blowjob. That might keep him happy for a while. "

  Satoshi's eyes widened. He'd never heard Shaundra speak like this before.

  "Only whores do that," Amaya replied. "Is that the reason that these men like you?"

  "No," Shaundra said. "They like me because I mind my business. You need to do the same. Now go home, little girl, before I knock you on your ass. "

  Amaya braced up to Shaundra.

  "Back away from her," Yori said angrily.

  Both Shaundra and Amaya looked at him.

  "You better listen to him," Amaya said to Shaundra.

  "I'm speaking to you," Yori told his wife. "What are you doing in this woman's house causing trouble?"

  Amaya glared at Yori like he hit her. "I came to see if you were here. You're didn't answer your cell phone. "

  "I was working. Now step away from her. "

  "Or what?" Amaya asked. "What would you do me if I touched your precious Shaundra?"

  "Is she drunk?" Takumijo asked.

  "No," Amaya answered. "Why do you assume that I've been drinking?"

  "Because you're stepping way out of line," Satoshi said.

  "You heard her. She's not interested in Yori. She loves Ichiro. "

  "Just because she says it doesn't make it so. I see the way her eyes light up whenever Yori is around. "

  Satoshi looked over at Shaundra. She didn't even have the decency to deny it. She just shrugged and smirked. He sighed. She was getting worst then them with that.

  "My wife's eyes do not light up when she sees Yori," Ichiro finally said. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Shaundra. "And as for anything else, these are my babies and I wish you wouldn't call my wife names or make statements that you can't prove. " He removed his arms from around Shaundra and took her hand. He moved her away from Amaya. "And in the future, please call before you drop by.

  You have a house of your own. Stay there. "

  "Are you going to let him talk to me like that, Yori?"

  Amaya asked.

  "Yes," Yori replied. "Ichiro is right. Those are his babies, and I can't help it if Shaundra's eyes light up when she sees me. "

  "Dream on, Yori," Ichiro said. "Now if you all will excuse us, I'm taking my wife up to bed. "

  Takumijo growled at him like a cougar. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. "

  "I won't," Ichiro said. "I'll do better than you do. " He and Shaundra left the room, leaving them to deal with Amaya.

  "I'm leaving," Amaya said. "You can come home or you can stay here with this bunch of losers," she told Yori.

  "Go," he told her. "I'm staying with these losers for a while. I'll be home shortly after I clean up your mess, again. "

  Amaya stormed past them. The front door slammed shut a few minutes later.

  "What was that all about?" Masaaki asked.

  "She thinks I'm the father of Shaundra's babies," Yori explained.

  "Are you?" Masaaki asked.

  "The babies are Ichiro's," Yori answered.

  "That's not what I'm asking you. Is it possible that you are the father?"

  "Anything is possible," Yori said angrily. He stormed past Masaaki and left the house too.

  Masaaki sat down. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you guys. What the hell happened to all of you? Maybe I should have stopped you from dating. Sex makes men crazy. "

  "What's wrong, Masaaki?" Satoshi asked. "You're not getting any?"

  "That is none of your business, smart guy. And for what it's worth I'm hoping Ichiro is the father for you guys might find yourself without a maknae, a cook, or a prayer. "

  Satoshi grimaced. That was true. Without Ichiro, Aomori would be nothing.

  "And I would appreciate if you guys would think about moving out of this farmhouse after the babies are born so Ichiro and Shaundra can have some privacy. I've found me an apartment and I will be moving out soon. "

  "I'll think about it," Satoshi said. He rose. "But not before. "

  "Agreed," Takumijo said. "We'll stay until the birth and then find apartments afterward. "

  "Fine," Masaaki said, rising. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed. "

  He left the room, leaving him and Takumijo alone with Cristal.

  They waited until they heard his bedroom door closed before they began bombarding Cristal with questions.

  "What the hell happened
?" Takumijo asked first.

  Cristal finally sat down. "Amaya waltzed in here looking for Yori, like she said. And then she started accusing Shaundra of horrible things like sleeping with all of you guys and Harper.

  And saying things about Shaundra's age and accusing her of faking hypertension to get attention. I swear there's something emotionally wrong with that young woman. "

  "She's in love," Satoshi said. "And love makes you say and do foolish things, like pass up a night of passion. "

  "You're never going to let me forget that are you?" Cristal asked him.

  "No," Satoshi answered.

  "Forget you guys," Takumijo said rising. "I'm tired too. " He left the room.

  "Do you think Yori can be the babies' father?" Cristal asked him when they were alone.

  "No," Satoshi answered.

  "Are you?"

  Satoshi rolled his eyes at Cristal. He too rose.

  "Where are you going?" Cristal asked.

  "To bed," he answered. "I've had about enough drama for one evening. He walked out of the room leaving Cristal to think.

  Yori entered his home, still pissed off at what had occurred earlier at the farmhouse. The nerve of Masaaki to question him on such a delicate matter. Why did everyone have to constantly remind him about his little affair with Shaundra?

  He sighed. Of course he knew he only made matters worse when he played mind games with her.

  And what with this crap with Amaya? He'd never seen her quite this bitchy before. What had spurred this sudden rampage? They were just starting to get their lives in order and now more drama. He supposed most of it was his fault.

  Maybe he should try harder to prove that he cared for her. He wouldn't have married her otherwise.

  Yori continued on through the house. All the lights were off which meant Amaya had probably gone to bed. If that were the case, then they'd have their little talk tomorrow. He would try to assure her once again that Shaundra was not a threat to her. He continued up the stairs, hearing the sound of water running. Amaya must be bathing, he thought as he finally hit the top landing. His feet sank into something soft and squishy. It felt like water. Why did the carpet feel like it is wet? He walked a little more and squished a little more all the way to their bedroom door. He turned the knob and entered the room. Something didn't seem right. Yori popped on the light in the bedroom. He slowly took in the scene and then landed on an open prescription bottle on the nightstand. He went over to it picked it up. It was a prescription for Amaya, but it was empty. The sound of water caught his attention again. His feet sank deeply into the squishy, wet carpet as he walked toward the bathroom door. Yori turned the knob and water met him at the door. The tub was overflowing, and the faucets were on full blast.

  Yori hurried over to the tub and pulled back the curtain.

  His eyes widened. Amaya? His wife lay in the tub and she appeared to be sleeping. He did a quick sweep of the situation.

  "Amaya?" he called out to her.

  No answer. Unresponsive.

  Panic set in. "Amaya?" he called to her again.

  No answer. Unresponsive. Wrists covered in blood.

  "Oh, my God. " Yori cried out as he realized the gravity of the situation. He reached into the tub and pulled out the plug.

  He reached for his cell phone in his pocket and quickly dialed for emergency assistance.

  "Hello," the operator said.

  "Good evening. My name is Yori Morioka. " He gave the operator his address. "I just came home and found my wife Amaya unconscious in a tub of water. Please send an ambulance quickly. "

  "Right away, Mr. Morioka. " The call disconnected.

  Yori went down on his knee beside the tub. Tears welled up in his eyes. "Why Amaya?" The last of the water went down the drain. He reached out and touched Amaya knowing he shouldn't disturb the scene. Her skin felt cool but still soft.

  He heard the sound of the ambulance blaring outside. He couldn't let them see her like this. He dashed into the bedroom for something to cover her with. That's when he spotted a piece of notepaper on the bed. Yori reached for it and read it. He sighed deeply. Written in Amaya's perfect penmanship was the sentence, "Yori, I'm sorry. Amaya. " Yori buried the paper into his pocket, dashed back into the bathroom, and covered Amaya's naked body and then he ran through the wet slippery bedroom to let the paramedics in.

  "She's in the tub upstairs, first bedroom on the right," he told the two men.

  They bowed quickly, hurried into the house and up the stairs.

  Time seem to go very slowly after that. The next thing he remembered was an officer speaking with him as the paramedics worked on Amaya in the ambulance.

  "Can you tell us what happened?" one of the officers asked him.

  "I came home and found her in the tub," Yori told the officer.

  "Did you and your wife have an argument?"

  "No," he lied. He didn't know why.

  "Has she ever attempted suicide before?"

  Suicide? What is he implying? "No," Yori answered. "She's normally a very happy person. "

  The officer lifted two plastic evidence bags. One contained the empty prescription bottle. "She took barbiturates.

  Doctor's don't normally prescribe this for happy people. "

  Amaya had a prescription for barbiturates? Why? Yori gazed over into the ambulance as the paramedics tried to resuscitate his wife.

  "We have to get her to the hospital," one of the paramedics told police. "We need Mr. Morioka to accompany his wife. "

  "Yes, of course," the officer said, stepping aside to let Yori get into the back of the ambulance. "We'll follow you to the hospital. "

  Yori sat down and gazed over at Amaya. She looked so peaceful.

  One of the paramedics climbed out the back of the ambulance and closed and secured the doors. The one left inside with him bandaged Amaya's wrists and covered her with a warm blanket. Amaya was still alive, but also still unconscious. Why had she done this? Of course he already knew the answer. It was because of him and his undying love for his best friend's wife. I'm sorry, Amaya. This is all my fault, honey. Please don't die.

  The monitor played a long beep.

  "She's flatlining," the paramedic told him.

  "Flatlining?" Yori asked, still trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

  "Her heart has stopped. " The paramedics grabbed the defibrillator and put it against Amaya's chest.

  Yori couldn't watch. He just covered his eyes and prayed.


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