Passion Fruit

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Passion Fruit Page 8

by Imari Jade

Chapter Eight

  The phone in Satoshi's room rang. He opened his eyes, looked over at the clock, and then reached for the phone.

  "Hello. "


  It sounded like Yori.

  "Yes. "

  "It's me, Yori. I need you to come to Osaka Hospital. "

  Satoshi sat up in bed. Yori sounded desperate and scared.

  "What's wrong?"

  "It's Amaya. She tried to kill herself. Please come. "

  Satoshi sprang from the bed. "I'm on my way. Please stay calm. " He disconnected the call and dressed, grabbing his phone and wallet. He ran out of his room and down the hall, knocking on bedroom doors to rouse the others.

  A vey sleepy Takumijo opened his door. "What do you want?"

  "Get dressed," Satoshi shouted at him. "We need to get to the hospital. Amaya just tried to kill herself, and Yori is hysterical. "

  Takumijo dashed into his room. "Get Ich and Masaaki. "

  Satoshi didn't have to get the others. They all stood in the hall looking at him. Fifteen minutes later Kenshin floored the SUV's accelerator and drove them to the hospital. Cristal had wanted to accompany them but Ichiro told her to stay with Shaundra.

  Satoshi grimaced. The look on Shaundra's face when she heard the news frightened him. She just smirked and shrugged like she didn't care and just went back to bed.

  Maybe she wasn't as nice as he assumed. She acted like she was pissed he disturbed her sleep. He knew that the two of them had had some major arguments in the past and late last night, but Amaya was still family and when one of them ached, they all hurt.

  "Did Yori tell you what happened?" Masaaki asked.

  "No, he just said that she tried to kill herself. I think we all can figure out why. " He looked over to the seat across from him. Ichiro sat with his head pressed against the window.

  Was he asleep? Satoshi peered over again. No. He didn't think so. "Are you okay, Ich?"

  "No," Ichiro said. "Amaya could be dying. "

  Satoshi hadn't expected such sadness from Ichiro.

  "She'll be okay," Masaaki said. "She's a fighter. "

  "Fighters don't attempt suicide," Ichiro replied.

  "I wonder what set her off?" Masaaki asked.

  "Yori defending Shaundra over her," Takumijo said.

  "But you saw how she was all up in Shaundra's face,"

  Satoshi said. "He had to stop her. "

  "Maybe you guys shouldn't have brought Shaundra back home," Ichiro said sadly.

  "What do you mean?" Satoshi asked.

  "Nothing is the same. Shaundra's different, Amaya's different, and we're different than before. "

  Yes, he had noticed the change but it didn't seem too bad as long as Shaundra was safe and sound. "It will be better,"

  Satoshi assured him. "Amaya will get through this and Shaundra will have two healthy babies. Our lives will go back to normal. "

  "No, it won't," Ichiro said. "I don't think things will ever be the same. "

  Kenshin drove into the parking lot of the hospital and found a spot in the visitor's parking lot. They got out and hurried into the emergency door.

  Masaaki took the lead and asked questions at the triage desk.

  "She in recovery," the nurse told him. "But she's still unconscious. "

  "Oh," Masaaki uttered. "Now I understand. Where is her husband?"

  The nurse rifled through some paperwork. "He's in the recovery room with her. He has not left her side. "

  "Could you let him know that his manager and his brothers are here?"

  The nurse picked up the phone and called the recovery room nurse. "He's on his way out," she told Masaaki.

  Moments later the doors to the emergency room opened and a bedraggled Yori exited. His expensive charcoal gray suit looked wrinkled. He collapsed in the seat next to Satoshi.

  "There was so much blood," Yori moaned. "Oh, my God, I thought I lost her. "

  Satoshi put his arm around Yori's shoulder. "She will recover. She's too mean not to. "

  Yori laid his head on Satoshi's shoulder, and Satoshi tenderly stroked his head. "I've never been so scared in my life. Why did she do it? Am I really that bad to be with?"

  Satoshi leaned and gently kissed Yori on the forehead.

  Their fearless leader talked a good game but deep inside he was still little Yori who feared thunderstorms and being ridiculed for being far too pretty to be a man. The damage ran deep and Yori tried to make up for it with a bigger-than- life persona. "Don't blame yourself for it," Satoshi told him, still stroking his forehead. "She made the decision. "

  "I knew something was wrong when she attacked Shaundra the way she did. Granted she's the jealous, possessive type, but I never knew my teasing and flirting would send her over the edge. " He body shuddered. "She had a prescription for barbiturates. "

  "And you didn't know about the prescription?"

  "No," Yori answered. "She never seemed ill, just a big high-strung. But you know her; she's been like that since I met her. "

  True, maybe they should have noticed something amiss way back then. "How is she doing?" Satoshi asked.

  "She's unconscious, but she's breathing on her own since they pumped the pills out of her stomach. "

  "How much did she take?" Masaaki asked.

  "The whole bottle," Yori answered with a sob. "If I hadn't gotten there. . . "

  "But you did," Satoshi told him. "That's all that matters. "

  Ichiro came over and sat down on the other side of Yori.

  "We will get through this," he said. "She is family and family stick together no matter how many arguments we get into. I am sorry for any part I played in this little mishap. "

  Yori raised his right hand and stroked Ichiro's cheek, but did not say anything. At times like this it wasn't the sentiment said but the love behind it.

  "Satoshi says that Amaya's still in recovery," Cristal told Shaundra after she got off the phone with him. "They'll be home after Yori returns. They sent him home earlier to change and to get some rest. "

  "That's good," Shaundra said adding sugar and lemon to her tea.

  "Why would she do something like this?" Cristal asked.

  "What good does ending your life do?"

  "She's weak," Shaundra replied. "And has low self- esteem. "

  "I suppose you're right," Cristal said. Shaundra didn't seem broken up by what had happened. In fact, it didn't seem to faze her at all. "I don't think she'll be able to go to Europe. Satoshi said her parents want to take her home with them while she recovers. "

  "That's what parents are supposed to do when their kids make stupid decisions," Shaundra said.

  "Ouch, why so cold, Mrs. Yoshida?"

  "Because it's true. It is as much their fault as Amaya's. No man is worth killing yourself over. Her parents should have taught her that. "

  Cristal raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Not even Ich?"

  "No, not even him. I have enough trouble dealing with my own body trying to wipe me out without me helping it.

  Granted, I did stupid things like eating food with salt, but I never tried to kill myself with it. And like you said, what purpose would it serve?"

  "Satoshi also told me that she slit her wrists. "

  "Still a cowardly way to do it. Amaya didn't want to die,"

  Shaundra told Cristal. "She knew Yori was on his way home.

  She did it for sympathy and to see him suffer. Women do things like this all the time. "

  "How do you know this?"

  "Because I've been around a long time and I've seen just about everything," Shaundra told her. "She thought she could guilt Yori into loving her. "

  "Maybe you're right. " Damn, Shaundra has such a brutal outlook on life. She wondered what had happened to her in the past to make her feel this way. "Do you think Yori will change?"

  "For a while," Shaundra answered. "But then he'll revert
back to his old self. The man loves me and nothing will change that. Amaya knows this and I'm sure it's hard to be second in your husband's life. But instead of taking her frustrations out of me she should have found a way to make him love her. Her death wouldn't have changed anything except maybe make Yori free to come after me and interfere in my marriage. "

  "Don't you feel a tiny bit guilty about some of this?" Cristal asked.

  "Hell no," Shaundra answered coldly. "Well, let me take that back, yes. I should have refused to ever come to Japan.

  Had I stayed my ass on American soil most of this would not have happened. But I didn't cause her to become suicidal. If it wasn't me, it would have been some other woman Yori messed with. I won't take responsibility for her shortcomings. "

  Well put, Cristal thought as she lifted her teacup. But still very negative. The farmhouse queen did have a lot of issues emotionally and probably needed more help than she'd admit.

  She had learned that Shaundra wasn't the kind of person to burden someone else with her problems. She just kept it all bottled up inside and just toned it out or fainted when it became too much. Like the coma. What had she seen that was so frightening that rendered her unconscious for four months? And Shaundra still had a big decision to make about her marriage, which wasn't getting any easier the closer she got to delivering. Do you stay with a man because you love him and you're miserable? Or do you leave and save both of you from grief?

  The sound of the front door opened, ending any further conversations between them. The gang entered the kitchen looking tired and messed up emotionally.

  "I better get breakfast started," Ichiro said.

  "It's already done," Shaundra replied as Ichiro kissed her on the top of her head.

  "You cooked?" Takumijo asked sitting down at the table.

  "I'm perfectly capable of cooking," Shaundra told him rising. "I've been cooking long before any of you were born. "

  She struggled to get to her feet. Shaundra had gained more weight since she entered her third trimester and her legs and feet looked swollen.

  Cristal sprang to her feet to help her. "I'll serve them," she volunteered.

  Ichiro grabbed the other side of Shaundra. "I'll serve them, he said. "It is my responsibility. "

  "Okay," Shaundra said once she was on her feet. "I'm going back to bed. I don't feel well. "

  "What's wrong?" Ichiro asked.

  "I'm just tired," Shaundra replied.

  Cristal smirked. Point well taken, Ms. Yoshida. There was more than one way to get a man's attention and wrap him around your finger. Maybe she should have consulted Shaundra before going to California. Had she, maybe Yi-jun would have paid more attention to her.

  "Your legs are swollen," Ichiro told his wife. "Are you staying away from the salt?"

  "Yes," Shaundra answered. "It's from these two big-head babies you've planted inside of me. They're transitioning to move into delivery mode, so they're pressing on my bladder and playing havoc on my lower back. And they are constant hungry, so I'm constantly eating. "

  "Let me help you upstairs," Ichiro said like an obedient puppy. He led his wife out of the dining room and took her upstairs while the others remained behind.

  "How is she?" Cristal asked Satoshi once they were alone.

  She didn't like Amaya but she didn't wish her dead.

  "She is awake," Masaaki answered from him. "But it's too soon to know what type of damage has been done. "

  "And Yori?"

  "A mess," Masaaki replied. "He blames himself for his wife's stupidity. "

  Cristal sipped her tea. Where had she heard that line before? Masaaki sounded a bit like Shaundra.

  "I don't think we'll be seeing Yori for a while. "

  "What about rehearsal for the tour?" Cristal asked.

  "Yori is a professional. He will be perfect with or without rehearsal. "

  "Are you sure he'll even make the tour?" Cristal asked. She needed to know just in case she had to do some last minute changes to their publicity.

  "Yes," Masaaki answered her. "Like Ichiro, he knows his responsibilities. What can he do for Amaya but sit by her side and hold her hand. "

  Sometimes that helps, Cristal thought.

  "He can't fix her problem," Masaaki continued. "Only she can do this. "

  Ichiro reentered the dining room, grabbed an apron from the shelf, and walked through the doors that led to the kitchen. Everyone followed him with their eyes.

  "He's feeling guilty for what he said to Amaya that night,"

  Satoshi said.

  "He shouldn't feel that way," Cristal replied. "I would have told her the same thing. "

  "He still feels guilty for defending his wife. "

  "Ich would have punched Amaya's lights out if she had struck Shaundra," Takumijo told her. "He has never hit a woman before, but for Shaundra he would have done so. "

  "No," Cristal gasped.

  "Yes," Satoshi said. "His wife is pregnant and defenseless.

  In Ichiro's world he thinks he has to protect her. "

  She didn't know if she considered Shaundra defenseless.

  She could have handled Amaya with her wit and cutting remarks. "Well, I'm glad they didn't have to resort to violence," Cristal said. "Now all we have to do is pray for Amaya's full recovery. "

  Takumijo snorted. "This from a woman who was about to pull Amaya's hair out from the roots a couple of days ago. "

  "She's annoying," Cristal said in her own defense. "But I don't want her dead. We are family after all. "

  Ichiro came out of the kitchen with the food and served everyone including himself. He didn't say much like he had a lot on his mind and not necessarily Amaya.

  "Find the seamstress," Masaaki shouted at Takumijo one day before the benefit concert. "Yori's costume isn't fitting him correctly. "

  Takumijo looked over at Yori. He had lost some weight, and his pants for his stage costume sagged in the butt.

  "I can't have him going on stage looking anything less than perfect," Masaaki continued like a mother hen.

  Takumijo left the room and found their seamstress. She was busy taking out the sleeves to Ichiro's costume. Unlike Yori, Ichiro had been hitting the gym hard lately, trying to work out some frustrations and his muscles were bulging out of his shirts. "Masaaki needs you," he told the older woman who'd been costuming them since they were kids. "Yori's costume is too big. "

  "Send Yori to me," the woman said. "Does Masaaki think I'm going to put this sewing machine on my back and come altar Yori's clothing?" She finished up with Ichiro. "No more weight training until after the tour," she told him. "I've already started on your wardrobe and I can't spend all my time letting out seams. "

  "Yes, Mrs. Ito," Ichiro said to the seamstress. He shrugged out of the shirt.

  Takumijo ran his gaze over Ichiro's bare upper body. He found the younger man tone, muscular and without an ounce of fat. Ichiro had also slimmed down at the sides and sported some serious abs. Takumijo gushed with pride and a little desire. Ichiro's body almost looked as good as his.

  "Stop staring and take a picture," Ichiro told him as he put his shirt on.

  "You know you've always been my favorite," Takumijo teased.

  "Yeah, lucky me," Ichiro said sarcastically. "A pretty-boy dancer has the hots for me. "

  Takumijo winked at him and walked out of the costume room. He headed back to Masaaki and sent Yori into the seamstress. He noticed how pale Yori had become when he passed him. His skin had a yellow tinge to it like he hadn't been eating or sleeping properly.

  Amaya was out of the hospital, but instead of going to her parents home to recover like everyone assumed, Yori had brought her home to their place and had been taking care of her. By doing so he was neglecting his own health. He even needed a haircut. Takumijo made a mental note to talk to Satoshi about this. If anyone could get Yori back on his feet, Satoshi could.

Masaaki had moved on to inspect Kenshin's costume for the benefit, while Satoshi flipped through a magazine waiting for his turn.

  "You look great in this costume," Masaaki told Kenshin.

  "Are you bringing your girlfriend to the benefit concert?"

  "Yes, she is off from work on that night. She's looking forward to finally seeing me perform. "

  "Can I see you outside for a moment?" Takumijo asked Satoshi.

  Satoshi looked at him, rose and followed Takumijo out of the room.

  "What's up?" Satoshi asked.

  "Yori," Takumijo replied.

  "What about him?"

  "Have you noticed how much weight he's lost? And I don't think he's been sleeping. "

  "I have noticed," Satoshi said. "His skin isn't perfect any more. And he needs a haircut. "

  Takumijo nodded. "Do you think you can talk to him and find out where he's at?"

  "You mean, see if he's emotionally stable?"

  "Yes," Takumijo said.

  "Well, he's never exactly been that stable, but I know what you mean. I'll speak with him as soon as Mrs. Ito is finished with him. "

  Ichiro walked past them. Both Satoshi and Takumijo followed him with their eyes.

  "Is it my imagination or is Ichiro's muscles getting bigger?"

  Satoshi asked.

  "Not your imagination," Takumijo said. "I just saw him with his shirt off. He's looking sweet. "

  "Is he taking any kind of steroids?" Satoshi asked.

  "No, I don't think so," Takumijo replied. "You know Ich; he doesn't like things like that. He's a naturalist. "

  "Looks to me like he's been spending a lot of time working out. When does he find the time?"

  Takumijo shrugged. "He's going to be beating the women off him. "

  "Yes, I didn't say anything but that young waitress at his restaurant has me worried. "

  "Eri?" Takumijo asked.

  "Yes, that the one. She's after Ich. I could see it in her smile and in her walk. "

  "Yeah, I noticed it too. But Ich won't touch that. He has too much to lose. "

  "I don't know, Satoshi said. "You heard what he said.

  Everything has changed. Maybe he meant himself. "

  "Ichiro would never cheat on Shaundra," Takumijo insisted. "He knows she will leave his ass high and dry and probably for good this time. "

  "I'm sure you're right," Satoshi said.

  Yori came out of the alteration room.

  Takumijo bowed and left the two of them.

  "Can we talk?" Satoshi asked Yori.

  "Sure what about?"

  "You," Satoshi said. "Tak is worried about you. "

  "I'm okay," Yori said. "I'm just tired. "

  "Are you still taking care of Amaya?"

  Yori nodded. "I am her husband. She needs me. "

  "Then you need to take care of yourself. You need to eat, and you could use a haircut. "

  Yori touched his hair. It was now down past his shoulders.

  "It's getting as long as Ich. "

  "Yeah. We only need one pretty boy in the group. It's sort of his thing. . . not yours. "

  Yori chuckled weakly. "He sent Amaya flowers. That was nice of him. "

  Satoshi shrugged. "He loves her in his own special way.

  We all do, that's why we need you to take care of yourself.

  You need to be strong for her. " He paused. "Have you talked to her about what happened?"

  Yori shook his head. "What is there to talk about? We both know what she did and why she did it. I should have thought about her feelings and not done some of the things I did. I wish I could take it back, but I can't. "

  "Are you still in love with Shaundra?" Satoshi asked.

  Yori looked away. "I have convinced myself that it will never happen between her and me. She is married to Ich and carrying his babies. I still love her, but I know it's over between us. I love my wife and I plan to spend the rest of my life proving that to her. "

  Poor Yori. Satoshi patted him on the shoulder. "I'm glad,"

  he said. "Hopefully the two of you can get past this. " He headed out of the room.

  "What about you?" Yori asked. "Are you still in love with Shaundra?"

  "Yes," Satoshi said. "But I am content at the moment just to be one of her dear friends. "

  Amaya still wasn't well enough to attend the benefit concert, which didn't bother Shaundra. She got dressed in a sexy, black after-five maternity outfit Ichiro had purchased for her for the occasion, and she wasn't going to let anything spoil her evening. The men had all gone ahead because they had to get in one more rehearsal before the show, and Cristal had volunteered to drive her to the benefit hall.

  Cristal looked precious in a navy blue after five that brought out the blush in her cheeks and made her eyes twinkle. Yi-jun was such a fool to have passed up this rare gem.

  "How did you doctor's visit go?" Cristal asked as she maneuvered her car through the crowded streets.

  "He says I'm fine and the babies are healthy. He's thinking about admitting me in the hospital next month. "

  "But that's a month early," Cristal said. "Are you having complications?"

  "No, he seems to think that I am carrying two very large babies. "

  Cristal chuckled. "Has he met their father? I swear I think he's getting taller and more muscular since I've met him. "

  "Yeah, I noticed it too. It's like he's still a growing boy. "

  "Daichi is pretty tall too," Cristal said.

  "Yes. If it wasn't for the eyes, they could pass for twins. "

  "You think so?"

  "Yes," Shaundra said. "I noticed the resemblance when I met him. "

  "Well, that just blows Takumijo's theory that Ichiro could be an alien?"


  "Because of his eye color. He said aliens place Ichiro in the Yoshida family and took the real Yoshida baby. "

  Shaundra laughed. She hadn't done that in a while and one of the babies kicked her in the ribs. "Ouch," she said, rubbing the spot. "This kid is going to be a star soccer player. "

  Cristal sighed. "What's it like carrying another life inside of you. "

  "It's the most beautifully thing in the world," Shaundra said. "And also the most frightening. You're responsible for another life and you have to do everything you can to get them safely into the world. It's a big responsibility. Why? Are you feeling maternal?"

  "No," Cristal said. "I was just wondering. Are you still upset that you're pregnant?"

  "No. I got over that a while ago. I'm actually looking forward to the births. But I'm not looking forward to raising them alone. "

  Cristal got on the highway and merged into traffic. "You won't be alone, honey. You have Ichiro. "

  "Do I?" Shaundra asked. "He says he's going to be there to help. And I'm sure he's going to try, but I'm not holding my breath. Taking care of babies is an eighteen-year commitment that I don't think he's prepared for. "

  "Do you think he might leave you when the going gets rough?"

  "He's already left me mentally," Shaundra said. "He's not the same Ichiro I married. He's grown now and has so many responsibilities with Aomori and the restaurants. "

  "But you're his wife. "

  "Only in America," Shaundra replied.


  "He never registered our marriage here. "

  "How do you know that?"

  "Why do you think no one could find me for four months?

  The hospital tried to find my family through records, but no one had heard of a Shaundra Yoshida. " She chuckled weakly.

  "I didn't even know he had to register our marriage here and I wouldn't have known until Daichi mentioned the christening.

  I went to the registration office to find out what was needed for the babies and that's when I found out that our marriage needed to be registered. "

  "Do you think he forgot?" Cristal aske

  "How do you forget something like that?" Shaundra asked.

  "So why do you supposed he hasn't done it yet?"

  Shaundra shrugged. "Let's keep this between you and me. "

  "I promise," Cristal said. "Do you think Ich didn't register your marriage because he thinks you're after his money?"

  Shaundra chuckled. "I don't need his money. I've done pretty well for myself all these years. I've made some wise investments and I'll never have to work again in my life if I don't want to. If he was worried about that, he should have made me sign a prenuptial agreement. Only Ich knows why he didn't do it. "

  "So, what's going to happen when it comes time to register the babies? I know it doesn't matter in the United States, but here people will start to ask questions. How can these babies be considered legitimate if there's no proof that the parents are married?"

  "I have no idea," Shaundra said. "I'm just going to play this by ear and hope Ichiro knows what he's doing. "

  Cristal drove onto a parking lot and found an empty spot.

  She turned off the car. "Well, we better get inside. The others are expecting us. "

  Shaundra nodded, removed her seatbelt, and opened the car door. "Let's get this show on the road since this may be the last time I see Aomori perform for a while. " She stepped out and closed the door.

  Cristal got out and set the alarm on the car. "This place is packed," she said as they walked toward the front door.

  They handed their tickets to the man at the door and walked inside the hall.

  "Look at the people," Shaundra said as they passed a huge billboard with Aomori on it. "They've all come to see Aomori and hopefully they will dig into their pockets and contribute for this worthy cause. "

  "This was a lovely idea," Cristal said as they walked through the crowded lobby and entered the main ballroom.

  "I'm glad you thought of it. "

  They found their table. Masaaki waved them over.

  "Who is that woman sitting next to Masaaki?" Shaundra asked.

  "His girlfriend," Cristal told her. "I heard she's rich. "

  "She's very pretty," Shaundra said.

  They arrived at the table. There were two other women present that Shaundra did not recognize. Masaaki made the introductions.

  "Ladies, this is my date, Hiromi Inoue, and Kaede Shimiju, Kenshin's date for the evening, and Amaterasu Yamaguchi a friend of Takumijo. "

  "What? No date for Satoshi?" Cristal asked as they shook hands with the women. "Hi," I'm Cristal Gentry, Aomori's publicist, and this is Shaundra Yoshida, Ichiro's wife. "

  The gazes of three women went directly to Shaundra's stomach.

  "When are you due?" Kaede asked Shaundra.

  "In two months," Shaundra said as she sat down.

  "You're huge. "

  Shaundra smiled at the woman. "We're expecting twins. "

  "Congratulations," Hiromi told her. "Masaaki has told me so much about you. "

  "Don't believe everything you hear," Shaundra said. "I'm really not that bad. "

  The three women chuckled at her joke.

  Cristal sat down. They kept the conversation light as Shaundra looked the three women over and wondered what life would be like in future now that the rest of the fellows had found mates. Maybe everyone would finally get out of her business and get a life.

  The life dimmed and the show began. An MC took the stage and made a few announcements about the benefit, thanking everyone for their cooperation and their contributions. Aomori finally appeared to perform and for the next two hours they did a medley of their songs and joked and got the audience to participate in skits, similar to what they did at larger concerts. After the show, the men joined them at the table. Masaaki introduced the women to the rest of the group and Ichiro finally came and sat down next to her.

  People got out of their seats and walked around speaking to friends or to use the restroom.

  "Good evening, Mrs. Yoshida. "

  Shaundra looked around, smiled, and rose to her feet.

  "Keiichi?" she squealed. "You made it. " She put one of her arms around him and hugged him. Ichiro touched her other hand.

  Shaundra released Keiichi. "Ich, there's someone I want you to meet. "

  Ichiro rose, still clutching her hand possessively.

  "This is Keiichi Wantanabe. The man who saved my life during the hurricane. "

  Ich tightened his grip as he extended his other hand to Keiichi. "It is nice to meet you. Thank you for looking my wife through such a difficult time. "

  Keiichi shook Ichiro's hand. "It was my pleasure, Mr.

  Yoshida. "

  "Please, call me Ichiro. "

  "And this is my mother. " Keiichi pulled the tiny woman forward.

  Ichiro finally let loose of her hand, took Mrs. Wantanabe's hand and kissed it. "It is nice to meet you too, Mrs.

  Watanabe. You should be very proud of your son. He risked his life to save my wife during the earthquake. If it wasn't for him she would have died. "

  The older woman giggled. "I can't believe it. You're Ichiro Yoshida of Aomori. "

  Shaundra smirked. It appeared like she wasn't the only cougar in Ichiro's fan club. The older women looked positively smitten with him.

  "I just didn't believe it when Keiichi told me what he'd done, but I would expect no less of him. He has a kind heart and always put others before himself. "

  "Yes, he's quite special," Shaundra admitted. "He talked to me and kept me sane during the earthquake. He even used his body to shield me from the fallen debris. "

  "I couldn't let anything happen to you. You were my patient and so tiny. And you didn't have anyone there to protect you," Keiichi said. "I'm just glad that I was there. "

  Shaundra introduced him to the others.

  "I already know Satoshi," Keiichi said, shaking the pianist hand. "We met at the hospital. "

  "What hospital?" Ichiro asked.

  "Never mind about all that," Shaundra said. "Would the two of you care to join us?"

  "No thank you," Keiichi said. "I have to get Mother home.

  It's getting late. It was an honor just to be invited. You guys put on a terrific show. " He turned back to Shaundra. "I just came over to thank you for the tickets. No one is going to believe I was here. "

  "Do you have you cell phone?" Shaundra asked.

  "Sure," Keiichi said, digging it out of his pocket. "Why?"

  "I think Aomori won't mind posing with you for a picture.

  That will be all the proof you need. "

  The five members of Aomori rose and surrounded Keiichi and his mother and posed for several photos taken by Shaundra.

  She handed the phone back to Keiichi.

  Keiichi looked down at the picture, excited like a child.

  "Thank you," he said. "I will always treasure this. " He fiddled with the camera, aimed it at Shaundra and took her picture.

  "What did you do that for?" Shaundra asked.

  "You're a world-famous writer and a very beautiful young woman. My friends will be so envious. "

  Shaundra tiptoed and kissed Keiichi on the cheek. "You're so kind. Thank you again. For everything. "

  Keiichi blushed. "I will see you at the hospital," he told her.

  He pulled out a business card and handed it to her. "Call me when they admit you. I will make sure that they take good care of you and the babies. "

  Shaundra accepted the card and nodded. "Will do," she said.

  Keiichi and his mother bowed and walked away.

  Shaundra sat down and put the card into her purse.

  "Why do you need to call him?" Ichiro asked as he sat back down next to him. "You didn't tell me that he was so good- looking or so tall. "

  "It's out of common courtesy," Shaundra said to his first question, and ignoring the comment about Keiichi. "The man saved my life and our babies lives. I guess he just want to m
ake sure they are safely delivered into the world without incident. "

  Ichiro gave her the strangest look. "Okay, if you say so. "

  Shaundra sighed. What is eating him?

  Harper and made his way over to the table with Mr.


  "They're just coming out of the woodworks," Ichiro nodded.

  Shaundra shook her head. Why is he being this way?

  "Shaundra, darling," Harpers said, bending over and kissing her on the cheek. "You're looking ravishing. "

  "I look like a moo cow," Shaundra told her boss. "But thanks for the compliment. When did you get here?"

  He spoke to the others at the table. "Right before the show began. Aomori was fantastic, as usual. How are you doing, Ichiro?"

  "Fine," Ichiro answered.

  Shaundra shook her head, ignoring her husband's juvenile behavior.

  "Can I borrow your lovely wife for a moment? There's something I need to discuss with her. "

  "Sure," Ichiro said. "Take as long as you want. " He got out of his seat and walked away.

  Harper helped her out of the seat. "What's wrong with him?"

  "Growing pains," Shaundra said as she followed him away from the table and out of the ballroom. They ended up outside. "What's up?"

  "Nothing. I just wanted to see you and to see how you're doing. "

  Shaundra leaned against the railing. "I'm okay. The babies are fine too, but I think my marriage is falling apart. "

  Harper leaned next to her. "Don't tell me things that might get me excited. What's wrong now?"

  "My husband doesn't believe that he's the father of these babies. "

  "What?" Harper asked. "Who does he think the father is?"

  "You," Shaundra replied.

  "Oh, no wonder he looked at me like he wanted to strangle me. I'm flattered, but we both know that isn't true. "

  "Don't be flattered. Ichiro has a black belt in several martial arts. He probably could kill both of us with one kick. "

  "Why would he think something like that?"

  "Because of something Amaya said to him when I returned. "

  "Speaking of the dragon, how is she doing? Mr. Niigata told me what happened. "

  "She's recovering," Shaundra said.

  "Do you know what happened?"

  "Same story. She came over to the farmhouse and tried to pick a fight with me. Yori defended me and snapped at her.

  Stupid man. So she went home and tried to commit suicide with an antidepressant and slit her wrists. "

  "Ouch. Talk about drama. He's still not over you yet, I see. "

  "That's his problem," Shaundra said. "He should get over me. It would make all our lives much easier. "

  Harper wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I don't know why everyone thinks that you are a loose woman. "

  "I don't know why either. I just wish Ichiro would just trust me. "

  "Doesn't he know how dangerous it is for you to be pregnant at this time in your life?"

  "No, I don't think he does. I think it's all getting to be a little too much for him. Maybe going on tour might be what's best for both of us. If the marriage can withstand another separation, things will be fine. "

  "You don't believe that do you?" Harper asked.

  "No," Shaundra admitted.

  "You know I will be there for you no matter how this turns out," Harper said.

  Shaundra rested her head against his chest. "I know. If something should happen to me. You know. If I don't survive the delivery, I want you to promise me that you will take my babies and my body back to the United States. "

  Harper pulled away from her. "What are you saying?"

  "I want my family to see to my babies. Ichiro won't be able to do it, and I sure don't want other woman raising my kids. "

  "Is there something wrong?" Harper asked.

  "No, but we both know there is a possibility that something might happen. I want you to promise me. "

  "I promise," Harper said. "But I might have a fight on my hands. The babies will be Japanese citizens as soon as they're born. Ichiro won't let them go so easily. "

  "You have more clout than a twenty-five-year-old,"

  Shaundra told him.

  "And I'm probably better in bed," Harper said.

  Shaundra chuckled. "No comment. "

  Satoshi snuck away from the front door like a common criminal. Maybe Ichiro didn't care what went on with Shaundra and Harper but he did. And boy did he just get an earful. He hurried back into the ballroom just in time to unfortunately run into Osamu.

  "What are you doing here?" Satoshi asked the man.

  Osamu bowed and smiled at him. "I came to see you guys perform," Osamu said straightening his very fashionable royal blue and black suit jacket down over a pair of black trousers.

  "Do you have a problem with this? I got through with my scenes early and thought I'd drop by to show my support. "

  "No," Satoshi said. "Takumijo didn't tell me you were coming?"

  "Does Tak tell you everything about us?"

  "No, thankfully," Satoshi said. Some secrets he just didn't want to know about.

  "Who is that lovely young woman seated beside him?"

  "His date," Satoshi replied.

  "Oh, he's dating again?"

  "Apparently," Satoshi said. "She's some dancer he met at a club. "

  Osamu made a face. "He does have the most peculiar tastes in companions. "

  Satoshi chuckled. "Yes, he does. "

  Osamu stepped back and looked him over. "You're looking quite kawaii tonight. That color goes well with your complexion. "

  "Thanks," Satoshi said. Osamu always made him a bit nervous with the flattery.

  "Are you also here with a date?"

  "Not really. I've kind of left the dating scene for a while. "

  "Oh, why?"

  "I'm too busy. We're preparing for another tour. "

  "Yes, Tak did mention it. Europe?"

  Satoshi nodded. "We'll be gone a couple of months. "

  "Well, luckily Takumijo has wrapped up his part in the drama or that might have caused some problems. "

  "Takumijo knows what he's doing. Aomori comes first in his life before acting. "

  "Yes, he's made himself very clear on that," Osamu said.

  "Too bad I will be busy filming in the United States for the next couple of months or I might have to drop everything I'm doing to visit him in Europe. "

  Satoshi frowned. "He'll be too busy to run off and go clubbing with you. He has responsibilities. "

  "You say clubbing like it's a bad thing. Takumijo and I are boyhood friends. We do almost everything together. Clubbing just happens to be our thing. "

  Satoshi was very aware how close Takumijo and Osamu were. It was almost a strangling situation.

  "You should join us sometime," Osamu suggested.

  "No thanks," Satoshi said. "I'm much too busy. "

  Osamu turned and began walking away.

  "Aren't you going in and say hello to Takumijo?"

  "No," Osamu said. "I think I'll congratulate him tonight when I see him. "

  "Oh," Satoshi said. That meant Takumijo would probably be coming home wasted again.

  "Give the others my love," Osamu told Satoshi.

  "Will do," Satoshi replied and he stepped back inside the ballroom.

  "Did you find Ichiro?" Masaaki asked him when he approached the table.

  "No, I was using the men's room," Satoshi lied.

  "Well, go find him. It's time to leave. "

  Satoshi bowed and headed off in the direction he last saw Ichiro. Shaundra and Harper reentered the ballroom just as he walked away. The two of them were smiling and chatting happily with each other. Satoshi frowned, not liking what he saw or what he'd overheard. That relationship was too comfortable. They acted more like best friends instead of boss and employee. She seemed relaxed in
his company like she trusted him. Apparently she did if she wanted him to see to her babies if she died. Satoshi clutched his chest, hoping that wouldn't happen. Where the hell is Ichiro?

  Keiichi Wantanabe's appearance had been a surprised to everyone, especially him. He'd had no idea that Shaundra had got in contact with the man. He had planned to take her to see him, but apparently she decided that she didn't need an escort, which led him to believe that Shaundra had something to hide. He wondered what really went on during those chaotic moments of the earthquake and the tsunami. What did Shaundra see that knocked her out with fear? Why did Keiichi seem determined to keep her from remembering?

  Satoshi looked around the back offices of the benefit hall but did not see him. He was just about to head back when he heard Ichiro's voice.

  "I cannot get away now," Satoshi told someone. "I have to make sure that my wife gets home safely. "

  Who is he speaking with? Satoshi waited to hear another voice.

  "Yes, I want to see you too. "

  He's on the phone. Who is he speaking to?

  "I will see what I can do. I'll call you later if I can get out. "

  Satoshi hurried away from the room and headed back to the main ballroom. It sounded like Ichiro was making a date or something for later.

  Masaaki and the others had already left the ballroom, he discovered once he entered. He turned to leave and nearly ran into Ichiro. "We've been looking for you," Satoshi told him "Where have you been?"

  "Out," Ichiro said. "I needed to get some air. "

  "Oh," Satoshi said, recognizing a lie when he heard one.

  "Shaundra and the others are outside preparing to leave. "

  "Then we better go too," Ichiro said turning on his heels.

  "Are you okay?" Satoshi asked him as they walked out of the ballroom and headed toward the lobby.

  "Yes, why?" Ichiro asked as they walked.

  "Are you upset that Harper came over to speak with Shaundra?"

  "No," Ichiro said. "She can speak to whomever she wants to. "

  Satoshi caught the hurt in his voice.

  "He's her boss," Satoshi said. "They have a bond. "

  "She is my wife," Ichiro said. "Her only bond is with me. "

  Yes, he's upset, and he's probably about to do something stupid that may jeopardize his future with her. "She loves you. "

  "She has a poor way of showing it, hugging and kissing strange men. It's embarrassing. "

  "It's an American thing to do," Satoshi told him. "And, besides, the man saved her life. Of course she's going to have a special place in her heart for him. That's just Shaundra.

  She's a very affectionate and caring person. "

  "How come you know so much about my wife?" Ichiro asked as they walked outside and started down the steps.

  "Because I sit around and I observe. "

  Ichiro rolled his eyes at him. "A man can only take so much. "

  What does that mean? "Don't do anything foolish. "

  "I know what I'm doing," Ichiro said. "You don't have to worry about me. " He entered the limousine.

  I certainly hope so. Satoshi entered behind him and Kenshin closed the door.

  Later that night Satoshi watched Ichiro leave the farmhouse. It was very late at night and Shaundra was probably fast asleep. He sighed and walked away from the window. Ichiro is an idiot.


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